Reviews For Beast
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Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

wow nice  i  like she went to his home land to vist where he from he grew up at. love that little boy lol he too cute and think he can give N a run for his money lol. i can image them  having babies little sunshine and N around but now the dad is gambling and he cause it and when she find out not going to be good. thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/12/09 01:52 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

Oh wow.......... Nikki's ready for the big step.  Wedding and babies how sweet.  Sunny's still young though and she hasn't had time to be young since her mom died.  Some people need that, others do fine without it.  Sunny seems to genuinely love Nikki (at least the part of him that he allows her to see).  Sunny's about 21ish at this stage and did we ever find out Nikki's true age?  Based upon event, several chapters back, I remember trying to figure out his exact age based on how long he knew Darla and how long it had been since he took over the organization but still came up short for exact age.  One of my favorite stories by far!

Author's Response: Thank you! Sunny is just shy of 21 at this point and Nikolai was definitely 31 when they met. (Darla lied about her age and was about 35-ish when she first met Nikolai and is 42-ish now, whew). Nikolai is around 33 now.

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/12/09 01:50 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

Another great update!  I really love this story.  I can't figure out how it will end or if Sunshine will chose to stay with Nikolai or not.  Right now I am leaning towards her not staying with him because the pretext for their relationship is wrong.  If they could have started their relationship differently, perhaps I would root for a happy ending for them.  But the fact that he forced her to agree to a five-year relationship to save her father is a bit unforgiveable, but makes for excellent reading.  Keep posting updates, because I will definitely keep reading.

Reviewer: K. Brown Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 27/12/09 01:46 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

All I can say is thanks for not waiting until January.  Hopefully well have another chapter soon!!!

Reviewer: Tracy Reynolds Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/12/09 01:07 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

I love the way the story is moving.  Now, I was just thinking of that saying after the last update...if you love something let it go, if it comes back it is yours...I wish he would trust her and let her go...although I think everything will hit the fan once she finds out he left her dad the money.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/12/09 12:55 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

I hope he proposes soon.  Jacob is such a loser even if he does win.

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/12/09 12:39 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

Well as we all thought, Nikki has no plans of letting Sunshine go after the five years. But is planning on making their relationship a permanent one legally, it soumds like it. I still am not sure about how Sunshine feels about him. I know she cares a great deal about him and loves him in a way but marry him. I am not sure Sunshine is ready to marry anyone and their relationship has been captive/ once she is free , she may not want to go back to any situation that involves her captor. But she may really love him and not want to leave??

I wonder will Nikki do something sneaky like change her pills to get her pregnant so she will not leave..I still am a little leary of Nikki..what he wont do to keep her with him.

Sunshine is true light...children are drawn to light that is why the grandbaby is taken with her and it would seem grandpa also...she is the actual charmer.

Glad you got another in before you went on vacation...I miss any days w/o this story..I love it!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/12/09 12:34 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

I am so glad that Darla is gone.  I hope she never comes back.  But I was surprised how quick she left and so unexpectedly.  I wonder what made her leave. My guess is that she knew the father would gamble no matter what, but didn't she tell him the places to go anyway.  Is she now a good guy or still the same old person?  Can't wait for the next update. 

Reviewer: Gypsi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 27/12/09 12:09 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

Nikki is going to impregnate her isn't he?

What happened to darla? Did she leave on her own b/c it sounds as though she did. Why? I thought she wouldn't leave N.Y. It also seems that nikki is going to get his 5yrs b/c her father is not going to stop. Oh, Well! Does Benji ever visits his sister at the house? This chapter is not bad but too short!

Reviewer: april Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 27/12/09 12:03 am

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

Wonderful update. He finally admitted to someone he is in love with her.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/12/09 11:47 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

Her father is...I want to choke him. Whatever Nikolai did, it wasn't as bad as what her father is  doing every day. Sunny is growing up, I wonder if he even grasps that one day his changes won't matter to her. Nikolai has permeated her life to such a point that I can't see a way for her to extricate herself from him.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 26/12/09 11:42 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

keep the update coming.

Reviewer: yummy954 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/12/09 11:04 pm

Title: Even When You're Miles Away Part 1

Wow. Even Darla, of all people, seems to be getting fed up with Jacob - and it's in her best interest to keeping him on the road to perdition. That right there is telling.

Reviewer: Leo Princess Signed [Report This]
Date: 26/12/09 10:51 pm

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

i loved it!!

Reviewer: Brandy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 26/12/09 05:43 pm

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Loved it!!! Why oh why ,did Nikki involve Darla in this??? I feel that she'll betray him to Sunny for revenge. Poor sap is in love with Sunny.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/12/09 04:18 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

One more thing does benjamin ever meets nikolai? Hope he does and hopefully they tell each other they love each other in the same langauge

Reviewer: april Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 26/12/09 02:29 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

WOW, that was one of you best chapters, and that is saying something. That Darla/Nikolai scene was fantastic and deep. I loved when Darla asked "Does she know how much you love her?" Darla must have had feeling for, because to admit that, caused her to hurt.

