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Title: We are creatures of the wind

i like sergei

Reviewer: grumpirah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 01:48 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

Wow I don't know who I'm cheering for. Sergei is young and unknowledgable, but also sweet. Then there is Nikolai, the mob boss himself. He shows the ablity to be loving. Oh who am I shitting, I'm rooting for Nikolai. Keep up the good work and just don't kill Sergei or Nikolai.

Reviewer: guitarlovechild Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 01:29 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

I like the way this story is developing.  Sunshine is learning to stand up for herself, even to Nikolai.  A strong-minded heroine.  Sergei is still a sweetheart.  And though Nikolai can be a bad ass, I like him so far.  Anatoly is trying to put Darla in his pocket or vice versa.  Will that effect Nikolai and Sunshine's relationship?  And I also like how Sunshine thinks of her brother's future.  Is there anything she can do for dad.  She will be gone and so will Benji.  Her father is already drinking.  If she doesn't think of something, he may drink himself to death.

Good story...great Update.  Can't wait for more....


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 01:17 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

I am so loving this story.  I love Sunny she is so smart, witty, and a take charge kind of girl.

I like that she went in and made her demands for herself and her brother.  I seriously think that Nikolai could fall in love with her not just want to own and possess her but I also think that Sergei is falling for her and therefore lies a problem it would seem.

I see that Nikolai has good qualities and I am drawn to his strongness...his Alpha but Sergei is so sweet and observous and would be a very attenative boyfriend not saying that Nikolai would but then again maybe he would because he is a busy man.

I know that Priscilla is going to love Sunny and I love that Sunny asked for her own room, asked for him to take her on a date to the opera and asked the any gifts that come from him come from him truly and not his flunkies.  I like that she demands her props she is doing this for her family well her brother and her future why not do it on her "FEET" I love how smart and determined she is for such a young age but she has had to be with the kind of father she has.

I hope that she gets to see her brother on a regular base like for x-mas and during other holidays and if things turn out better at the fortress Nikolai calls home.  

Thank you for the update I so need another one please.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 01:01 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

ok i'm glad she stand her ground with him most girl like me proably skaing in her boots but she let him know who she is and what she expects. very well written now  i see hot mobster can be sweet when he wanted to be i think she brings that out on him and it nice to see that. it just sad what she going thu with her father you think he wise up a little but then bam he does something crazy. thanks for the updated.  love the story i'm adddicted to it lol.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 12:43 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

I liked that she set the terms for their arrangement, and she's making him work for her. LOL I'm so confused as to what is going to happen. It's clear that Sergei is going to fall for her, but unclear as to whether it will be reciprocated. I get the feeling that there's a part of Sunny that likes Nikolai, then again she could also fall for Sergei, since they will be spending lots of time together in the future.

 I'm 99.9% sure that Nikolai's going to fall in love with her, and if that happens things will get truly interesting. Although, maybe if she does fall in love with Sergei and Nik finds out, he may just let them go. I only say that, because he's a man who's never been in love and if he learns to love, then maybe he will stick to his word leave the light in Sunny's life. If kills Sergei then he will kill Sunny. 

This story is all kinds of interesting, and I really like the pace. Although if you're not going to update everyday, youy may not want to give every miniscule detail.

Thanks for updating.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 12:20 am

Title: Who they are

I love this story soo much so far. I do not want Sunny to lose the attitude that she has. I love how you did something different with this story. I love how you took the main character and made them use the power that they normally have over the person who wants them, instead of making Sunny bend to his will, you let her see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I was wondering if Nikolai is her lover or Sergei? The person who she is going to fall in love with?

Reviewer: Rapture Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 12:17 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

I like it and I love how she looks out for her brother first!!

Reviewer: indycoolchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 12:15 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

Wonderful update. Seems Nicolai may already be a little in love with Sunny. Already he is making concessing for her that he has not made with his other women.

As for Anatoly, I don't trust me.I feel like he's plotting and waiting for Nicolai to slip up.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/12/09 12:14 am

Title: We are creatures of the wind

Just read all of the chapters and I have to say for you first time all were very good and highly entertaining. Loved what Pirsical said to Darla and her slapping Darla!! Loved What Sunny said to her father, when he said how long instead of dont go. Sunny has spunk and so smart for someone so young. I see the short time she had her mother that she taugh Sunny a lot!! I want to hate Sunny's dad but I think he is doing enough of that himself.So far you are doing an oustanding job and I have a feeling it will continue to be a very good read.

Reviewer: Paw Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 11:41 pm

Title: We are creatures of the wind

Sunny is such a strong girl.  More important, her mother who is no longer alive, gave her daughter alot of wisdom in the short time she had with her.  I love that knowing she could not avoid going to Nikolai she decided that she would go on her terms.  The terms were so smart.  It looks like Pop is taking up the bottle full time and getting Benji out of the house as much as possible was awesome.  I thought Nik was falling for her in earlier chapters, but I'm sure is is now.  I love this story.  Nice update.

Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 11:29 pm

Title: We are creatures of the wind

Love the story. Looking forward to reading more. I love the character development. Great job.

Reviewer: pokerdiva01 Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 10:54 pm

Title: We are creatures of the wind

Ms. Sunshine is no push over weakling..I like that very much. She may be 18 but she is more mature than may 30yr olds. She knows he wil take her and it will either be on her terms or his..I like that she is making it on her terms.

I think Nik is so going to fall in love with our Sunshine but I also think Segei will will be interesting to see who will win her heart and what they will be willing to do to capture it!

