Reviews For Beast
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Title: Making Holes in the Night

I so love this story and I so love Nikki and Sunshine together.

He takes such good care of her...He's so gentle and patient with her...I love how he told Mr. Jones that Sunshine makes him happy and when Sunshine is unhappy he is unhappy :D

I was in tears as she cried in his shoulder and he was so loving and affectionate and patient with her and he put his meeting off just for her...if that had been Darla just Darla please she would have gotten paid no mind I LOVE IT!!!

I love the way that Cilla is like a mother hen when it comes to Sunny she is so loving toward her to.  I think everyone loves her even Anatoly but I think more of a brotherly kind of love but who couldn't help but love her she is truly a ray of Sunshine.

Now Sergei I love him to death I do but he need to be careful.

I am not saying that while she was crying in the car that he should have been cold toward her but he should have found another way to comfort her without holding her in his arms. Cause Nikki/Nikolai saw the smudge on his shirt and knows where it came from...and the kiss on her head who is to say that Nikolai does not have camera's in his study anyway not a wise choice not a wise choice.

Nikki is taking Sunny to the Caribbean she is going to have so much fun and she needs to get away for awhile...her dad makes me tired and I don't have to deal with him.

I am glad that Nikolai did not kill or maime Jacob because like he said it would be on him if it got back to Sunny and that would make her unhappy.  I think the choice he made to have him cut off from all gambling locations except his was a good idea and to put him on probation until the end of the year. As he said this should be the prompt for him to go into rehab but we all know that it is not...Plus he has started talking about talking to Darla bad bad idea but he is scum and makes screwed up decisions so eventually he will problably go to her and pour his guts out and let her know about Sunny and the situation what she can do I am not sure but I am sure it will not be something pleasant cause she is an unhappy old bag.



Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 02:20 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night



Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 12:53 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

i still prefer sergei to nikki,but i guess nikki has his strong points.

Reviewer: grumpirah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 12:42 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Sunny  father need to change.

Reviewer: yummy954 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 12:41 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

I really really really feel bad for Jacob.  I need him to do better; I need him to be the man his wife saw in him and the man his children so desperately need him to be.  I need this to happen because I see a lot of myself in him, actually, and my own family situation.  So...if that could happen that would be great.

I think Nikolai's solution is actually quite brilliant.  I'm not under and delusions this will be the fire Jacob needs to get his act together, but it's a start.  I'm wondering if this relationship could last beyond the five years, with him and Sunshine, that the foundation of it hadn't already been so tainted that there's some Stockholm Syndrome going on here  for there's certainly an imbalance of actual power, even though Nikolai loves her...I think.  Too cloudy.

Anyway, can't wait to see what you come up with next! Great job!

Reviewer: bana05 Signed [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 12:23 pm

Title: Making Holes in the Night

For a while there I was holding my breath hoping that Nikolai does not out that fool. He is proving to be a better man than her father when it comes to taking care of Sunny. Her father needs to reexamine his priorities and like a true addict he cannot see how irrational his reasoning is. What would make Sunny happy is a father who has conquered his addictions and demons. But from on this side of the paper, I cant see that happening. What a waste. With one scheme after the next, he lives in a world where the true reality is he is the one who is hurting his children. His actions means a lack of choice for Sunny who now seems to love and is totally tied to her Nikki, to a strangely principled man, but a dangerous one nonetheless.

And what's up with young Sergei. How many times will he be warned? I am beginning to think that Nikolai is a big softie when it comes to people who he cares for. But also he knows that if he hurts Sergei, Sunny will be unhappy.

Sunny is such a special character. It is difficult to stay balanced in the face of so much madness. She is sure living up to her name. She is spinning her weave and is changing Nik. I just hope Nik's boss doesnt start to see her as a threat because then all kinds of interesting things will happen.

Well done Ominosity...

Reviewer: Introspection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 10:48 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

There goes Sergei... He wants to further his education for all the wrong reasons... for her... No sooner do I think this my fears are confirmed as I reach the end of the chapter - "he pulls her into his arms"... he is bearly threading above the waters now... ah the good ones eh... I see danger up ahead... to be the love of a 'boy' and the love of a very dangerous man.

