
Our 16th Year - Hosting Costs

THe Chamber is turning 16! What an amazing run this site has had. However, it is that time of the year again, which has rolled around. Hosting costs for the Chamber are due, and have increased dramitically since last year.

Unless we can raise $59 for domain registration (up from $53 last year) and
$200 for hosting (up from $143 last year) the Chamber will either have to be shuttered or look for a new home, which will mean taking on ads and a less reliable server. Or possibly someone who can afford to take it on and maintiain it without having to rely on donations from members.

$253 for the year

For the sake of economy, going to replace the chat box with the free in built shoutbox to help keep costs down, otherwise we need another $20 for the year.

If you can, the donation button is on the home page of the site or you can use this link: Donate

Your support is greatly appreciated, and if it turns out we can't raise the funds, there will be plenty of notice for people to archive stories. 16 years is truly an amazing run, and hopefully we can keep it going another 16 years.

--jacci on May 20 2024 06:14 am 0 Comments--

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