Reviews For Beast
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Title: Who they are

I LOVED this update!  But this trip for Sunny is really scaring me.  I can easily see Nikki losing it if something bad happened to Sunny. This story would make a great movie. 

Reviewer: ivy11 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 03:49 pm

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Awe wonderful update!! So glad Nikolai isnt going to try and force Sunny to stay!! Benjamin is wise beyond his years and I just love his character!!  This was a very emotional update, It was very touching that Nikolai love for Sunny brought tears to his eye. Hopping Sunny will be safe and this trip will bring the 2 closer.  Come on Sunny just tell Nikki you love him :o) 

This is such a wonderful story!! What a great job you are doing!! I personal like the translations at the end.

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 03:17 pm

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Great  update!

Reviewer: yummy954 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 01:02 pm

Title: Who they are

I do not think she should go to sudan. What if something happends to her. I understand why she wants to do it but she has her brother to think about first. 

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 09:16 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Wow, Nikolai is calling her his wife....well, he treats her like one.  

And th e man who is going to go with her...I don't think it will be a man from Moscow.  I think Nikolai will be sending Sergei.  After all, he can trust him to look out Sunshine more than any other man, except himself.  Yeah.....bring on the next Update.....this is getting even more interesting.


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 07:14 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

I typically only have good comments, however I have serious doubts about this trip to Africa.  I think it's selfish of her to go to such a dangerous place given that if something happens, her brother would be on his own.  I'm really having a hard time believing that she would even consider taking this trip given the close relationship she has with her brother.  For me this decision seems a little out of character.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 07:14 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Loved it. Glad Nikki and Benjy are bonding. Also abit wary that she's going to Sudan. Loving this story so far.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 06:54 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Nikolai nearly broke my heart in this chapter...his utter desperation...the level of love he has for his Sunshine is incomprehensible...and then finally his reluctant acceptance that he can not control her...but really, he wouldn't love her the way he does if he's all part of the woman that he loves, isn't it...I agree...Sunny needs to declare her love for him back before she goes...Nikolai needs to hear those words...I'm so very afraid for them now...I just keep getting this queasy feeling that all will not go well in the Sudan...though it is for a very noble cause...I just don't like Sunny being that exposed to the very real dangers of the world like that...what is it they good deed goes unpunished...the intensity of that lovemaking scene has me fearing that it will be the memory of that time together that will have to substain them both for a long while...

I love Sunny and Benji interactions...he brings normalcy to her life...a sense of purpose to it...she's been the only true parent that young man has had for the entirety of his life...I loved that Sunny shared that part of her life with Nikolai...he never having that kind of experience with his own family...I love 'patriartrical' Benjamin also...asking Nikolai 'intentions' towards his sister...wonder how Sunny would have reacted if she had allowed Nikolai to answer that as honestly as he wants to...I think Benji approves of Sunny's choice of 'more than a boyfriend'...I loved the glimpse of the family that could be...time for Nikolai to start answering those questions that Sunshine needs the answers to...time for her to put the man out of his misery and tell him what he needs to hear...three simple words...yet so profound....

I love this story...true love like this is truly so fragile and I fear that it is not meant to be to end happily-ever-after...yet still I hope...great update...keep 'em coming...

I really don't have a preference for where the translations come at...I feel that I have come to know the character of Nikolai so I can pretty much guess what he's saying to her...but I can't wait until he translates those poetic words to his Sunny so she can understand the beauty that is this man's love for her...

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 06:39 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Sunny needs to tell him or I hope she  she tells him she loves him before she leaves for Sudan. No matter how safe she says they are something is bound to go wrong. Nikki will go through hell to get to her and probably blame himself for not handcuffing her to the bed.

I loved the dinner and the swim meet and allowing them to get to know each other once again! As much as I love the lovemaking scenes I truly enjoy their conversations just as much!  Awesome update!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 06:37 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

OMG that was intense between Sunny and Nikki.  So much more insight into Nikolai and his family life growing up.  Benjamin taking the role of Patriarch.  That was cute.  I think the translations inline would be nice.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 06:07 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Please tell him you love him before you go to Sudan Sunny! Please! 

Very intense chapter..Thanks for the update O!


Reviewer: brinagal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 05:59 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

wow i cried cried the emotions when she told her brother and N about the trip wow i thought he was going to tie her up and never let her go but hope she be safe and hopefully one day she tells n those words i love you too and he make her his wife. love the story thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 05:56 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Oh my goodness! This story is definitely one of my favorites! You're an amazing writer!

Reviewer: Little Tree Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 05:37 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

This story is fantastic - a true love story! Each chapter builds on the last and is better than the last! You are indeed a gifted writer and I can't wait until my next update.

Because you asked - translations reach easier for me when they are in the story.

Stay warm and dry! 




Reviewer: katiemae7 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 05:31 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

This story is so amazin. I am truly enjoyin Nik and Sunshine's story. Their story lets me know you never where you will find true love.

 Great Job simply Amazing!

Reviewer: Keisha Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 05:18 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

I once met this guy during my university years who found himself in a war torn area and who himself had been caught up in an ambush. Coward and selfish person that I am, I remember thinking that I would never intentionally place myself in such a situation. I guess Sunshine's willingness to go into a potentially dangerous situation once again speaks volumes of her character. I look forward to reading about her experience, but I do so knowing that the other shoe is about to drop once again wheither it's at home or overseas.

