Reviews For Beast
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Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Could you put the translations in parenthesis next to the language.  Please make her pregnant and they get married



Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 05:16 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

"If I thought violence would help your situation, Stavros, I would suggest it." Nikolai's voice was so soft Stavros was forced to lean closer to the man to hear properly. Something he did not want to do. All knew how quickly Andreovich could move. He tried to conceal a tremor as Nikolai continued in that same soft voice. "But the indiscriminate application of pain - which admittedly has it uses - especially on the wayward or the incompetent," Stavros shook at his cold smile. "It will not work in this instance." Nikolai pushed the ashtray aside with his ring finger and flicked the ash from his cigar directly on Stavros’ table as the man watched. "But I have a suggestion that might." 


I love your interpretation of Nikolai; he’s complex, straightforward, aloof, crude, a bastard, a gentleman…basically a dichotomy of personas that makes you want to kill him and embrace him at the same time. Most love him, some not so much but you’re always true to his character, especially when he’s in his gangster element (smooth mofo lol). Throughout the story, we’ve never seen the ‘bloody’ Andreovich (not really) yet it’s an underlying fact that the man is very dangerous; a killer.  Case in point…that excerpt could’ve been the moment when Stravros breathed no more if it wasn’t for a phone call, how fortunate for him.

Nikolai has purposely evolved, appearing more human and less beastly than his former self although I must admit; I almost choked when he became disgusted at the age of the scantily-clad serving girl. Oh the irony of it all. LOL One thing’s for certain, whether it’s right or wrong, the man truly loves Sunny.  If she ever walked away from him or if anything ever happened to her…I don’t think he would survive the loss of his Sunshine.

Sunny hasn’t come to terms with the reality of ‘them’ – how they came to be, who they are to each other and most certainly what the future holds for her if those three words are ever reciprocated to him. Her turmoil is very understandable.  She’d come into womanhood without guidance except for a mother’s wisdom spoken to her long ago as a babe.  There are no other females - no grandmas, no aunts, no sisters, cousins – to explain her heart, what she should do. But deep down her gut won’t let her put caution to the wind, at least not yet, so I think she does remarkably well, all things considered.

I can’t imagine what will happen next. You continue to write the unexpected which keeps an on-the-fence reader clamoring for more.


Reviewer: JV4ME Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 02:36 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Ah yes, I have to commend you on what a superb job you do on writing Nicholai's POV.

Since he has discovered love, been getting in touch with his feelings, his range of emotions is so vast, complicated, raw, and almost torturous to read.

This is the fourth time that you have given us Nikki in all his depth and complexity. A man who is so untouched by love but profoundly affected by it's purity in Sunshine.

The first time was his conflict with wanting to ask her to marry him. His fear of losing her. His desperation to keep her. His playing with that ring was hard to read, even for me who realized that they had to break and start again clean as equals.

The second time was when Sunshine actually left him.

The third was when she decided to go on this trip.

And recently, the crisis from Nikki's perspective. It was far worse that the feelings that bubbled to the surface during that awful visit with the retched parents.

Hell, he even cried. That's profound... great writing skills.

Just had to give it to you for developing the man with such depth that what he does for a living for once is not the focus of why he deserves or doesn't deserve a chance with Sunny.

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 12:36 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

I so love this couple.  I hope all ends up well for them.  Sunny I hope soon tells her man that she loves him.

I love Ben and Sunny's relationship and how close they are.  I can't wait for more.

I hope it's soon.

Thank you!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 09:02 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

wow glad you wrote how nikola was feeling when he heard the news about his sunshine even his father  seen it in his face he wouldn't survied if he lost his heart. i'm glad that sunshine is safe and love that she has her naughty nikola back when it comes to his pain. but i'm glad that he sees what she sees and feels everytime he works how worried and scared she gets wondering if he going to come back alive.  very raw emotions going on and love every bit of it. i love this story you write these chapters so well i feel like i'm in the story my self bravo bravo and thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 06:08 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

This was a great update of always.  I really saw how much NIKKI loves Sunny.  I hope she sees it too and tell him that she loves him. 

