Reviews For Magic Man
Title: 21753 Wesley Way

So glad that Nathan and Yola got all their pent up emotions out in the open, and that his parents and sister were so comfortable with Yolana.

Can't wait to see Yolana grow more now that she's free from Freda.


Reviewer: rockybalboa Anonymous starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 15 2024 02:41 pm

Title: 21753 Wesley Way

I cannot overstate how much I love this story. Every new chapter is well worth the wait. Thank you for continuing to update (please stick with it!). I can't wait to see how the characters and story continue to develop.

Reviewer: Lemon Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2024 01:07 am

Title: 21753 Wesley Way

Yeah, that was a lot of unspoken emotion going on there. Very palpable just reading it. But so understandable from both of them. Especially Yolana. Its going to take time for her. She was practically an institutionalized prisoner.

I'm glad they talked. They'll work this thing out together

Now, can I say how much I love Nathan's mom, Remy. His whole family, really. I think she'll find friend and family in them.

Loved this!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2024 01:04 am

Title: 21753 Wesley Way

Great update 

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: June 10 2024 10:42 pm

Title: 21753 Wesley Way

I am enjoying this sweet unfolding of a tender love.  It's not all "grab and grunt". I like that Nathan is respectful of Yolana's naievete. But also not turned off either.  I think when he is ready to trust his heart again, he could love this woman.  As a total romantic,  I am rooting for them, and for you as their writer.  You are a good storyteller.  I hope gain more confidence.with each new story that you tell. Keep going.


Reviewer: sprklngbrwneyes Anonymous [Report This]
Date: June 10 2024 07:02 pm

Title: Intermission Stories 3,4

Those were interesting. 



Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 20 2024 01:35 am

Title: Intermission Stories 3,4

Can't wait for chapter 9

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 13 2024 09:31 am

Title: One Way Or Another

I am glad she finally got away

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 11 2024 08:27 pm

Title: Intermission Stories 1,2

Ms. Juanita was totally wrong for that, but it was just too funny.. Hopefuly Robin had plenty of toilet paper handy and the plumber on speed dial LOL

Good for Belvin finally putting Freda in her place, she needed that toung lashing big time, I was smiling ear to ear when I read that.

Loved both stories.

Reviewer: rockybalboa Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 09 2024 02:46 pm

Title: One Way Or Another

Omg I loved this chapter. My heart!!!

Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed [Report This]
Date: March 06 2024 02:30 pm

Title: Intermission Stories 1,2

Ok, Juanita was just wrong for!

And Belvin with Freda....that was so satisfying that I'm dancing a little jig in my head!! He's getting a standing O from me right about now! And now maybe its time he moved on himself. Get his own life back. If Freda wants to stay locked in the past and rot in that house alone and continue to negelct her own life, thats on her. Whatever happened with her sister and mother clearly affected this woman deeply and profoundly; and she needs to deal with it. Punishing Yolana wont heal her.

This was so worth the wait! Well done!!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 06 2024 01:53 am

Title: One Way Or Another

First of all, so good your back but very sorry that you had a loss in the family. I hope you and your family were able to spend time together over the holidays and during your time away from here. This chapter was so exciting, good for Belvin for finally choosing Lana over his ex-wife. I can't wait to see how things go with Nathan away from this little town (btw this isn't a horror story right? I would not be able to handle a twist like that after all the feels hahaha)

Author's Response:

Thank you. We recently had another death, but you know what I'm happy that both lived really good and fulfilling lives. I thought about the twist at the end but I couldn't do it to myself let alone anyone else lol. Maybe in the future I will do more dark type stories. I think it would be fun. Thank you so much for reading.

Reviewer: GeenBean Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 24 2024 05:23 am

Title: One Way Or Another

Good for Belvin, not standing in Lana's way, she neeeds to go and spread her wings.

Oh can't wait for Freda to have EGG all over her face.

Author's Response:

Belvin tries his best to help the both of them but sometimes it does more damage than good. He made the right decision this time. Thank you for reading!

Reviewer: libertylady Anonymous starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: January 20 2024 12:02 pm

Title: One Way Or Another

Before I started this chapter, I was thinking, why don't they just run away.  And lo and behold! This was a real nail biter. I'm so glad that they got away. I have to side-eye the uncle, he allowed that wife of his to almost destroy Yola's spirit. 

An exciting chaper. What a way to start the new year.! Well done.

Author's Response:

I believe Belvin letting Yolana go was him righting all his wrongs and apologizing. Though he would prefer her somewhere he can see her. Glad though you were on the same page as me and wanting Nathan to just take her away lol. Thank you for reading!

Reviewer: BellaChica Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 15 2024 02:36 am

Title: One Way Or Another

That chase and Belvin's eventual understanding of what was happening almost made me cry. He never thought Yolana's leaving would go like that? With Freda being who she was, could it have gone any other way?! I honestly don't think so. Freda was making her final dig into Yolana and there would be no escaping after that. Shame on that woman!

