Reviews For Beast
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Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Rats. I was expecting, well wanted, more sexitimes with Sunny and Nikki before he left her apartment that day.  Oh well.

Man, did I forget the story about how Nikolai came to work for Boris. Nikolai has got a lot of scary stories in his past. It's great that she's asking questions and that he's trying to answer them.  However, I wonder if Sunshine can really handle hearing the truth.  I can't wait to see how this plays out.

The ending makes me feel sorry for Nikolai.  He seems to have had very few people in his life who he was close to outside of mistresses and business associates. I'm glad Anatoly is considered a friend and that he has found Sunny.

Glad you're feeling better. I gotta really prepare myself for less frequent updates since I'm so addicted to this story.  Onimosity you've done a great job of keeping "Beast" alive by updating so often.  Not that you need my permission, but slow down if you need to. I and your other loyal readers would rather have a good quality story than anything else.  Thanks for being such a wonderful storyteller. 


Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 10:10 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

I loved the Banter at the kitchen table, it was to cute.

Hmm, PLEASE don't kill Anotoly...He's one of my favorite characters. I really hop Segei doesn't ruin Niki and Toly's friendship.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 08:51 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Thank you for the wonderful update as always.

Now Jil knows he does not have a chance.

Sudan huh?  I wonder will she tell Nikolai about the trip?

I wonder will she be awarded the trip and Nikolai does not allow the darkness to come forth and stop her I kept thinking if she tells him early he may do something to prevent her from going by going to the head of the Williams intern group and threaten him but I thought okay he is trying not to bully her and bee good.

Great  update again thanks

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 08:50 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Still loving the story!!!, still can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the great work.  ::)))

Reviewer: Tracy Reynolds Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 08:46 am

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

I so love this couple and I loved this update

Bless his heart Nikki is trying he so love Ms. Sunny Shine!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 07:47 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Just as long as Nikki and Sunshine end up together! I love this story!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 07:34 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

Glad you're on the mend! Great update! Feel better soon. You and your muse will be missed.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 07:10 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

I loved the opening with Sunshine and her mom talking about the leopard.  Although she never got to see her dad change, I do think she is seeing Nikolai change.  I like that he is trying to take his time and date her like she wants.  They are so cute together and especially with her taking care of him.  Now the possible trip to the Sudan has me a little worried.  I can't imagine Nikolai being able to handle that too well.  How many bodyguards will he have...I continue to love this story.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 07:10 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

wow i like the talked btween these two she getting to know him and he being honest with her. strip club lol yeah that a great way to learn english lol. i like that anatoly and him are still great friends. jill need to get it sunshine got a man and it  nikoali so back off lol. i love this story ist such great chapters everytime and love this couple. thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 06:51 am

Title: By The Time You Make Up Your Mind

So very cute. And I think she is coming to understand her Nikolai *and* his world.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/02/10 06:39 am

Title: Satisfy this Hungriness

Ok, I am loving this.  As a new writer myself, this story get right to the point and draws the reader in.  I can't wait for the next installment.  Wonderful work!

Reviewer: shereads48 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31/01/10 08:18 am

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

It was nice to see them go on a normal date. I loved reading about Nikolia's early life, and learning, why he is the way he is.

Niki's thoughts on the other bosses have me a little worried. The mob has to enter this story at some point, and Sergie will probably have their calling cards. I hope not, but unless he get's over his obsession. He's going to do something to stupid, and probably get his brother killed in the process.

Thanks for updating, and I hope you and the muse feel better. :D

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 31/01/10 12:52 am

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

Late with my's been kicking my bee-hind!!! 

Sorry that you're not feeling well...get plenty of rest and let your body get its strength back...will still be here when you're well enough to gift us again with another chapter...