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 03:08 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

They are so beautiful together. They love each other so much and so well. Sunny is so gentle and loving with Nikki and he is the same with her. He truely is another man with Sunny , so much the man he really is inside ..the man he wzs meant to be before the betrayal in his life.

I must say reading Nikki's POV while Sunny was missing was breaking my heart. I a so glad I knew she would make it othewise I would have been a wreck with him, Stanis is a wonderful mentor/father, he stayed with Nikki the entire time and supported him like a father would do for his son. I actually really like their relationship as well. I just hope Stanis will help or allow Nikki to leave this business if he desires too. If he really sees him as his son he will help Nikki leave this life for the woman he loves so much!

I love hpw Sunny takes good care of Nikki , how in tune and sensitive she is to all of emotions hidden or obvious and he is to her as well. I love how she made herself beautiful for him so much for his enjoyment than hers. I love how her only thoughts of danger where the effect her harm would have on the people she loved more than on herself. Sunny loves completely and it is so wonderful. I love that Nikki calls her his champion because she is and she protects his heart as much as he protects her.

I want more more more but I know there has got to be a turning point where Nikki will either come clean for Sunny or risk losing her ..I am just afraid of what will happen when he does. I think I love them so much that it will tear me apart as well if they were torn apart. I just want them both to be happy..together..enough has happened in both their lives that they finally deserves some joy and peace!! 

This story continues to get better and better with each update. I don't know what I will do when it is over but I know I will miss these two more than I can imagine. You sweetie are a wonderful brilliant storyteller..and you have weaved and extraordinary story!!Fluff hardly..beautiful compassionate and loving definitely!! Bravo!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 02:34 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

I’m not understanding why Sunny hasn’t gotten pregnant at least 100 times by now. They tango very well together.

Author's Response: Thank you for your review! Sunny has been a faithful Pill taker since she was 16.

Reviewer: Intrigued Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 01:42 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

She may not have said those three words yet, but "yours forever Nikki" is close enough. Awesome update!!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 01:41 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

This is a wonderfull story.  There are these special little details that you include that I love.  It makes the story more personal. Thanks for sharing.

Reviewer: shereads48 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 01:35 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 3

Well that was a long chapter. I enjoyed the conversation between Sunny and Royce. Sunny needed a different outlook, and I believe Roybe provided one.

That little snippet about Sergei was interesting. He and Sunny need to have a long talk, where he actually listens.

Thanks for sharing!

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 12:57 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Thanks for the update! Splendid!  I love fluff! And you do fluff quite well, thank you!

I loved reading about what Nik went through while waiting to see if she was safe..and I like that he had to think about what it could be like for her to worry about him! Of course, he would know what she has to worry about too!

There coming together again was wonderful..and she knows how to take care of her Nikki..LOL..oh Nikki boy she 'tells' you she loves you in one million ways..Just pay attention..and Sunny? The words will bring clarity..clarity he needs to tell you what's going on..

Pooooooor Stavros..He should buy Sunny a gift everyday and two on Sundays..although I think Stanislansky probably did away with you anyway..Oh well..

I love Nikki ..but I'm glad he's truth be told ..he's a sociopath..dang! that makes Sunny go some strong stuff! LOL..Her love and his hope for it keeps him from doing many of things..methinks! Anyway, maybe he'll give it all up for her..maybe Stanislansky will free him? Or maybe he'll give Nikolai freedom to be the son his wife wanted (a good son, in a legimate business)..just sayin'

Good job O..can't wait for Monday's update!


Reviewer: brinagal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 12:53 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Loved it!! Glad she's safe and way from Sudan.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 12:35 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

I've been reading your story for awhile and I just have to tell you I LOVE it. The situation isn't the most relatable but the love they have for each other is so real. In general I'm a big fan of the fluff, I think we can all relate to it. Anyone whose been a relationship acts a little fluffy at times whether we like to admit it or not lol And for me Jason Statham as Nikolai really makes this story. He's the perfect combo of sexy older man gangsta with that tinge of vulnerability thrown in there. I honestly believe if anyone else had been Nikolai I wouldn't have loved it as much as I do. And just like the reviews are crack for you, the updates are like crack for me so thank you for sharing your genius, it's a pleasure to read this.