Whatever happened with her sister and mother, she's made Yolana pay dearly for it! Of course never actually talking to Yolana about any of it. Maybe even getting help herself. No, instead she took fear, anger, rage and hurt; all of it was silently, and even a bit maliciously, directed toward Yolana.

As for Yolana? Yeah, it was time to either piss or get off the pot. Freda took off the kid gloves. She's just lucky Nathan was there for her!

So very well done, my dear! 

Author's Response:

Belvin was right that Yolana had survived everything that Freda thrown her way but it seemed that this would have really done her in. It might not have been standing up to Freda and speaking her mind but leaving with Nathan sent a message for sure. Thank you for reading.


Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 15 2024 01:31 am

Title: Easier Said Than Done

Ugh this is a good story but I'm so annoyed with Lana. Like dang girl get a backbone 🙄

Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed [Report This]
Date: September 29 2023 11:58 am

Title: Easier Said Than Done

Wow! That was heavy. I feel for Yolana, but if she doesn't find a backbone now, she never will. This has to stop! And that's up to Yolana not Nathan to do. Freda means business and she'll keep this young woman a prisoner for the rest of her life. Smashing her phone and talking to her like that? It was insane and out of control. Surely Yolana sees this by now? Whatever the truth of this situation is, she needs to find it and contront Freda about it. What good is it for Yolana to hold to the last of her family if that family treats her no better than a stranger would? That was an awful display from Freda!

Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 17 2023 12:22 am

Title: Easier Said Than Done

Freda needa to be medicated, this issues goes so much deeper, I have a feeling that Yolana's mother has the answers she's looking for. Yolana is not a child... and I'm kinda mad at Yolana, she shouldn't be treated that way, she owes Freda NOTHING, she needs to get out of there and fast. Nathan take her back to Tennessee with you.

Author's Response:

I dont think medication would help that woman to be completely honest. Maybe a straight jacket?

Reviewer: rockybalboa Anonymous starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: September 12 2023 11:53 am

Title: Chapter 1

This new chapter had my heart racing. I'm so glad that Nathan stood up to Freda. Im excited to see how they're gonna make it work to see it each other now that the cat's out the bag. Thank you for the update dear author!

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading! Yolana needs more people on her side. Mrs. Henderson is great, but she needs a big strong man to help her.

Reviewer: Lisa Anonymous [Report This]
Date: September 12 2023 06:09 am

Title: Chapter 1

Your updates are always worth the wait! Great chapter. You describe each seen so well, I love these characters! I'm invested in them.

Author's Response:

Thank you! I really dont try to take so long, but im pleased that people like the story and characters.

Reviewer: WideAwakeLemon Anonymous [Report This]
Date: September 12 2023 03:07 am

Title: Easier Said Than Done

I guess I can stop side eyeing Candace. But I am going to keep rolling my eyes at Freda. Yolanda is a grown ass woman, she doesn't have to take that treatment. She needs to bounce!! Nice update

Author's Response:

I was living for the Candace hatred! I love the automatic response we have to protect our girls. Thank you for reading.

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 11 2023 03:22 pm

Title: Easier Said Than Done

A damn good chapter. Freda is Satan's handmaiden.

Author's Response:

 It's always the "Holier than thou" people. Thanks fore reading.

Reviewer: BellaChica Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 10 2023 03:24 pm

Title: A Beautiful Aura

Omg this is getting so good!!! Please update soon!

Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed [Report This]
Date: July 19 2023 01:33 am

Title: A Beautiful Aura

The only confidence there was, was how confident Freda was in Yolana's failure.

That's one helluva line! It hit me like a gut punch! Freda does her work well. Her resoluteness in seeing that young lady amount to absolutely nothing and to think of herself as nothing because she herself is consumed with unforgiveness, hurt and anger. Does that make her feel better when she lays her head on her pillow at night! She broke her own marriage and home up over it. I bet she blames Yolana for that, too.

My heart breaks for Yolana! Still, she's gonna have to find a way to some inner strength, clarity and backbone; or she'll be in that prison she call a room for the rest of her life. And that's fine by Freda.

Such a good chapter!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you very much for reading! I'm happy that you liked the chapter. Your right, the hurt and hatred gets in Freda's way of actually helping and caring for Yolana, which Freda thinks she is doing.

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 16 2023 01:12 am

Title: A Beautiful Aura

Freda is getting on my lst nerve, she seriouly needs to Get a Life and leave Yolo alone... she's making it seem lile Yolo owes her for saving her from her mother, I thought thats what families did for one another... I wonder if Freda was a bit jealous that Melinda was bold enough to go after what she wanted in life and Freda was left to be the "good daughter" I have a feeling that there is more to that story.

I so hope that Yola doesn't cancel on Nathan because of her aunt, they are so into each other.

And I don't trust Candance on bit. Yola better be careful.

Author's Response:

Yes ma'am, Freda is a problem. She doesn't even realize it either. She definitely believes Yolana owes her everything for what she's done for her. She believes it and she expects it.

Reviewer: libertylady Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 14 2023 01:06 pm

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