Reviews For Beast
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Title: Who they are

I said it before and I'll say it again. Sergei is not what he seems..He's a wolf in sheeps clothing waiting for the right moment to strike. I agree with a few other reviews, I think once Sergei realizes that he does not have a real chance with Sunny he's going to hurt her and may hurt himself..If he can't have her no one will.

When I think of Sunny, I think of someone that's too sweet, caring and honest for this world. Someone that is here to serve a purpose and once that purpose is serve will return to glory.. I think Sunny was brought in to Nikoli life for a reason and that reason is to show him that he can be a better man.

I hope it doesn't go down that rode.

As always this was a great chapter!



Reviewer: Renee Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 11:47 pm

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

It was nice to seen Sunny and Nikolia have a nice normal evening at home. I like that he was honest with her about his past relationships. That words only thing, didn't seem to work well for them. :D

Thanks for updating


Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 11:22 pm

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Nice update.  I am not really fond of Nikoli - considering he took a child for himself and now he claims he loves her.  This of which you have shown in the writing of your story. 

Well.  Thanks for the update.

Reviewer: Moni Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 08:26 pm

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Another great chapter. It's nice to se the two of them work on mending their relationship. The sex is always hot. Wonderful writing! =-)

Reviewer: jjazz59 Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 07:44 pm

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Another great chapter. It's nice to see they are working on mending their relationship. I know the next chapter will be just as good. Wonderful writing!

Reviewer: jjazz59 Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 07:39 pm

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Excellent its getting better and better....

Reviewer: erica Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 05:44 pm

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

That was that damn Sergei calling wasn't it?  I wish he would back the hell off!  I love when Nikki and Sunshine come together, it is exceptionally HOT!  Thank you for another excellent update!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 05:40 pm

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

As always thanks for a great chapter.

Sergei seems to not understand that no matter what he does Sunny don't want him like that.  He better hope that Nikki do not find out he back to stalking her again.  Hiss brother let it slip that more than one person is following her. 

I like the way that Nikki andSunny is funding they way.

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 02:02 pm

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me


Glad to see that you are back, better, and brimming with brilliance.

This chapter was nice and long, funny and touching, ironic, romantic and full of hot sexiness.

Male bonding is such an interesting ritual to behold... in any culture. I loved the encounters between Nicholai and Anatoly... getting sloppy drunk and mooning over a girl. Imagine badass Anatoly is an adoring mama's boy. LOL

The morning after, hung-over and still in mooning mode, the two are planning shopping and cooking to win a woman's heart. It was very touching that Anatoly shared one of his dear mama's recipes to the effort. Nicholai and Anatoly are too cute together.

As were Anatoly and Sergei the night before. Ah, Sergei. What are we going to do about him?  

 “You are not an idiot. You are a little special at times, but not an idiot..."

I beg to differ. Sergei is quite "special" LOL but also way into idiot mode, at this point. Imagine him thinking that all he has to do is bide his time while Sunshine recovers from her break up with Nicholai before he makes a move on her. His warning Jil off was all about him not protecting Sunshine. I noticed that Anatoly did not waste too much time arguing with his little brother or clarifying Sergei's misinterpretations of what is really going on with Sunshine.

Yup, Sergei will continue tilting at that windmill until Nicholai notices him again. Will mama Bazykin's favorite son have to defy his best friend in order to save another of his mother's sons from an early end all because of Sergei's hard-headedness? 

I can understand Sunny asking Nikki about business, even friends. And I think his answer was honest and reasonable... “I do not have many friends, there are few people I can trust.” He smiles ruefully. “And friends have not always been the best to me, as you know. I have Anatoly, Priscilla, and Stanislavsky and I have you. That is enough for now.”

However, the "arrangement" with Darla was different. Darla was different. Darla was not a nice person back then. She accepted the position Nicholai offered her. Sunshine negotiated, forced him to do differently while Darla simply accepted his money and everything that went with it.

Question asked and answered on that one. I believe Nicholai was as honest as he could be. At the time, Darla was a bitch and he was an asshole. Time to move on.

Is Sunny really gaining useful knowledge on the man or just stalling??

Either way, Nikki and Sunny have some very nice dates. I love a man who cooks, cooks well, and takes the time to shop for a family recipe to prepare for his lady. Watching a movie, talking, and lots of bouncing are delicious desserts.

Still cheering for Nicholai and Sunshine...

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 01:32 pm

Title: Who they are

Hiya Thank you Thank you Thank you for this chapter!!!   Thank you Thank you Thank you for the extra long chapter and love fest!!!

Glad you and muse are feeling better but snowed in!! Be safe and warm.

Once again you have written a chapter that I have read a couple of times purely because it's packed with everything I wanted,  Humour-Anatoly and Nikki reminesing over drinks and getting drunk, hugely funny.  Hard men going to a farmers market for organic food-LOL!!!! That had me screaming with laughter.  (how do you come up with these ideas?)   Love-S&N chatting over preparing their meal, sexy as hell a man who can cook.  Jetta and Sunny's chat too, that showed Jetta to be a wonderful friend and adviser. 

