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Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

Awesome chapter> Glad Sunny is making friends. Seems Nikki doesnt like that she made a friend and wants to go out with them on Friday. Cant figure if these 2 love each other or If Sunshine is just making the best of her situation. Look forward to reading more.



Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/12/09 12:45 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

I like this chapter I think it show how she only views Sergei as a friend and how she really cares for Nikki, but I am sure if she loves him yet.  I hope she can grow to.  I also like that Nikki is starting to trust her.

Reviewer: Gypsi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 11:47 pm

Title: Who they are

For anyone interested, Nikki's words translate into

 "Please my love"  & "Please don't leave me my love"


Great story.  I stay up late with bleary eyes awaiting your updates.  

Reviewer: Anon Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 11:11 pm

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

I am surprised Sunny hasn’t lost her mind as yet to the reality of her situation. She comes across as a very strong young woman, willing to bear the madness of her father and the obsession of Nikolai. She is a caregiver of those around her but in many ways she lives above her current situation. I guess she has to in order to remain sane. She fiercely protects her brother from the situation created by their father and still have a big enough heart to see the good in the people with whom she now lives. She is a friend to Sergei, a lover to Nikolai, an unwaving daughter to Jacob. All her roles are balancing act, and what an act! But despite her special personality she can’t be everything to everybody. Something has to give sooner or later.

And while Nikolai’s ‘love’ for her has been described as obsessive he is not acting as a typical obsessive lover. He seems to be afraid to lose her and clings too tightly, yet he is bends always to her wishes, something truly obsessive and possessive characters do not do. In one chapter he shows his love freely, the next he is acting like she is his and his alone. He, more than anyone, is responsible for her father heading out to rehab. He protects her yet it is his lifestyle and associates I believe in the end would be the biggest threat to her safety and their feelings for each other. Interestingly, Sunshine remains an enigma in many ways and her character makes for great reading.

Her dreams seem to be warnings. But who should she be wary of? Nikolai? Sergei? Her father and his friend Darla? Can’t wait to read more...

Reviewer: Introspection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 06:55 pm

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

As always an excellent update!  I can't wait to see where you are going with Sunshine's conscience coming in to play.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 03:58 pm

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

So as i read this chapter i realized why i hate Nikolai. As a fellow college student to Sunny having some man dictate the way you live your life espically in college is totally uncool! College is about exploring and finding yourself which is a littleof what i see sunny trying to do here by having the friend Jetta but all nikolai coan do is stiffle her growth. and yes i realize this is a story but in the real world im sure somewhere later down the line she will resent him a whole lot for taking her years of being able to party and experiment and just do crazy fun college aged stuff. and from experience and seeing this with others a relationship with someone during your first year of college is nothing but trouble. and i think i like sergei so much because even though realtionships suck during the first year hes's at least closer to her age and not some old gangster control freak and sergei is experincing a lot of the same stuff that she is.

Reviewer: EvaJaye Signed [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 03:08 pm

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

Nice update.. 

Sunny seems to be missing something I don't know if she feels that Nikki is not meeting a certain need.  I love they relationship but feel like they missing something they honest with each other but sometimes I feel it should be more.  I don't know if I looking for a deeper reelationship but that comes in time.  I feel that when Sunny loves she does that hard.  She have so much going on in her life she does not need anything more added but she is a fighter.

Now with the dream from her mother it seems like mom is trying to prepare her for something or maybe remind her of her  strength. 


That all my rambling hope it made some sense.  Thanks again for the story love it.

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 01:08 pm

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

I wish Sunny had peace of mind. Lately she has been dreaming about her mother. I wonder if this is a bad omen.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 12:41 pm

Title: Who they are

Love the chapter, love the pic of Nikki he's one of my favorite actors...I for one think he's hot.

I can't figured out what Sunny's dreams are trying to tell her but I'm sure it I will figure it out hopefully.

I agree with one other reviewer. I also believe Sergi is becoming obessed with being with Sunny, with wanting Sunny for himself. What will he do to her when she finally figures out he wants more than a friendship and calls him on it? When she explains that they are only friends? 

