Reviews For Magic Man
Title: A Beautiful Aura

Freda needs to take a long walk off a short pier and let our girl live! Then the added emotional manipulation bringing up Yolanas mom to guilt her into compliance, so annoying! It takes talent to write a character so genuinely unlikeable in a story that's so good, thanks for the update!

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading. It takes a special type of person to use and manipulate your weaknesses like that but we have them out there in this world.

Reviewer: Geenbean Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 14 2023 07:33 am

Title: A Beautiful Aura

Freda have some serious issues within herself. She's punishing Yolana for the sins she thinks her mother did. She's not seeing Yolana as an individual, she's seeing Melinda. She lost Melinda and at the rate she's going she's going to lose Yolana too. And I think that Candice is too quiet 🤔 what's she up to? Nice update

Author's Response:

Why does no one trust Candace? Lol. Freda has no fear of losing Yolana, that's how much of a hold she believes she has on the girl.

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 13 2023 12:24 pm

Title: Chapter 1

This story is equally heartwarming and heartbreaking! Fantatic writing and character development. You do a great job at creating scenes as well. It is always a huge treat when you update this story!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you and thanks for reading. I always feel like I'm overexplaining people and places so it's nice to know that I'm not doing too much.

Reviewer: Lemon Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 13 2023 03:33 am

Title: Forget Me Not

the end of this chapter was so lovely! it's wonderful how their relationship is blossoming

Reviewer: Lisa Anonymous [Report This]
Date: June 28 2023 05:45 am

Title: Forget Me Not

Hmmm....see, its those little intangibles in the beginning when something gets started that are the trickiest. It may only have been a week, but there's something there; and thats why Nathan coudn't look at Yolana in the truck and felt bad all day about it. No, they don't owe each other anything at this point, but kinda, still. And it being her "friend" didn't help matters any. He really didn't have to do that. And trying to cheese it up and act like everything was cool was a turn off. Like bro, don't try to handle her!

Yolana, however, pleasantly surprised me because she handled it well. I'd still keep all that in mind dealing with the both of them from now on. Having said that, she did ask Yolana first. It just wasn't cool of either of them. 

Nice update!

Author's Response:

I think she handled it so well because she knows she doesnt have that much of an argument. Nathan might have a college degree but he still might act like an idiot lol. Thank you again for reading!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2023 01:32 pm

Title: I Need the Rain


Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 10 2023 11:56 pm

Title: Forget Me Not

Nathan and Yolo are just too cute for words, and I love that he so wanted to make her smile and not be mad at him for having that THOT Candance being in the car with them

As for his one nighter( and that better be the only one) the next time that Nathan is feeling aroused, have him visit Ms. Palm and her 5 daughters(aka his hand) and I already don't like Candance, she's not a friend to Yolo at all,and then what to brag about the fact she spreads easier than peanut butter, whatever.

And Freda better let Yolo keep those flowers.

Author's Response:

Ms. Palm litteraly had me stuck for a minute. Like who? Then I read the rest lol duh. Thank you for reading, I love your responses.

Reviewer: rockybalboa Anonymous [Report This]
Date: June 10 2023 02:28 pm

Title: Forget Me Not

Great writing. I'm wondering how Nathan gonna explain himself. If I was Yolana I wouldn't want nobody sloppy seconds. Nathan is wrong for sleeping with Candace. Even though he and Yolana is not in a relationship he knew she has feelings for him and he claims to have feelings for her,I don't see how it can work. Nice update

Author's Response:

Sometimes men dont think with the right head.

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 07 2023 09:38 am

Title: I Need the Rain

I don't know how Yolana can live like that 😕 always in constant fear of her aunts reaction. Seems to me like her aunt needs Yolana around to make herself feel important. Nice update

Author's Response:

There are so many people out there in similar situations and its scary to see other people treat their love ones that way.

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 07 2023 09:31 am

Title: Chapter 1

This is story intriguing, entertaining, sweet and very well written. I'm very invested in the characters, lol! I'm hoping Nathan helps Yolana find her voice. Great work and I cannot wait for another chapter!

Reviewer: Lemon Anonymous [Report This]
Date: June 01 2023 10:21 am

Title: I Need the Rain

This chapter was almost unbearably adorable! I'm loving Nathan and Yolana's budding relationship, great update!

