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Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Well no Christmas story with Sunshine..ok..well I will be happy if Sunshine just gets some happiness..which she actually seems very happy!

Nikki is taking very good care of our Sunshine and I think we can safely say he is in love with her. I thought it was sweet he referred to her as his most precious thing in his life that was very sweet,

I think she has real feelings for Niki as well..I think at the end of 5 yrs she could truly be in love with him ...

I agree with Anatoly, I don't think Nikki would be willing to part with Sunshine at end of 5 yrs though he would be torn between his honor and his love for her.


I think Sefei si asking for trouble..I know his brother see his affection for Sunshine but U am sure Nikki does could tell by his questioning that he was on to Segei..I am so worried about Segei..I hope nothing happens to him ..Sunshine would never forgive Nikki and Anatoly woud probably take it out on Sunshine to hurt Nikki..

Her father is pitiful..enough said...

Excellent excellent excellent...Sunshine and Nikki are hawtness tooo woooooo!!great job sweetie..

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/12/09 01:30 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

this story just keeps getting better and better its kind of like crack. haha 

Reviewer: sarah Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 09:58 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Just read this all today and WHOA you weave a heartaching tale Miss. Love your POV and description. Seriously I'm hooked. I can not wait for teh next chapter!

Reviewer: brightnova01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 09:44 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Loved the update. Sunny and Nikki really bonding well but he definitely is possesive and has trust issues. Sergei needs to tthread carefully when it comes to Nikki. Pops still not trying hard enough and he's not making the committment to change his gambling habits. He continues to be a disappointment.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 09:23 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

This chapter was beautifully heartbreaking. Pops is so lost. Sergei is in love and Nikki, well I have the feeling he won't let Sunny go when the time comes. And I think he may start watching Sergei. Poor sweet Sergei.

Reviewer: Happy2bNappy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 06:55 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

I hope Sergei doesn't get in trouble for  consoling Sunshine!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 06:47 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Sergei needs to get the notion out of his head that he can be with Sunny. It's not going to happen. Anatoly has already warned him and who knows Nikolai better than he. That hug he gave her was so dangerous, I wouldn't put it past Nikolai to have assigned someone to watch them. I beleive he trusts Sunny but not Sergei. He is a love sick puppy!!

Still hoping dad doesn't hook up with Darla, but that seems inevitable since dad feels he isn't getting through to her with his actions so far. Awesome update.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 05:20 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Not my fault, just want to make that clear...

Oh, this was heartbreaking.  So dang complicated this story is.  *snuggles Sergei because Nikolai will kill him if he finds out*

Reviewer: bana05 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 03:59 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

......and so it begins.  Nikolai is not a stupid man, I wouldn't be surprised if they were being watched.  His actions during the conversation with Sergei seemed to hint that he knew Sergei was feeling more than just a bodyguard to Sunshine.  I love this story!

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 03:16 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Oh Sergei baby you are so pushing it but you can't help it she is a good girl.

It was funny when Nikolai closed the door in Cilla's face he does not like to share HIS Sunshine does he.  :D

He brought her a calico kitten he is so sweet plus more jewel that he hasn't given her yet.

It has been a year and things are still going strong with her father gambling and not trying to get help.

Nothing on Darla this update wonderful cause I want that heffa to be far far away...but I know she is lurking somewhere in the background up to no good.

Ben wants to go to Spain and study abroad I love it I think it will be good for him.  He is though getting farther and farther away from Pop though does he ever have lunch with Ben or is it always with Sunny.  I did not like the fact that he upset her to the point of tears for talking about Nikolai that shows she is caring for him more and more but it is dangerous for Sergei to comfort her very dangerous.

Loved the update

Love the way Nikolai is with Sunny...I like Sergei but I still want her with Nikki is that crazy but he is so different with her...softer...more caring and loving.

Can't wait for the next update.


Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 02:14 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Oh Sergei, you're falling for her...silly boy my heart goes out to you. Jacob, what can I say about you...would you rater she be unhappy? I hate you trying to make her feel guilty about having feelings for Nikki. Get Help Now! Nikki Isn't stupid, I think he knows what's up with Sergei from that buisness of him looking at Him while speaking to Anatoly and the way he tilted his questions. He just doesn't see him as a threat since he knows Sunshine views him as a friend only...for now! Keep 'um coming! I adore your writing by the way, as always.

Reviewer: Dexxi a.k.a. Baby Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 01:41 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Loved it as usual Sergei should watch himself if Anatoly notices so will Nikki.

Reviewer: kiki Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 12:31 pm

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

After a year, Sunshine and Nikolai are a wonderful couple.  Nikolai is falling in love with her and she with him.

Her father is trying.  You got to admire that.  But he does not realize that Sunshine is falling in love with Nikolai.

And now with the tears, Sergei holds her. I think  he has forgotten himself.  He has to be careful.  Nikolai is a VERY OBSERVANT man.  He observes what is said and what is not said. 