Onimosity, I am so loving m favourite couple. I get this really good feeling every time I read about Nikolai and Sunny's time together. This time was no exception. I think it was good for Nikki to see Sunny's interaction with Ben as he continue to understand and see her in different situations. It's a wonder he hasnt started to see her as the mother of his child (children). One thing though, I am getting more and more curious about her reason for not expressing her feeling for her Nikki. I know its coming (at least I hope it is).

You know whether or not you place your translation in text or not depend on whether you and your muse want Sunny to eventually seek to discover the meaning of all those words he say to her. If not then in text may be good to further strengthen Nikolai's words.

As always I wait impatiently for your next helpings... Stay warm...

Reviewer: Introspection Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 05:15 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

That was so intense Nikki almost made me cry...Only Sunshine could bring a man like Nikki to tears. I could feel his frustration, he absolute feeling of helplessness and his desperation to protect her from what could lie ahead, That love making scene was so intense and emotionally I got nervous!! You could feel his love for her. I am so afraid if anything happens to Sunshine or if she leaves him he will not make it..He loves her so profoundly it is almost scarey!

I am glad she let him and Ben speend time together,,she is taking their relationship seriously and that is a good sign. But Nikki will eventually have to tell Sunny the truth about his work and trust that she will still love him, I am hoping that his visit with Stanis will be discussion on how he can get out of the business and become legite. I think that is the only way for them to be together forever!

I love what a strong, fiercely independent young woman Sunny has become....I say it all the time but Jasmine has created such a wonderful, unique , caring person in Sunny..she would be proud. I knew she would go to is her nature!!

Excellent updt sweetie..everytime I think this story cannot get better it many twist and turns....nothing simple about their relationship or these people..

So much like real life there is nothing black and white about this story but beautiful shades of grey, blues. pinks and all the colors of the rainbow lives really are in the real world!!

Another fantatsic updt sweetie!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 05:08 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

i just discovered this story yesterday and ive already read it twice!!!! i am soooo addicted lol!!! imagine my COMPLETE elation to find a new chapter on my third go round!!!! absolutely masterful!!! you are truly gifted! more please!!! is tomorrow good for you? yes?? oh good ill be stalking er i mean waiting lol!!!

Reviewer: brownskinmom Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 05:02 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Sunshine, bb you really should try not to get yourself kidnapped or killed. And Nikolai? You might want to check in on Sergei. I have a bad feeling about him and his friend.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 04:41 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

Hi Onimosity,

Thank you for another wonderful chapter. I'm not sure about the translations.  Sometimes I think it would be nice to have them throughout the story, as if Nikolai were saying them both in Russian and in English.   With my imagination, I am usually able to figure out what the translation likely is, lol.  However with the excellent job you are doing with this story, I will just trust your judgement to put them where you see fit.  Thanks for the update, and I look forward to your next.


Reviewer: Arabelle Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 04:41 am

Title: Good Luck With Your Path

You survived the snowpocalypse. Hooray!

This chapter was so emotionally intense.  The sweetness, the fear (Nicholai's), the love between him and Sunshine, and more sweetness. I'm glad the three of them got to spend some time as a family. I love seeing them all together. Oh and Nicholai is SO in love!

I really like that Nicholai, even though he wanted to burst an artery, is respecting Sunshine's wishes. She's standing her ground, but is compromising with him too. I love that girl.

I'm sure that the a doozy is coming after all this sweetness. Thanks for a wonderful update. Hopefully life gets back to normal for you soon.

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/02/10 04:40 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

I am loving this story. I can't wait to see what wlse is store for Nikki and Sunshine. I love how hate turns into love at least that is my point of few with Sunshine. I hope she marries Nikki, he loves her so much.



Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/02/10 10:33 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

oops... failed to sign my name... damn... quick finger mcdraw at your service...

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 07/02/10 06:54 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

ahhh, I mention Sergei and the little rat bastid shows up. He is the quintessential fool. He'll be a dead fool if he steps to Sunny. Where I come from, we have a saying, some folks need killing. Sergei is approaching that for me.

He doesn't seem to know who Sunny is. He's underestimating the strength that this woman has. He's seen a bit of who she is, but I don't think he has a cluse who she really is. She does not, I repeat, does not need him looking out for her. She can do without his brand of looking out. And that looking out is going to get his a** killed.

Now Anatoly... ahh, the man is quite delicious. For some reason, I had not looked at who you cast for him. Yes, he needs a woman. not necessarilyan odd woman as he says, but one that will rock him to his foundation. That beard gives me all kinds of naughty ideas... lol out loud..

I love Nikki more as the story progresses. Sunny seems to feel the same way. This is only going to get harder as she requires more from him in terms of sharing who he really is. True, bouncing is not the answer, but it sure is hella fun.... As long as she can keep that separate from what is as stake, I say, bounce to your heart's content.  How can she resist him and he damn sho can't resist her. 

You're not fooling me, this is the calm before the storm and I'm scurred... but for now, I'm living in the moment and that's a wonderful place to be.

Hope you're out from under the snow soon; but not too soon, since we might get some more updates.  Yep, I'm selfish.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 07/02/10 06:52 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Loved the update.  Jetta is very insightful.  I thought Sergei had learned to let Sunshine go, but not so sure.  Nice look into the friendship with Nikolai and Anatoly.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/02/10 03:05 am

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