I don't thing Nikki is using Sunny as a sex slave. Sunny is just as interested in Nikki sexually as he is in her. So that sex thing goes both ways as far as I can tell..He has never forced her. When he does something that he knows will displease her, he stays away from her. I don't see that as a person using her for sex. I think he loves her and she's falling for him hard.

Darla, is a wrap and she doesn't even know it. You think she would know better but I guess not.

Hopefully, Jacob will come back from Rehab a better man with a clearer mindset and truly work on getting his daughters freedom the right way..Even though we know Nikki is not going to let Sunny go now or 5 yrs from now..

Great update. Can't wait to see what happens next. 

Happy Holidays!! 


Reviewer: Chocolate Girl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 12:14 pm

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

Thanks for the updated photos, now I know what Nikolai really looks like. I'm still loving the story, can't wait for the next chapter.  ::)))

Reviewer: Tracy Reynolds Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 11:42 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

*hugs everyone*

Reviewer: bana05 Signed [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 11:10 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

Another fantastic chapter-keep up the good work! :-)

Reviewer: DarkDecember Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 10:17 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

Finally started reading this story and I love it.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 09:02 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

I loved the dream aspect, it was so creepy. LOL

Thanks for updating.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 07:21 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2


Reviewer: brightnova01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 07:04 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

I wonder what the continous dream she keeps having of her mother and the NICU mean.

That she is falling in love with Nikki and that her mom is reminding her that she is only in waiting and should get to close to him.


Please update again soon.  I so love this story it is awesome and your are doing a wonderful job.

Thanks for sharing

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 06:20 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

Loved the update. Eventhough I want Darla away from Jacob, I hope they don't kill her.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 05:53 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

I hope Jetta isn't connected to Darla. The dreams are disturbing. What is mom trying to tell her. Nikolai is giving her more and more freedom. Sergei to me is  slipping up somewhat, he should always be some where near her to see anyone that she comes in contact with. If something were to happen he wouldn't be able to give Nikolai any details about it. Awesome update!!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 05:49 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

Oh no, starting to feel like the pain is going to start.  Nikolai seems to be getting antsy as Sunshine is starting to spread her wings.  Looks like we're getting ready for the struggle.

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 05:45 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

what is she having  so many dreams is her mothe trying to tell her something to be free?  I 'm gald that she told N about the group and he has change alot because old N would went off because she was late but he knows it importanted to her .  i love the story girl and thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 05:30 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Loved the update but Darla is up to no good. At least Hershell seems to realise that there is more to her than she presents.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 05:27 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

this is like on e of the best stories i have read in a long time... and that is including like published stories and online stories please continue... and the quick updates and long chapters are extra bonuses i cannot get enough of. Again this is really great I cant wait to read mre.

Reviewer: pippa Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 05:19 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

Sunny's starting to crack a little under the stress. Pobrecita. Nikki better watch it or he will break her.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 05:17 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

It was an interesting Update.  I don't understand the dreams about "in waiting", at least not yet.  Based upon Nikolai's reactions to Sunny being a few hours late, I think it is a sure bet that he is NOT going to let her go in 4 years.  Sunshine has become an indispensible part of his life. 

It is hard for Nikolai to share, even for school, let alone AlaTeen.  And now the party...Sunshine is really pushing her luck.  She strays too far and Nikolai will simply take it all away.  She cannot forget the situation she is in. 

Jetta seems like she will be a good friend.  Sunshine needs more of those.  Nikolai will have to get used to Sunshine meeting new people, male and female, as she grows and deals with being a child of an alcoholic.

Oh, and you have a front, full face, view of Nikolai.  He is the only character who has a side view.  Can we get a "full on" view??????   Thanks.



Author's Response: This is going to sound awful as I picked him but...I don't think Jason Statham is all that hot head on. I've yet to find a really full frontal photo but i'll keep looking! He reallly looks better in profile.

Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 05:17 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

hmm i hope jetta will be a good friend to sunny.and as usual nikki's possessiveness freaks me out. does sunny even really gets the fullness of how obsessed he is with her at this point?

Reviewer: grumpirah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 04:55 am

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