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Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Onimosity this chapter just took my breath away! Nikolai is REALLY opening up to Sunny.  I'm pleasantly surprised.  I thought that he would be still very guarded for a while. Sunny does bring out the best in him. 

The sexitimes were...I have no words.  The intimate moments just keep getting better for Nikki and Sunny (and us readers too). Well done.

Alas I know the giddyness felt by Nikki, Sunny and myself (hah) won't last long.  Your little hint in the end notes gives me the willies.  I bet that not-so-innocent Sergei figures into the darkness that's coming.  Please be gentle with my favorite couple though what ever you do.

Great job.  I am anxiously and nervously awaiting the next update.



Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 04:18 am

Title: Who they are

Great update, They are talking and learning about each other, what they should have done in the beginning.

Reviewer: Gale Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 04:17 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

You are a stunningly good writer. I have so many favorite parts, but I love best the way you give each character a voice of his or her own.

Reviewer: ellendare Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 04:15 am

Title: By The Time You Come Round to Me

Oh c'mon we need the Russian profanity too. Oh Sunshine, I wish you could have happily eve after but I suspect that is impossible. Sergei is not going to stop and Nikolai is going to have to do something drastic at this rate.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/02/10 04:15 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Jasmine was a very insightful and wise woman. Sunny was lucky to have her. People change, either for the better or for the worst. But it would be easy for a young Sunny to hear her mother but see what her father was doing and come away with folks not changing. Hopefully, an adult Sunny finally understood that Mom was absolutely correct. I think that's why she's giving Nikki a chance, because he has changed from when she first met him. He has a long way to go, but I think she's willing to stick it out with him as long as he doesn't do something really stupid and unforgivable (I'm looking at you Sergei; 'cause you know that bugger is biding his time).

Not sure how she could think that she had dreamt that Nikki was there. The way he put it on her should be burned in her memory banks, doncha know. lol

Loved that she couldn't part with his favorite shirt. I think she loves him. awww... *cheesing right now*

There are still quite a few subjects that are still off limits. Soon, Nikki, soon.

I'm happy right now, but I'm one of these folks who's always afraid that the other shoe will drop, so I'm trying to temper my giddiness. Don't want to be caught with an elbow to the throat.

Nikki and Anatoly, glad he can trust Anatoly; hope he won't have to do something that would cause him to lose Anatoly. [that bugger keeps creeping in thoughts]

Wonderful chapter. I'm understanding so much more about Sunny's feelings for Nikki.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 05/02/10 03:49 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Great update.  I loved seeing S&N spending time together and learning stuff about the other.

I must admit i was confused to why Sun started to cry when she saw that Nikki was still there.  Did she think he was going to leave after he said he would stay till after breakfast? 

I can't wait for the next update.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/02/10 02:24 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Nice update!

Reviewer: Brandy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/02/10 02:05 am

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part 2

This is a wonderful story with carefully crafted characters.  Thanks so much for sharing.

Reviewer: shereads48 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/02/10 12:07 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Great update, they are working things out

Reviewer: Gale Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/02/10 04:17 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Awesome!!! Its so sweet seeing Sunny and Nikki bond again. Still concerned about his lifestyle and how it may affect Sunny.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/02/10 03:40 am

Title: Who they are

oops! I had to correct my rating

Reviewer: ivy11 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/02/10 03:14 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Ok I am now on team Nikolai!  I LOVE THIS STORY!  For this chapter "So Beautiful" by Musiq Soulchild is Nikki's song. 


Reviewer: ivy11 Anonymous starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 03/02/10 03:11 am

Title: Let the Wind Blow through Your Heart Part 2

Nikki is a girl name Nicky is a boy name....every time I read nikki I cringe because it's a girls nick or full name. I wish you can do a word/replace

Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/02/10 01:48 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

BTW I love all the song selections everyone has suggested and I love Dear Life especially..perfect!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/02/10 12:37 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

I love Jasmine..she is a wonderful parent actually she was both parents!! I hlped her daughter with school lessons as well as life lessons..Both are vital to your child's maturity, contributing and coping with the world they are a part of. It is apparent that her mother, the consumate teacher, lessons stayed in Sunshine's heart. She is a wonderful person and quite the scholar.  She is as her name states Sunshine to all the lives she touches. I really love her mother.

And people do change, wether you want to or not who you are and who you become are largely are part of the experiences you have everyday...again Jasmine is on point!

I love these times with Nikki and Sunshine when they can just be themselves. He seems so ease with her. He is his truth self , I think she brings out the Nikki that was hidden and suppressed by the darkness that he had to assume to make it in his life. Sunshine has brought him a chance at a new life, to push down and away that darkness and be the man that has always been hidden away even from himself and the world.

Nikki is also a life raft to Sunshine, with little stability and safety in her life , his love for her gives her that stability and that safety. She knows Nikki will never let anything happen to her and unlike her father, she can believe that he will try and be a better man for her. He would do anything for Sunny. Although she does not say it, her actions so how desparately she still needs and loves him.

