Reviews For Beast
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Title: Wild is the Wind

hmm, i hope sunshine doesn't lose herself in this new 'lifestyle'.

Reviewer: grumpirah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 02:03 pm

Title: Wild is the Wind

Great update. Nicolai and Sunny make a  wonderful couple.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 01:33 pm

Title: Wild is the Wind

Omg, I love this story! I'm excited to see how this story unfolds-I think it may be different from what I expected. I love sexy!! The sex scene was very good, it didn't seem like it was the first you've ever written. I'm so pleased their date went well. I cannot wait to see the relationship between Sunshine and Nikolai develop. Great job!

Reviewer: Tammy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 12:16 pm

Title: Wild is the Wind

They are good together.

Reviewer: yummy954 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 11:36 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

I don't know how I missed this one until now -- but your characterizations are amazing. I am loving what you're doing with Sunshine. She's a mix of sass, strength, vulnerability, heartbreak, and wisdom beyond her years (sometimes all in the same scene!) and you blend those transitions together beautifully.

I can't wait to read what happens next, and even better, I can't guess what happens next. Thank you!

Reviewer: ellendare Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 10:52 am

Title: Wild is the Wind


I hope she's on birth control. And that he used a condom with the ex. That's pretty much my major concern with the sex scene though, otherwise it was well done.

Reviewer: Karnythia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 08:46 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

I was so happy that you updated again today, that I had to do a double take. :D I was like NO WAY!! LOL 

I can only assume from the conversations and the fact that she's already gone to prom that she will be graduating within a few weeks? From the last chapter, I assumed it would be while before they had sex, because of the "I'm not the type of girl" comment. He did sort of sweep her off her feet in that chapter, so it's kind of understandable. You didn't do to bad with the sex scene, and I know from experience that they can be torture. I would concentrate on Sonny's dialogue during sex, because there was a line or two that came off a little cheesy.

I don't know if you're going to do a time jump with this fic, but it almost feels like at some point you're going to,  unless you intend to write this story for years. From the moment you started this story, and the set up throughout (Sergei being new, the terms, etc) it feels like this is telling how Niki and Sonny begin, but will show them at some poing years later. Then again, this fic could progress through time by months rather than jumping years? This story has a lot going for it, and it will take some time and planning to get it told evenly, but I'm sure you'll do great. :D

Thanks for updating so soon, I'm looking forward to the next one. 

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 08:17 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

Wonderful!!! I love this story!!

Sunny is very mature and level-headed for only eighteen years old. I'm glad that her mother was such a great influence in her life before she died. While she has no source of guidance to confer with now, with that waste of space of a father, she has so many memories and words of wisdom from her mother to guide her.

Nickolai seems willing to and reasonable in negotiating with Sunshine. From Darla we see that he can also be generous. It's not a bad arrangement, however, any hints of jealousy will be 100 times worse, now that he has claimed Sunny as his own. Damn, that girl will not be able to chat with Sam or any other male friend or study partner even in a crowded quad. That will be problematic.

Missy, if this was your first love scene, I have to say that I'm impressed. There was something sensual and seductive about the entire date leading up to them having sex in the limo. I think they have feelings for each other within and outside of the arrangement.

I'm looking forward to reading more.

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 08:09 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

Wow. Sunny is quite a negotiator. I like that.

 I also like that she is diligently trying to protect Benji. Her father will soon rue the day he chose greed over his children.

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 07:25 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

i heart sergei! he's my fave character so far!!! i wish him and sunshine would get together! Nikolai disgusts me hahahaha

Reviewer: EvaJaye Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 06:31 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

Keep doing your damn thing. I love this story. Sunshine might only be 18 but her mother raised a very smart daughter who wants to live life on her own terms. Her mother taught her not to count on her beauty to make it through life. Sunshine has depth to her which is what attracts Nikki to her and she is determined to get her education and has goals for her life as well as her brother. Sunshine isnt materialistic and I like how she doesnt back down to Nikki as she calls him. I like how she requires him to do certain things.

Sunshine is bring light to his dark world.

Reviewer: pokerdiva01 Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 06:22 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

Oh, I forgot.  Can we get another picture of Nikolai.  His is the only photo that is a side shot.  Everyone else is full frontal.  I am liking Nikolai...I like to see his whole face.



Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 06:14 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

Great chapter, sex scene was hot and you id great! Wonder if these 2 are going to fall for eadh other!! The chemistry is defiantly there!! Dont trust Anatoly, something about him. Look forward to reading more.

Reviewer: Paw Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 06:12 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

Okay, who said, "Yes, I think I'm yours."  Was it Sunshine or Nikolai, or both?

I loved this Update. Nikolai is having to adjust almost as much as Sunshine is.  Whis is only fair.  And Anatoly smirks a lot; Nikolai does not seem to like it.  He does better with Sergei.

And the evening was VERY romantic.  I am proud of Nikolai.  And he actually bought the pendant necklace that she wore.  I think he surprised himself. LOL.

And the love scene...WOW!!  It may be your first, but it sure did not read like a first.  It was GREAT! 

I am very glad for your muse.  I can hardly wait for the next Update.  I really like Sunshine and Nikolai together.  They make a wonderful couple.  But he does have a problem is he going to share her with her NYU? 

Her father was sleeping on the couch after drinking all there any way to get him to turn himself around.  Otherwise, he appears to be a walking deadman.

Please Update soon.


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 06:12 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

I'm so sorry for sleeping on this story! It's great!  Bring on the next chapter!

Also, Sergei is a sweetie...can we get him some chocolate to love?

Reviewer: Chaynetv Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 06:00 am

Title: Who they are

I WANT NIKOLAI! He really wants a relationship, I think.

Reviewer: Rapture Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 05:44 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

For your first attempt at a sex scene, I thought it was very good although the changing of tenses was a bit distracting. Still loved it. You have talent girlfriend. I have a bad feeling about Anatoly.

Reviewer: Happy2bNappy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 05:36 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

I really like this story! Very original. Keep up the good work. I can't wait until the next chapter. 

Reviewer: gi_gi_chan Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 05:23 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

That was deep and she is opening up to him I think if not I don't think she could have given herself so freely to him even if he made her feel good.

This is a great story and I don't think that Nikolai is going to escape this relationship with his heart in tack.  I think he is going to fall for her and fall for her hard.  Though there is a big age gap I think Sunny is the one that is gong to be able to tame the Beast so to speak.

I did not hear anything about protection so I take it that Sunny is on birth control pills. :D

Great job...more please more

Thank you.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 05:15 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

Ok now Miss Sunshine..that was very hawt and she had no problem with initiating it and driving Niki crazy!!

I am sure she has him locked up...but can she change him to a decent man! I adores her it is plain to see but what about her feelings..she has been handling the business portion of this like an expert...I believe business wise and for her family she will get the best pat of this but can her heart separate business from from affection and love...I am not sure..I Nikki will have some major problems letting her go but will she even want to leave!

I am loving this story sweetie...I hope your muse brought a large suitcase cause we don't ever want her to leave!!Awesome job!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 05:09 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

I really enjoyed this chapter.

Reviewer: indycoolchick Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 05:08 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

dam girl are you trying to have me sweat out my perm lol that was hot . very good for you first time i like he took her to a opher  the jewerly and how his face light up when he see her and when he took the time to pick out something for her. they make a great couple she bring different side out of him. thanks for the updated. love love the story.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 04:47 am

Title: Wild is the Wind

well milady thanks for another great update.  I like the chemistry between Nikki and Sunshine/ I might with some wotk they can have a great relationship. Can't wait for the next update

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 04:34 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

I'm really liking Sunshine in this story. She's backed into a corner against her will, but she's going to live with it on her terms. That girl has a great head on her shoulders (must get that from her mother). Great idea getting her brother away from her father. She may have to make a deal with the devil to do it, but at least her brother won't get much of a chance to absorb his father's maturity (or lack thereof).

As for her father...*sigh* i see he's adding alcoholism to his list of addictions. Sunshine made her demands at the right time.

Reviewer: Leo Princess Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 04:13 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

Hey, I came here on a rec from karynthia, and this was really good. My only niggle is the fact that you keep changing tenses (from present to past) and it throws me out a bit. But I liked it, the Russian mobster, and Sunshine being good, but not a Sue if it makes sense. 

Reviewer: jazzypom Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 03:54 am

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