I'm glad you still have Sunny asking questions and thinking about why she feels she has to and possibly where it could lead their relationship, it's a tricky one but he's prepared to answer truthfully so far, it's a good sign.

Sergei, Sergei, Sergei........he still hasn't got it and it's going to be a very difficult for him when the penny finally drops.  I feel he may 'flip out' and do something drastic to Sunny and/or Nikki.  If he can't have her no-one else will kind of senario.

Anyway, I look forward to the next update with a little bit of dread as some other reviewers have mentioned.  I'm not particularly bothered if there is a happy ending for S&N because you write so beautifully it will be fine.  You're not writing some typical romance novel and I wouldn't be reading this if it was.  So till next time, take care of yourselves and thanks again.

Reviewer: Penny Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 12:22 pm

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

If only you could have seen how excited I was when I saw there was a new update!!! 

Jetta. I absolutely adore her and I think Sunshine has found a really good and invaluable friend in her. I'm so glad that Jetta gave her "the talk" cause really, its not all about the "bouncing". I'm not complaining though, but I really feel like they are walking on egg shells concerning the other aspects of their relationship. Its as if Sunshine is just waiting to ask Nikolai that one question that will make her pack her bags and never look back. That's really freaking me out, because I love them together, but at the same time I think what Sunshine is doing, asking questions, is important.


I really don't trust Sergei. At first I felt kinda sorry for him, because it must be hard loving someone who doesn't love you back. But now, I've got a funny feeling that his obsession with Sunshine and "waiting" for her to rebound from Nikolai is not going to be a good thing. And I bet that it was him calling Sunshine while she was packing away Nikolai's things. I'm very suspicious. I hope he's not a wolf in sheep's skin...


I love how Nikolai is really putting an effort into showing Sunshine how much he loves her. Doing things her way, cooking for her, talking to her, listening to her, doing "normal" things like watching movies and even slightly imposing his way by bringing over his things. He's really showing her and opening his heart to her. He's like a bad boy gone soft, but only for her. I think what will make his happiness complete is the day Sunshine tells him that she loves him too. And I truly can't wait.


Love, love, love this story and I especially loved the update! 


Reviewer: JazziePassion Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 09:00 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Thank You! |That was terrific...

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 08:48 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Okay, I had this beautiful review...and wouldn't you know my computer ate it like it was its last I wrong to state that I'm not all that upset that you're snowbound...unfortunate for you and your muse...but great for us...yay...on to my review...again...

Why do I get the uneasy feeling that I'm being lulled into a false sense of security that my couple will make it only to have the other shoe drop and my heart ripped to shreds unexpectedly...I know that the good times can't/probably won't continue indefinitely...Nikolai though he's trying isn't really answering the hard questions and Sunny is no longer content to accept the easy answers...why do I get the feeling that it may not be enough for her...yes, they do bounce very well...they's freaks like that...but then again...that was never their problem...they've always communicated very well that gets dicey when they are vertical...I love Jetta's talk to Sunny...Sunshine's in love...she knows it...Nikolai knows it...heck, Jetta knows it...yet something keeps holding her back from following her heart...I love the times that Nikolai and Sunny just spend they savor their time together as if they know they are somehow living on borrowed time...I hope I'm not right...because it will break my heart as it will theirs...I know that at some point...something will have to give...

I got a hoot out of drunk Anatoly and Nikolai...I love how Nik knows that Sunshine is 'the one'...and though he knows he doesn't deserve her...he needs her in his life...oh, to be loved like that...too bad that sad-sack brother of his, Sergei...can't buy a clue...

Sergei...he really is inside my last nerve dare he try to scare Jil off from taking an interest in Sunny under the guise of 'protecting' her...liar...he's obsessed with first, I actually felt quite sorry for, I see him as the most unsympathetic and pathetic character...all the years he thinks he's 'known' Sunny...he doesn't know her at all...and he doesn't take her feelings into account...he dismisses her very genuine feelings for Nikolai...because to accept the truth....would mean he has to come back from the land of delusion he now resides in...she sees him as only a Bonnie Raitt said...'I can't make you love me if you don't'...his obsession is beginning to border on frightening...and I believe he might prescribe to the philosophy of 'if I can't have her...nobody will'...nothing good can come from it...

Great update as always...sorry I haven't left a review in a few chapters...but well, work's been a 'beast' to this story, girl...though I get excited with each new update...I get just as frightened to read it...but talent like yours is worth the effort...can't wait for and your muse grab a cup of hot chocolate and hurry back to gift us more of this enthralling story...

