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Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Update was emotionally...Will Sergi save her or get himself killed. Sunny, is  a little navie.  Yes!

Reviewer: Moni Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 03:38 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Loved the update. Can't wait to see what Sunny is gonna decide. I'm abit afraid for her. Also feel Sergei is gonna get himself in trouble if he doesn't get himself together.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 03:32 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

The title of this chapter just kills me. This is the first time that I see Nikki for the horrible things he's done. Not sure why this chapter struck such a deep chord. Probably because of Sunny's reaction to Sergi trying to get her to see what Nikki supposedly is. I think I was refusing to really see it the same way that Sunny was refusing to. Now I'm terribly sad. I just don't see how this will end well. Especially with Sergei in the mix. 

Having said all of that, I'm sick of that little bastid Sergei. He's going to save Sunny in spite of what she wants. What an arrogant little piss-ant. I..hate...him.

 Nikki has done some really horrible things. This last chapter was the first time, I was not enamored with his love for Sunny. I can't believe I'm saying this. Omni, you're killing me. 

This was a helluva chapter. I have to give it 5 stars. But I'm dying inside. :(

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 03:02 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Come on, can they have some happiness.  Sergei is getting on my last nerve and I think he is up to something.  Hopefully, Nikki and Sunshine will get a chance to be together for good.

Reviewer: Gale Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 02:39 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

OMG. When you do crescendos you do them with very loud thundering my dear Onimosity. Wow. I could almost see Nikki's world falling apart, right along with Sunny's.

I almost felt sorry for Sergei and empathise with him wanting to protect Sunny. Well, almost. As a friend I too would be have major concerns and misgivings about their association, but unlike Sergei I would trust my friend's intuition, judgement and respect her growth process. We have a saying where I come from - Grin and bear it. This is something Sergei has to learn and learn fast if he values his life. There is only so much he can do and so far he can go. But I suspect Sergei does not have these boundaries and would get himself killed for stepping over the line. But there are two things he said that I agree with. The first, is one cannot just walk away from their way of life, and second Nikolai is a dangerous man. A dangerous man he has crossed many times and yet he remain intact. As I said I almost believed him until I realise he too wants her and would have easily pull her into a world from which she cannot escape.

Ah Nikki the writing is on the wall. I suspect he brought all the newspapers in the neighbourhood to protect her from reading that story. But just how much longer can he hide. Something is going to give and give soon enough...

Reviewer: Introspection Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 02:23 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

I wish Nikki could tell her and it has not effect on their relationship she will still be there for him but with Sunny I am not sure.  She loves deep and hard but she has a strength and conviction about herself that I think she would walk away from him if he told her all that he is...all that he has done to survive and stay on top of the food chain so to speak.

Sergei you poor misguided, have all the right intentions, love struck fool.  Yeah if Sunny was not Sunny you would be another to wash up on the beach.  You made Sunny unhappy and that is number one rule of NO-NOs with Nikki.

I still want to know what Papa Sen has to say and what his visit will entel. 

Great update as always

Thank You!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 01:33 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

wow sergie is a ass for  telling her sorry about my cussing but he just dead wrong for doing that. N should and will only be the man she loves and the one she needs to hear the details of what he realy does for a living not some love sick puppy / scko telling her. he not a friend if he was truly her friend  he wouldn't done that and that just wrong but you wrttinen so well i feel like im in the apartment when he said it to sunshine. the gardern is right she has change him months ago they both would have been dead but when she came into his life she change  him for the better. when he finds out what happen  i think no one willl able to save sergie.  this is getting bettter by each chapter love this story and can't wait to read the next chapter. great work and thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 01:21 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

I understand that everything about seems wrong on paper...he took her as a child..wrong...he is a brute..wrong...he made her stay with him to pay for her fathers sin...and he still has not told all there is to know about him..wrong.

But he loves her more than his life..right....he has given her life she could only dream about...right and allowed her and brother opportunities they would never have had..right...

There are so many things that are wrong about Nikki and his relationship with Sunny but they one thing that is very right is that he loves her more completely than any human has ever loved another and with out her he most assuredly will die.

Sergei does not who Nikki is with Sunshine...he has no idea of the depths of his devotion to her and her love for Nikki...he may have been trying to help but underneath was hatred!! He knows he cannot have her but he would rather break her heart than let her live with Nikki.