Reviewer: erinn Signed [Report This]
Date: 22/02/10 12:09 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Onimosity this was so hot and sweet. Those two just sizzle together.  Their reunion was perfect. 

Still a little weary of how Nikolai will resolve his work activities and making a life with Sunny.

"The phone call that nearly destroyed Nikolai’s world saved someone else’s life." 

Who's life was saved? Will it be answered in part two?

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 06:03 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

You do fluff just fine great update. Sunny and Nikki....just awesome. What a wonderful journey. 

Reviewer: VetRog Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 05:40 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Thanks for the update...I love love this story these two are totally hot..before the story is over i would love for nikki and sunny to be pregnant. Cant wait for the next update, however will be sad that this story is coming to an end.

Reviewer: marlean Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 05:33 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

you do fluff just fine.  It was a sweet chapter and for Nikki's sake, I'm glad they got that time together away from everything and everyone. 

Speaking of Nikki, love is making that man a nervouse wreck.  I've felt sorry for him in the last three updates.

This was a good update.  Thanks


Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 04:11 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1


Keep up the great work, can't wait until the next chapter.  ::))

Reviewer: Tracy Reynolds Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 03:55 pm

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

SIGH, Nikki got HIS Sunshine back to him safely.  I'm in AWE of your wirting Onimosity. I'm going to give a more detailed review later because it is so much yummy goodness in this chapter; Can't wait for part 2!



Reviewer: miquerida Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 02:36 pm

Title: Who they are

Can I just say WOW - all of the raw emotion in this update made me cry! This is a true love story - it pulls you in and makes you come back for more.

I can't wait until the next update so that I can get my Sunny and Nikki fix. Good job, Lady!



Reviewer: katiemae Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 09:57 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Oh thank you, thank you...for the update and especially Nikolai's POV while Sunny was locked in the safe room...the raw emotion...the desolation that any minute his world could be turned on its axis...perfection...and finally...THE CALL from Adu...that assured him that Sunny was safe and unharmed...I don't adequate words to explain how beautifully written that was...and I like how you slid in a little bit of Nikolai's history as the Nikolai the Bloody in there...

The reunion in Paris was amazing and oh, so hot...loved her massaging her man and reaquainting herself with him...the only thing that would it more perfect would have been her telling him what he so desperately wants/needs to hear...she loves him...oh, please...let it be soon...and I wouldn't mind if they've created a life together...they would make wonderful parents...and that little one would be so loved...Sunny says she his say THE WORDS, girl...

However, I was a little perplexed with Royce extending the invitation for Sunny to go back to the Sudan in the Nikolai...I don't think I could take that again...I hope the wanderlust is finally out of her system...

I can't wait until Part 2...I'm strung out on this story and not ashamed at all to admit always...superb!!!

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 09:40 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

(shaking head & tsk-tsking in disbelief) So, you're not good with fluff, huh? WRONG!!

This was so beautiful!!

First, what an absolutely perfect setting for a reunion. Paris in a suite with all the perks and a breath-taking view.

Second, I loved that Sunny spent time just talking to Nicholai rather than the expect rush into each other's arms, tear clothes off, etc. And who else would come up with the cocoa butter treatment? If that didn't scream LOVE. I LOVE YOU.

Third, I did hold my breath a bit, waiting for the words. A little. But Sunny seems more entuned to showing Nikki, telling him without actually using those three little potent, often misused words.   

I was moved by Nicholai's interactions with the business associate still mired in the seedier side of the business. He bristled with distaste, perhaps as much embarrassment as he is capable of, to be reminded of the earlier, brutal and dark version of himself.

Someone speculated a while back whether Nicholai would/could go legit in order to be with Sunny. I'm now wondering the same thing.

Sunny is so spectacular with and to Nikki and her devotion, contrasted with his doubts about being worthy is so touching. What would either sacrifice to keep this??

And of course there was THE reunion. These two sizzle whereever they are. But again, that has never been their problem.

Great work!!! Can't wait for part 2.

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 09:37 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

Loved the intereaction between the two.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 09:01 am

Title: I'll Send You My Best Part 1

They are so hot together!  Glad they're back together and I'm kinda hoping she gets pregnant.  They'd be such loving parents.

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/02/10 08:38 am

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