Reviews For Beast
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Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Beast came highly recommended and I can see why. I love this story! You've taken a standard premise and developed some really complex characters for it. There are no truly good or bad people, just flawed individuals making the best of a given situation. Yes, some have more power than others, but even those people have redeeming qualities. I can't wait to see how this all shakes out when Sunshine realizes what Nikolai has been doing to keep her with him.

And poor Sergei! I hope he finds someone that he can truly love and will love him back the way he deserves. At the moment he's just infatuated with Sunshine; I hope he realizes that before Nikolai hurts him.

Jacob, Jacob, Jacob...when are you going to learn? I guess it wasn't enough to lose your children. What will hitting rock bottom look like for you? When you're nearly at death's door? Stop chasing that pipe dream and face reality! The only way you're going to change your situation is to truly get the help you need. That means adhering to the program, not just attending for the sake of attendence!

Great story, keep bring us these fantastic update. Happy New Year!

Reviewer: Philly Girl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/01/10 05:18 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

i love this story so much.

Reviewer: tcarey Signed [Report This]
Date: 30/12/09 07:42 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

How are we supposed to dislike Nikolai when you keep making him so dang caring? I'm so rooting for Sunshiine to want to marry him.

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 30/12/09 03:49 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

YES!!!  You answered a couple of important questions I had with the last chapter.  Most importantly no cliffies.

This chapter could have been a bit more seamless, but I still was able to follow along without too much effort. And it ended with sexytimes (lite)!

Enjoy your vacation!!!!

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 30/12/09 03:37 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

I so love this couple and they have so many obstacles in their path...his profession

Her finding out that he has been keeping her father's habits going but he is goind a bang up job of that himself the father that is.

Sergei being in love with her.

Tell me "no" was Darla trying to get a little heart about herself was she not angry @ Mr. Coffee for his continued gambling habit.

Jacob is truly a big disappointment and he seriously doesn't understand what he has done to his children...then his simple ass does not understand why his children turned their backs on him "NO" idiot it was not only over a simple crap game but a game that you should not been dealing with for one and 2 it was illegal and you got sent to jail for it.

Then on top of that you dumbass is going to trust "PEANUT" again after he scammed you and took your money and partly the reason you are in the situation you are currently in damn does it not getting any plainer the that.

Great update!
Great story!

Thank you!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 11:48 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Pops O Pops it seems to be an everending down hill for him.  He seems to be just going down hill over and over and nothing seems to work for him not even being in jail.  I guess Sunny had no choice to leave him alone. Even Darla seem to help Pops and he don't seem to want it.   It seems like Peanut and POPS are on they way to get themselves kill.  I hope Nikki have nothing to do with this.

Sunny and Nikki seems to be getting closer by the minute.  I like the chemistry.  Are they still in Russia what make me mention that was the part about his parent.  If I am wrong I will go back and reread. 

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 11:35 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Loved it as usual. Keep it coming because I can't wait.

Reviewer: Karen Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 09:03 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

girl this chapter was great i like she brought up about N mom and dad. what are they up too do they wanted to see their son? so many quesiton there. jacob still dont' learn lol but that a ddict  they can hit rock bottom and will still have the itch as jacbo calls it.  i love the story you are a great writter and so glad you had a slow work day i hope you have another one lol. thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 03:54 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Ultimate love for this story!  Mr. Coffee -- stay away from Bed Sty, I'm not getting good vibes from that.  Peanut doesn't seem to be the most trustworthy/reliable person.  Trying to get them back probably would have worked the first year .... 3 years down the line -- the relationship will NEVER be the same and seems past the repairable stage.  I wish he would give up on that pipe dream, but he's an addict.  Nikki needs to start trusting in his and Sunshines feelings for each other and stop feeling the need to manipulate every situation.  Sunny is a hard one to read, especially with her bamboo analogy ...... I'm pretty sure her feelings for him are genuine, but she could just be bending but not breaking.  It's just their cozy times seem so real and it would have to be a really good actress to have that level of affection still after 3 yrs.  What's up with Sergei?

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 03:30 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Once again a great story I really can't stand the father. he cares nothing for his daughter. Yet he love is addiction, so much that he would allow his daughter to live with a man that is a ganster a man that he hates. Now even though nikki is a ganster I love him he is what he is and I think Sunny knows that I do how ever  he should tell Sunny about this latest scheme to keep her.  I do believe that it will cause a rift, between them if he doesn't. Nikki and sunshine belong together. But I really like to see Nikki sees the error of his ways before that to happen. That way when their back together it will be even more awesome.

Reviewer: Panama Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 01:45 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

...and there is Jacob thinking about getting into another scheme with the very man who is responsible for the messed up situation that he and his family are in. The man will never learn. Jacob is his own downfall... I just hope this time Nikolai has nothing to do with this and just leave well alone.

 Thanks for this update. It confirmed some things for me - Niko changed his name and ran Darla out of town and he was indeed responsible for that raid. The spirit of Sunshine is truly amazing and no matter what the outcome of her time with Niko she cares for him. He has her captured in a deadly situation which he continues to manipulate and yet she remains tender and caring inspite of her deadly circumstances. I am not convinced that she is unaware of Nikolai's manipulations. Time will tell if she is. Three out of her five years are up and soon things must come to a head.

