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Title: You Touch Me


Damn! Nikolai  don't play around when it comes to something that he wants and he said he hates to wait but he has decided to give her a week...

Why is it when he said he wanted a kiss that I just knew it was going to be south of the border.

Goodness gracious this man is hot and dangerous and scary to boot.  I hope baby girl knows what she is getting herself into and daddy dearest bet not show any kind of stupidness.

Nikolai said that as long as her dad incurred debt and he pay for that debt then she was his.  I would tell daddy dearest to cut the shyte quick like and in a hurry.

This was a great update and this is a great story.

Thank you for sharing.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 10:04 am

Title: Satisfy this Hungriness

Oh I like so very much so far. 

What does "dyrka glupaja" mean?

Nikolai does not seem like a very nice man but I guess business is business.

Ok, her father is a straight dumbass that is all I have to say about that one. 

When they were handing out common sense he was too occupied with playing craps to get in the line.  Hell he should have been in that line twice.

He is suppose to be taking care of his children not the other way around. 

Loved the update and story going to

Thanks for sharing.

Author's Response:

So sorry it took me forever to respond to this. I had the translation and lost it but if I'm remembering correctly, dyrka glupaja is like a silly, little girl.

 Thank you for all your kind reviews! 

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 08:49 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

HOT HOT HOT!!!  i love the casting, the story, EVERYTHING!!!

Reviewer: idriveavitz Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 08:23 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

I heart Sergei, he's such a sweet heart. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this story is going to go. The ending was sad, the poor thing started her day on a happy note and has ended it on a sad one. I had a feeling that her father wouldn't get upset about her whoring herself out to pay his debt.

I like the pace of the story, it's not rushed or two slow. You seems to be more focused on unfolding the plot than giving the audience cheap thrills. I think when this story really gets going it will take off. 

Thanks updating!

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 08:10 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

I'm in love with this tale of yours Onimosity! I thought it was going to be this sappy, schmaltzy deal but lo and behold....It's got grit! When Papa Jones said "for how long" my heart broke in time with Sunny's. I don't know how a man can become such that he would no longer feel enough shame to at least pretend is daughter isn't for sale. I have a feeling Darla Isn't gonna take rejection lying down. Should be an interresting read I'll say!

Reviewer: Dexxi a.k.a. Baby Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 07:38 am

Title: You Touch Me

I had a longer review but I lost it, so this one will be short.

I really like the characters. I like how you gave the brief synopsis of Nikolai's past and he belief in proverbs and sayings. He wants Sunshine to chase some of the darkness out of his world, but he could just as easily chase the light out of hers.

Sunshine is handling this situation the best way she can. She was smart to ask him the terms and how long she would be in his "service". She has also handled the situation better than most women would have.

Sergi, poor Sergi, I really like him, but I can already see him falling in love with Sunny and vice versa. Although, I could be wrong and she really falls for Nikolai.

Nikolai through Darla out like she was nothing, so I'm pretty sure she'll return to bite in the butt.


Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 07:23 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

I just found this story and I am loving it already. I  love the cast they seem so appropiate for the part. You are doing a great job so far. I'll be waiting for your update.

Reviewer: karen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 06:30 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

I feel her pain. I thought her dad was going to tell her not to do it too. What is Antoly up too? I don't know if he can be trusted , why would he want to take care of her know? He has to now that her still being that close to Nikolai is going to cause a lot of troube. I like how generous Nikolai is. Loved the update!!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 06:19 am

Title: Satisfy this Hungriness

I liked it! I thought that they set up was done quite well. You had a few mistakes here and there, but nothing so harsh that it distracted from the flow of the story. I also like your writing style and the outline of the chapter.

 Good start.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 05:45 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

Me likey. Can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: baha_malo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 05:30 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

hmmm i don't know how i feel about Antoly steppin out with darla. is he up to something or does he actually like her. and its clear pop jones won't be getting the father of the year award anytime soon.

Reviewer: grumpirah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 05:16 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

This story is awesome! I don't mind her age like some of the readers. Yeah, she's young and he's thirty-one, bt she's legal and mature for her age. Besides, I think she'll give Nikolai as good as he gets. I'm concerned for poor Sergei who may fall for her as well. Hope Darla doesn't cause any trouble, but she probably will because she's too stupid not to.

Reviewer: Happy2bNappy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 05:09 am

Title: You Touch Me

ok, you can not possibly be a lapsed writer cause that was sooo damn hot, whooo! kep going!!! 

Reviewer: monique32 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 04:12 am

Title: You Touch Me

Nice story so far..