Reviewer: Too cute Anonymous [Report This]
Date: June 01 2023 06:11 am

Title: I Need the Rain

Nathan and Yolana are just so cute together, I love the friendship that I hope will build into more... and that conversation was sweet... I hope the "offer" that Nathan is talking about is not from that Thirsty THOT co worker of Yolo's.


Ok I need Aunt Freda to get a LIFE of her own, or get LAID big time, by one of those lumberjack looking men, I know they will have her walking funny with a permament smile on her face. She is getting on my last nerve.

Looking forward to more.

Author's Response:

Yolo has to be the cutest nickname for Yolana. Thank you for reading!

Reviewer: rockybalboa Anonymous starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: May 25 2023 03:27 pm

Title: I Need the Rain

Explore his options !? Oh no!!

Author's Response:

I know! That darn Yolana and her pretty voice. Thank you for reading!

Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed [Report This]
Date: May 24 2023 03:50 am

Title: Chapter 1

I love the story so far! I can't wait to read what happens next!

Reviewer: Jenna1020 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 16 2023 09:34 pm

Title: Bright N' Early

Ok, that scene with Conner was hilarious!! Poor kid!

So, its a funky position to be in when you're trying to get to know someone yourself to then have your friend scope him out for herself. Even worse for her ask if you have eyes on him and you cant say either way yet, but hands off anyway. Yeah, that sucks!

Its really coming along! Great chapter!

Author's Response:

Yeah. Some women don't hesitate. Early bird gets the worm! lol

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 15 2023 02:38 am

Title: Bright N' Early

That was a grea chapter... Yolana and Nathan are so sweet, and I love how they are getting to know on another... It seems like he's getting Yolana to come out of her shell some what; and I so hope Auntie is not waiting for her by the door... Oh and I hope that Nathan doesn't give that Thirsty chick the time of day.

And now I can see why Freda is like she is with Yolana, but she should treat her the same as the mother, its like she's punishing her for the mother's actions. I know there's to this story.

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading! Im excited to expand on why Freda acts the way she acts.

Reviewer: liberty lady Anonymous starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: April 11 2023 03:48 pm

Title: Bright N' Early


Author's Response:


Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 11 2023 10:22 am

Title: Bright N' Early

Omg my favorite chapter thus far! I was so scared her aunt was at the door and there'd be a show down. 

Author's Response:

Thank you! I think I reread it about three times, so it's nice to know that you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed [Report This]
Date: April 10 2023 02:14 pm

Title: Belvin's Barbecue

I'm interested in more. Good job!

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 04 2023 02:59 am

Title: Chapter 1

Mrs. Henderson is funny 😄

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 04 2023 02:57 am

Title: Chapter 1

This story is very very good and has got my full attention. I also grew up in a religious, strict family so I see alot of myself in Yolana. Keep going, your writing is wonderful. I am looking forward to each new chapter <3 

Reviewer: Shelly Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 02 2023 11:33 pm

Title: Belvin's Barbecue


See, with an aunt that controlling of a 25 year old grown woman, I have to ask; what's behind all of that, really? Taking her phone to see if she's lying? Why? Is there something she knows? 


Me likey!!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 28 2023 09:33 pm

Title: Chapter 1

Your writing is very good.  Your story is picking up momentum.   I hope you will keep posting.

Author's Response:

Thank you I appreciate it. I will give it my best.

Reviewer: sprklngbrwneyes Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 28 2023 06:03 pm

Title: Belvin's Barbecue

I actuallylike this slow build up, and Im picturing the stroy in my head. I liked Yolanda and Nathans conversation.

OK WTH is up with Freda, Yolanda is an ADULT, not some teenager, with thier hormones out of control. Its only been 2 chapters and already I wanna Smack her,

Author's Response:

Thank you very much! Slow buildups are both very agonizing and very satisfying.

Reviewer: liberty lady Anonymous starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: March 28 2023 05:23 pm

Title: Belvin's Barbecue

At first I was confused as to what the point of the story was. This second chapter cleared that up. It's good writing I was envisioning everything in my head. Excited for the next chapter!!

Author's Response:

I'm happy things were cleared for you. I worry that I don't supply enough information. At the same time Im trying not to give too much.

Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed [Report This]
Date: March 27 2023 07:16 am

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