Reviews For Beast
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Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Hmm Darla is not as slick as she thinks she is and she should know better to think she isnt being watched!! Glad Jaccob hasnt said anything to her so far.Great update.



Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 03:54 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

nice update, thanks!

Reviewer: brandy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 02:36 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Can't wait for the update

Reviewer: Gale Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 02:28 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Nikki need to stop playing and deal with that boy. Forget Sunshine she will forgive, but that boy is getting out of line.You got me all excited when I read this story, shame on you.

Reviewer: guitarlovechild Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 22/12/09 01:40 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

I liked this story a lot., The premise is great and the underlying tension keeps the story moving. I can't believe this is your first story! great job.

You will need to work on your grammar and sentence structure, but that is a small thing. You have a winning plot and great story. More than a lot of writers with excellent grammar!

Keep it up, you are well on your way to telling a great story.

Reviewer: rosie rolle Signed [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 09:29 pm

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

You keep me on edge with these cliffhangers!! Nikolai is losing patience with Darla and Jacob.  Sunshine is playing a dangerous game with Sergei's life.

Please, please update soon!!

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 09:04 pm

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

ok i'm glad that he told N about seeing darla with her father but that boy still doens't learn does he lol i guess he wanted to swim with the fishes and some will say . when N finds out what going on he not going to able to control himself and end up harming that boy. love the story and thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 07:59 pm

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say


Reviewer: bana05 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 05:10 pm

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Like I said Sergei I reallky getting on my last everloving nerve.

Did he not just get a warning. What is he Flipping dense.

This was a god post minus Sergei and his death wish 


Reviewer: Veronica75 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 04:42 pm

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

I absolutely love this story.

And this Post is my favorite by far but I'm Biased as this Part took place in Antigua my wonderful home town.

Now Sergei I love him but he is really irking nerves. Darla she is up ti no good now. And I feel Sorry for Anatoly because he might find him self at odds with Nikki trying to save his brother.

Nikki and Sunny i love these two together.

Reviewer: Veronica75 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 04:33 pm

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Hey  Onimosity. Well done on both additions. I feel unsettled about them both though since I feel like the tide is turning somewhat and something big is about to happen. And for the most part it's Sergei who has me antsy.

There is no need to read between the lines when it comes to Nikolai. He is a dangerous man and would remain so even if he comes out of the game. But Sergei is another matter. Despite the repeated warnings he continues to  touch her, offering to go to her support group meetings and wanting to go for ice cream. Where is has his fuel coming from because she has not encouraged him or shown any inclination towards him, beyond friendship, so why he is persisting. I am getting this feeling that he too is playing in this cat and mouse game for the hand of Sunshine, a decision he may well regret.

With Darla back in the picture there will be trouble ahead. I hope a sombre and more clear thinking Jacob would not fall in her trap. Wouldnt it be ironic that he finally 'comes clean' only to be pulled into another scheme by a manipulator out for revenge. Already she has fed him some half truths and he seems to be lapping it up. But wouldnt it be the irony of ironies if Jacob and Nikolai have to work together to save Sunshine.

Reviewer: Introspection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 01:50 pm

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Can you spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E???  ::)))

Can't wait until the next chapter

Reviewer: Tracy Reynolds Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 12:53 pm

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Darla and Jake are on thin ice. No one gets between Sunshine and Nikki without paying a price. Thiose two better watch their back.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 09:46 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

This isn't one of my favorite chapters only because there wasn't much of Sunshine in it and Darla.. Ugh. She should just cut her loses and be grateful that he left her with something. I wonder what will happen with Sergei. He seems so determined to win her affections and Niko seems determined to keep them. Whatever the case I hope he is smart in his pursuit since we know how dangerous his boss can be. Jacob .. Makes me sick. Its a shame that it took this much for him to fix his problem. I know most addicts have to hit rock bottom once or twice before they can help themselves, but he's had too many. Any who, I should say that I'm an addict also.. Addicted to this story! LOL I check back like everyday for an update. Pitiful I know LOL

Reviewer: lucy Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 08:13 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

"We dance a little longer." Nikolai is ready to kill some people, boyfriend is almost at the end of his patience. Jacob and Segei have one more time to screw up, before they're sleeping with the fishes. 

Sergei knows that Niki is on to him, but he's still playing this the wrong way. Segei needs to sit back, keep his mouth shut and just be her friend. He needs to stop initiating things and just let her come to him. He needs to think about Anatoly and what his betrayal could cause him.

