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Title: Chapter 58.2

Dont know where the heck I've been by not reading this story, but I just read the entire thing! Yes, it was that good! This story is off the hook! I've been captured from start to finish, and yes, you do need to publish it!! Absolutely loving it. Evetything about the characters I'm sure has already been said, so no need to say anything else right now, except, I cant wait for more.


Author's Response:

Wow! I don't know how or why you overlooked this story, but I'm sure glad you joined us eventually. We're 3/4 done, so you came on board at the right time.

Thanks for commenting!

P.S. And if you feel the urge to tell me what made you skip over this story initially (ie. lack of banner, cast pics etc...), please email me at I like to know how I can improve my work and draw more readers in.

Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 11:15 am

Title: Chapter 54.1

Damn Ceasar's Alphaness just well...yeah u get the jist go Brina work your magic on your man.  You done told him u love him and there is no going back now at least not tonight anyway,

Great update as always.

Author's Response:

Girl, I love an Alpha-male. Probably why I write so many into my storylines. LOL!

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 08:19 am

Title: Chapter 53.2

I hope the twins heeded Brina's words lie or not and bounce and won't blow her cover before it's time.

I can't wait to see what she has in store for Ricky and Mecedes.

Great update.

Next :D

Author's Response:

No worries. Subrina got them all covered.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 08:03 am

Title: Chapter 53.1

Well well!  Blaine did not do something nasty again Binky in fact he is elated to be a grandfather and father.

I wonder if when he is taken down will this cause Binky though to turn on Brina for cutting her ties to a better life or so what she things is a better life.

Thank u for the update :D

Author's Response:

Blaine got some humanity still within him, it's buried deep though.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 07:57 am

Title: Chapter 52.2

LOL!  I wonder what Ms Subrina has up her sleeves. 

Ricky boy you continue to play with fire don't  you?

Ceasar I know you won't be doing anything else with those trifling twins except dance so I am cool with that just like Brina.

Always great update

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

Ricky continues to play with fire because he hasn't truly gotten burned yet. But he will be...eventually.

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 07:51 am

Title: Chapter 52.1

Girl you were not lying when you say and the plot thickens.  Blaine has a grand daughter who'da thunk it!  She sounds like a smart one too but I don't think she has advanced as well as her grand daddy Blaine and he ain't all that cleaver his durn self cause he about to go downnnnn.  You heard.

Great update on to more.

Thank you

Author's Response:

No, Binky ain't got nothing on Blaine. And yes, I heard loud and clear. LOL!

You're most welcome!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 07:32 am

Title: Chapter 51

Well damn!! Bree don't get upset he was only dancing his heart is true and it is you that he wants but he is a man.  His fantasy of twins partly came true with only a dance chica only a dance.

Thanks for the update and again Ricky....well you know.

Author's Response:

Yes, it really was only a dance.

Thanks for tcommenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 07:22 am

Title: Chapter 50.3

Damn I can't stand Ricky.

Tuesday and Wednesday just make me sick with their mal-nutrient behinds though they don't know Ceasar from Adam let along Subrina's man they are little hot asses that need to get their acts together.

Great update and Ricky I can't wait til Karma bite him in the ass and hard along with Blaine and dumb bumb Mecedes.

Author's Response:

Mal-nutrient behinds? LOLOLOLOLOL!!!

All I can say is thanks for the comment AND the laughs!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 07:10 am

Title: Chapter 50.2

Dang Nana!  I thinks that if Nana had been just a bit younger she would have made a play for him herself...Goodness!  LOL!  She was shelling out the info like it was public info.

Got to love Nana though.  LOL

Thanks for the update

Author's Response:

lol. Nana is a trip. She's actually one of my favorite secondary characters to date.

Thanks for commenting!

Author's Response:

lol. Nana is a trip. She's actually one of my favorite secondary characters to date.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 07:00 am

Title: Chapter 50.1

Mecedes pretty doesn't go far without brains, talent and common sense and it fades darling don't be a hater all yo life it's not pretty on a lady that is to say that you are one.  Right now you be a mat doormat for Blaine push come to shove you'll be right where all the others that fade of displease Blaine are @ the bottom trying to keep your head above water

'Thank you chica for the update and this amazing story.

Author's Response:

Mercedes has no real clue WHAT she is. She's been told so many lies by others and herself that she truly needs to find herself. I think that's one of the reasons she hates Bree so much - Bree KNOWS who she is.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 06:47 am

Title: Chapter 49.3

Thank you for the update.


Author's Response: You're most welcome!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 06:18 am

Title: Chapter 49.2

They are so cute....thank you for an update...moving on to the next chapter I see you have been on a roll.

Author's Response:

I've been tryna keep up my momentum, that's for sure. lol.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 05:11 am

Title: Chapter 49.1

Well I have to agree that knowing his history definitely hasn't made me dislike him any less.

