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Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

Hmm what was up with Segei? Niki did set her free, and idk, maybe I'm naive, but he did let her go. As much as her being with anyone else would pain him. I believe in the end that he wouldn't hurt her that way again, because he knows that she would know. He can't stand to see her look at him in a bad light. So again, what was that crap with Sergei and even if it's true, who is he to say that to Jill.

I loved "I am not my Job." I also like that Niki told her that he would lie to her, if she asked him about what he did. I appreciate his candor, and that he's letting her know up front.

Jasmine told Sunny not to be afraid of the dark. Well if she wants to be in Niki's world, she will have to learn to light his dark from within. Although, I agree with some others that Niki's world isn't for Sunny.

Thanks for updating

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 27/01/10 12:18 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

I really enjoyed this update.  I hope Sunshine makes her decision soon on whether she will remain with Nikolai.

Please update soon.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 09:29 pm

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

@ Introspection-  I agreed with your deduction of Sergei.  I feel he is up to something.  Also with the hints dropping that he gave Jill.  HMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 09:20 pm

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

I love the introduction to the chapter with Jasmine telling Sunny the different between out of sight out of mind.  That cause Sunny to deal with Nikki in a different way.  I think that eventhough Nikki don't want to tell her eventually he is going to have to.  Loving someone means knowing that person the good, bad and indifferent.  Nikki have to let Sunny see that parts that he wants to hide. He has to trust in her love and they love together and open himself up to her in that way.  Enough of my rumbling.  Excellent chapter as always. 

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 09:17 pm

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

Hey Onimosity, you do tough well.. I feel like I am sitting on a razor’s edge here, waiting for this balancing act that is Sunny and Nikolai lives to either go south fast or make a laborious climb to each other. Either way – not good for my heart, lolol...

Would somebody please rescue me from Sergei and his machinations? There comes that feeling again that he is up to something. Every time I read about Sergei I have the urge to solve the riddle that he has become in this story and that Onimosity is entirely your fault and a testimony to your writing skills. You have kept him basically as a puppy dog for Sunny’s affection, seemingly harmless, but you have given subtle hints that he may not be all that he seems. I like that J. I like that a lot... Therefore at the end of this story his character could go either way (be the villain or the good guy).

Now I have questions, why is he so suddenly chummy with Jorge (yes they now work together and... so what)?  Why the need to talk to Sunny about Jorge? And why drop hints to Jil about Sunny’s relationship with her Nikki? And lastly why the cold behaviour and smirks at Jil if he (Sergei) has accepted that he is only her friend? And I know it couldn’t be because he believes Nikolai would harm Jil. He can’t be naive to believe Sunny is not enraptured by Nikki, for god sake he has been around her for over three years. Who says she doesn’t know that she is not free? I think she knows very well seeing that she a bodyguard following her around day and night reporting her movements back to Nikolai. It would have served Sergei well to have listened to the song Sunny was singing (and observe the amount of time she took to chose that song), while he chose to run off his mouth to Jillian. What then are his motives if not only to be grossly self serving and suicidal? WTF is his game plan here? Oh yeah I’m obsessing again.

Oh, the conversation between Sunny and Nikolai was bittersweet in many ways. I wonder if and hope she is really ready to hear about Nikki’s business dealings? He sure is not ready for full disclosure. He too is up to something and I like that J, because unlike Sergei, he is about making Sunny happy. But I sobered up real quick and felt sad, but respect him further, when he told her that he would lie if she asked about his day’s activities. I just hope time is on his side. You did well to show the contrast in Sunny wanting to do non-profit work and the shadow that has become of Nikolai’s business dealings. On some level we, the readers, don’t even know how dirty Nikolai has to get his hands. We do know that violence is part of his lifestyle but just how far he goes for his Russian boss it has not been fully revealed. And I like that J. When or if Sunny finds out so will we, I suspect. Keep the mystery going Onimosity... you have us all under your spell. I like how Sunny recalls her memories of her mom in times when she needs strength to deal with difficult situations and this situation is the toughest. Mothers are so good that way, aren’t they? And oh the very last question I promise - Vasily must live in Sunny’s building how else is he able to guard her all the time? Lol...  Ah the date, I can’t wait. Spin on Onimosity, spin on...