Nik is so intense for Sunshine but is it a passing thing.  As least Sunshine is no innocent flower and it seems that she ecan handle herself.  She seems wiser beyond her years. 

Sergi seems to like Sunshine and I can see a conflict there already.  I like Drama so bring it on. 

I also hate to see when parents are not responsible and they baggage have to be taken up by the children. 

Update Please  


Reviewer: Cherry Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 03:01 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

This chapter is really good.  Pop must really have lost is place in the world to think about money before his little girl having to sell herself for him. I feel bad for Sunshine and even worse for poor Sergei because he is falling for her and that can only cause trouble.  Anatoly taking up with Darla, Hmm............trouble!  Can't wait for your update.  Good job!


Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 02:45 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

Welcome, Onimosity. Kudos on taking the plunge and posting your first story!!!

I love Sunny's spunk. She had her future planned before her dear old pathetic father ruined it. Her father is sick. He is an addict... addicted to gambling.

And yes, he's despicable, too. He isn't above "leasing" his only daughter out to save his own sorry hide. Actually not even to do that but to sink deeper into debt. That was truly sad. No real remorse. At least Sunny is a level-headed realist and sees what she's working with... a perfect lose-lose situation, unfortunately.

He is her father but a lost cause, intent on continuing to drag them down. Sunny should only be concerned about her little brother, Benji. Her father should be on his own.

Nickolai is an odd contrast between cold hard brutality and warm gentle caring. Seriously, he could have dumped Darla without a pot or a window... or simply killed her. Luckily he seems to like Sunny's fire and sass or else I see BIG trouble ahead. There probably still will be, as Sergei seems to like her, something that could be very dangerous for both of them.

I'm enjoying reading your story and look forward to regular updates.

Good Luck!!!! 

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 02:43 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

First of all, I love the concept of this story! I'm excited to see what develops between Sunshine and Nikolai. One can only hope that Sergei doesn't start to develop a crush on Sunshine while keeping an eye on her. Great story and great update!

Reviewer: Tammy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 02:36 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

Very caring father!

Reviewer: yummy954 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 02:26 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

Gosh what a piss poor excuse of a father is he...what real man would have even let his childd go to this monsters house..let alone let her give herself for his debts..he is a sorry excuse for a man let alone a father. Healmost made me cry!!

I feel so badly for Sunshine..maybe if there were not Benji , she could just try and run away and let her father face the monsters he created but there is her little brother sne has to look out is that fair to her.

I just hope Nik treats her well not like a piece of meat..I hope he comes to love her and cherish her ..I know he will provide her with material things but she needs somebody to look out for her and care about only her.

I don't want Sunshine to lose her spunk, I want her to fight Nik when she can and not take his crap...I want her to stay true to herself as much as she can..

Darla is a stupid old witch and got exactly what she derserved!! I do not feel sorry for her at all and I am glad that Priscilla slapped the pee out of her!!

Chid you are writing this one..I can hardly wait for next updt..pls dont lose your muse this is too good a story and needs telling..excellent job sweetie excellent!


Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 02:24 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

ok i wanted to say you have some wirtten skills girl. i love this story and how you feel all the emotions in it.  i feel for sunny hear she is so a good smart girl but has a father who has a brain of  a 5 year old. i hope he grows up. love the story and that mobster he evil but dam he hot lol. thanks for the updated. i think these two going to fall in love with each other.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 02:13 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

Addicts... will disappoint you everytime!!

Great update and can't wait for the next one!

Reviewer: indycoolchick Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 01:53 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

I love the story, Her dad is just so weak!! can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: Tracy Reynolds Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 01:48 am

Title: With your kiss my life begins

*Raises hand* Permission to strangle the father? Please?

Also, a high five to Priscilla for slapping the sense of entitlement out of Darla. I never did like people who treated people in the service industry like turds.

Reviewer: Leo Princess Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 01:31 am

Title: You Touch Me

What a great story. Nikolai is intrigued by Sunshine because of her innocence. I love to see where you are taking this story. More please!!

Reviewer: jjazz59 Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 06/12/09 12:46 am

Title: You Touch Me

I'm just mad as hell as her dad. It was his immature actions starting years before that lead to this predicament for Sunshine. The massive debt with gangsters (<i>gansters</i>, of all people!) was just the icing of the giant cake of his financial stupidity.


And now his daughter is having to trade her body to keep her family from sinking lower. If this doesn't kick some sense into him, nothing will.

Reviewer: Leo Princess Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/12/09 11:09 pm

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