Reviews For The Clause
Title: Chapter 15

I hope they put her behind, behind bars. Dani needs to listen, she has to know this heffa is up to no good.

Author's Response:

hi bayou... how are you... thanks for looking at it...

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed [Report This]
Date: June 25 2011 05:03 am

Title: Chapter 15

Hey D,welcome back, I was SHOCKED when I saw this story was updated, I missed it.

Dani and Chad are still the BEST, and I think that I hear wedding bells in the future.

Heather makes me ILL, liquor and jealousy do not mix, and I can't wait for her to be TAKEN DOWN, and I hope that Dani does it.

Don't be too long with more.

Author's Response:

Sorry it took so long. I really promise it won't take a year.

Reviewer: lady liberty Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 25 2011 03:35 am

Title: Chapter 15

Chad should have know that Heather the drunk ho wasn't done with him.  You know Dani won't believe you, when you try to talk to her about.  Heather is so selfish I can't believe that she did that at his brothers wedding.  That was just wrong!!  Thanks for the update I have missed this story.  Awesome!!!

Author's Response:

thanks lady... more on the way soon.

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]
Date: June 25 2011 03:34 am

Title: Chapter 15

Wow I want to slap the hell out of Heather she just a rude bitch and always trying to start dram. I wonder how his brothers going to help him out with the thing with Heather.  Glad to see you back girl miss seeing you around the chamber and hope school is going well for you. Thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

thanks girl. I see you're writing now. Awesome...

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 25 2011 03:31 am

Title: That was awkard...

when are you updating again


Author's Response:


Reviewer: ladynaik Signed [Report This]
Date: June 05 2011 01:17 am

Title: The Introductions

I will take a peek at the next chapters of this story but I am immediate suspect it might not interest me because it is too fantasy that any business would have a clause requiring their employees cannot date each other.  Firstly, it would be unconstitutional and secondly the employees would violate it.

So the premise to obstacle to love for this story is already weak for helping the story sustain my interest, but we will see! 

Author's Response: Thanks, I guess. I'm sorry it wasn't as realistic as you would have liked.

Reviewer: 5Danielle Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 08 2011 11:06 am

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

Damn, that's a good story!!!

Author's Response: Thanks

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: September 03 2010 05:31 am

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

Damn that was hot!!!!  Ben got knocked the fuck out!!!  lol.  I am loving this story, so please continue.

Author's Response:

Thanks for still reading this...

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: August 31 2010 03:07 am

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

this chapter was really choppy

Author's Response: You're quite critical, without being constructive. Any ideas for me to not be so choppy?

Reviewer: tsykes2005 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 26 2010 04:28 am

Title: The Introductions

I enjoyed this story, so I wondered if you are planning to do an Update?


Author's Response: I updated...finally

Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed [Report This]
Date: August 12 2010 07:39 am

Title: The Introductions

oops Heather*


And I honestly think that Dani and Chad will be the one that gets this clause removed.


Oh yeah, great casting... I hope Brian's wife isn't a prude or sucks at life like Heather does.

Author's Response: LOL.. thanks!

Reviewer: rosey_pink Signed [Report This]
Date: August 04 2010 04:05 pm

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

I can't stand either, which sucks because I love Faith Hill!!! lol


Ben is such an ass! A miserable ass at that!


I love Dani and Chad! I knew they were gonna be together since the first installment of this series.


Please more! You haven't update since April I see! It's August PLEASE update soon!!!

Author's Response: I am going to try {operative word being try} to get an update soon for you.

Reviewer: rosey_pink Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 04 2010 04:03 pm

Title: The Introductions

Please come back Smooth....

I need me Dani and Chad ASAP!!!!!

Author's Response: School JUST ended today... Back soon, I promise

Reviewer: ms30+ Anonymous [Report This]
Date: July 23 2010 12:59 am

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

wen r u goin 2 post some more chapters?

Author's Response: I am writing now. So hopefully this week.

Reviewer: Liz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 31 2010 08:15 pm

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

Wow. I didn't see that coming. I do wonder when exactly Ben got his ideas from if it wasn't from the rest of his family. That kind of makes me wonder. I am glad that he didn't though; it's good that the rest of the family is supportive of their relationship.

This chapter was fairly good. It was fairly written too. It looks like your formating thing got fixed, which is really good. Good job.

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Flicker and Sparkle Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 08 2010 05:55 am

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

Why must their always be hater?  Why can't they just live and let live.  I think that Ben is in love with the Heather the Heiffer.

Those 2 will be working together soon to break up Chad and Dani.

Can't wait for the bomb to drop.