I love how you are weaving this story is excellent!!I can barely wait for more!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 10:41 pm

Title: We are creatures of the wind

Awesome update. Wow, Sunny sure making some demands. I think Nikolai likes her more than he's admitting to himself, seeing that he gave into them.  Sergei also seems to like her but I'm hoping only as a friend for now as he seems innocent himself. Sunny sure is standing up for herself and making sure her brother is taken care of. Hope Nikolai can appreciate that. Who knows??? Maybe Sunny can make a positive influence on Nikolai's life and show him how to love deeply.

Reviewer: baha_malo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 10:38 pm

Title: Who they are

This has become one of my all time TC favorites.

I think Sunshine is such a likeable character, and Nikolai loves her already, despite the fact that he doesn't realize it. Darla is such a bucket, and I can't wait until she finds out that she's not only been replaced by a much younger woman, but also one that is so different from her. 

Fantastic job, and keep up the great work. 

Reviewer: Delaney Jacobs Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 09:45 pm

Title: We are creatures of the wind

That was an excellent chapter!

I felt so sorry for Sunny when her dad didn't try to stop her from making the arrangement with Nikolai.  Sunny has bounced back to make this work for her and still keep her dignity.  I hope Sergei doesn't fall for Sunny as Nikolai would kill him. 

I can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 09:43 pm

Title: We are creatures of the wind

XLNT update! I'm intrigued, definitely....I think Sunny is trying to make this as much as a normal relationship as she can to take away the feeling of beeing Nikos involuntary conkubine. I think this is very smartly done by her. I also think she would never have agreed if she thought she'd have to sleep with someone she wasn't attracted to. She does not have this problem I think. I'm curious about the rest of their terms and conditions though. Keep 'em coming!

Reviewer: Baby a.k.a. Dexxi Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 09:37 pm

Title: Who they are

I really dislike her father, but he's part of the reason Sunshine is who she is. Even with all of his mistakes (and just down right stupidity) she's willing to trade herself to protect her family, him included. That speaks volumes about her character.

I'm waiting on Darla and Anatoly to start some trouble. Because you just know they will. Darla's spiteful and Anatoly's probably harboring some sort of jealousy towards Nikolai. Why else would he sleep with Darla? 

I love this story. ;) Keep up the good work! 

Reviewer: Giselle Simone Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 09:35 pm

Title: We are creatures of the wind

awesome story. i really like it and where it's going. but i feel bad for sergei. he just seems so sad. i know sunshine isn't supposed to end up with him, but it would be nice if he found love or some sort of happiness. update soon

Reviewer: rissaspieces Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 09:33 pm

Title: We are creatures of the wind

He wants her, he gaveher everything she asked for. Antoly and Darla they are going to give them trouble. I like how she is trying to protect her brother. Great update!!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 09:26 pm

Title: We are creatures of the wind

This story is the bomb! I love it. I'm a bit worried for Sergei's sake. He may end up falling for Sunshine and get himself killed. Or maybe if Nikolai casts Sunshine aside, Sergei will be there to 'comfort' her. I hope your muse continues to kick your butt because this is definitely one of the best stories on the Chamber.

Reviewer: Happy2bNappy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 09:18 pm

Title: We are creatures of the wind

I am in love with the set up for this story. There are places I think you could use a good beta, but overall this is excellent.

Reviewer: Karnythia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 08:44 pm

Title: With your kiss my life begins

Darla's a mess. I feel that she will cause problems for Sunny down the road.

But what really had me grinning was the maid. When she said--

“Something I learned from Mr. Andreovich: The feet you step on on your way up belong to the asses you kiss on your way down.” Priscilla slapped her and Darla fell hard to the ground. She held her cheek in shock. “You should have acted like a lady and maybe you’d still be here.” Priscilla turned on her heel and led her army away.

 Those words are so true. What attracts Nikolai to Sunny is her humaness. There a sparkle in her her eye that Darla lacks. Sunny ia also compassinate, something Darla lacked. Although Nikolai doesn't know it yet, I feel Sunny has the upperhand.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 05:39 pm

Title: With your kiss my life begins

That damn daddy!  I think Sunshine was still going to do what Nikolai wanted, but she wanted her father to at least say not to so she could feel a little hope. I hope Sergei will only be a friend for Sunshine because if not, I see major trouble.

I love this story and I hope your muse stays for a long time.

Reviewer: Tootall Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 12:37 pm

Title: With your kiss my life begins

OMG!!! I am so tired of her father that is a selfish SOB...He ruined her mother's life with his schemes and get rich quick ideas.

He selfishly wanted to hock the bracelet since he would not get enough at the pawn to go and gamble it away because that is surely what he would have done.

Then when she tells him that Nikolai wants her to be his until all his debt and any occurring debt is payed he says for how long...then he doesn't understand why she is upset.  Like she said she is the only one in this looking out for herself and Benji cause she definitely can't depend on her father. 

Nikolai said he would not break her well I would say he is off to a pretty good start but I have faith in our girl that she is strong and will make it thru.

Darla I can see right now it going to be problems for Sunny...I don't know how and I don't know when but I think she is going to be a problem that is if Sunny takes the alternative....which in this case I can't see her not doing so because again like she said there are other lives at stake other then her father's now.  She can't even take the bracelet pawn it and make a run for it.  Nikolai has gotten her in his sights now and I don't see him being a man giving up so easily.

Sergei is a sweetie I hope he is careful with Sunny I see him falling for her you see how anger Nikolai got when he thought that she had touch him.

At least Sunny can continue her education but she has to come back to him every night. I wonder will he move Benji in as well so she can at least have contact with her brother as for her father at this point in time I don't care cause he has a problem and he has drug his family down with him.

I can't wait for the next update which I hope is soon.

Thanks for sharing.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 10:48 am

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