He's a grown ass man now and has been for sometime seek therapy durn.

Great update.  I am finally able to start back up my reading I have missed alot.

Thank you for sharing

Happy Writings

Author's Response:

I think everybody in this story needs therapy, including Subrina due to her mommy issues. No worries though. I'm gonna help her work those issues out.

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 05:01 am

Title: Chapter 58.2

Ricky really needs help, and Blaine is really an evil genius...can't wait for them to be taken down!

Author's Response:

Everybody's waiting on that take down. I promise to make it as sweet as possible for us all. lol.

Thanks for commenting, Amiefuzzy!

Author's Response:

Everybody's waiting on that take down. I promise to make it as sweet as possible for us all. lol.

Thanks for commenting, Amiefuzzy!

Reviewer: Amiefuzzy Signed [Report This]
Date: 15/01/11 08:49 am

Title: Chapter 58.2

Would Ricky do something to hurt Blaine's daughters out of jealous?  I believe that his crazy ass would.  Most excellent chapter.  Ricky needs to grow up!!  I am so loving this story.

Author's Response:

Ricky is definitely up to something and it ain't good.

Thanks for loving the story so much.

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 15/01/11 05:20 am

Title: Chapter 58.2

wow ricky like a  little kid is all about him that very sad. so bree on to something good about time crazy red did something right in his life.  thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Yeah, Crazy Red is among the reformed now. He's finally turning into a real human being.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/11 03:35 am

Title: Chapter 56.1

~smh~ Karianne knew all this time that Leesha was alive!!!

Ohhhh, when Subrina finds out.  I may just feel sorry for Karianne. 

Author's Response: The climax with the revisions is gonna be even better than the first draft, Lady E. Thanks for stopping by to read the 2nd draft with us!

Reviewer: Evelyn M. Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 14/01/11 05:58 pm

Title: Chapter 58.1

i love how support  c man is to her she need that in her life to be on her team beside family. these two are some freaks lol but hey if had man like C i would be a freak myself lol. it be on like pop corn lol.  thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

I luv a supportive man too, girl!

Thanks for commenting!!!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/11 04:18 am

Title: Chapter 58.1

Karianne is going to try something with Suprina and i hope that she slaps the snot of her.  That heifer makes my teeth itch.

Author's Response:

You're so right about Karianne. Keep reading, you'll see what happens when she finally makes her move.

Thanks for all the comments!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13/01/11 03:44 am

Title: Chapter 57.3

glad she handle C with the situation with  kay. i don't like her and wish she goes away and find a chick of her own lol. I like the fact dee dee going to show those pics with everyone  so they know that  C is taken and nobody going to get him. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Karianne should set her sights on another chick, but obsessed folks don't seem to know how to do that. They get tunnel vision and only focus their attention on one person.

Thanks for commenting!

Author's Response:

Karianne should set her sights on another chick, but obsessed folks don't seem to know how to do that. They get tunnel vision and only focus their attention on one person.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/01/11 04:04 am

Title: Chapter 57.2

smart girl bree making sure she drove her car that way no one will see her weapons in it smooth.  i thought that C was about to take her right then and there lol but good he didn't lol. She a strong woman because i proably would had hit ricky right in his you know what lol. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Girl, you know Bree is known for thinking ahead. She might slip up on some things since nobody's perfect, but she got this one right here. lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/01/11 12:55 am

Title: Chapter 57.1

wow C is a big man for that. instead of kicking his butt like he should lol he too the high road and ddint' go there witch is very good for him and bree. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

We all have Subrina to thank for this change in C. The old Caesar would have stomped Ricky into the ground by now.

Thanks for commenting, lady!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/01/11 11:17 pm

Title: Chapter 57.1

Ricky has got problem and should be thanking Bree for stopping the ass whooping that was coming his way.  The beat down will happen it has been postponed.  I still Karianne to get a beat down as well.  I don't like that heifer!!!

Author's Response:

You're right. Subrina postponed the inevitable. However, Ricky's beatdown might not come from who you think.

I'm not liking Karianne all that much either. She really need to get it together.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/01/11 11:04 pm

Title: Chapter 56.3

I really don't like that heifer Karianne, I want her to get fired.  God Karianne, Subrina isn't gay so why don't you leave the woman alone?  I want Subrina to slap the shit of Karianne.  I want her to hit her so hard that she wakes up back in her momma's womb!!!

Author's Response:

Wow! So violent. lol. On a serious note, it's much betta to take your anger out on fictional characters than on real people.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/01/11 03:52 am

Title: Chapter 56.3

what please tell me that kay not going to stab her in the back with this case. look i know she like the girl but fine another woman. it plenty out there lol. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

This is a wait-and-see situation about what Karianne will do next. She don't even know right now.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/01/11 01:05 am

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