On to my review...I really like to commend you on your excellent use of the flashback sequences to give us insight into your characters...young Nikolai...I can almost picture him imprisoned for a crime he is innocent of and being forced to adapt to the harsh conditions and realities of prison life...being taken under the wings of a ruthless gangster ino order to survive his precarious predicament...beholden to him for life for his act of 'kindness'...I think that Nikolai has always been looking for acceptance and family...and many of the choices he has made in life are a direct result of him seeking it...first from his parents...and when they and his so-called 'friends' turned on him...he had no one and nothing until Stanislavsky took an interest in him...and he became part of a 'family' and had that sense of belonging that we all seek...and his earlier experiences taught him a valuable lesson...not to trust and open himself up to be hurt...a lesson that he will have to unlearn if he wants to truly invite Sunny into his life completely...though Nikolai is essentially a 'bad' man...he is one of the most romantic and strangely noble men I had the pleasure of reading about...and his devotion and love for his Sunshine is inspiring and spell-binding...I heart him and her...

I found myself growing more hopeful as I read along...but still afraid to trust in that hope...because the problems that separate Nikolai and Sunny still exist...though they long for each other desperately...I loved the added touch of Nikki's new tattoo and Sunshine keeping his picture on her bedroom his face is the first one she sees when she wakes in the morning and the last one she see when goes to sleep at night...that thrilled me so...I'm also glad that Sunny is still holding firm on her need to know the real Nikolai...and retaining her own wouldn't be them if their problems were solved with one romp in the bed...they have always been good together in that respect...Nikolai is correct...their love is not a fairytale version...but love each other they do...I can't wait until when Sunny's heart is free enough to admit it to both herself and him openly without reservations...

Slow yet steady progress...but still quite a ways to go...but still I hope for the best...I love this couple...and I'm so rooting for them to make it together on the other side...

Great job, Onimosity...well done indeed...

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30/01/10 11:01 pm

Title: Who they are

I absolutely LOVE this story!! You are doing a terrific job Onimosity! 

Reviewer: JazziePassion Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 30/01/10 03:41 pm

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

Here's to a speedy recovery Onimosity and lots and lots of kleenex for you and your muse. My mom, the sage, has a simple advice for times like these, "Take it easy, take your meds and vitamins, and let your body do the rest." It works every time :)

I just knew it! His photo is in the bedroom. I smiled at that one. Indeed I smiled a lot throughout this update even through Nikolai very serious conversations with Sunshine, and even more so when I read about the new addition to his body art and where it was placed. That man is so far gone :D... Their intimate moments are sizzlers aren't they? I note that Sunny is still holding out with the I love you's. That is understandable.

Onimosity, there is a simplicity in the way you have written Nikki's talks and exchanges which makes his character even more endearing. Maybe you wrote them that way because English is not his first language, but whatever the reason everytime he talks like he did to Sunny he wins more hearts. I was particularly stirred when he quickly replied to Sunny that she owns him after her declaration that he does not own her. A very simple statement but it relays so much. He is really putting it all out there on display for his Sunny. I cannot see him as open as some of the persons Sunny hangs out with but it's good to see him reach out to her. He too deserves love. I note Nikolai's discomfort in the restaurant, not so much for himself, but for Sunny's safety. From the minute she stepped into his world, for him it has been all about her. I guess that maybe one of the reason he wants her to return 'home' as well. I cant remember if this was suggested before but I help but listen to Teddy Pendergrass' song, 'My Latest, My Greatest Inspiration."

There are some more powerful insights in the chapter as well. A younger Nikolai in prison scared and a man befriending him. I know Stanislavsky did good by Nikolai in offering him protection and showing him how to survive in the hostile environment that is prison, but what he also did was recruit, indoctrinate and entrench him into the gangster lifestyle. A favoured 'son' and soldier are what he has become with fifteen plus years of being a gangster who rules his kingdom with an iron fist by following Stanislavsky's words to the letter - long enough a time for him to have gained a reputation and many enemies I suspect. And so in my mind Nikki has been betrayed twice, by both his 'fathers.' What happens if he decides to go all legit. Ah life could be so complicated at times.

