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Title: A fire burns... Water comes

love this chapter so much. nikki was so close to admitting his love for sunshine. i was holding my breath. and while he didn't exactly admit it, he was close enough. i'm really hoping sergei will fall for jetta if he falls for anyone other than sunshine. and darla... i'm not so sure. i'm not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing keeping her alive. hopefully she won't dissappoint. once again i love how well written this story is. the bamboo analogy/comaprison was original.

Author's Response: Thank you! Wish I could claim credit for the bamboo but it is an old Buddhist philosophy.

Reviewer: rissaspieces Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 04:19 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Good update. I would get rid of Darla, you never keep your enemies where they can hurt you.

Reviewer: indycoolchick Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 03:06 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

I really think Sunny is the boss in this relationship. Nikki is totally under her control..I am sure when he brought her to his home he had no idea she would be this truely wonderful person..who would bend..adjust, adapt but not break..(her mother was so wise and taught her daugther well)...she captured his heart like never before and now I think he is terrified.

What will happen when she leaves. I am still not sure he will let her ..I can tell she feels deeply for him..she is such a caretaker...but skank Darla is right she is still a child who has yet to live her own life....I think Nikki will lose his mind when and if she leaves..I would not want to be the cause or in the way if she does leave.

Seigei I have no more words for ..she is telling him to find someone ..everyone is telling him..yet he does not listen.

Nikki is not stupid but letting Darla stay is nit smart..I a sure she will end up dead cause she pushes too hard but who will she bring down with her is the question.

Excellent chapter sweetie...I was actually so caught up I didnt even Enjoy your time away but hurry will be missed!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 02:54 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

I just love this story, Nikki makes a great anti hero He reminds me of victor Newman. On Y and R Both are ruthless and will do anything to get what they want. but when they love ,they love hard and heaven help anyone who tries to hurt the ones that they love, don't get me wrong, what he is doing is not right and he needs to come clean to Sunshine about what he has done But if he doesn't I still want Nikki and Sunshine to be end game what a great character you have created.

Reviewer: panama Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 02:49 am

Title: Who they are

For those wanting a translation of the Russian, he's saying "my love", "my one and only love" and "You I love" or "I love you Sunny"




Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 02:45 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

What is Niki doing?  I never expected him to have Darla work for him.  Is he so gone on Sunshine that he has lost every instinct that says she cannot be trusted.  As much as I love them together, I think he in putting the wheels of their breakup in motion.  She is getting stronger as she meets new people and makes friends outside of him.  I hope the end up together, because as nice as Sergei seems, I don't trust him.  I hope you make your windows, because I am dying to know that trouble is coming.  P.S. Have a wonderful vacation.

Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 02:38 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Please let him change his mind about Darla helping him. Jacob will self destruct without help from anyone. He played a lottery ticket while in rehab. He doesn't need Darla. I'm glad she has Jetta to help her through this. Sergei has to know she has no feelings for him but he will not let up. Fantastic update. Happy holidays!!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 02:33 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Thanks for the update

Here my rant.  I am so mad at Nikki for what he is doing to pop.  I know that he love Sunny but he does not need to self destruct pop.  pop can do it by himself. With Nikki interfering he is going to cause a riff between him and sunny when she finds out.  Then he goes and involve Darla.  How stupid is that.  Darla is out for one person and that is Darla.

I know when love is involve things can get murky but in this situation of their relationship.  If he wants to keep her after five years then he needs to thread lightly.

Dont get me wrong pop needs to get his act together on his own

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 02:29 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Nikki is playing with fire.  He better be careful because he may loose Sunny.

If he really wants to keepher permanently in his life, he better knock her up. As for Darla, he just made a deal with the devil.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 02:21 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

One more thing what is he saying to her in russian?

