Poll Question | Start | End |
The Chamber is not ordinarily place for politics, have tried hard to keep neutral. With the current cluster**** that is going on, simply impossible. Not admin's job to force agendas... what do y'all think? | November 15 2016 | August 19 2020 |
The Chamber has some site issues - what do you do? | May 19 2016 | November 15 2016 |
How often do you fake it?
| July 15 2013 | May 19 2016 |
What do you prefer? | June 16 2013 | July 15 2013 |
How do you prefer to read? Traditional or have you converted to the electronic formats? | May 31 2013 | June 16 2013 |
Fanlore wiki has just invited The Chamber to be listed on their wiki page. Should we accept this invitation? | May 17 2013 | May 31 2013 |
Do you like listening to recorded versions of your favourite story. | March 12 2013 | May 17 2013 |
Do Christmas jingles drive you nuts? | December 17 2012 | March 12 2013 |
What do you prefer in a Christmas Tree? | December 03 2012 | December 17 2012 |
Is Halloween the most fun holiday of the year? | October 25 2012 | December 03 2012 |
Do we want a new "After Dark" archive, separate to the Chamber, dedicated to more raunchy, naughty pursuits? Or just add a special rating and keep everything in one place? | August 11 2012 | October 25 2012 |
Keep the new look featured scrolly thing with the banners? Or go back to the old system? | August 01 2012 | August 11 2012 |
Plaigarism. What to do about it. Should we have a record, a 'wall of shame' of known plaigarists, being far more proactive, sharing with the community as an advisory warning? Should we ignore them after banning? How do you think is the best way to | July 01 2012 | August 01 2012 |
Novels and movies. When you just love a story and they decide to make a movie out of it.... | April 13 2012 | July 01 2012 |
Easter is upon us, what does it mean to you? | April 06 2012 | April 13 2012 |
Age consent popups: Do they bother you? Are they unecessary after the ratings etc? Do you want them turned off? | March 26 2012 | April 06 2012 |
What do you think about the acts like SOPA and PIPA to censor the internet? As authors, we want our content protected, but do these acts go too far? Is it just big corporations and greed out of control and a gross violation of personal freedom? | February 19 2012 | March 26 2012 |
What is your New Year's Resolution? | December 27 2011 | February 18 2012 |
What do you like about Christmas? | December 05 2011 | December 27 2011 |
What do you consider sexy? | November 10 2011 | December 05 2011 |
How did you find out about the Chamber? | August 20 2011 | November 10 2011 |
The Chamber loves readers just as much as it loves writers! We'd like to bring back the Reader of the Month program, to celebrate a fabulous Chamber reader/reviewer with a banner and a special spot on the front page. What do you think? | July 20 2011 | August 20 2011 |
The Chamber loves readers just as much as it loves writers! We'd like to bring back the Reader of the Month program, to celebrate a fabulous Chamber read | July 20 2011 | July 20 2011 |
The Chamber loves its readers just as much as it loves it | July 20 2011 | July 20 2011 |
Which category of stories would you like to see highlighted in the month of June? Either random or recommended stories would be chosen from this category.
| May 10 2011 | July 20 2011 |
New feature? This will allow members as well as the authors to respond to reveiws. Is this something that authors would like to see and allow? | April 26 2011 | May 10 2011 |
Should we restrict shoutbox use to logged members only? Due to increasing problems across the net with cyberbullying, it has been suggested we tighten security a little. | April 12 2011 | April 26 2011 |
Which skin to make the default? With the site updates, everyone is going to be reset to the default skin. You can change it back to your favourite, sorry for the inconvenience. | April 10 2011 | April 12 2011 |
The video section on the homepage has always been known for videos of actresses in correlation with the character of the month. A suggestion has been made to do a website trailer instead of a character of the month video for the time being. Which wou | April 03 2011 | April 10 2011 |
PRINT TO WORD? The new print to word feature has caused some inease with authors. While it does allow for convenient saving of stories, it is by no means the only way for content to be copied. Whether the word feature is enabled or not, there is no r | March 27 2011 | April 03 2011 |
The shoutbox is very important part of this site. Would people like a wider one where you can see more content, sitting in the large blank area under the news? Or leave it as it is? | March 23 2011 | March 27 2011 |
To poll or not to poll? | March 23 2011 | March 23 2011 |