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Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Darla and Sergei are going to join forces. I can see Jacob being hurt in the end. Anatoly has warned him, he needs to listen to big brother. I loved their getaway vacation!! Great update!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 05:03 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Sergei - he knows her, right. Yeah, well Nikki knows YOU and he's about to hand your butt to you on a silver platter. Sergei is just lucky that Nikki is sparing him, for now. But it's clear if Nikki remotely thinks that Sunny returns Sergei's feelings, Sergei will be a dead man. He's had numerous warnings, yet he still persists. fool. He needs to get his own woman.

 Sunny and Nikki are interesting together. She wields such power over him, but not enough to keep him from destroying Sergei. Nikki is still a mobster and I normally don't like them, but I can't help but like him. He is so intense. But somewhat inseure when it comes to Sunny. On a shallow note, your pic of Nikki brings the pretty. He's quite tasty. ;)

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 05:00 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

I just love reading this story. Every update is my guilty pleasure.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 05:00 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

I love the  vaction they had together him holding her hand making sure she safe you can tell he love her with all his heart. that boy dont' listen he going to end up dead if he doens't listen to his brother and boss  to stop falling in love with her. oo not good darla knows who she is and when she tell someone that she  saw how close they were. thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 04:58 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

I liked this chapter,  I liked that you added intimate moments between Nikki and Sunshine.  I hate Darla and that she is still making trouble.  Sergi is just being stupid and he's not listening, God help him

Reviewer: Gypsi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 04:55 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

Ohhhh things are moving so swiftly and hurtling so fast to a destined point. With each passing chapter I fear for Sergei and the foolishness of his sweet little heart.

I fear for Sunshine cause even if she does not reciprocate Sergei's feelings at one point, Nikki is a violent and somewhat evil person. He seems very unforgiving and vindictive. His type of jealousy seems like it could blind him to truth even if Sunshine turns out truly faithful to him in her heart.

This whole situation seems like it could have a whole traumatic downfall and I have a feeling that Darla will be the Iago card in the deck.

 You have a very talented way with weaving this tale, and the twist in this retelling.



Reviewer: brightnova01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 04:36 am

Title: I can feel everything you do...Hear everything you say

I knew as soon as I saw Darla's name in this one that it would all go  wrong soon enough. Is it wrong to be happy you're snowed in? Nothing personal, I just want to know what's next for all involved.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 20/12/09 04:31 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

I really love this story.  It has such a great dynamic to it.  I still can't figure out how it will end, but that's what I love best about it.  Please keep updating frequently.  I check everyday for an update.

Reviewer: K. B. Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 18/12/09 04:59 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night


Reviewer: Raven Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/12/09 04:03 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Sergei is so falling for Sunshine and it appears she only sees him as a friend!! A little scared for  him. Pops is hiw own worst nightmare and so wants to blame others for his short comings. Great chapter.. Look forward to reading about the vacation.



Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/12/09 01:55 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

You torture me so sweetly. Nikki should have shot that boy in the eye and the father.

Reviewer: guitarlovechild Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 18/12/09 01:02 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

I love this story.  I think Nikki really loves and cares for  Sunshine.  Does she really love him?  I think she is falling for him.  As always, please let them be together in the end. They are opposites that attract

Reviewer: Gypsi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 18/12/09 12:53 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Great chapter.  It is hard to care for Jacob.  Nikki is suppose to be the bad guy LOL but that is not how I feel.  Everything that Nikki said to Jacob is true.  Jacob made it possible for Nikki to come into Sunshine's life.  In the end I am glad that someone is taking care of Sunshine instead of Sunshine taking good care of someone else.  Can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 09:57 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

I loved the update.  Sunshine deserves some happiness.  Nikolai forcing Jacob to give up gambling never saw that one coming.

I look forward to the next chapter.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 08:35 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

I love this story and it gets better and better, I like Nikolai, even though the way he started their relationship wasn't the best, but you can see that he clearly loves her and she loves him but things will come to a head, keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing your story with us.

Reviewer: Chocolatepink Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 08:12 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Love the new chapters but I have a feeling bad things are coming. After all Nicolai is in the mob. Instead of focusing so much on getting Sunshine away from Nicolai, Sunshine's dad should just go into rehab. When he is clean and sober then focus on getting Sunshine. Silly man. I can't wait to see where you go next with this story.

Reviewer: jjazz59 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 07:16 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

i love it! please update soon!

Reviewer: brandy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 07:01 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

I love this story.  You are just so talented and your characters are developed in such a way that I feel something about all of them.  Nobody fades to background in this story. 

Niki is in love,  There are no two ways about it.  The way he loves and cares for Sunshine is so sweet and unexpected that it gets me every time.  To cut short his meeting and be the one to serve her tea is just love.  There is no doubt that his feelings are deep for her.  He did not lie to her father when he said she never cries  sad tears over anything he does for her. The sweetest part of that is that she is falling for him to.  The fact that Sergei's shoulder was not the one she wanted was a good indication of that.