Reviewer: april Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 02:12 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

OMG! are you serious ? I hope that you don't miss a window seriously i feel like crying! I love what you have so far. Seems like sunny and nikki are in love. I also love sunny claiming that nikolai is hers and she is his.  Hope both confess soon. Are you gearing toward a baby and marriage? Hopefully you are and her dad is an idiot. What jetta said is great advice in order for her to deal w/ her dad is to detach herself from his addiction.

Reviewer: april Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 02:09 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Poor Nikolai is so insecure and haunted. Sergei is kinda creeping me out.

I stand by Darla = Iago. This bitch is vengful and I think that may be her undoing? hmmm?


Zheee plot thickens!

Reviewer: brightnova01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 02:08 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

wow she realy is getting to N he now feels guitly very gulity for having darla helping him out  to make sure she stays wow.  when the truth comes out it not going to be pretty very ugly. love the story the romatic the dram all of it . N and sunshine are great couple with huge trust issuse. thanks for the updated. have a great vaction.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 01:58 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Just when you think "just Darla" may be finding her way out of the story there she is just worming her way back in.  I'm sure we're headed for strife so I'm preparing myself for it.  Because I know Nikki is not the nicest of people, but darn it I like him.

You've been so good about updating frequently and regularly so even if you don't update until.... 1/15..... I totally understand.  You're awesome Thanks! 

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 01:41 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Also, thanks for the translations from the last chapter.  Does anyone know that translations in this chapter?

Reviewer: Gypsi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 01:33 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Have a Merry Christmas!! Loved the update. I had a feeling Nikki would fall in love with Sunshine, Darla sure wormed her way out of getting bootedout of New York!!


Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 01:32 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Sunshine will be so upset when she finds out what Nikki did.  I really hope he didn't ruin any chance of them being together.  Hopefully he will realize his mistake and redeem himself because we all know Sunshine will find out soon enough.  Most likely Sergi will find out and tell her thinking that she'll run to him if he tells her.  Ah, that Nikki I love him.

Reviewer: Gypsi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 01:28 am

Title: A fire burns... Water comes

Oh Nikki. If you lie to her now then you taint everything. Everything. Poor Sunshine. She has no idea what she's done by making this deal. She's just gone from enabling an addict to being the addiction. 

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/12/09 01:12 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

Are her dreams a warning about Nikki?  Great update!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/12/09 07:48 pm

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Darla's days may be numbered.  Sergei better watch it.

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/12/09 07:38 pm

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

I absolutely love this story. I usually read to escape, and girl, this story is my drug. I came to the last chapter you posted and wanted to rip my hair out because that's where it stopped. Please tell me you're gonna write more...please. I am begging you. Your story is fabulous!

Reviewer: Anna Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23/12/09 05:40 pm

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Just Darla is going to use that knowledge somehow.  Hope Nikki doesn't have to take her out!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/12/09 05:24 pm

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

What is up with these dreams that Sunshine is having?

Reviewer: guitarlovechild Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/12/09 09:26 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Except for his criminal background, they make a nice couple!  Sergei better watch his ass!  Dad is just useless!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/12/09 06:18 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

Ok my tjoughts on Sunshine;s dream, I don't see Sunshine as weak in any form but maybe subconciously she feels trapped in he rsituation and unable to move..she obviously has feelings fro Nikki and may actually want some type of realtionship with him but is trapped into this type of relationship w/o her own freedom to come and go as she pleases because of her father and brother...maybe her mom is telling her you are not have the power to be can figure it out...that is my ideas...we will see as the story progresses.

It should be very obvious to Sergei and Nikki now that Sunshine is NOT interested in Sergei a anything but a friend. However, I think Nikki is jealous of Sunshine's time with anyone but him. However, Sunshine is training Nikki well..I think she is the only person alive that can control him...I am so afraid of what might happen if he ever loses her.

I think Darla may be toast before Jacob can come back...we will see!!

I love this story, so many layers..never simplistic so incredibly complicated and intriguing, Excellent writing sweetie!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/12/09 03:18 am

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