Have a great day... while I labour, I am going to listen to all the music suggestions made...

Reviewer: Introspection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 06:38 pm

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

loved it! i like your frequent updates too!

Reviewer: brandy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 05:02 pm

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

Loved the update and it was revealing how she was processing what she learned from her mother and the things that happened in her life.  Even though she loves Niki, I don't think she will stand by and accept his life. She is so conscious of they issues her parents had that I don't think she will allow Nik's world to jeopardize her brother's or her life.  Will Nik be strong enough to leave that life behind?  No matter how much he loves Sunshine, he has a lot of darkness in him that will not be easy to overcome.  Bittersweet yes, awaiting the next update.

Reviewer: ghscrubbies Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 04:30 pm

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

I've said before that I love Jasmine.  I think she is my favorite character, after Sunshine, in this story.  They way in which you portray shows so much wisdom and strength that it makes you almost sad that she is gone.  She really instilled  so much in her daughter in the short time they were together.  She left her with so many wisdoms to pull from later in her life.  Sunshine's time on her own is just what she needs.  Her eyes are opening to so many things and she has none of the distractions that living with Nikolai would give her.  I'm glad she is asking questions and is wise enough to know that she will never really have what she wants from her Niki unless she has total disclosure.

As for the young men in her world, I knew the moment she called Jil "grasshopper" the same as she calls Sergei, that he was not on her radar as a potential date.  They allow her to have fun and be young, but they do nothing for the woman in her.  That is all Niki right now.  Let's hope he can do the rigtht things to keep her his.  Thanks again for another great update. 


Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 02:49 pm

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See


Thank You!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 01:23 pm

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

At some point Nikki will have to come clean. And finally, Sunny is asking the tough questions. I can't see her with either "boys". She calls them both grasshopper; that firmly puts them in the place of student. Not someone she should have a relationship with. Maybe she will meet someone during her internship. I'm afraid there will be more men vying for Sunny's affections. Nikki might be in for it. I loved the banter at the end. It's nice that they can laugh a bit with each other.

I'm still afraid to get my hopes up. But I'm trying to hang. Omni, I sign on every day hoping for an update but afraid that it might be one that sounds the death knell for Sunny and Nikki's relationship.  You have mad skillz. It's hard to find the words to convey how much I enjoy your writing style. The care with which you treat your characters is awe inspiring. Love it. You rock, chica.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 07:03 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

This was a sweet update. There phone conversation was a hoot to read. There playful banter made me smile. I am still rooting for them to get back together and hopeful that Nikoli will open up more. Still dont trust Sergi, something not right there. Thanks for the update.

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 06:29 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

Forgot to this story...and it should always be rewarded!!!!

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 06:20 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

For a bridge chapter...I found it highly enlightening...

I love the flashback scenes of Jasmine/young adds so much depth, warmth, and insight to the story...I really appreciate those rare moments...Jasmine was really a wise sage...and she taught her daughter well in the short time she had with her...

This chapter actually gives me more hope that Sunshine and Nikolai can weather this storm together...not saying it will be easy in the least...but they can do it...I love that Sunny is now confronting/asking questions about exactly what Nikolai is/does...after all he is asking her to take a huge leap of faith on him by sharing her life with him...that means ALL aspects of his should always enter any relationship with your eyes wide open...not with eyes wide shut...thusfar, Nikolai has diligently shielded her from his dark, stark world...but she needs to know everything...not just the sanitized version he has allowed her to see which was easy for her when she could envision a life without, feelings have deepened...and they are both at a crossroad...he is a very dangerous man who lives in a dark and often unforgiving world...though he has humbled himself to reveal the depth of the love he has for her...he still has not show her the 'real' Nikolai...his true self...and will there ever be a time when he can leave that life behind for the woman who holds his heart...or will Sunshine have to compromise her principles to live within his world...looking blindly away from what/who he is...he is right...he is not the sum total of that life...but it remains a very important part of his makeup...will he get over his fear of losing her completely from his life to reveal what exactly he is...or will he trust her enough to love him as he really is...this is such a complicated tale...