Did I tell you I really love Vasily. I picture him trying to protect Sunny while it the same time having to endure many discomforts. I bet this assignment is not one he wanted especially knowing what could happen to him if something bad happens to Sunny on his watch. I had quite a laugh picturing him in Africa. Hey, and one last thing, is Sunny learning Russian? She seems at times to understand what Nikki was saying when he broke out in his Russian speeches :D...

Now don't forget, "Take it easy, take your meds and vitamins, and let your body do the rest." :D :D :D

Reviewer: Inspection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30/01/10 01:41 pm

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

Sorry you are feeling under the weather; hope you recover soon; it really sucks to be sick!

I started reading this story late, but I am so invested in the characters at this point. 

Nicholai is so adorable and I really love the insight into his 18 year old self because it gives us a broader picture and understanding of how Nicholai came to be who he is.  It is so amazing that for a tough guy like himself, someone as gentle and kind as Sunshine just breaks him down and makes him want to be a better person.  The bond between Sunshine and Nicholai is so strong and they are so in tune with each other.  I really hope they can find their way back to each other as it's obvious they belong together.

This story is so well-written and evokes so many heart-felt emotions; great job!

I'm really looking forward to the next update; thank-you for sharing your talent; it's much appreciated!


Reviewer: Amiefuzzy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30/01/10 11:17 am

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

Thank you for the update. Nikolai and Sunny finally admit there is still something between them.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30/01/10 08:40 am

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

I don't know whether to sigh or cry. This was a very touching chapter and it just keeps getting better and better. You are doing a great job. Loving it as always.

Reviewer: karen Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30/01/10 07:53 am

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

Omnimosity, wow that was wonderful.  You doing the damn thing, that's for sho nuff.


Reviewer: Arabelle Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 30/01/10 07:50 am

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

I love this chapter. 

I also like the fact that Sunny and Nikki are working things out and Sunny is going to stay at her apartment.

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30/01/10 03:45 am

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

Fantastic update. I loved reading more about what happend to him when he was younger. The dinner and dancing and lovemaking scene, I can't get enough of these two. 

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/01/10 11:08 pm

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

Fabtastic update.

Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/01/10 09:14 pm

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

Hi Ominosity, sorry you & your muse aren't well, here's to a speedy recovery.

 Well what can I  say about this's so heart  breaking and sweet! When I read the back story of Nikki's time in prison and learning what he did to survive I felt so sorry for him.  It made me realise just how hard/tough he HAD to be.  It also made me realise that he was crying out for a 'father figure' and Stanislavsky filled that void. I have to admit to thinking of him as just another thug and nothing else but now......

Gosh, when spoke of his sorrow of the 'sins' he can never atone for my heart flipped! I'm glad he's admitting this but he still has much to say, however, Sunny must know of what he's talking about.  I can't understand why she wants to hear him actually voice the dirty deeds he's committed. It's not going to be pretty.

I loved the reunion in her flat, it was on the cards just a case of when in my mind.  You write so effortlessly and with such detailed emotion - I'm sooo envious of your talent, in a good way! 

So they are kinda back together. Sunny loving her independence and Nikki learning 'normal' behaviour LOL!  Good luck with that!

I'm curious as to how you are going to make things right between them so that Sunny's in a place where she can say the 3 magic words Nikki's desparate to hear.  Oh I nearly forgot, great touch mentioning Nikki's thick accent when he's talking from the heart. I know he's baring his soul.

So onto the next chapter, can't wait for Sergei's reaction when he finds out about the date. He's going to be livid I bet!! Then the 's**t' will hit the fan!

So take care of yourself and get well soon.


Reviewer: Penny Signed [Report This]
Date: 29/01/10 08:00 pm

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

i love love this story. the characters, the romance, the undertone of darkenss its all so blatantly amazing i love seeing updates im obsessively reading ti chapter by chapter. keep up the great work :)

Reviewer: tricia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 29/01/10 05:57 pm

Title: I'll Be High Flyin'

Another fabulous update!  I'm glad they're making their way back to each other.

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/01/10 05:16 pm

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