Niki, O Niki, I usually like Niki, but I REALLY didn't like him in this chapter. At the same time I appreciate it, because it made the story even better. The fact that he doesn't know why he needs her or why he loves her, adds another layer to an already multi-layered story.

Sunny has real feelings for Niki, its been alluded to, but I believe that this chapter confirmed it. She knows that Nikolai cares for her, and it was good to see her show concern for him.

I actually felt bad for Darla. It's cleathat she doesn't like what Niko is doing with Sunny, and not jus because she had feeling for him, but because Sunny is an innocent. Although, she found the entire situation distasteful, Darla is survivor and watches out for #1. I think that she may tell Sunny or Jacob the truth. Darla has a heart in there, but she hasn't had the chance to use it.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/12/09 02:18 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

nooooo, Nikki, just noooooo. I did not like his deception regarding "helping" her father to relapse. I had such high hopes for Nikki but I was extremely pissed with him in the first part of this chapter. And to make a deal with the devil, that is just plain stupid. Nikki seems desperate to keep Sunny at all costs. I guess desperate times cause for deperate measures and he's employing tactics that he's use  to. And I thought he was changing just a bit. Well, he has changed some, in that he does feel some guilt, but if that doesn't cause him to put an end to this insane plan, his guilt feelings will mean nothing. And you know all of his machinations will come to light. And then what will he do? the possibilities are frightening.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 11:12 pm

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and thank you for the update!  I don't know if I liked Nikolai in this one, I just want everything to work out for Sunny and I want her father to get better; I wish Nikolai didn't have to manipulate her father and not help him get well so he could get what he wants, but he's a mobster; he's not a nice person. *shrugs*

I just want Sunny to be happy in all aspects of her life.  *hugs the Joneses*

Reviewer: bana05 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 08:31 pm

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Nikolai disgusts me! Can Sergei please please pleaaaaassee find another girl to love? I feel bad for Sunny Nikolai is such a freaking prick! I hate stupd posessive men it's so archaic! How can sunshine like him!? He's like a freaking jealous warden soooo unattractiveeee!

Reviewer: EvaJaye Signed [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 04:57 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

I apologize for being a few reviews behind in this story.

This story is as potent and addictive as my morning cup of coffee. I have severe headaches from caffeine withdrawal after two or three days without coffee. Alas, bless you for your regular doses of "Beast." I have been happily buzzed by regular reads.

Although there is something cold, cruel, insane, and dangerous about Nicholai, I find myself enjoying reading about the way he is with Sunny, the way he cares for and treats her.

I notice that he is very careful to attempt to separate his life with her from the feelings evoked when she visits with her father. As for Jacob, I believe that I loathe the man as much as Nicholai does.

HE put Sunny in this situation, weak coward that he is. A year later he is still a loser gambler. I want to slap him into next month whenever he makes snide remarks or inquires about Sunny and Nicholai. He is a selfish bastard for even going there once, much less repeatedly.

He is no way near to getting it and is all empty talk about "saving" or "rescuing" his Sunshine. Don't make me gag.

One day Nicholai's patience with him will run out.

On to the next.

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 04:53 pm

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

That was great.  I figured he must be saying I love you in Russian.  I wish he would give her a chance to leave and maybe he would see that she wants to be there but with some freedom.  Although Nikki is a dangerous fellow.  I don't really want to see her with Sergei and that would not be good for his health I don't think.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 07:03 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

I LOVED this Update!  But then again, I LOVE everything to do with this story. 

Sunshine and Nikolai truly love each other.  Just like Sunny still loves her father, I think she will love Nikolai, no matter what she learns about him. 

Sergei has fallen for Sunshine, but I think she really and truly loves Nikolai.  And that won't change, even if she finds out about Sergei's feelings for her.

I think Nikolai made a mistake trusting Darla.  I think that is a decision that will come back to bit him in the buttocks.  Oh well. 

Question:  Will Nikolai ask Sunshine to marry him one day soon?  And will Nikolai take Sunshine to Russia to meet his "Godfather?"  This will all mean bringing Sunny into his world.  I don't know...I think Nikolai wants to keep Sunny out of his world, no matter the price.  Questions is, will that price mean letting her go.  But I think Nikolai would die, if he really had to let Sunshine go...Sitting in his bedroom thinking about his love for Sunshine...Nikolai is a goner.


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 05:10 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Well done Onimosity, well done...

He loves her and is making deals with the devil to keep her? Her Nikki needs to have his head examined. For an astute man his fears is turning him into a fool.

Happy holidays... all the best for 2010. And dont worry too much if you miss your small windows for updating your story. We will be here when you receive... :D

Reviewer: Introspection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 05:03 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

I was kinda hopin' he'd kill Darla.  He doesn't know Darla was planning to do just what she said she would do for him anyway.  I'll be glad when he doesn't need to bother with Jacob to have Sunshine in his life.  This is such an excellent read!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 04:29 am

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