New respect for Jil, Seigei could take some lessons. He realizes she loves Nikki and that love deserves a chance. He is willing to be her friend.

I wonder what will happen when Sunny gets the internship in Sudan. She is not going now but something will probably make her go ...Nikki is gonna will he protect her there ,,,he will have to have grwon a lot to let her out of his sight in such a dangerous place where he has no control over the environment..we will see!!

Can I tell you it still breaks my heart that Nikki has no family and his only friend is Anatoly though I am glad he has him. No wonder his life is as it is...

Glad you are doing better sweetie...and muse...this story seems to continue to get better and better..smalls delays for quality sake are ok by us!! ;) 

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/02/10 12:20 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Didnt think it was possable but this story keeps getting better and beter. I love there normal couple time together and Nikki seems to really be trying  love that. I can see Jil was dissapointed but what he said to Sunshine came from the heart that was awesome. Thank you for another wonderful update. Keep them coming when you find time.

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/02/10 12:13 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Glad to hear you and your muse are feeling better.  I wasn't expecting a post for a while so I just wanted to let you know how much I (and your many fans) appreciate it the effort it must have taken.

This chapter had me reeling with all the love.  I am now a huge Nikki fan, love the guy he is 'sweet' indeed.  I practicallly drooled reading the breakfast scene and the conversation as they were having a stroll.  You know how to write girl!  While reading I could feel the tension when Nikki asked him about Boris and his relief as she accepted it.  I know that more has to come about his work and the big question is what are they going to do about it but right now I am enjoying reading S & N dating and really getting to know each other.  I'm not sure how you are going to keep them together, if that's the plan, or if this wonderful story is going to have a sad ending, either way you are an brilliant writer!!!! 

Much love.

Reviewer: Penny Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 09:51 pm

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

As always brilliantly written.  I look forward to the next chapter.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 08:55 pm

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Another amazing update!


I have to say that I adore them together! I'm so glad that Sunshine decided to give Nikolai another chance! I love how he's always telling her he loves her now. He's really becoming a better person, which is not a bad thing at all. I'm just hoping and waiting that Sunshine realizes that she loves him as well, and that it happens really soon.


Thanks Onimosity!!! 

Reviewer: JazziePassion Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 08:02 pm

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Glad to know you and the muse are doing better..keep up the 'good work' and take it easy!

Your fans can wait because your story is worth the wait..

Now..this chapter was very sweet..I'm glad to see Nikki do some old fashion courting..He is so sweet with her..and Jil 'gets' it I think..nice friend to have around..I have a feeling Sergei won't 'get it' (about Nikki and Sunny)...

Glad also to see Nikki has a friend in Anatoly..

So what's a girl whose in love to do when given an opportunity like going to do good in a dangerous place like Sudan..Vastily better get that passport..and maybe a couple more of Nikki's may relocate!


Reviewer: brinagal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 06:19 pm

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Thanks for the update. I hope you feel better.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 03:49 pm

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Nice update. Nikolai can and will change for Sunny, he is already by having a drink with a friend!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 03:32 pm

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

This was an exceptional update. Oh Onimosity what a beautiful song and so apt for the transformation of Nikolai into Nikki. He is surely becoming a different person because of Sunny, a softer and more loving 'somebody'. And I just love how he looks out for her, how he is always on guard when it comes to her safety.

The exchange with her and her mom was just perfect and fitting for what is happening to Nikki. Jasmine is so right people do change, and they can change for the better. Sadly Jacob was not one of them, but I live in hope that Nikki's change remains positive and is much more lasting. I am so loving this couple and I now I have a huge investment in them making it. Oh yes, I am in love with Jil now. A true friend where it counts the most. What a contrast between him and Sergei (my favorite punching bag).

One point of concern though. The Sudan - West Equatoria? That sounds outright dangerous. Should I hold my breath Onimosity?

Well that's it for now. Off to work I go, but this time with a huge grin on my face. Thanks for putting it there.

Reviewer: Introspection Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 03:20 pm

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Loved it!!!

Even casual dating, these two are so hot.

But Nicholai still cannot bring himself to give details about his business dealings. At this point, Sunny can use her imagination.

At least he talks freely about his two dear friends, Anatoly and Stanislavsky. He is very loyal to them, although that little shit, Sergei, has threatened to put his relationship with Anatoly in jeapardy.

And once again, a wise beyond her years Sunshine, realizes that she either has to take her Nikki as he is or leave him alone for good, cause leopards do not change their spots.

Great insight! Great chapter!!

Onimosity, continue to rest, get well, and indulge your muse.

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 12:59 pm

Title: Who they are

 Wohoo good to see that your back on the mend onimosity!!

Ohh i love that your digging into Nikola's past! I would love for Sunny and Nikolai to explore the relationship between him and Darla. That would be very intresting. This cappie was brilliant as per :)




Reviewer: SuperVee Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 12:57 pm

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