
What the Chamber means to you
Hey Chamber Peeps! The Chamber might be invited to participate in a book, and they are interested in the members experiences with the site. How you found it, are you active, a reader, writer, lurker and what it has done for you, what it offers you personally.
There is no money for the site in this unfortunately, but it is a chance for some wonderful exposure for the site and its authors.

If anybody is interested in participating, you can email me at for more information. Right now things are still early stages, but I am very excited about this.

--jacci on February 22 2016 12:57 am 5 Comments--


Its a wonderful place to post and know about the books. Some times we are unaware about what is the main theme of a particluar book. So it is the best platform for the readers to know more about the reviews.

- JosephOverstreet
on June 14 2016 09:40 am

The Chamber is extremely important to me as an author, but more importantly it has immeasurable value to me as a reader.  There are stories here that show the world from a different prospective.  I find stories here that I cannot find elsewhere.  Thank Valent Chamber

- Elizabeth Griffin
on April 08 2017 08:01 pm

A great place to read emotive, evocative and humourous stories for an avid reader of most genres... You immerse yourself into the woven stories that we are priviledged to do so freely. Given rights to review. Have an openness to express thoughts about the characters forgetting at times it's fiction LOL.. and it's wonderful to read the perspective of the authors on this site that you wouldn't on any other - their preparation with editing and informing readers when this is not done.  Ever so grateful and thankful to the authors and administrators of this site.

- Mary P
on October 15 2017 10:42 am

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.