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Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 1

I was hoping this chapter would be longer but i just love love sunny and nikki this couple is pure hotness...I cant wait for sunny to tell the man she loves him and put him out of his misery...please dont take long to update

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13/02/10 08:21 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 1

I enjoyed the structure of the chapter...

I love Stanislavsky's and Nikolai relationship...he has been more of a father to him than his own father has ever been...I really disliked his father...even on his deathbed...he couldn't find it in his cold heart to be civil to his only he didn't like the path he took in his life...but he's still your son...your flesh and blood...was he trying to show Nikolai 'tough love' when he got imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit...well, first you have to love someone to show that...I can't stand parents who love their children conditionally...when they do as they wish...his callous behavior is one of the reason Nikolai turned out to be the 'criminal' he is...Nikolai is in part what he made him...and his mother is no better...she chose her husband over her child...what mother would do such a thing...

Stanislavsky's story about his son was heartbreaking...but I love how he used it to parallel his life with his beloved wife with Nikolai and Sunny's...I loved how he told Nikolai how he was responsible for taking the light out of her eyes...that really gave him something to chew on...but it was very clever how you juxposted that with Nikolai's visit at the hospital with his mother...and though I didn't like the wretched woman...she did give her son some sage advice about how his father's pride cost him his son's love and respect...and that pride can cost you to lose the very person you are trying to protect from the truth...I know Nikolai fears taking the light from Sunny's eyes with the truth...tarnish her image of him...but she deserves the truth...he wants her to open up to him by revealing her love for him...then he has to be just as willing to conquer his fear and open up to her and tell her the truth...the whole truth about who he really is and what he really does...yes, it's a huge risk...yes, she might not be able to be with him...but at least he will have been wholely honest with her and allow her to make her decision to be with him based all the information...he should remember how he felt when he found out about his father's deception when his so-called comrades learned of his father's treacherous behavior toward their fathers...he has to trust her with the truth...and trust her to love him in spite of who he really is and the things he's done...

For so long I believe the motivating forces in Nikolai's life have been resentment, bitterness, and sheer survival, and, he has an even greater motivator in his life...his love for Sunny and a promise of true happiness and joy with is my wish that he gets that happiness since he has had so little in his life before her...

This is such a journey...sigh...but I absolutely every minute of it...still hoping for the best...great job as always...I'm so addicted to this story...thanks for sharing this beautiful work of art with us...

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/02/10 08:17 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 1

Awesome update. Why did his father have to be so stubborn when he knows he's dying??? It would have been nice to see him make peace with Nikki. Glad his mom wasn't too bad and was willing to move on and start afresh. Hmmm, Sunny made it safely to Sudan, hopefully she remains safe.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/02/10 07:59 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 1

This was a fantastic update.  I liked this structure.  I kind of felt tense through most of it, but that's cause I was anticipating some major drama. Russian gangsters terrify me.

The italics really helped signify that you were talking about a different place/time. I felt everything flowed well.

The best part of this chapter was that we learned more about the other people in Nikki's life.  I was praying that Nikki somehow reconciled with his parents. Looks like it won't happen with his father, but at least an attempt was made.

The ending was just right. I was hoping for some Sunshine. Nikki sure needed it (her).


Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13/02/10 07:23 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 1

I loved this update and the back and forth style.  Love the flashbacks with Nikolai and how much you are giving of his story.  His mom is a piece of work, but I can see she loves him even if she doesn't want to admit it to him.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/02/10 07:13 am

Title: Around the Kinda Misery I Find Part 1

Wow, Nikki's father is a real piece of work. The more I get a glimpse of Nikki's background, the sadder I feel for that young boy who grew up in that environment.

Sunny and Nikki at the end were so sweet. She really soothes him. Heaven forbid that something should happen to Sunny. It would kill him.

So his mother seems happy that Nikki is happy and in love. Instead of making peace with Nikki before he kicks the bucket, that father of his is being a bastid to the end.

I was stunned by Stanis advice about Nikki coming clean to Sunny. It is a gamble to tell her, but I can't see Sunny being able to pretend who Nikki really is.

So she still has not said the words.  Hope it doesn't take a catastrophe for her to say them.

As per ususal, I enjoyed the update. *wipes sweat from brow in relief that nothing horrible happened in this chapter*

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 13/02/10 07:04 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Loved this chapter but am also curious about this adjika sauce. Is there a recipe you can share?