Sergei plays innocent but it was his choice to come to America and choose the life as a criminal to learn the ways of criminals try and be Nikki...but he fell for the boss' girl...and now he cannot have her ..he will make sure the boss will not have her either...he better know Nikki is a better man with Sunny or else he would be meeting the same fate as Peanut and I would not feell sorry his sorry behind at all..I absolutely depise Sergei!!

I can honestly say I have no idea where you are going to go with these two...I knew the title suggested a bad chapter and I cannot see it gettng better. Nikki has to tell her and he has to be honest. Then the ball will be completely in Sunshine's court...I do not know what she will do honestly..I have no idea...but I do know Nikki cannot continue to be in that business and keep her but how on earth will he escape!!

I could cry for them in such a hopeless situation...I cannot see Nikki coming out of this alive w/o Sunshine...the darkness will consume him liek never before and there will be no coming back...but Sunny will be affected forever...she is not naive or innocent she is very aware of the kind of man Nikki is and she loves can she turn her back to him and not be forever affected!

I knew things were going to well between them and I knew after most romantic fun time they had in Paris that the shit was going to hit the fan back at home. I wish I had been wrong!!

Girl why did you make us love Nikki and love them together and now it may end so badly...just don't let them be devasted and hurt beyond repair..Sunny or Nikki.

And please make Sergei go away forever!!


Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 01:19 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

So intense.  I feel like Sunshine is going to see the true Nikolai soon, especially with Sergei intent on saving her.  I don't see this ending well, but I have some unrealistic hope I think, that when Stanislavsky comes Nikolai can be free.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/03/10 12:21 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Thanks for the update O!

Well, the stuff is about to hit the fan..poor Nikki, Sunny and yes Sergei...I'm glad to see Sergei has come to reality about his relationship with Sunny..and I kind of understand where he is coming from..because he does care for Sunny..however, much like her father was when he killed himself, Sergei is AFRAID for Sunny..and me too in some ways..I love love love Nikki and Sunny together..however, Nikki in my living room telling me he's in love with my daughter would be scary..It's only because this is fiction and I always want to see love conquer all including the evil in us that I'm rooting for Nikki to be with his Sunny...It's a scary place that they find themselves though...

The advice I'd give Sunny right now? She was's not Sergei she needs to hear about Nikki one else should tell her but Nikki..Nikolai the Bloody..he has to..because she wouldn't WANT to believe anybody else about him anyway..she knows..deep down she knows..but he has to 'reveal' himself..she's told him many times..he can't hide from has to tell her..also I'd tell her that IF she really wants a relationship with Nikki..she has to FIGHT for it...and the one she has to fight the most and the hardest? ..Nikolai...what Sergei told her was the truth..what Darla told her was the truth..what her father tried to tell her was truth..Nikolai does NOT want her to see that side of's still present (e.g, his dark moments, saving Jorge, the guy in Russia when he got the news, Darla, Sergei, her father)..all those dark moments that someone could have been she does change his direction on some things..he seems to want to change FOR maybe it's possible..well with Love ..anything is possible I suppose..And I hope it's possible for Nikki and Sunny...and I hope Stanislansky is coming to give his 'son' the gift of freedom from this life..maybe even run the legitmate stuff.. :)

You do good work O! Thanks!

Reviewer: brinagal Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 11:45 pm

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Onimosity, this line is a little confusing, I can give it until I hear it from you."

"I can give it?"  Is this a typo?


Author's Response: It's not a typo but it might be too regional. It's like saying "i can wait until" or "give the matter." Interesting. I might revise.

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 11:24 pm

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Thanks so much for the update Onimosity. I must say though that I really like Sunny and Nikki as a couple. I know that he did not start the relationship in a good way and from what u r foreshadowing with the dead man's body in the newspaper it seems like he played a role in Sunni's father death. The fact remains though that he is still better with her than without her. Thanks again for the update and please keep them coming when u can:))))))

Author's Response: Thank you for your comment and for reading! Nikolai did not play a role in the death of her father. He did, however, have the man who was responsible for her father's stabbing killed. And that is the body that just washed up. I may  add a few lines to clarify.

Reviewer: NI97 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 06:54 pm

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Is Jetta jealous of her realtionship with Nikki or is there more to Jetta than we know. The cracked photo and the blood on her hands are a sign of things to come. The convo with the cat was so cute, and the way it looks the cat will be the the one still attatched to the hip.

Sergei says he has more blood on his hands, but blood is blood no matter how much more. He has to know what he did will cause trouble for not only him, but his brother as well. Sunshine knows the deal she may not know all the details but she knows the type of life he leads. She is there because of a deal he made with her dad for her. She is about to be 21 mature beyond her years so she knows without having to ask. She must decide if she loves him enough to accept it fully or she must walk away.

