Reviews For Beast
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Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

really enjoy the story. thanks!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 09:40 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Oh God! Dad is going to hook up with Darla.  I didn't think Anatoly was out to double cross Nikolai he just wanted to get with Darla.  Sunshine is still just putting a friend vibe out to Sergei, but he's defintely feeling more. Trouble ahead!

I'm glad Sunshine told Nikolai what she wanted and not just agree with what he wanted. Their relationship is going to be hard to form anyway. but if Sunshine holds back she'll defintely lose her inner happiness. I still love them together and I am lovin this story. Thanks for the update.

Reviewer: Tootall Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 09:32 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Hmm, goody goody good. Sergei and Sunny, Sunny and Sergei, sigh, your muse is trying to get my little one killed. LMAO!! I love how she always includes him, it shows her compassion for others. She doesn't have to care that would have to sit in a hot car waiting on her for hours, but she does.

I loved how Niki handled Pops, everything he told him was the truth, and Pops knows it. The ending was very interesting, I can't even imagine what scheme Darla's going to concoct when she finds out who he is.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 09:26 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Yep, I think it is clear that Nikolai is falling in love with Sunshine.  He can deny her nothing.  However, I hope he never learns about Sam giving her a good-bye kiss.  It was only between friends, but Nikolai will not take it that way, nor will he be happy that Sergei never told him.

I am addicted to this story. LOL.  I can hardly wait for the next Update.


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 08:33 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Oh, Sergei.  I'm loving him so much, but I'm about to strange him because he's making me so nervous.  And you know the ending to this last update is just evil.

Ah, and where I first found the link to this story -- Karnythia's LJ.  I'm not on her flist, but I do occasionally lurk there.

Reviewer: H Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 08:20 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

My god, woman, you are writing your ass off! Best chapter yet! Keep it up, keep it up!

Reviewer: DarkDecember Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 07:49 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Great chapter.  I was very proud of Nik in this chapter.  This is new territory to him and Sunny is right.  Nik is going to have to trust Sunshine if he want them to work past the 5 years together. Can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: Reeshemah Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 07:35 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Loved the update. My heart goes out to pops as he's a little too late but at least he's trying. Hopefully he'll get his act together eventually. Nikki is a toughie ,hopes he continues to give Sunny his trust and not be so insecure.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 07:34 am

Title: Cling to me.

He's so disappointing as a father.

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 07:33 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Another great update and very intriguing, You are the best.

Reviewer: karen Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 07:25 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

That was excellent!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 07:21 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

oh crap pops meet the nut case woman darla lol. i like how nickio handle her father he desver it and  sergie is getting close  and that not good lol he going to get hurt emotila or physcial lol. thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 07:15 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Mwha, ha, ha indeed.

First, nice try, Jacob, but no cigar. Boy, did Nicholai have his number. I give him credit for being sober, but he hasn't done crap until he stops gambling and he knows that.

I know that Sunny must be very lonely at the house. She seems to have found a friend in Priscilla and she seems to be developing one with Sergei too, which under normal circumstances would be good, but befriending Sergei is dangerous as evident by Nicholai's reaction to her friendship with Sam.

Of all the neighborhood bars in town, Jacob, the unlucky, would hit pay dirt stepping into the one where Darla works. I sense trouble ahead!!! Brilliant touch!!!

P.S. I love this story!!!!

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 07:13 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

OMG! You're right, this chapter is the darkest. Nikolai's posessiveness could easily slip into obsesseion.  I hope he can pull that in.  Otherwise all the extra time Sunshine spends with Sergei could get him killed.  While I'm glad Jacob finally stepped up to the plate as a father, he needs more time to get stronger before he can really help her.  I do like the way Sunshine in still standing up for herself and reminding Nikolai that she has given up so much, that he has to give some as well.  Priscilla is going to be a great friend to her.

Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 06:59 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

<i>She puts the coffee cup down in front of him. “Call me Darla, just Darla.”</i>

Oh fudge.

Reviewer: Leo Princess Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 06:57 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Jacob was one sentence short of a serious beatdown. I actually agree with Nikki on this one...If Jacob had realizedd his daughter true worth ,..she would not be living with Nikki now..he would never have let her sale her self to save him. Now because he is sober for a few weeks but still gambling he thinks he can get on a payment plan with the man who he gave his family away too. I do appreciate the respect and care Niki does have for Sunshine. He would not let Jacob accidentally disrespect her , even by insinuation.

I like that Sunshine stood up for herself and it paid off. She knows his dark side somewhat but even afraid she confronts him..that is strong and brave of her!!

Again Sergei is playing with fire..Sunshine will not risk her family for him but I just hope he does not do anything stupid either.

I think Priscilla can be a close friend and advocate for Sunny and good friend!

Keep going muse..I am loving this story more and more!!Great job sweetie!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 06:45 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Thanks for the update.  I liked seeing a jealous Nikolai and I like the fact that he changed his mind and allowed her to go to the party.  Sunshine has gotten under his skin in a good way.

Sergie better watch his back, he is getting to cozy with Nikolai's Sunshine.  Sunshine means well but Sergie know better than to try and be buddy buddy with her when it is obvious he has feelings for her. 

You just had to have Jacob meet Darla.  I know she is going to come up with some ill advised plan that Jacob will do to try and get his daughter back.  Jacob is a day late and 30K short to try to be a protective father.  I got a feeling he is going to make things worse.  I can't wait for the next update to see how this drama is going to unfold.

Reviewer: Uni Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 06:42 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Great update

Reviewer: indycoolchick Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 06:37 am

Title: With your child's eyes ... You are more than you seem

Uh-oh. Nikolai is making enemies left and right and Sunny's not in love enough to try to buy his safety.  He'd better watch it before her Daddy gets it together enough to form a posse.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 06:29 am

Title: When I'm cold inside...You are warm and bright

I love how this story is flowing so nicely....

It took his daughter & son leaving for Jacob to come to his sences.  I do hope that he follow through the program for his children's sake.


Keep the chapters coming. 

Reviewer: Jana Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 05:47 am

Title: Who they are

I am falling in love with this story!

Seems like sergei might get in trouble pretty soon with his secret crush. Nikki better watch out!

I think sunny is warming up to nikki though, I cant wait to see what happens next.
Keep up the good work girl!
Listen to that muse :]

Reviewer: Wow! Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 04:27 am

Title: When I'm cold inside...You are warm and bright

I'm really enjoying this story. This is another wonderful chapter. I hope that Sunshine's dad gets the help to make him better. And of course I have to add yet again how cute Nikki and Sunny are. They make me feel warm inside. Looking forward to another update. Thanks.

Reviewer: KAREN Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 03:49 am

Title: When I'm cold inside...You are warm and bright

Awesome update. So glad Pops is taking that step to get some help. Sunny and Nikki seem to be getting closer. Seems like Sergei has a seceret crush on Sunshine. Darla is a peace of work. Thank you for updating have a great weekend.

Reviewer: Paw Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 02:24 am

Title: When I'm cold inside...You are warm and bright

I really love this story Nikki and Sunshine rocks.It also appears that Sunshine has some Alpha in her she is the one calling the shots when it comes to sex.



Reviewer: Paula Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 01:10 am

Title: When I'm cold inside...You are warm and bright

I am so rooting for Nikki and Sunshine.  I would be so upset if there is not a happy ending.  There has to be a happy ending.

Reviewer: Gypsi Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/12/09 01:06 am

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