Reviewer: EvilAngelfish Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/02/10 01:37 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

I have just caught up to the most recent chapter of this opus and now I am bereft. This is an amazing story, Onimosity! Really fantastic. I honestly did not think I'd sympathize with Nikolai when I first started reading (I was rooting for poor Sergei) but there's nothing so endearing as a man brought to his knees by love, so now it's poor Nikolai, telling Sunshine all the things he wishes he could say to her in words she doesn't understand. 

And now, she's going off to the Sudan [!!!]

I can't wait to see what happens next.

Reviewer: EvilAngelfish Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/02/10 11:55 pm

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

I so love how intense Nikki is and  I love that Sunshine can handle him and has him wrapped around her finger.

I am glad he is allowing her to go and not kidnapping her and locking her away because that would be a bad bad thing but I am also happy that he is sending security to watch over her.  I hope nothing happens to her and she makes it back to him safely.

He wants her to be his wife.  Ahhhh! She can't tell him that she "loves him" yet I wonder what is holding her back.  Does she want to know him deeper before she tell him.  Is his daily activities what holds her back

Thank you so much for the wonderful update as always.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/02/10 09:29 pm

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

I have to admit to being a little uneasy with this chapter.  I just felt that Nikki's desparate need to 'control' Sunny was too much.  His need to control everything really...I don't know.  I just felt a bit exasparated by his actions here.  He lost the arguement so he tries to physically bully her in bed?? I know Sunny can handle him and he knows it too HA! I felt Sunny was also showing him that she can take alot, she's not afraid, she's strong and can handle what he has not told her...does that make sense.  She can deal with him and what he has yet to tell her about himself, but whether she stays or goes is up to her not him,  If he keeps this back he will not hear the 3 magic words.

I dont believe N. will send Sergei.

I was thinking, if/when S. says the magic words to N. can she say it in Russain?  That would be sooo good. A friend reminded me recently that not great reads such as this have happy endings.  I agree, we would like it too but I for one would be disappointed if it didn't feel 'right' but I've trusted you so far....

Stay safe & warm.


Reviewer: Penny Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 11/02/10 08:23 am

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part I

Sunshine's simple note to her father made me tear up. Fantastic chapter!

Reviewer: EvilAngelfish Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 11/02/10 06:47 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

love it!

Reviewer: brandy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/02/10 06:30 am

Title: You Touch Me

"I mean to have you, Sunshine. Whether that is on your feet or on your knees is entirely up to you.”

This line gave me chills.

I'm already addicted to this opus of yours, Onimosity. On to the next chapter!

Reviewer: EvilAngelfish Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 11/02/10 05:54 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Wonderful update!!

The tears were close this time, though. Close. I wanted to wail along with Nicholai, shake my fist at Sunshine... Shake Sunshine. I shared Nicholai's anguish, his frustration, sadness, and an unspoken sense of foreboding.

I'm all for giving back, doing good deeds, charity, even exploring the world. How-ev-er, I see no good reason for extremes. Sunshine might have a golden touch, but grave danger, callous disregard for (women) human life should not be ignored. I do not agree with her decision for this trip. Not at all.

What happens to Benji? She is his only living relative, his sister/mother/father!!! He is still a child with much to learn from her. Nicholai is left to look over him? He would anyway, for her. Why risk it???

I am very, very proud of the relationship that has been developing between Nicholai and Sunshine; his ability to respect space and boundaries, especially her time with her brother and her friends. I was extremely impressed by the restraint that he has shown at Sunny's news. Yeah, he roared, ranted and raved; but we all know he is quite capable of much more. Yes, tying her to his bed would have been a real possibility.

Both Sunshine and Nicholai have indeed grown. I just hope that all the progress made isn't lost or undone by this decision. And why doesn't Sunny say, "I love you" back to him???

Great update. Best story. Favorite most improved "bad" guy.

Getting the tissues ready...

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/02/10 05:01 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Great update!  I think that Sunny should already told Nikki that she loves him.  She is not going to change how she feels by keeping the words inside.  She can still ask Nikki to come clean with her regarding his occupation and she can walk away if need be (please let it not happen).  Above all please let Nikki wise up that Sergi do not need to be anywhere near Sunny in Africa or America lol!