One year later, one year of sobriety at that and her father remains a jackass... She is caught between the 'love' of Nikolai and the hopelessness of her father... When will he learn? Thanks for the update...

Reviewer: Introspection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 10:07 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Segei is becoming obsessed. Niki has warned him and it will not be long before he has someone following them. I believe that both Segei and Niki will change. Sergei maybe become what Nikolai once was and attempt to take him out.

I like that Sunny wanted Nikolai's shoulder to cry on. She knows his smell and although she appreciated Sergei's gesture, she knew that he wasn't Niki. It's obvious that she is falling in love with him, and if doesn't screw it up, she will stay with him beyond the five years.

I loved the Nikolai and Jacob scene. I knew that Niki was going to go over there. He told Jacob some hard truths, it's unfortunate that Jacob didn't hear anything.

The next four years look promising, keep up the good work.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 08:42 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Oh Wow, I really thought he was going to kill her father.

Nikolai is so unpredictable. You have me at a seats edge with all that is going on..

Can not wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: brightnova01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 08:08 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night


Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 08:00 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Ohh...I loved this Update.  Your descriptions of everyone's actions and reactions were so well delineated that I felt like I was in a movie theatre.  I could actually see Nikolai walking Sunshine to the couch in his study and watching her fight her tears while he had his hand over his mouth so that she could not see how her pain disturbed him. 

And Sergei is playing Russian roulette with his life.  Nikolai has twice noted that Sergei touched Sunshine.  Before Sergei knows it, he will find himself suffering a punishing example by Nikolai.  But of course, if that happens, Sunshine will not be happy.  It is going to be a conumdrum. 

And Jacob, Jacob, Jacob.  You are not getting the picture here.  Now, cutting him off from gambling,...that is going to be really painful for Jacob.  Oh boy, we are going to reach a flashpoint on Jacob's issues.  And Nikolai might just pull out his gun again and just shoot him.

Man oh Man, this story is getting so interesting!!! I love your storytelling!


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 07:16 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Wow, Nikki definitely knows how to take care of his Sunny!!! Pops is letting me down ...... Is there hope for him?? Has he not struck rock bottom yet???!!!!! So sad. Graet update.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 07:05 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Sergei has lost his damn mind! He kisses her! He's crossing the line more and more...And now Nikki knows that he has held Sunny. Whatever happens is on Sergei. Nikki with her pops was coldly scary... He does not take kindly to anybody causing Sunny pain... Her bio-unit is a fool... this can't end well for him... I'm still not sure how Sunny feels about Nikki... It seems that she cares for him... That hug between her and Sergei causes me great concern... I hope she doesn't start to develop feelings for him; because he already thinks he has a chance and if she gives him the smallest hint that they might have something, this man is going to become even more reckless... Nikki's gonna kill 'em...

Sergei is starting to work my last nerve... He needs exposure to more women; maybe a nice college girl... From what I can glean, I suspicion that he hasn't had much contact with the right sort of woman and maybe if he meets some, he'll stop obsessing on Sunny. Cause, Nikki's gonna kill 'em.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 07:04 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Sergei is walking a fine line. I hope when Sergei starts classes, it will take his mind off of Sunny.  Hopefully, he can find someone because he's falling a little too hard for Sunny.

That was an interesting thing that her father said, about the tears that she cries for Nikki.  I'm sure she has and is shedding her share because she is beholden ot him.  This wasn't the situation that Sunny wanted, but she's adapted to it.

Great story, great update.

Reviewer: Chaynetv Signed [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 07:01 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

Great Update! Even though i have a huge soft spot for Sergei i have to admit the growing chemistry between Nikki and Sunshine is kinda of cute. She's starting to fall for him and he already is in love with her. I just hope he can keep his temper reigned in when it comes to her father because though her father is a very weak man who can't handle his own life she does love him and if Nikolai lost it and killed him one day it would probably upset her.. or i would think so. Though i wasn't really sure why she got so upset with her father. 

