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Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Great update as always sorry it gave you trouble.

Jacob and Darla need to watch their P's and Q's but then again I don't care with Darla watches she gets on my nerves I only care about what Jabcob needs to watch because he is Sunny's father and if Nikolai did something to him then she would be unhappy with Nikolai and withdraw from him I am suspecting.

Sergei just can't help himself it would seem.  It is good that he recognized and reported Darla but Nikolai was angry and wanted to smash him in the head but he didn't because he is Sunny friend.

I am glad she is going to the meeting but I wish she wouldnt talk to Sergei about it but try to talk to Niki about it.

Again wonderful update can't wait for more.


Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 05:37 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Great chapter as was the previous. I wrote a review for the last chapter like some other times, but sometimes when i submit it says the code is wrong (when it's not) and i feel so frustrated i just don't review. Anyways, I really hope if Darla starts scheming, it's not too harmful. I'm glad Nikolai won't hesitate to take her out bit still, who knows the damage she could do. And poor Sergei. He's treading dangerous waters, I really hope he doesn't get killed. That would be so saaaaaaad.

Reviewer: rissaspieces Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 05:24 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

Sergei Serge Sergei..he has a death wish and Nikki is the man that appears to be about to fulfil that wish!

It looks like Darla will soon be sleeping with the fishes but I hope Sunshine's daddy does not join her..

Darla is too stupid to play these games...she is asking for trouble and since Sunshine has no feelings for her..she will be easily gotten rid of..somehow I don't feel sorry for her at all!

Nikki is a dangerous man and he showed us that for Sunshine he can be gentle and loving but for anyone else..he is still and scarey deadly man!!

Loving this story sweetie..cannot wait for more!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/12/09 05:18 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Nikki and Sunshine is a great love story. and it goes to show that in fiction sometimes it's okay, for that badboy to get the good girl team Nikki and Sunshine all the way.

Reviewer: Panama Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 11:22 pm

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

This should turn out really interesting once, Nikki finds out about Darla and the father.

Reviewer: indycoolchick Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 05:58 pm

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Well this one was a good chapter. 

Sunny and Nikki getting very close I like the way they relationship is going.  I think Nikki is falling hard for Sunny.  I love the part where he took her away on a vacation to make her happy.  Actions do speak louder than words.  Eventhough they relationship started the way it did it is developing into something very special.

Sergei is inlove with Sunny yes I said it.  It could get him hurt if he is not careful.  Sunny only likes him as a friend but he think it might lead to more. 

Darla Darla is going to start trouble she better watch her back because if Nikki finds out she might be eliminated.  I am a little surprise that he is not keeping tabs on pop ie his friend to know that she is sniffing around. 


Thanks for the update:  Have a Merry Christmas. 

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 04:48 pm

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Hello Onimosity, I basically joined this site so that I could write a review to tell you how much I am enjoying this story.  Although slightly dark, I Nikolai and Sunshine are a love story and I'm hoping they are the end-game.  While Sergei, maybe cute, he's still a boy.  I enter this site daily just to check for updates on this story, so of course I wait eagerly your next posting.  Please continue the excellent work.


Reviewer: Arabelle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 03:38 pm

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

I love this story!! I love how the relationship between Nikki and Sunshine has developed. I am really scared for poor Sergei because I don't think that he is going to heed his warning. I really hope Darla doesn't cause any trouble.

I especially enjoyed how important it was for Nikolai to hear Sunny's response to if she belonged to him. 

Reviewer: Tammy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 02:56 pm

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Love it!  Don't know why Darla would need to start crap a year or so later, but it is "just Darla" so I'm sure it's just part of her DNA.  Still don't get Sergei not wanting to save his own butt, but he's letting himself be ruled by his heart.  Guess he doesn't understand that Nikolai didn't get to where he is today by being the nice guy.  This is just too good.

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 02:53 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

I love the way that Nikki took care of Sunny. 

Pops- Really need to do something and try to be a better father to Sunny. After all she have done for him he still didnt leran a thing.  Handlimg one addiction and not the other.   

I think that Sergei feeling is building and it is going to be explosive.

Sitting back and enjoying the ride. 

Thank for the excellent update

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 02:12 pm

Title: You Touch Me

Okay I have to come back and read the rest. But I stopped at this:

“There is always a moment before the chaos,” her mother would tell a young Sunshine, usually as she tried to right one of her father’s wrong, “a moment when the world is still. That is when you act, when you save what you hold dear. Always work the hardest when you are in the eye.”

