Reviews For Beast
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Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I starts are Sunny's journey. It is obvious Sergei is falling for her (hard) but so is Nikki. I am worried about the closeness of these two. I know Sunny will not do anything to endanger her lil brother even if she falls for Sergei ..but I am worried about Nikki perceived deception. When he sees them in those pictures together during the vacation , he is sure to to get the wrong impression. Will he make our Sunny run or will he hurt Sergei...I am worried about them both.

It made sad that she is giving up so much (and unselfishly I might say, no complaints at all) and her stinkin daddy could not even be there to say good bye to his daughter, to hug her and tell her thank you and let her know that although he was less than a man , he owed her his life (literally)...yet she still left him half her money and told him they loved him..that just broke my heart for her.

I just wish she was older and had a childhood and young adult hood before Nikki ruined it all. Maybe she will change him..maybe he will want to be a better man for her,,maybe she will even grow to love him..I just want after all the dust settles..for her to be happy and safe and Benji too!

I have a Christmas wish I posted on the updt with Sunny having a Christmas filled with all her desires and one of the happiest she has ever experienced..that would be nice.

You are doing such a fantastic job with this story sweetie..excellent!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/12/09 12:40 am

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

How could Pops forget. I hope he gets the help he so desperatley needs. Wonder if Sergei is falling for Sunshine> Awesome chapter. Look forward to reading more.

Reviewer: Paw Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/12/09 12:37 am

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

I like all the characters in this story except the father. He could either get help and change his life for his children or he could die from alcohol poisin. I personally perfer he die but thats me.

Reviewer: guitarlovechild Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 11:22 pm

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

Poor Sunny. Just...poor Sunny is all I have for this one. She's had to grow up so fast. And for her father to still be such a mess after all this time. Ugh. Great job at making me want to hug her and shake him.

Reviewer: Karnythia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 10:24 pm

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

I love it....It is a great story and I am checking every time I am on the computer, which is everyday...all day:-)

Please keep it coming. 

Reviewer: babygirl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 10:16 pm

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

such a sad chapter! sergei is adorable  want one of my own! he couldn't ride a bike! so endearing! and Anatolay is wrong! sergei doesn't deserve a whore he deserves a good girl! maybe Nikolai will actually let him go to school with sunshine and he can get a degree and run away with sunshine hahahaha great story :)

Reviewer: EvaJaye Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 09:42 pm

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

Loved the update. Glad Sunny and Benji had some time together before these new changes in their lives occur. Sergei seems so innocent, hope he stays on the right path and doesn't cross Nikolai with Sunny.

I know  Nikolai is gansta but I'm liking Sunny for him. Anyway, looks like she and Priscilla are getting along ok which is good. Wow, now that she's in her new home, can't wait to see what happens from here. Hope pop gets the message and gets himself some help.

Reviewer: baha_malo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 09:39 pm

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

your story is amazing and i can only believe that it is only going to get better :)

Reviewer: kell369 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 09:32 pm

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

I hope she can be turly happy one day. Sergei is skating on dangerous ground. He needs to get rid of that picture because if Nikolai finds it there is going to be hell to pay. I was thinking she might develop feelings for Sergei but it doesn't look that way at least for now. Priscilla sounds like a sweet little lady maybe she'll be her sounding board!! Wonderful update.


Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 09:12 pm

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

I just LOVE this story!!

cant wait for the next update.

Reviewer: tmrwslove Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 08:44 pm

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

If THIS doesn't convince Pops to get the help he needs and save his daughter, nothing will.


Sunny's a better person than I am. I would have written him off a long time ago.

Reviewer: Leo Princess Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 08:31 pm

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

wow it so nice the bond these two have the trip her making sure her brother has a good life nice. lol i like nikco made her laugh  how about a go kart lol. love the story girl and  thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 08:28 pm

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

That was an emotional update at least for me.

Sergei is falling in love with Sunny.

I think Nikolai is also falling in love with Sunny.

Priscilla likes Sunny I can tell already but what's not to like.  She's a good girl and her brother is a good boy.

Sunny left her selfish father $4000 dollars and told him that she and Ben loves him and to get help I wonder will he or will he just gamble the $4000.00 away.

Anatoly recognizes that Sunny is a good girl I didn't think he would I thought he had a low opinion of all women I am glad to see I was wrong and he also recognizes that his brother is falling for Sunny.

Sunny is trying to make a situation she does not wish to be in bearable I admire her strenght and intelligence and I know she will do well.  Yeah! Is Nikki consider her boyfriend now?