Sunny needs to open her eyes to Segei, because ignorance of the situation could get her killed.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 08:07 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

There is something about Sergei That isn't right. I used to think He had a crush on Sunshine but now I believe He is the one truly obsessed with her. I wonder what will happen when she tells him, that they are friends and nothing else. He could prove to be more a danger to her than Darla.  And even though Nikki is a dangerous man he does love Sunshine perhaps he see that danger in Sergei also. 

Reviewer: alecia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 07:26 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

poor sergei, he needs to watch out. Nikki has plans for him.

Reviewer: grumpirah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 06:42 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Sergei is starting to get on my nerves.  He just won't listen. Nikolia stood in his face and said because of his friends he wouldn't beat him to death.  He has made up his mind that he will do what he wants when it comes to Sunshine.  I used to feel sorry for him, but now I feel like he is diliberately trying to make Sunshine depend on and have feelings for him.  I wish she would talk to Nikolia about her going to those meeting and her feelings regarding her fathere's addictions.     Nikolia is a dangerous man, but he has shown in so many ways that he loves and cares for Sunshine.  Sergei should just respect that and back up.  I love Sunshine, but I can't figure out why she doesn't see that Sergei feels more than friendship for her.  I am glad that Sergei thought enough to let Nikolai know that Darla is around Jacob.  He knows that he has to look out for her.


Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 06:39 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Sergei has a death wish. He keeps getting more involved in her life, yet she is showing no signs of feelings towards him. Enjoyed the update!!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 06:37 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Nikki is working a nurve!  Always asking her is she’s his.  Well duh, you bought her didn’t you, you asshole!  What else is she supposed to say?  For a moment there, I was tolerating [if you will] Nikolai’s sad story which made him less of a monster and it was also easier to accept her fate b/c he wasn’t abusive and yes I’ll admit that I believe he loves her but with this last chapter, I think this ‘agreement’ is taking its toll on Sunshine.  The light is slowly dimming from her persona. Her captor (who swore he wouldn’t break her) has enslaved her for sex and the man that gave her life withholds the key to her freedom.  How messed up is that?  She’s barely a young adult. She should be having fun, going to campus parties, chilling with friends or going on real dates with her boyfriend instead of catering to the lustful whims of a gangster. Urgh. Punk. Lol

Sergei (shakes head), what are you doing man…touching her leg?! Aĭ yi yi ! I really like Sergei though; he’s sweet and genuinely cares for his friend. How can he free himself and Sunny with a possessive boss riding his back? Nikolai’s obsession may cost people their lives…maybe even his own.

Darla is a bitch, probably a dead one by now.  I loved it when Herschell called her on her shit.

With all that said, I must commend your talent with this dark fic.  The dialect of Nikolai, Sergei, etc is believably of Russian descent.  You’re doing an excellent job with the characters especially Sunshine; she’s my favorite.  Her strength, intelligence, humble nature, and love for her family is awesomely portrayed here. As for the Dark One or Beast, you’re doing a fabulous job with him as well.  Loved the scene with Nikolai voicing his threat to Sergei…that was straight up gangsta.

Can’t wait to see how this all plays out.

Great job!

Author's Response: I love this, thank you. The first four lines have me dying of laughter.

Reviewer: JV4ME Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 06:37 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Sergei is learning to scheme. Good. I much prefer that to him being a lamb at the slaughter.  Darla on the other hand...ugh. She's going to mess up everything.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 06:36 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

This chapter gave your trouble. Great build up to the sure fast surprises in the story to come.

Nicky just gets scarrier and scarrier O__O; good god!

Its bad of me to anticipate what he does to that Darla X-D

Reviewer: brightnova01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 06:00 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Wow...... Darla needs to get over it.  Find herself a new sugar daddy or something.  She's only going to make things worse for herself in the end.  I wonder what Sunshine will think if she finds out the mistress was dumped, the way she was dumped, and that it was done on the same night that she met Nikolai.  Also the fact that she is now her dad's friend.  I knew Nikolai was pissed at Sergei, but not that deep seated intense dislike for the kid.  He's wavering on killing the kid....  would Sunshine be able to move past that if it happened.... Great story!

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 05:48 am

Title: Who they are

Sergi is definitely writing a check his ass can't cash. Maybe someone should point out to Sunny that Sergi thinks of her as more than a friend and could get himself hurt if he things don't change.

Reviewer: chocolate girl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 05:45 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Sergei, don't just HEAR Nikki, you need to LISTEN to him. Darla is about to try and wreck havoc. I'm glad Nikki is aware of her presence in this whole thing. Can't wait for my next fix of this addictive story.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 05:42 am

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