 This is the eye, Sunshine thinks. The eye of my hurricane.

Beautifully written. I loved the prose. I was pulled into Sunshines delimma and my heart ached for her. Save her father by 'any means' neccessary. Damn and we all know The Cigar is sexilicious. Okay, I love bad boys so this story my dear has me hooked like a junkie on smack. Gotta run and do Sunday chores, but when I get some downtime I shall return. Keep up the good work! 


Reviewer: Minx Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 01:52 pm

Title: Satisfy this Hungriness

Oh this is wonderfully mysterious! And I love your refrence to the: "The Cigar".

I also love your strong use of the Russian dialect. You are weaving a really engaging tale. Off to read the next chapter! 

Reviewer: Minx Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 01:47 pm

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

It is nice to see Niki and Sunshine having a good time on the island.  Even though they have never said the words out loud, they show their love for each other in the things they do.   Now that Sergei has been officially warned I hope he will heed it, but I don't think he will.  I think he is going to get reckless and that will lead to a lot of trouble for him.  I think Sunshine telling Niki that he is a friend like Priscilla is saving him at the moment.   I knew Darla had to find out about Sunny sooner or later.  I'm glad she knows, just because I want to see where she takes it from there.  I'm sure she knows a strike at Sunny is a strike at Niki.  Very nice update.  P.S. I'm snowed in to so your updates are very welcome.

Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 01:03 pm

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

all i beg of you is that Sergei remains unharmed though im sure you won't because im probably the only sergei fan! please let him find a nice girl a better girl pleeeaaassseeee!!!!!!!! that is all.

Reviewer: EvaJaye Signed [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 11:49 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

This was a GREAT update!  Yes, Nikolai knows how Sergei feels about Sunshine.  Sergei was not careful enough hiding his feelings.  And Anatoly is afraid for his younger brother, as well he should be.  Nikolai doesn't play. 

I am glad that Jacob is going to go into Rehab.  I hope he does it soon.  I don't trust Darla.  I am concerned that she might try to talk Sunshine's dad into drinking again.

And now that Darla knows that Sunshine is the woman who Nikolai got rid of her for, I'm afraid that we may have problems...serious problems.  Nikolai is VERY MUCH in love with Sunshine and I think it is mutual.  And I love your love scenes.  It is clear that Nikolai would do ANYTHING to keep Sunshine HIS; and he is definitely HERS. I love it.

Yes, Sergei is going to go to school, but he also needs another sista' to focus on. LOL.  I hope that Sergei tells Nikolai that he saw Darla with Sunshine's father.  Nikolai can certainly take care of Darla...if he knows about it.  And heaven help Sergei if something happens to Sunshine. 



Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 10:53 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

It was nice to see Sunny happy and Jacob on the right track. Well, I hope it lasts, because it won't be long before Darla figures out a way to use him for her revenge.

Segei, you have been warned. I hope he listens to Anatoly. I found it interesting that he got jealous when he saw her lean in to the kiss. Hmm, I'm just wondering at the end of this will Segei be a changed man. He's in love with her, but that love could turn into obsession, which make men do crazy things. I hope he doesn't stab Nikolai in the back.

Nikolai, is a cruel in his work life and has some serious issues, but he's not a bad guy..well, at least not in this chapter. He didn't have to warn Anotoly about his brother, but he did, because they are friends.

Thanks for updating

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 10:19 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

An excellent chapter as always.  I wonder what damage Darla is going to inflict on Sunshine now she knows she is with Nikolai.  I hope Sergei says something to Nikolai before it is too late to save Sunshine.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 08:44 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

From the commentor previously known as H:

Your story made me get an account on this website!  lol, feel good about that one.


Oh Sergei is still just squeezing the bejeesus out of my heart.  It's so nice to see Sunny and Nikki enjoying time on the beach though.  Admittedly I thought she wasn't going to show for Jacob's big night, but of course, she did.  I should know better.

 Oooh Darla.  This could be problematic.  

 I'm loving this story so much -- my grin was much too big when I saw you had updated.  Hopefully the snow traps you into writing and writing and writing.  