Love the story thanks for the update more please.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 08:18 pm

Title: Cling to me.

*groans* Pops was the 'special' student at school, wasn't he?

Reviewer: Leo Princess Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 07:57 pm

Title: Cling to me.

I Love this story so much.  I really appreciate you updating regularly.  I can't wait to come home from work and see an update. 

Thank you.

Reviewer: Raven Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 03:35 am

Title: Cling to me.

This story is fire. Can't wait for more. Poor Sunshine and Benji. They have a poor excuse for a father. Wonder what will happen in the eight weeks Nikolai has to wait before Sunshine moves in. Should be interesting.

Reviewer: Happy2bNappy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 02:30 am

Title: Cling to me.

There is something about the sacrifice Sunsgine is amking for her family that is very mature, brave but extremely sad. Even if she does develop feeling for Nikki and he gives her all the things she wants, it is by force not choice that this child is giving up her youth for the man almost twice her age. Nikki would be a lot sexier to me if Sunshine was 25 years old and this was her choice. That being said I do not see Nikki as the Beast as much as I see her self centered pitiful father as the Beast..that would allow his beautiful young daughter to sacrifice so much because he us not man enough to a real parent. I hope he redeems himself or mets the end he deserves.

I hope Benji grows up to appreciate all his sister is doing for him. He loves her so much and he apparently adores him and shes herself as his only provider and parent. She is giving up so much for him and her dad,

I do not see this thing ending well with Nikki and Sunshine because it is not starting off on equal standing. She is his captive with only limited feedom. I know even if she does not at some point he will be jealous and she may have to run,,I only wonder what will happen to make that a reality.

I just want Sunshine and Benji to end ths in good shape..I know there will be angst and fear but plz don't let this wonderful mature little girl end up on the bad end of all this..she deserves it least!!

I love this story sweetie...and you are doing an awesome job writing it!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 01:18 am

Title: Cling to me.

Great update!  I am really enjoying this story.  I can't wait to read what happens next.  I love the dynamic relationship that Nikolai and Sunny have.  Do you plan to fast forward the story or cover the entire five years?  Also, will there be a pregnancy in the future?  Just curious for any spoilers.  Again, great writing and I can't wait for more.

Reviewer: K. Brown Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/12/09 12:20 am

Title: Cling to me.

wow i see the father is still you know what. i like she slept in his jacket and it good he going to let her spend time with her brother  before everything else happen. i think sunshine will rub off on him in a very good way. thanks for the updated love the story i'm hook to this lol.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/12/09 10:06 pm

Title: Cling to me.

Loved the latest chapters.  Sunshine is a lot more mature than her age.  Nikolai has really fallen for her and I don't think he'll let her go so easily.

I look forward to the next update.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/12/09 09:10 pm

Title: Cling to me.

I love how Sunshine is trying to make things better for her and her brother, just sorry this is the route she has to take. Benji is more of a man than his dad is that's for sure!  Thanks for another wonderful update!!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/12/09 08:59 pm

Title: Wild is the Wind

I thought you did an excellent job on your first "sex" scene. Enjoyed the update!!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/12/09 08:49 pm

Title: Cling to me.

Great update!  I think for such a young person Sunshine is very mature, its a pity the father doesn't realise he needs to stop drinking and get it together to save his daughter.  Anyway l wait for the next chapter with anticipation.

Reviewer: Proudly African Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/09 08:24 pm

Title: Cling to me.

I love this story, damn i am absolutely hooked. i cant wait 4 the next chapter. excelent story and great update

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/12/09 07:13 pm

Title: Cling to me.

Awesome, awesome update!!! I absolutely loved it. My heart goes out to Sunny as she's trying to make the best out of the situation handed to her while looking out for Benji.

Her dad, I just don't know what to say about him, but he has a serious gambling problem and in face of losing everything he still hasn't gotten his act together. His children have to loose their childhood and grow up faster and he still losing himself in the bottle. Just so sad.

Nikki really seems into Sunny and it seems she's into him too. I hope they can make it work. Hmm, I just wondered if she'll be able to accomplish her goals as she has planned. I hope so. I also was curious if a lil Nikki was in the works as they didn't use any protection despite her being on the pills. That would definitely make for an interesting twist.

Hope Nikki allows her the space she requested to spend time with her brother and doesn't smuther her by being too controlling. Nikki locks like he has trust issues which I hope he gets a handle on. Would he ever try to become legit??? Excellent story so far. Hope love rules at the end of the day.

Reviewer: baha_malo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/12/09 06:40 pm

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