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 07:24 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

I forgot to include a rating.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 06:53 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

I love this story but I'm afraid something bad is going to happen.  I hope Sergei doesn't do anything stupid.  Please oh Please be nice to Sergei.  I want him to have his own story.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 06:52 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

I love it I can't get enough of this story and this couple. I love the way he wants to change and be for her.  I love how they both have each other on a pedestal.  No bouncing does not resolve their issues that was never the problem but it sure does help and feels so good I am sure plus they are using their words more especially Nikki I am sure he has told her more then he has ever told anyone else.

I loved the pow-wow him and Anatoly had we need to find him some chocolate that is a good girl that will have his nose wide open.  I am glad Nikki is giving him more responsiblity as his Lt.  Anatoly seems like a good guy I would love to see him in love like his Matushka would ;0)

Sergei is still trying to hold out hope it would see for Sunshine to come around and fee as he does about her.  Maybe this Kyra girl is just the woman he needs b/c as he told Jil Sunshine is not free.

Sorry to hear that you are snowed in but at least you and your muse are warm yes?

As always wonderful update....wonderful story....wonderful writing

Thank  you! 

More please!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 06:32 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Loved it. Hope they work it out. Still abit worried about Sergei and his feelings for Sunny.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 06:22 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me


Reviewer: Raven Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 06:22 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Lovely...Nikolai is patiently  and relentlessly storming the Sunshine's defenses.  Good boy.  And Sunny is honest enough to let him in. 

Poor Sergei.  He plans to be there for his Sunny..opps correction Nikolai's Sunny.  And who did Sergei warn off?  Anatoly better watch is younger brother more carefully.  And I bet that phone call was from Sergei...right?  Ohhh...Sergei is playing Russian Roulette.  OR...I guess it could have been Jillian, who wants a chance too.  Jillian is super smart, which I find super sexy. 

I actually thought Sunny's new boss was going to come on to her, but I think I was wrong.  If he had, of course, Nikolai would have disabused her boss of his possibly fatal mistake.  LOL. 

I love Nikolai and Sunny together.  They are a wonderful couple.  Period.  They clearly love each other.  But what is Sunny going to do about Nikki's business interests???

Please Update soon

Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 06:21 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Jetta is a wonderful friend. I love the talk he an Anatoly had, but Sergei he just will not let go of this obsession of his. When will he learn! Nikolai is doing a wonderful job of courting her. I hope that wasn't Sergei calling her back, he had to have known if she had plans and it wasn't with the friends they hang out with it had to be Nikolai. Awesome update!!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 05:50 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

first of all thank you so much for the update. alot of my favs haven't updated in a few days but i can always count on you for a fresh one every other day.  second, i just have to say that Beast(the sotry) is a BEAST!! this story gets better and stronger every chapter.  love me some Sunshine and Nikki!!

Reviewer: vmck Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 05:47 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

well i love how him and anatoly got drunk lol to funny but it was so good that  they bond and got to be close friends agian. sergie need to get over her she wanted to be your friend and your friend only. N and sunshine are so cute together doing the most simply things with each other. i like she ask about darla and that he let her know that darla was just sex  she has his heart and no woman ever had that. thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 05:40 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

I loved this updt..nice and long and full of goodness!!

I loved Sunshine and Jetta's talk. It is good that Sunny does not see him through rose colored glasses but is realistic about who he is and is not. It is also good that Jetta made her realize that she does have Nikki on a pedestal and he does her and to make sure that the pedestal is too high!

I love how sensitive Sunny is..I can be that way too..wanting to have someone open up to you but not wanting them to hurt in the process.

I also love Anatoly and Nikki's talk and friendship. NIkki is so in love with Sunny that I get afraid for him and what will happen if he loses her..heck  it will break my heart so I know it will destroy him.

I hope  stupid Sergeei does not cause Nikki and Anatoly friendship to end...blood is thicker than water ..I just know Sergei is gonna do something stupid to make Nikki want to kill him.

Funny Nikki has people watching Sunny not just Vasily..hummm!

I love that Nikki was completely honest about Darla with Sunny..give him time and room..I believe he will tell her everything she handles it is another question!

Lawd can their bouncing get any hotter...I have to have several glasses of water when they bounce...they are incredibly hot but also loving and careful with each other when they get it on!!!

I lovvvveeee this story is one of my all time favorites..I read each updt at least twice to make sure I did not miss a thing...I am hooked and I love it!!

Great job as usual sweetie, and the muse stay hold up by the snow so we can get more of the masterpiece!!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 05:34 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Awesome update!! The loving between Sunshine and Nikoli was super hot!! Dont blame Sunshine for ignoring the voice in her head and going with the bouncing. Still dont trust Sergei. Thank you for the wonderful update.

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 05:17 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Oh and I liked the convo between Jetta and Sunny.  Sunny's has a really good friend in Jetta.  She challenges Sunny and makes her think, but doesn't judge her.

We're also seeing a Sunshine who is in fully control of her life. She end up doing exactly what SHE wants to do. 

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 04:42 am

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