Reviews For Beast
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Title: I'll Be Long Gone

im sad that she left him. make her go back!

Reviewer: brandy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 08:28 pm

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

I'm back.

First, I have a defective "t" on my keyboard. So, you brought TEARS to my eyes this morning. TEARS!! LOL Actually, I cried after I signed off.

I felt a little guilty about being sad that Sunny could not listen and give Nicholai a break. I see that I wasn't the only one who felt that way either.

Sunny said that he already had her. Well, as I recall, she really never said the magic "L" word. Most of the time I wondered if she was simply making the best of her situation or developing genuine feelings for the man. As difficult as it was for him to feel it then express it, it wasn't apparent to him either whether she felt the same. Was she that oblivious to his emotional struggles??

And she knew who he was from the start. He did this horrible thing when he was still uncertain and desperate. But he has changed. He still has more work to do, but it is possible.

Darla is an opportunist... a bitter, envious opportunist. Doing right by her Mr. Coffee, my ass. I still can't stand her.

Sergei is a seriously, seriously delusional, arrogant, foolish, idiot. Damn, he didn't even have the good decency to give Sunny some space or the respect for Nicholai, himself or his brother, Anatoly, to stay the hell away from Sunny. How many times has he been warned??? He was so eager to make his move. And of course he can always say that Priscilla suggested it. 

Yes, he obviously only has a so-called girlfriend as a cover. His view of her shows no genuine interest or regard. In a way it could be that he reats her the way both Nicholai and then Anatoly treated or regarded Darla. I pray he doesn't take advantage of Sunny's vulnerability and bring all the blackness back into Nikki's heart at the appearance of Sunny's betrayal.

Sunny should be left alone to grieve, think, breathe, reflect and decide. She is shocked and hurting right now. She needs time and is smart and compassionate enough to choose wisely in time.

Here's hoping for the best.

Still luving this great tale, the storyteller and her muse.

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 10:23 am

Title: I'll Send You a Sign...Just so You Know

Ohhh, Darla, Darla, Darla.....what have you done????? 

You may have done what Jacob wanted, but you don't know Sunshine...and you don't know how she feels about Nikolai.  All you have done is help to break Sunshine's heart. 

The next Update is going to be very painful...I can feel it coming.





Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 09:07 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

Second review (that's how much thsi chapter has affected me)

Every day he woke to find her still with him after her father’s death was a day that he rejoiced.

Nikki must've been on pins and needles wondering when she would leave him.

“I thought it worked both ways. I never thought that you wouldn’t be loyal to me. That you would try to hurt me.”

"I gave you everything because I didn’t know how else to be, how to be with you and survive"

This is gut wrenching. Because he was not loyal to her. He was desperate but he was not loyal. She feels so betrayed. This might be unforgivable. Whether Sunny thought he had a right to feel desperate is immaterial, he felt it because he knew on some very deep level he was not doing this the right way and that eventually, this would blow up in his face.

Sunny owned this chapter. I mean OWNED IT. Her words were so damn deep. Nikki could not help but feel like crap as he should. I don't think he fully appreciated the consequences of his actions until now. I am in depair over this. Never thought this would affect me so. The sadness is what gets me; anger, you can deal with; but the utter sadness that Sunny feels was so hard to witness; but Nikki needed to see EXACTLY what he's done. I feel like wailin' myself.

And this: “Do you love me Sunny?” He asks sadly. “Even a little bit?”

damn... Nikki, so sad.

“You helped him break my heart.” There are so many phrases in this chapter that conveys the complete devastation that Sunny feels. But for me, this says it all.

Onimosity, I take my hat off to you for writing one damn fine chapter and one damn fine story.


Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 04:29 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

O__O Sergei wants to die

Oh Nooooo allof this chaos . Poor Sunny!

Reviewer: brightnova01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 04:07 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

I decided to read the chapter again, oh yeah I am a sucker for sad scenes. But this time I must say I am pretty mad at Sergei. Why does he have the urge to smile in a time when Sunny's heart is breaking...  I hope Sunny wakes up to his manipulations sooner rather than later. I am disliking Sergei more and more as this darkfic goes along. I have a feeling we are yet to see the true Beast in this story...

Reviewer: Introspection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 04:00 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

Excellent job Onimosity.  In my opinion you are writing this story just right. I am glad Sunshine found out the truth, now she can make her decision having all the facts.  I definitely want her in the end to choose Nikolai, her love makes him a better man. 


Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 04:00 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

At this point the only team to choose is Team Sunshine. No matter who you choose I'm sure you will right it well. It is difficult to decide which way to go in such cases. Nikolai lives a life that in all honesty poses very real issues of morality, whereas Sergei, although loyal in his own way is gambling with his life by allowing his attraction fruition. It's almost as if the poor boy doesn't realize that as soon as he makes a real move on Sunshine that Niki will make him disappear.

If she chooses Nikolai, he either gives up the life or he makes her aware of his lifestyle with the hope that she can live with the criminal element involved.

Good story by a good writer. Decisions, decisions. I'm glad I'm not in your place right now.

Reviewer: Saschon Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 03:30 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

This chapter was just sad, I understand that she had to find out what he did.  But i don't want her to end up with Sergei.  She and Nikki make a better couple and she ompletes him.  Makes him want to be a better person.  Yes he did wrong, but he has learned his lesson.

Reviewer: Gale Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 02:52 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

Well Onimosity, this update broke my heart. I know it was necessary to get everything out in the open, but this was an emotionally one. From the start of this story I was totally in intrigue with the complexities of the characters and what motives their actions. And without knowing it I now realise that I have been celebrating the joining of Sunny and her very complex Nikki. But the reality of their coming together and their ensuing situation remain a threat to their relationship being a lasting one. Having said all that I am still rooting for them.

I am glad Nikolai decided to come clean, not lie about the sordid affair and to let her know he loves her. Now the ball is in her court and so she now see him for who he is and can make a clean uncluttered decision. I think she she needs to test this love she has for him, see if it’s real or due to that gilded cage she found herself in. At the same time she needs to learn to spread her wings and be the woman she always wanted to be. Yes she needs to take chance on herself now. For too long she had been living her life based on the dysfunctional actions of her father and the cocooned world of Nikolai. And the first thing she would realise would be the fact that Sergei has been carrying a heavy torch for her and have been bidding his time to have his chance with her. I hope she rejects his arse...

I would like to think that this period is not only about Sunny finding out who she is but also a period of growth for Nikolai. He is a dangerous man but he is also a person who has not known much love. It is time he too makes some decisions about his life and takes a chance on himself. He now has a taste of something different in a world where true and an unselfish love exists. Maybe he would be able to chose wisely. Who knows eh...

Did I mention before that I dislike Sergei, well I think I should say it again. I really really dislike Sergei!!! And that is probably because I like Nikolai despite his failings. In my opinion Sergei comes across as the male Darla. Maybe he would do something that would change my mind but so far he hasn’t and I am having my doubts that he ever would... his description of his ‘girlfriend’ laugh leaves a lot to be desired and sealed my impression of him. Whatever happens I hope Sunny does not end up with this fool…

Reviewer: Introspection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 02:37 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

This was such a tear-jerker.  I'm so sad for all of them.  Sergei don't know who he's playing with though, he might want to re-think this whole thing.

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 01:53 am

Title: Who they are

   This chapter had me thinking about it in my dreams

I had a dream that Nikki killed Sergei after he tried to get with Sunny. And so Anatoly killed Nikki! Crazy huh? XD

Anyways Great Chapter. Im so sad though!! I love this couple. I think they're the best couple on this website. Their chemistry just cant be copied anywhere else. But Sergei..UGH...Someone needs to send HIM away just like Darla. He's annoying.
I hope Sunny doesnt do anything stupid and sleep with him or anything cause she knows nikki will kill him.

Waiting for the next chapter!!....Will I cry again? lol
Im bringing tissues next time.

Reviewer: Blckbeary Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 01:32 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

I hate Sergi almost as much as Darla I am sorry but I do!!

Nikki messed up but she was expecting too much from him. He was a dangerous man who made her pay her father's debt with why does this surpise her. She knew the kind of man he was when they got in this relationship. Saying that she has to realize how much he has changed. That man who made that deal is long gone, changed by the power of love. He has transformed so much in the three years they have been together, why can't she see that also.

Sunny knows no matter what Nikki did her father was going to gamble, heck he did not even use Nikki's money and gambled anywway. The reason she is in the situation she is in now is not because of Nikki but her father. You cannot be tempted by something you do not have a weakness for in the first place.

I think Nikki has come a long way, yes he still has a ways to go but who is perfect nobody. He loves her and he has never loved anyone else. I hope this time away helps her to realizze how much she really loves him.