Reviewer: HNH Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 08:16 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

I tell ya Nikki is a downright nutter with his obsessions. i feel for sergei. got the hots for a woman that will never be his. And what is darla up to?

Reviewer: grumpirah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 08:12 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

I love your spirit... and this story...on to my review...

Okay...Sergei has lost ALL perspective...he still doesn't realize that he is and probably will always be in the FRIEND zone with Sunny...has he ever considered that Sunny might be developing real feelings for Nikolai...that she is not with him out mere obligation...just maybe...maybe she's with him because she wants to be...Nikolai has never treated her unkind...he looks after her every need...he is not an abusive monster with her...yet Sergei refuses to heed his own brother's (I'm loving Anatoly btw now) warning about letting his wayward emotions rule his actions...emotions that are dangerous with a man like's like he has a death wish now...he knows that Nikolai is watching very closely...and if he loves or cares for Sunny as much as he claims...shouldn't he at least be fearful of the possible consequences to her if he sets Nikolai off...Nik is not a stupid fact...he's very astute...observant...possessive...jealous...dangerous...and in love...a lethal combination if there ever was one...Sergei will not be warned's almost pathetically easy how Nikolai could one day make him 'disappear' from their advice to him would be to let it go...his fantasy of him and Sunny riding off into the sunset...go to school...better your life...get away from the underbelly of society and make something of yourself for are indeed 'worth' it...

Nikolai is in deep with Sunny...he's totally committed to keeping her to his any means necessary...for her sake...I hope she's not 'playing' him...for I fear the consequences of that...the near-panic he felt when he lost sight of her in the open market...he loves her so much...she has his heart...and a man like Nikolai's heart should never be trifled with...yeah, even sinners have heart...I know that he's the 'bad' guy in the story...but I can't help it...I'm so rooting for him...Sunshine makes him a better person...she's good for him and he's surprise, good for her...he can be a better man as long as he has his 'ray of light' in his life...his Sunshine...please, Sunny, don't let him down...

I'm glad that Jacob is finally serious about getting the real help that he needs...amazing what a little beating and some straight talk can do to change a disposition...but uh-oh, Darla...just Darla...I can hear the wheels turning in that crazy heifer's head...she's finally found a way to exact 'revenge' on Nikolai using Jacob as her pigeon...silly rabbit...doesn't she know tricks are for kids...I see another death warrant is about to be signed...

Superb update as always...can't wait to read're rocking this story!!!!


Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 07:58 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

They make for each other.

Darla going to start something,better watch her.

Reviewer: yummy954 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 06:26 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Ha ha Darla ha ha.That boy need to get some sense knocked into him.

Reviewer: guitarlovechild Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 05:35 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

As always that was a wonderfu and delightfully entertaining chapter.

I love Nikki and Sunshine together.

Nikolai has finally sent out his warning to Sergei I do hope he heeds it for his own good.  I would so hate for my Nikki to turn into that other fellow and do away with him.

Damn Darla saw Sergei and I guess now she will put 2 and 2 together and get Nikolai and what shyte she will come up with to find out what is going on.  I can't stand that wench and if she does anything to make Sunny unhappy I will not be sad to what may happen to her old tired ass when Nikolai gets to her.

More please....Thank you.

Oh! Yeah! Another thing I hope Sunny has still be popping those pills that her dad took her to get a long time ago. Cause Nikolai's nose is already wide open just for Sunny but I would hate to  see what he was like with Sunny with his child....goodness the poor girl would never get to do anything.  :D

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 05:31 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Another great update.  Poor Sergei, needs to find a nice girl of his own. 

Reviewer: Raven Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 05:30 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

What is wrong with Sergei..he is getting on my nerves. His affection for Sunshine is going to get both of them in a lot o trouble as well as his brother. She does not love you Seergei damg...she likes you as a chill before you get everyone killed.

Nikki is a crazy jealous man...I am even scared of him..he is extremely possessive and I don't see that changing any time soon. Sunshine is falling for him big time but his jelaous may kill all of that if he does not chill.

Darla saw Sunshine with Sergei..her plotting behind is going to be up to no good now. I don't know what she is going to do and why she thinks it will get her back with Nikki especially after he has been with Sunsine but I am sure she will try something!

I am worried about every one except Jacob and Darla..I want Sunshine and Benjie to be safe and make it out of all this whole !!

Loving thi story sweetie and hoping for more lol lol !!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 05:17 am

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