Awesome update.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 05:00 pm

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Wow what a update!!! I guess Sunshine really deep down doesnt want to know what Nikki does and the bad things he has done and to have to find out by someone else. Serg should have kept his mouth shut!! Dispite what Nikki does and has does I am still rooting for Sunshine's love for Nikki to over come his bad points and hopefully Nikis love for Sunshine will make him change. Awesome update

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 04:42 pm

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

OMG; that was sooo sad!  I really want to see Nicholai and Sunshine together in the end, but at this point am not sure there is a happy ending in the works for them.  I wonder if Stan will allow Nicholai to leave the org. as that may be the only way they get to stay together in the end.

Sergei's sudden desire to reveal Nikki's true self is motivated by selfishness, I believe, even though he has convinced himself that he is doing it for her own good...he'd better hope that Nicholai never finds out that he told Sunshine about him because that will definitely be the end of his life...the only reason Sergei is still alive is Anatoly and his friendship with Nicholai.

Thanks for the update; it was really bittersweet and I can't wait for the next one!

Reviewer: Amiefuzzy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 04:13 pm

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Sergei is going to die; he is so selfish, and foolish to think he can come between Sunny and Nikki. 

I really hope Nikki and Sunny get to keep their's good, however horrible the circumstances that got them to this point. 

Nikki is trying, he really is...but change is a process. 

Reviewer: AlmostEsq Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 03:35 pm

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

She studies him, trying to see the one the other said. The Butcher. The Bloody.

...She knows what could be, what likely is, but all she sees is...  "My Nikki." She closes her eyes as she rests her head on his shoulder, the tears slip down silently. Not until I hear it from you, Nikki. I can give it until I hear it from you. "Just hold me." Let me ignore it a little longer. Let me not see. "We'll talk later." I want to keep you. I want to keep you and I don’t know if I can anymore. “Just hold me. Let’s not talk tonight.” Let me keep you just a little bit longer.

Broke out a fresh box of tissues after reading that. It was just too, too sad. SAD!

That little shit, Sergei. His ass would be so dead, but Sunny will never tell. His intentions are not honorable. They are just as selfish as he accuses Nicholai of being regarding Sunshine.

Has Nicholai "butchered" anyone lately? NO! Peanut was SIX whole months ago. And he deserved it for screwing with Jacob. A body washes up now. Weeeelll, I guess some-body's corpse disposal skills are a little off...

Sergei needs a one-way plane ticket to outer Siberia... in the dead of winter. He has no right. NONE. He was wrong to tell Sunshine anything. And he'll be dead wrong to try to "save" her.

Despite what she said, the stand she took with him, she has listened. She has heard. She is letting what Sergei said influence and affect her. And it is not looking very promising at the moment.

No, as strong and kind-hearted as she is, I'm starting to seriously believe that Sunshine cannot handle the truth. In her heart she knows what Nikki has done. She has it in her to hear, forgive, and move on, but...

I really do hope that his father is coming to set Nikki free.

Nikolai cradles her head to his shoulder, leans back into the cushions. “Whatever you need, my Sunshine, whatever you need.”  He holds her in silence until she falls asleep in his arms.

And that may be the last peaceful moment between them. <sigh> <sniff>

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 12:10 pm

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Wow this chapter was brutal.  I wish Nikolai would have told her himself about what he's done.  Of course Sunny should have already had some clues.  I could feel her pain at hearing those things about the man she loves.  She's got some tough choices to make.

It looks like Sunny and Nikki won't have a happy ending. I don't see how things can turn around.

Great chapter even though it's dashed my hopes of a future with Sunny and Nikki together. :(

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 11:35 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

I just started reading this chapter. I have a weird feeling that things are going to go BAD quickly. Sunny knocking Nikki's picture off the nightstand, the glass cracking, she cuts her finger... It's all symbolic.

BUT... I got a good chuckle, probably my last for a while.

What attention to details, you have! I feared being considered a whack-job asking where Flower was while Sunny was away. This was brilliant!!

Nikolai smiles as he hears her voice and continues reading her paper. Flower stares at him balefully as he sits at her table. “It is because of me that you are here, cat.” He says, flipping the pages. “And it was my maid that stopped by to feed you while your mistress was away. You really should show me more appreciation.” Flower continues to stare, seemingly narrowing his little eye. “It is not my fault that you like to sleep on her hip and I must move you every night. It is where I like to rest my hand, so I win.” The cat meows as Nikolai chuckles, continuing to flip pages.