And if Nikolai allows Sergei to go to college, too, we know that something will happen to Sunshine.  And unless Sergei risks his life to protect her from danger, I bet Nikolai will PERSONALLY beat Sergei within an inch of his life.  I think Nikolai would temporarily go crazy.  And I don't put it past Darla to help in trying to hurt Sunshine, especially as she learns about Sunshine and her father.  Darla does not seem very bright.  If she does anything that might lead to Sunshine getting hurt or frightened or anything, I think Nikolai would simply kill her.

Oh man, I just LOVE this story!!!!!!


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 11:46 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

I'm so tired of pop. He needs to man up. He sits in judgment of Sunny but continues to collect debt. He doesn't turn down the money she offers. Nor is he willing to give up gambling for his family. Sunny sacrifices have always been for her family. Despite all Nikki's possessiveness, he does care deeply for Sunny. I think what attacks him to her is her innate goodness. In a world surrounded by coldness she gives him peace. When he came back from Russia, he couldn’t wait to be back beside Sunny. When he gave her Flower, he showed she does matter to him. When her father creates debts, he tells her and gives her space. Five years of Sunny youth is being taking away from her due to her father’s destructiveness. As Anatoly has said, I doubt he will be able to give Sunny up. Whether Nikki says or not… Sunny has his HEART.


Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 11:20 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Nikolai is one sick, obsessed puppy. I believe he has honest feeling for sunshine, but boy is crazy. I can see how sunshine can develop a like for the lifestyle and even for him, since he caters to her needs and wants but if she's falling for him...i don't know if that's the best of ideas. Personally, i adore Sergei but it seems as if he's digging his own hole for disappointment and even more.

Reviewer: grumpirah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 09:15 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

I likee! Their bond is getting strong. I'm curious to see if either will be able to let go.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 08:46 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Sergei really thinks that he will be able to just pick Sunshine up after five years the way his brother picked up Darla.  He should listen to his brother, Nikolai has no intention of giving her up.  I understand his hate of the father is because he is in love with Sunshine and her father hurts her every month by not changing.  The other part of that has to be some self loathing because he is taking advantage of the situation.  Sunshine is falling her Niki, just not as fast as it seems he is faling for her.  I hope Sergei does not have to pay a heavy price for hugging Sunny.  I have to say that I am "Team Nikolai" and I hope he changes enoght to be worthy of her.

Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 07:05 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Her dad is hopeless

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 06:51 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Nikki loves him some sunshine and that little boy Sergei better watch himself b4 he gets his a$$ handed to him!

Reviewer: sjrucker Anonymous starstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 06:26 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

It's obvious that Sergei actually thinks he might get Sunshine once the 5 years is up. He is so wrong. Nikki will never let Sunshine go. And now Sergei has held Sunshine, I fear he will continue to take liberties that will get him killed eventually. I'm not feeling Nikki manipulation of Sunny by letting her know about her father's slipping. It's somewhat cruel. Sometimes, I think Sunshine loves Nikki and other times I think she's trying to make the best of a horrible situation. This story is addictive. Can't wait for the next installment. I hope Sunshine and Nikki find true happiness; not sure if it's with each other. The sex is definitely there; not sure about the love. I think Sunny was surprised that she missed Nikki while he was away. And I wonder if she's on the pill; 'cause they've been going at it hot and heavy. just sayin'. I'll wait and see what you have in store.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 06:20 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Her father makes a very good point with the caged bird poem (one of my favorites), but he's the reason she's in the situation that she's in...and she seems to care about Nikolai.

Sergei, listen to your brother.  Sunny doesn't see you like that.  If you're going to go to school, do it for you.  Now, he's touched her.  Oh, lord, this does not bode well.  I can't wait to see what happens next.

Reviewer: Chaynetv Signed [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 06:04 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

Hopefully that tenative yes turns into a real one:) sergei should become a lawyer or something super badass like a undercover FBI agent to bring down Nikolai hahahaha. Ggood update!

Reviewer: EvaJaye Signed [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 06:04 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

wow that father is still a mean s.o.b treating his daughter like she did something wrong. she wasn't the one that  force you to make bad choice you did and now she  doing this for you. I like that ninkio got her  a kitten for  as gift how sweet is that. glad that sergie was there when she cry but like his brother said he  going down a path  that going to hurt him emotial or phisycal. love the story girl the charters each chapter is great. and thanks for the updated and have a  merry  christmas.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 05:43 am

Title: You know I tell the truth... We are just the same

I may lose my mind if I have to wait until after Xmas, but I'm glad she has someone to help her get through this mess.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/12/09 05:25 am

Title: The places you've been ...The things you have learned ...They sit with you so beautifully

Onimosity,  this chapter drew me in as usual.  You have amazing skills and I look forward to the next update.

Reviewer: Proudly African Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 14/12/09 07:06 pm

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