Onimosity you did leave a cliffhanger of a different kind... two weeks without this great story... Enjoy your vacay...

Reviewer: Intropsection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 01:10 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Can Jake get any more stupid? He sure does have a death wish.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 01:02 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Thank you for the explanation of how Sunshine cut communication with her father. Nikolai used Darla to his advantage, I liked that.

Look forward to the next chapter.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 10:35 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Despite Nikolai's interference, I still see Jacob as a failure.It just seems like inadvertantly Nikolai's set up is not enabling Jacob to crave and do something that I feel he would have done anyway.

This si a great writing in the sense your not writing a neatly tied up fic. Life and people can be as beautiful and equally shallow and ugly.

Reviewer: brightnova01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 08:33 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Loved the update. Jacob has a serious addiction and I hope he doesn't be a fool and listen to Peanut again. Is Darla falling for Jacob?????

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 08:12 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

This chapter did what it was suppose to do. I have to agree with you, it wasn't bad and it most definately was not your best, but it got the job done.

I can't wait for those clifhangers, because it feels like Jacob Jones's life expectancy is about to be cut short.

Thanks for updating

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 07:51 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Nikki, Nikki, Nikki *shakes head sadly*

He will never learn. Almost like Jacob seems not to learn from his mistakes. Jacob is about to trust the same fool that got him into this mess in the first place. What an idiot? I see no redeeming value to this guy. He is knee deep in addiction. Not sure what it would take to turn him around.

Nikki better pay attention. Sunny cut her father loose. If Nikki's not careful, she'll do the same to him when she finds out all the crap he's pulled behind her back. I get the feeling that Sunny is very forgiving, but if you cross that line, whatever that line is for her, she will sever all ties.  And there willbe nothing that Nikki can do about it.

I think Sunny will turn out to be a surprise to Nikki. She's already one in that I doubt, when he first glimpsed her, he ever thought she would affect him the way that she has. He's in for more surprises.

I'm loving this story more and more.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 07:12 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

OMG how I love this story, its one of my favorite. Freaking awesome, I Loooooooooooove this story, great update

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 07:04 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Just can't wait for the next update.

Reviewer: yummy954 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 06:55 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Everytime I think of Peanut, I see the Jeff Dunham puppet. I dare say even that felt critter's smarter than this Peanut and Jacob combined.

Wow, you'd think Jacob didb't want his family back. 3+ years and the man's still relying on an itch and Peanut's plan (who listens to a fool named 'Peanut'?).


As someone else said, I'm wondering what (if anything) Jasmine ever saw in Jacob. She sounded like a women with wisdom and ambition. Jacob, however, is a parasite with more fantasies than sense.

Reviewer: Leo Princess Signed [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 06:48 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Jacob makes my teeth tired...when is he ever going to accept responsiblity for his own actions and his family's is only because Jasmine raised such a kind-hearted daughter like Sunny that his pathetic butt is still alive...because if there was no Sunshine...then Nikolai would have most assuredly have iced that fool a long time ago...and it's only because of his feelings for Sunny and not wanting to hurt her by killing her father that Nikolai lets the dummy breathe...and trusting somebody named Peanut to help you get the 'big score'...well, he's not too bright either...didn't that fool con him out of money at the beginning of this story...he's sick...sick...sick...and I have no more sympathy for him...he's not trying to 'save' Sunny...he gambles because he's an inherently weak soul and has a sickness that he cannot control and therefore cannot stop...he continues to play into Nikolai's hands and digs himself into a deeper hole...and not only has he already lost his son...but his sweet, loving daughter has become disillusioned with him...yet...he cannot stop gambling...

I think Nikolai harbors a lot of bitterness in his soul towards his parents...they turned their backs on him when he needed them the most...I do believe this in part contributes to the darkness within him...loved that Sunny tried to convince him to make amends with them...but I already knew that he wouldn't...seems Nik is the type of person that harbors grudges for life...cross him and he never forgets or forgives...very scary when you think about it...I like how you never let us forget that Nikolai is this dark, deeply flawed character (leaving the seed money to encourage Jacob to continue gambling after his stint in rehab...arranging the raid so that Sunny could witness that her father still hasn't stop gambling)...yes, very dark indeed...yet you allow us to a glimpse of another part of his character that is gentle and loving albeit extremely jealous and possessive when he is with Sunny...

So Darla has been dismissed...but she's still keeping in contact with Jacob...she's not as street smart as she thinks she is...and if she really values her life...she'll mind her own business in Podunk...and stay the heck out of Nikolai's...

Great update as always...looking forward to more...

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 06:41 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Something tells me that Jacob i sbout to get in big trouble. I m not sure what will happen. Will he get killed or what but it does not sound good. He is so beyond stupid that even Darla gave up on him.

Sunshine sore..maybe that means nothing since they do it so much or maybe it does, we will see!!

I hope you enjoy your vacation and hurry back sweetie!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 06:39 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Jacob's hopeless!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 06:38 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

I think this one gives a fair view of his internal struggle. He loves her, he hopes that she loves him but he's afraid to know for sure. She doesn't seem to be counting down the days, but then she's talking about enabling which can't make him comfortable either. I almost feel sorry for Nikolai. Almost.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 06:30 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 2

Thanks for updating...the big game coming up..will he get to clear his debt?  Enjoy your time off.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/12/09 06:29 am

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