Now back to my love Sergei. I hate seeing him so pitfully in love with a girl who doesnt love him! he's totally like jacob from twilight and doesn't deserve to be! he's so young and endearing i think he deserves better than sunshine! please let him go to college and make something awesome of himself and get out of the mafia pleeeaaase i dont want him to die because he gets to close to sunny and then she doesnt defend him! 

Reviewer: EvaJaye Signed [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 06:55 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night



Reviewer: katiemae35 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 06:55 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

I'm glad Nikolai gave her father boundaries, but I feel so bad for Sergei. She really doesn't see him does she? He's going to get himself hurt for a Beauty that's in love with her Beast.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 06:36 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

I'm so into this story,  I can't wait for each chapter. Hopefully we'll have on really really soon.  I'm trying to like that dad it's just not working. I feel so sorry for Sergei he is so in love with her.  Hopefully big brother will look out for him

Reviewer: tracy reynolds Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 06:27 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Wonderful update as usual. Sergei is falling deeper for Sunshine. I hope he doesn't get too hurt. And of course the sexyness was hot. Until.

Reviewer: karen Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/12/09 05:21 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Good chapter.  Loving Sunshine and Nikki together.  I see way Nik doesn't like when Sunshine goes to see her father. 

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/12/09 06:42 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

I am still interested! :D

Well what a difference a year makes. Segei has gotten bold! He tells Nikolai that he never touches her on purpose and does exactly that by later covering her hand with his. Segei is a man in love, who wants to improve his lot for the woman he loves, by getting an education. It shows that he wants to be able to offer her something when her time with Niki is up. I have a bad feeling that Anatoly (who I like) told him the truth, and that when love is involved everything else takes the back seat. I hope Anatoly stays true to Nikolai, although, Sergei might be the one to fall.  LOL @ Anatoly trying to find fastest way to get home.

Sunny's feeling for Nikolai have grown and if her feelings continue to grow, she may decide to stay with him. This is break Sergei's heart, although, it seems that he knows that she has feelings for Nikolai.

 Her father is a piece of work, that man needs to just stay out of her life and let her do her time in peace.

Nikolia is most definately in love, and I don't see him ever letting her go. I appreciate the irony of his situation with Sunshine. He hates Jacob, because he knows without him she would be gone.


Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 16/12/09 05:08 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Okay, Sergei is playing with fire now...and Nikolai's is so playing him...but I just have this feeling that he knows...and sorry the say, but Sergei's about to get himself offed over some one-sided Sunny...he's a very dear and sweet no point has she ever given him reason to believe that she feels anything more for him than friendship...she's a compassionate person by nature...she strives to make the others around her happier...but she has never led him on to believe they will ever share any more than a friendship....I feel for Sergei...I really do...but he's skating on some very thin ice where Nikolai and Sunny are concerned...

Nikolai still has a ways to go...but he's at least trying...he's in love with Sunny...I have no doubt about that...and I think I can safely say that being with him is not mere obligation for Sunshine...she's falling for him's just so complicated and not the basis for what one would think of as a sound foundation for a loving and lasting relationship...I really don't think that either one will be able to walk away from their time together unscathed...and unlikely romance between two people that are worlds apart...

Jacob is such a disappointment...I have just had about enough of him...always looking to place the blame for his and his family's predicament on others...when is he ever going to man up...admit he has a problem and just do something proactive about said problem...reducing his kind-hearted daughter to tears because he placed her in this impossible situation certainly did little to endear him to me...being a dreamer when one is young is okay, I guess...but Jacob's a grown arse man and should no better...

Great update as always...looking forward to more...still so skerred for poor misguided Sergei...

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/12/09 04:12 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Sergie needs to slow down and back off Nikolai's Sunshine. I think Nikolai need to pay attention more too Sergie. Gret update!

Reviewer: Uni Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 16/12/09 03:35 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

I had a mini heart attack with this boy touching her so much in this chapter. You need to kill him off now, he has out lived his uses.

Reviewer: guitarlovechild Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 16/12/09 03:16 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Wonderful update. I hope you can work in some more Sunshie and Nikki.

Reviewer: Raven Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/12/09 02:25 am

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