Just like a bad penny, showing up when your life is on track.
Please update soon.
Author's Response: Hopefully I will be able to feed the update monster between today and tomorrow. Reviewer: Janetbd Signed
Date: March 25 2010 02:08 pm
why do ex always have to show up it rude lol. wonder what the hefa wanted because he got a woman and it dani. i can't wait to see singing night thanks for the updated.
Author's Response: I will update hopefully soon so you can see.
Date: March 25 2010 03:24 am
Heather was just mentioned in this story and I already don't like her!!! Heather spells noting but trouble and the question is , What the hell does she want? I hope that her reappearance doesn't derail Dani and Chad's new relationship. I forgive you but please can we have an update sooner.
Author's Response: LOL... I will update soon. And we gotta have a nemesis somewhere....
Date: March 25 2010 02:58 am
Now, I hope Chad doesn't mess it up with his ex. He needs to go for Dani like he said.
Nice update.
Author's Response: Thanks Ma'am.... Reviewer: Moni Anonymous
Date: March 25 2010 02:53 am
This was a great update. I'm happy Chad and Dani are starting to voice their crushes to their friends. Nice spin throwing Heather in there. Looking forward to the next update.
Author's Response: Thanks so much. I will be updating sooooon.....
Date: March 25 2010 02:50 am
Hmmm, interesting. What's up with Heather by Chad's place???
Author's Response: You know how ex's do...
Date: March 25 2010 02:26 am
Chad ex coming back is not a good at all. No yeah, the drama is about to start.
Author's Response: Yep bring on the drama....
Date: March 25 2010 01:49 am
Who Heather???? She needs to go on somewhere.
Author's Response: Heather is the ex.... she's coming with the drama....
Date: March 25 2010 01:04 am
This chapter was just right and to the point. I enjoyed it. So now there talking to her best friends about each other.. Its getting very interesting. Thanks for the update it was good.
Author's Response: Thank you Cali.
Date: March 25 2010 12:42 am
Ohh....why is it that ex's come out of the woodwork when finally move on! What are they reaching back for anyway?
Getting hot now!
Author's Response:
She wants Chad back...
Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]Date: March 25 2010 12:34 am
Aww, Chad is too adorable!! I really like him and Dani and I can't wait to see what David's reaction to the kiss will be. Great job Dsmoothone!!
Author's Response: Thanks for reading. I'm trying to get somemore done today...
Date: March 23 2010 06:44 pm
oh crap that not good when boss see the kiss but glad he laying on the line so she knows how her realy feels about her. that she more then some girl she may be the one for him. thanks for the updated.
Author's Response:
Yep, I think these two will finally get it together...
Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed![star](images/star.gif)
Date: March 23 2010 05:09 am
Loved the update. He should have kissed her at the restaurant.
Author's Response:
Thanks, honestly, that crossed my mind.
Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed![star](images/star.gif)
Date: March 23 2010 03:39 am
Sorta glad he stepped up there. I really didn't want him to drag it out with the wishy-washy. Get the kiss out of the way and get down to it.
Kerrington is going to be difficult isn't he?
Author's Response: Hw wouldn't be what I envision him as if he kept playing nice nice with her... Nah, Kerrington is like Cupid... he's going to be hard, but fair... Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23 2010 03:30 am
I forgot to add to my review that for dialogue, you still use exclamation points, question marks, and other forms of punctuation.
Author's Response: Thanks for the constructive criticisms... I appreciate it...
Date: March 23 2010 02:33 am
That was pretty good. I liked it. I don't think you're punctuating your dialogue correctly.
Commas are used with speaking verbs.
Ex: "That was nice," he said.
Periods are used with actions.
Ex: "That was nice." She smiled up at him.
I'm not trying to offend you if you think I am. I'm just trying to help. You can ignore what I say if you want.
Author's Response: I'm not that easily offended. I'm not a "trained" writer, I just write from the heart so I'm sure that there are some technical things that are incorrect, but nah, I'm not offended. I appreciate the constructive criticisms. Reviewer: Flicker and Sparkle Signed
Date: March 23 2010 02:32 am
Okay...does Dani need anvils to fall on her head...how can she not know that Chad is interested in her than more than just a friend...
I love Chad...he's a true gentleman...holding doors...holding her in the small of her back...paying attention to details...he's a man after my own heart...
Uh-oh...so Kerrington saw the kiss...this could get sticky...wonder what the ramifications will be from that...
Getting good...more, more, more please...
Author's Response: Kinda like Wil. E. Coyote with the anvils... LOL.. I think she's getting the picture... Reviewer: attheritz Signed
Date: March 23 2010 02:29 am
Uh oh!!! Someone saw them!! I loved that Chad stepped up his game and what he told the waitress at lunch!! Great update. This story keeps getting better. Keep the updates coming. Thank you
Author's Response: You know it had to happen soon. And Chad needed to take the bull by the horns so to speak....
Date: March 23 2010 01:57 am
Me likee this chapter, poor Chad just can't get Dani to take him seriously.........yet. But Dani is feeling the heat, and the sparks are a flyin. I can hardly wait for them to combust. My vote is for chapter 4 to be much, much much longer.
Author's Response: She's coming around, I'm sure. The sparks are coming and yes dear Arabelle, as you can see I'm trying to get each chapter longer and longer. My issue is that when I write, it's like I see a television episode in my head. Hence why things end the way the way they do and quickly. :) Reviewer: Arabelle Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 23 2010 01:51 am
Oh oh, is the sh*t about to hit the fan now???? Hope Dani gives him a chance.
Author's Response: Nah its too soon to have any drama happen...
Date: March 23 2010 01:43 am
Thanks for the update, it was great! Please give us more as soon as you can.
Author's Response: Thank you ma'am. I will be adding more soon.
Date: March 23 2010 12:37 am
Dam, dam, dam,
I hope the boss doesn't give them hell for that kiss. I know the clause is there for a reason, but you can't stop love when it comes knocking.
Looking forward to their date.
Author's Response: David is super smooth... he's not a mean dude... Date coming soon.... Reviewer: Janetbd Signed
Date: March 23 2010 12:04 am
The cat and mouse games continues...why is it we can't see the forest for the trees...Dani has her 'list' of her perfect man...and Mr. Right is right there in front of her eyes...and Chad...everything he's always wanted in a woman fell in his lap...and he's too afraid to take the bull by the horns...these two...what are we going to do with them, D...I know that 'the clause' was put in there for a justifiable and practical reason...but something tells me...that it's going to be violated often and soon...let the tension continue to build to the beaking point...I'm so psyched about these two...I can hardly stand it...
Update soon...more, more, more soon!!!!!
Author's Response: We never can see what's in front of us until its too late. I'm going to try and make this Not happen for this couple... Reviewer: attheritz Signed
Date: March 21 2010 11:47 pm
This story is cute! I love it! I also like reading about Donovan and Kendra!
Can't wait to see how Chad gets her to realize his feelings for her!
Author's Response: He's going to try and be smooth with it, I think.... Reviewer: Redbird Signed [Report This]
Date: March 20 2010 06:56 am
This story looks to be a lotta fun.
Author's Response: Thanks ma'am!
Date: March 20 2010 05:57 am