Reviewer: Uni Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/02/10 02:53 pm

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

I like that Nikolia was apart of the family. He's not used to that type of comradert; he needs to Sunny and Ben in his life. Niki has truly grown as a character, before he would have never let her go, but now he knows that her happiness is more important than his fear.

I like Ben. He's a cute kid.

Thanks for updating

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/02/10 06:37 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

This.. “No.” He paces back in forth in front of the sofa, anger radiating from every pore. “No.” had me feeling so bad for Nikki. He sounded like a little kid who doesn't want to accept some horrible truth.

And this...  “I wanted it. I want you. All of you. You remember that.” Was Nikki really hearing what Sunny was saying? She wants all of him, warts and all. And he has quite a few warts that he still won't share with her. That might make her hesitant to say those words that he so desperately wants to hear. I think she knows that once she says those words, there is no going back for them. I think those words are a big deal for Sunny. It is a full commitment to Nikki and how can she commit right now when there is so much she does not know about him?

Nikki loves him some Sunny. He would die if anything happened to her. I can't imagine him being able to survive without her. She has shown him what kind of life he could have with her and he wants it. But does he want enough to give up some of the not quite legal (to put it mildly) activities in which he is involved? That remains to be seen. I see no evidence of that yet. 

His desperation was evident in his lovemaking. That made me kind of weepy for him. And Sunny was doing her best to comfort him. How will he be able to let her go?  We saw how he was suffering away from her, physically and emotionally; and now she'll be thousands of miles away. He's going to lose his mind. 

Wonder who he'll get to watch over her? If he choses Sergei, he'll need to hire someone to watch over that little piss-ant.  'cause you know the little bugger will think he can make some headway with Sunny since they're away from Nikki.

In terms of translations, for this chapter, I liked the surprise at the end to see that he called her his wife.  This man is gone.

Great update. You got me worried. There are so many things that can go wrong.  please be gentle.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/02/10 06:09 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

What can I say that hasn't already been said?  Excellent as always!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/02/10 05:34 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

I just keep saying it.  I LOVE THIS STORY. keep up the great work.:::)))

Reviewer: Tracy Reynolds Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/02/10 02:43 am

Title: We Are Building Bridges Part 2

good chapter

Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/02/10 02:38 am

Title: We are Building Bridges Part 1

I've been trying to follow this story I like it alot now but at first I didn't because it just seemed so repetative and I stop reading it now I'm back at a slow pace.  I have a tendency to finish a story even if I don't like it (sometimes) I just have to finish it, But this one has grown on me.

Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/02/10 02:25 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

 While I was reading this update it occured to me that love has flipped the script between Sunny and Nikki.  In the beginning he was perceived to have all the power and be in charge of the way their time together would go.  Now, because he loves her more than life, Sunny holds all the power. Every decision he makes is only for her happiness.  Even  when he knows that going to the Sudan is just WRONG!!!   Nikki is now a man living on love and hope.  I  wonder sometimes if Sunny realizes the extent of his love for her.  I'm glad Nikki finally said he needed the words.  I used to be curious as to why she won't say the words.  I'm sure she has a good reason, but when you talk of going into war zones, then those words should be spoken.  My grandmother used to say "I love you" at the end of all phone conversations because she said you never know what conversation or time you have with someone will be the last and they should always know how you feel about them. 

I love Sunny and want her to have everything she deserves, but when Nikki says "You cannot be hurt......don't let yourself be hurt", it sounds like a plea from a man who knows that if he loses her, he loses everything. He has had the biggest transformation in this story.  Even if he sends someone from Moscow to look after her, this trip is still dangerous.  They still have plenty of things that could cause them trouble in the USA,i.e.Sergei and his friend. 

I have dug my way out of my house and am bracing myself for the second wave heading in my direction. When I saw your update it was just what I needed to take me away from all this snow.  Thanks for a great update.  You never disappoint.  Oh, and  once you get the muse out the of snowdrift... get her some hot chocolate and ginger snap cookies.  She deserves it.

Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/02/10 12:13 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

I hope Sunny say I love you back! I can't believe she is going to sudan, pretty fearless. Wonder if Nikki is going to try to visit.

Reviewer: april Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 11:33 pm

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

great update!!!

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 09:27 pm

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Great update

Reviewer: Gale Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 09:19 pm

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