She said she needs to be away from him to think. To figure out if she loves him because she wants to or because she has too..that is a good idea..but they way she left was so horrible. I just pray that the blackness does not consume him again because if it does there may be no coming back this time.

This was such an emotional chapter..I cried sadly for both Nikki and could feel her pain and after she has been through so much recently but yo could also feel his desperation...his fear of losing her...of what he will be w/o her...girl that was heavy and so incredibly sad.

Sergei is an opportunist of the worse kind...he is fine being the rebound guy...he almost smilled at watching her in so much pain and her heart breaking, wow....what kind of freaking beast is he..I hate him!

I don't know how this will end...I am scared to find out..for now I will keep reading until it becomes unbearable...but I have to read somthing cheerful in between chapters though!!

You are writing the heck out of this story may be hard to read but I cannot pull away...that what makes it great!Bravo!!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 01:30 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

I feel sorry for Sunshine.  But I hope she forgives Nikki.

Reviewer: Raven Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 01:25 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

Eventhough Sunny Left all good relationship have ups and down.  Eventually it would have come out whether now or later so I say get all the bad out of the way and work on the good. 

With this out of the way it give them a chance to work on their rekationship. whether it is starting  over and building something solid. 


Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/10 01:00 am

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

That was so tearful.  I hope Nikolai and Sunshine get back together.  Sergei is not as naive as I previously thought, I would trust Nikolai more than him.

Please update!!!

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 19/01/10 08:52 pm

Title: Who they are

I wrote a review earlier but I had to come back because I realize I forgot something. I feel Sergei is not what he portrays himself to be. We will see just how evil or dangerous he is. I feel he was just waiting for the right moment and it seems the right moment has presented itself.

Reviewer: Chocolate Girl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/10 08:15 pm

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

Hmmm. can someone give Nikki a break, very emotiional chapter, but worth every bit of it...i am rooting for Nicolai, sue me

Reviewer: Chocolatepink Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/10 07:59 pm

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

You are evil woman, there are no windows in your house!! I really think you hate me for real. You was like this girl has hope for a happy ending, l'm going to crush her hopes and dreams. I kind of don't want to read any more.

Reviewer: guitarlovechild Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/10 07:58 pm

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

I knew this was coming but I have to say that this chapter broke my heart.  Nicholai had to pay for his selfishness and deviousness.  Too bad he wasn't more sure of her feelings for him before he acted stupidly. 

I am so glad that Sunny has the chance now to really decide what or who she wants on her own. She certainly needed to get away from him. I feel really bad for her too.  She has had pain heaped on top of pain.  Sunny needs some peace for a change.

I am team Sunny, but I secretly hope that she gives Nicholai a chance to prove himself worthy of her.

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19/01/10 06:18 pm

Title: Satisfy this Hungriness

Absolutely love this story!! Coming from Bensonhurst I loved the details and your writing is fantastic!!!  Signed on with the chamber just so i could let you know that you definitely have talent and a great writing format

Reviewer: phantomlover Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19/01/10 05:02 pm

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

I knew this was coming, when Niko left the invitations to gamble and made a pact with the she-devil Darla.  What I cant't stand is Sergei thinking he has any chance with her now.  Please don't do that to me.  I have been team Sunshine and Nikolai since this started!  The sad part is Niko is right, she is not for Sergei.  She may be his age, but she is older in spirit.  That came from living with her father and having to be the mother to her brother.

This was a very emotional chapter and when Niko said he has changed because of Sunny it was the truth. He is still a dangerous man, but she made him soft where is counted.  I have a feeling that the person of true evil has not been fully revealed.  All I know is that Sergie smiled when he saw  Sunny crying on Pricilla's shoulder, and that was after Niko warned him that she is not for him......hmmmmmmmm?

Reviewer: Lovelybears Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/10 02:25 pm

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

I am so LOVING this story,  It is 6:52 am in the mornng in Atlanta am I'm reading your story before I go to work!!!!

Hopefully I will not be late. LOL, LOL, LOL

Please have the next chapter today, but no pressure


Reviewer: Tracy Reynolds Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/10 12:55 pm

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

You know i'm not happy right.

Reviewer: yummy954 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/10 12:54 pm

Title: I'll Be Long Gone

You brought ears to my eyes.

I have to go now. Need to prepare for the day, reflect. Will review tonight.

Either way, you and your muse are safe with me.

Luv and Sunshine.


Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/10 12:24 pm

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