Author's Response: Nah, Ben loves his wife, he lusts after her... Haters exsist everywhere you go even in your own family! 

Reviewer: Janetbd Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 30 2010 05:08 pm

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

Loved these last chapters! Well written and sexy as hell! But that Heather girl...she's gonna be trouble!! Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Thanks girl.  Heather is getting ready to be dealt with.

Reviewer: aprilfool Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 30 2010 12:30 am

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

I knew Ben was racist, and Im so  glad that Chadwick punched his lights out (sometimes a little violence is needed). It sounds a little like Ben wants or wanted Heather. I like his familys stance on how thye confronted Ben. Why is Brian marrying the TRI DELTA queen bee. And why isnt someone dealing with Heather. Lastly Chad is soo soo soooooooooooooooo adorable / hot / ...

Author's Response: Brian must see something in Shelly... not sure yet.  Light violence is needed when insults are thrown.. LOL...  Heather is "bout" to get dealt with.

Reviewer: Leila7 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: April 30 2010 12:01 am

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

Wow Brian showed his ass!! I am glad Chad punched him, Looks like Dani can hold her own. I hope she prooves that when Heather drops her little bomb. I hope it doesnt get the reaction she is hopping. Awesome update. Thank you

Author's Response: Thank you ma'am. 

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 29 2010 03:15 pm

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

Ben is an ass. Chad is a fool for thinking that Heather is bluffing. Dani is about to be hurt and pissed. Oh Chad, will you never learn?

Author's Response:

He will learn, but it's gonna be the hard way.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: April 29 2010 01:14 pm

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

Great update. I'm kinda dreading the next one because I know Heather is very sneaky and she will try to break them apart. Thanks for the update!!! Please keep them coming. 

Author's Response: Thanks ma'am.  Don't dread it to much.  I'll be slightly gentle.

Reviewer: MI97 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 29 2010 12:26 pm

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

Wow!!! The truth is out!!! Ben is a racist!!! Didn't see that coming. What a shithead!!! Its such a shame especially when I was thinking all the brothers were cool.  Hope Ben's black "friends" realise what a shit he is. He definitely hide it well as he didn't come off like that initially. How embarassing for his family. Hope Shelly took note, racism will not be tolerated in that family especially with her trying to snob Dani. Hope Brian doesn't tolerate that from Shelly as Ben's wife did . I really hope Chad tells Dani the truth before Heather gets to her or his family. Also hope Ben got a wake up call from his stupidity. Still see more drama coming. Absolutely loving this story!!!

Author's Response: Yeah, well I had to throw a monkey wrench in there some kind of way.  Shelly is gonna be easy to deal with.   Thanks for still reading and hanging in there with me.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 29 2010 07:45 am

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

Ben is a jackass...even his own family recognizes it...wonder where he gets the deep-seated racism from...certainly not from his parents or siblings...he made a big fool of himself...and almost wrote a check that his arse couldn't cash courtesy of his brothers...I can't ignorance of that sort...irrational...unreasonable...and unfounded...

I'm liking Mama Collins more and more (also helps that Barbara Mandrell was one of my favorite singers growing up...yeah, I'm little bit country if you haven't guessed by now, lol...)...and a mama recognizes a harlot in her sons' mists...seems she already has the skinny on Heather...and she only wants her sons happiness...I think she'll make Dani a great mother-in-law...same goes to her future father-in-law...

I just want to weep again...that last lovemaking session was so intense...but I already know that Dani and Chad's very new relationship will be blown to bits when Heather drops her bombshell on Dani...not so much that she'll believe that he actually slept with that tramp...but it's more like a trust issue...she'll probably wonder why he couldn't trust her with the truth and believe in her enough to never hide things from essence...their relationship with have HUGE trust issues...and whether or not they'll be able to overcome them will be the question because the love and the passion is definitely there...

Looking forward to more...until next time...

Author's Response:

Ben, he's a jackass because of his friends and his frat brotheres, nothing his parents taught him.  All on his own accord. 

I liked Barbara MAndrell too.  I like George Strait as well....

Chad and Dani are both intense and truly love each other, but I can't do whatever one wants this time and have him be up front, we still have "the clause" to deal with and the drama... Breaks my heart, but its gotta happen...


Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 29 2010 06:46 am

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches

 I LIKE, I LIKE!! Please hurry back, I am truly ADDICTED!

Author's Response: Thanks Keisha... you'll get another update this week,

Reviewer: keisha2 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 29 2010 06:05 am

Title: Rehearsal Dinners and Punches Glad his family cleared that up for him.

Dani and, sweet.


Author's Response: thanks girl...

Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: April 29 2010 05:12 am

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