LOL. Cute. Big, bad Nicholai talking to a cat. One who has an attitude and isn't afraid of him. I love cats!!!

O-kay... <big sigh> back to the bad shit in the newspaper.


Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 10:58 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

Wow.  This was not a transition or bridging chapter.  It was really rather DEEP.  Sunshine is strugging with the man she loves and sees versus the man Nikolai is and has been.  Sunshine represents an alternative for Nikolai, should he choose to take it.  I think Nikolai will have to choose his current life OR Sunshine.  And now that Sunny is not only just under his skin, but also in his heart, I think he clearly wants Sunny.  He said so in Paris when he said that he only just wanted to be with her.  He would return to the "monster" he was, if Sunshine really left him.  If he can EVER bring himself to tell her the truth, she will force him to chose her or lose her.  This was a bittersweet chapter. 

Do you think Stansilasky knows this and that is why he is coming to the US?  Since no one can EVER walk away from the organization, will Stanislasky allow him to leave?  Otherwise, I think Stanislasky will see his "son" figuratively die right in front of his eyes. 

Also, please keep Sergei safe...if Nikolai finds out that he talked to Sunshine about what he really does...I think Nikolai might kill him.  And Sergei deserves better than that when he is trying to protect Sunny.  And is Sunny going to find out about Whethers?

I have to admit that I am torn.  I think Nikolai and Sunshine are GREAT together.  They complement each other and they are happy together.  Yet, Sunshine now knows what Nikolai actually does.  She is not stupid.  But I think a distinction needs to be made that Nikolai is not really a monster, but rather his job is that of a monster.  And he has a STRONG incentive to change...Sunshine. 

However, after thinking more...I really hope you can find a way for Nikolai and Sunshine to be together...alive.  I really like Sergei, but Sunshine is in love and she loves Nikolai.  Not even knowing what he does for a living has not and will not change that.  So, I am no longer torn.  I am Team Nikolai-Sunshine. LOL.

Very much looking forward to the future Updates.


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 08:54 am

Title: Who they are

Ok now I'm about to beat Sergei up. Can't they be happy for more than a day! She knows he has secrets she knows he's a gangster OMG let them stay together and she needs to learn to be HAPPY

Reviewer: kiki Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 08:32 am

Title: But It Wasn't Built to Last

I love this story. I have one question is Sunshine and Nikki going have a happy ending. I love Sergi can you find him someone that is worthy of his love. I think Jetta is jealous of Sunshine because she two men in love with her. And why do continue to get advice from other people when it comes to her love for Nikki. She knew the kind of man Nikki before she got really involve with him.

Reviewer: tcarey Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/03/10 08:15 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

Absolutely LOVE this story!!!

Reviewer: JazziePassion Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28/02/10 10:40 pm

Title: Who they are

I think the trip to America might be a good thing for Nikki..I think he will have to option of being released from the family so he can live the life he wants with Sunny. His father realizes how much Nikki loves and needs Sunny. I also think the talk the had in the park where his father told the story of the light dimming in his wifes eyes after he told her who he really was..I don't think he wants that for Nikki and Sunny so I  think he will release Nikki from the organization and let him go legit.

Reviewer: Renee Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28/02/10 01:42 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 2

This was an interesting update. You do fluff so well Onimosity. A carefree Nikki is someone to behold. Free of his responsibility and the entrapments of his life he is a regular guy and ever attentive lover. It was good to witness them in Paris. Their 'what if we had met under different circumstances' scene was enduring and cleverly told because in the end it brought them back to their present predicament. It is clear that the only wedge between them is the long shadow cast by his business dealings. So amidst their happiness and their commitment to one another there is Sunny's need for Nikki to provide full disclosure.

The question is what happens next. Nikki goes with Sunny to her firm's dinner and sees her through yet another different lens, in a world that he cannot truly exist unless there are further changes in his life. What would be his reaction I wonder? We see that his 'father' is coming to America. I am intrigued and live in hope that it is in an effort to give Nikki and Sunny their happy ending they so deserve. As a good soldier Nikki followed orders and came to Brooklyn, doing all that was necessary for the 'organisation.' As his favoured son, it is time Stanislavsky do something for Nikki because, as time and time has shown, without Sunny he would surely waste away...

Reviewer: Introspection Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/02/10 08:49 pm

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