I see Sergei isn't as dense as I thought he once was...he does realize that Sunny is not and probably will not be as 'free' of Nikolai as she claims to be...yet, I do not trust him...and I see him biding his time and then doing something to set things to a head...his conversation with Jil at the karoake bar was very revealing...and his obsession with Sunshine continues...

Can't wait to read're killing this story as usual...hurry this story...thanks for sharing!!!

Reviewer: attheritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 06:19 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See


Reviewer: tcarey Signed [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 06:15 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

I continue to enjoy this story.  She is trying to keep her eyes open and she is once again listening to the things her mom taught her.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 06:11 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

This is such a good story. I was wondering if she was going to face all of his reality.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 06:09 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

Sergei and now Jil. Nikolai has all kinds of competition. He has to share his history with her to some extent. Jil  seems just as sneaky to me as Sergei.  I loved the conversation with her mom. Awesome update!


Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 06:05 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

Great update!  I see why Sunny wants to know what he does, but I see why he doesn't want her to know either.   I don't want Sunny to become Darla!  All these guys that can't take a hint can't be a good thing.

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 05:59 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

Interesting update. Hmmm, wonder if Nikki will ever leave that part of his life behind for Sunshine or will Sunshine accept all of him??? Jil is gonna be disappointed that Sunny is available to hom. Sergei may have gotten the only friends message now. I hope.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 05:57 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

wow ok love the little talked they had and her mother was a very very very wise woman  to give her daughter lessons that are simply but yet effect for sunshine to understand.  i like she not giving on  her man yet  and she right N going to have to tell her the truth of what he does if she going  love all of him complety. love this  story and thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 05:54 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

OK this chapter was bittersweet for me.  It answered some of my questions, but left me feeling more nervous for my favorite couple.

Things are getting shaky for Nikolai. He dirty dealings are going to come out.  If he doesn't confess to Sunshine, I bet Sergei will be more than happy to spill the beans. She should hear it from Nikki though.

Sergei is looking more and more like a coniving little bastard. Even though Sunshine doesn't want him, I'll be he makes sure that Nikolai doesn't get her back.  I'm sure he doesn't know how Sunshine feels about Nikki. Will she tell him though?

At least if Sunshine and Nikki don't reconcile (sniff, sniff), going to Paris will help her get over him.  I hope beyond all hope that he'll take a different path in life to be with her.

Thanks for getting this update out early so I can get some sleep.  I love this story and don't want it to end.  Thanks also for the regular updates. 


Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 05:24 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

i really love this story. everything is turning out great. i'm rooting for nikolai and sunshine. can't wait to see what happens next. update soon.

Reviewer: rissaspieces Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 05:12 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

Another great chapter!  Jil better realize he can't have Sunshine either.

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 05:08 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

Ok I still love Nikki and I don't care what he does, you love who you love.

Reviewer: monique32 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 05:07 am

Title: Different From Tomorrow You'll See

I really really really hate Sergei..really! He is a troublemaking cow. He brought gardner up on purpose and was about to tell Sunny's businesss to Jill. He is sickening. No matter what happens DO NOT let Sunny nd up with Sergei's behind..I despise him.

I am so nervous fro Nikki. I believe he should tell her about his business dealing , just come completely clean but I also think they need a time of healing first. I agree telling her now would be adding fuel to the fire and she would still be reacting off of the hurt from her father. I think if they have some closure from that incident maybe she could at least deal with the rationally. I agree Nikki is not his business. He has become a better man than he was before and he is seriously trying to change. If she totally rejects him now, it will either kill him or turn him so black there would be no coming back.

Although, it appears Sunny is planning a lif not dependent on Nikki ...traveling to third world's doesn't sound like a wife or mother...or gansters wife. I want them together but Nikki will have to let non legitimate part of his life go, if he can. He may want to but will they let him just walk away.

I am getting sad again because it seems so impossible for the two of them and Sunny with anyone else makes me sick inside...I am trying to remain hopeful but you are not making it easy sweetie.

Excellent updt and excellent story!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/01/10 05:05 am

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