Sergei has lost control.  He can no longer stop  himself from speaking about Sunny to Niki.  He forgot that touching is not allowed and even his trip to the study seemed like a desparate need to see her.  Niki already noticed the wet spot on his shirt so he knows that Sergei held Sunny while she cried.  Even though he only gave him a warning, Sergei should take it as a death threat. After all Niki may be changing in some ways because of Sunny, but he is still a dangerous man that should never be crossed.

Oh Jacob!.......What does it take for this man to get on track.  Instead of doing what he knows he should, his mind just keeps coming up with the wrong thing.  I knew when Niki left the study he was going to see Jacob.  He really did give him alot of truths that should have hit home.  The fact that Niki cut him off from everything and told him it was basically so he could get help and stop hurting Sunny should also be seen as a warning/death threat.  He even told Jacob that he could get someone to fake letters to Sunny once he killed him.    The bottom line is that he is tring to do right by his Sunshine in all things, but these people should never take his love and kindness for Sunshine for weakness.  It would be a fatal mistake.  The problem is I think that Jacob, Sergei and Darla are going to try him.  They may band together to do it.  The three of them have the same goal.  Split Sunny and Niki.   Thanks for the update and tell your muse I said "hey".

Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 06:18 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

I absolutely love this story.

I starting to believe Sergei is dense or has a death wish. Dude she cried on your shoulder for a hot minute then realized you were not who she wanted and asked you to take her home.  yet you still go and kiss her on her forhead after she let it be known who she wanted. And after Nikki told to stay the hell away all be it nicely.

As for the father he is starting to get on my damn nerve. And Darla if she knows whats good for her she needs to saty the away. Everyone likes Sunny and will protect her fiercely

Reviewer: Veronica75 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 05:57 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Awesome , that was a great update. God how I love this story. Its one of my favorite, you are a fabulous writer.. I cannot wait for the next update. Please update soon

Reviewer: ladeesse Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 04:05 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Nikki is not one to be played with something Sergei and Jacob shoud know, yet they still insist on challenging him. Anatoly needs to have a sit down wth his brother before he meets an unfortunate fate. Nikki loves Sunny and he has no intentions of letting her go after the five years is up. He is ruthless but with her he is so sweet and caring. I can see her dad's next step is going to be in cahoots with Darla!! Awesome update. Thanks for updating.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 04:03 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

wow she realy has change that man he still is a bad ass but most people would kill that man right then and there but he thought of her and knew it would hurt her if something happens to him. i like how he has his woman back it was crazy way lol but you do what you have to do. now on to sergie i'm thinking he wanted a death wish a huge one  holding her and then sneaking end to see her not good at all.  i just love this story it puts me in a good mood everytime i see it  updated great work and thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 03:55 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Child I was scared for a minute. I knew Nikki was gonna kill her daddy and beat the crap out of Sergei. Lawd my heart was actually beating fast,lol. I knew if he killed her father, she would never recover from it and if he beat up Sergei..she would not forgive that either.

I am glad he beat her dad's butt even if it was just a little. I cannot stand that weak pitiful man. Nikki is right about one thing, it is Jacob's fault that his daughter is in the situation not Nikki's, he has no one to blame but himself. I am just glad he did not kill him. However, we do see that Nikki's plan to win Sunshine's heart enough for her not to want to leave at the end of the 5 years. I think she cares a lot about him but she is a free spirit so I am not sure if she would stay in this situation if she does not have too.

Segei is playing with fire. I don't know if he is stupid or that far gone for Sunshine that he does not value his life. Anatoly needs to really wake his irresponsible brother up. Nikki is quite aware of his brother's feelings for Sunshine , he is one step away from a serious beatdown or death...he needs to be smarter!!

Why does Nikki treat Cilla so badly..I thought he liked her...he is awful to her sometimes..Maybe he is jealous of her relationship with Sunshine too.

There are glimpses of the dangerous Nikki that help remind us of how very dangerous he is even with Sunshine's influence, Nikki is not one to be taken too lightly. I hope Sergei and Jacob understand that...

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 02:55 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Oh hey, so Nikolai finally admits out loud that his "plan" is for her not to leave him after the five years are up.  Plus he's showing the depth of his feelings for her by cutting the meeting short, holding her until she fell asleep...... and the major bosses know of her and obviously his feelings towards her, hhhmmm. 

I just wonder about the whole Sergei thing -- he should know that there is no future in him pursuing Sunshine.  When it all comes down he's probably either going to be beat to within an inch of his life and then grow in to his own empire thing with lesson learned or he'll be dead.  He's showing his lack of thinking by sneaking in to the study, after getting a warning from Nikolai.  Either way it won't be good.

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 02:30 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

This chapter was the bomb! Poor Sergei. Niko has to know what's going on now. This is one of the best stories on this site.

Reviewer: Happy2bNappy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 02:28 pm

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