Reviews For Deal With it
Title: Stick by my side

Okay what a hot mess, with and even bigger one. Sure she may love Javed; however, she is still in love with Jeremy. The Jade what a racist. 

Reviewer: d3stin2l0v3 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 26 2014 04:46 am

Title: Stick by my side

SMH at Shenai. So now she's in love with Javed. All I can say is good luck.

Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 16 2014 06:19 am

Title: Stick by my side

While Shenai was wrong, and I'm not excusing her in any way, I think the twins are dispicable! Especially that Jeremiah! For him it was competition with his brother. And now they both dump on her like she's the one that's trash??? Unbelievable.

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 02 2014 06:44 am

Title: Stick by my side

I understood that she's hurt but to get involved with another so soon is assinine. Now she is no longer in love Jeremy?    I want Jeremy to divorce that duplicitous ho that he married since she never told that her uterus was removed. Please don't make us wait as long for the nedt update.

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 02 2014 06:06 am

Title: Stick by my side

I understood that she's hurt but to get involved with another so soon is assinine. Now she is no longer in love Jeremy?    I want Jeremy to divorce that duplicitous ho that he married since she never told that her uterus was removed. Please don't make us wait as long for the nedt update.

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 02 2014 06:06 am

Title: Letters

That's a lot of drama. Jeremiah and Jeremy are too old to fight like high school boys. Even though they are both with other people it's obvious they both still care for Shenai. How are they going to resolve this problem? Please come back and finish this story!

Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: January 02 2014 02:46 pm

Title: Letters

they both threw her away, that is saddest thing I ever heard.

Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 26 2013 04:27 am

Title: Letters

Are the twins indentical or fraternal?

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Stories Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: October 18 2013 04:13 am

Title: Letters

Ugggh! What is that wench Jade up to now.  I hope she is not thinking about trying to take Shenai's babies away from her.  And she is so trifling anyway.  She knew from jump that Jer did not really love her in that sense but she kept hanging on anyway and I blame Jer 100% because he did not have the balls to go after who he really wanted and let his father in his head.  I know he loved and respected the man but like Jerimah said he is DEAD what he gone do come back from the grave just so he can live Jer's life for him by keeping him from the woman he truly wants and love.

Shenai is trying to move on with her life with Javed or so she thinks anyway and I am happy to see that Jerimah is finally getting off that Shenai trail but what if it's true as to what they both were thinking and I am sure a few others have thought hey I know at least some of us have seen Maury enough to know that its possible right.

As for as whom I want to see Shenai with at this time the verdict is still out between Jer and Javed but I can't see Jer getting his head out of his ass long enough to see the forest for the trees and all that jazz.

I don't want Javed to get hurt anymore then he already has with dealing with Shenai and "her" twins.  That female got them all twisted I wouldn't want to be in that cluster f#*k for all the china in China.  Nor would I want to be the author of this cluster b/c she is doing a way better job then I would have done.

Thank you for the update.  Can't wait to see what moms Mariah's reaction is going to be to know she has twin grandbabies on the way.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 18 2013 04:10 am

Title: Letters

Wow just read through. It's all messed up, all of a sudden Jeremy and Jeremiah love their partners and forget about Shenai, and Shenai is suddenly in love with Javen?? It's a bit convoluted. Thanks for sharing

Reviewer: Trulyme35 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 15 2013 07:55 am

Title: Letters

I am sorry, to me it seems like everyone is selfish.  Where is Shenai's dad?  Does she have a positive father figure in her life that would show her what true love actually looks like.  I feel like they are throwing shenai under the bus.  Yeah I slept with her and I love her but I realize I love my wife and my girlfriend.  What!  Regardless of whatever it is, she comes across as the slut, homewreecker, seducer vs seduced.  Jeremiah knew of her feelings and slept with her knowing she slept with his brother because of his so called "love" for her and at a low point, then Jeremy slept with her knowing full well he was still going to get married and have her stand there front row for IT!  Neither one of them actually cared about her.  They cared about their needs and not hers and now she is pregnant and don't know which is the father with a nasty label.  Aren't they nasty as well.  I wish she would have never met them sometimes.

Reviewer: lajack1 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 15 2013 03:58 am

Title: Letters

I can't stand Jade, she should have told Jeremy that she couldn't have children in the first place.   Jeremy is a fool he punched Jeremiah for sleeping with Shenai whic was what he did. Looking forward to Shenai coming back to confront her stupidity.  Wake up Jeremy!

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 14 2013 09:59 pm

Title: Breakthrough

I finally got a chance to read this story and it is AWESOME!  BUT Nai ass is doing the most!! Her in love ass is really getting on my nerves! Who she is not in love with? That is the question!  I can't deal with her. 

Can't wait for the next update! ♥

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review Treale. Glad you found time to read this :)

Reviewer: Treale Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 13 2013 09:23 am

Title: Breakthrough

So she's pregnant, doesn't know which brother is the baby daddy, supposedly in love with her best friend, and now she's in love with some other guy? I can't with this girl

Author's Response:

LOL! Thank you for the review 

Reviewer: LB_22 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12 2013 05:46 pm

Title: Breakthrough

Shenai needs to chill and get to know herself before immersing herslf in a relationship.  She can't be in love with Javed when her heart is supposedly confused about whether she love Jeremy or Jeremiah.  Shenai is making my teeth itch.  I really hope that those babies are Jeremy's so that maybe that ho that he married admits that she can't give him children.  Jade is evil!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review pmgayles 

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 12 2013 04:54 am

Title: Breakthrough

She is really procastinating. Jeremy and Jeremiah may not find out about the twins until their graduation...from college.Telling Jeremy in a letter may be a bit dangerous. Jade might get her hands on it  and find out  they were together.  I don't think she'll leave him,but their marriage may be strained.  Mariah is really gonna try to get her groove back after all these years. I guess it true age aint nothing but a number. I noticed how you have everybody happy.  Rochelle got the man of her dreams, Jeremy is  focusing on Jade. Jeremiah and his girlfriend are still together.Shenai is trying to get with Javed. It leads me to one question.....What kind of hell is about to break loose?

Author's Response:

HAHAHA.. I wonder whats about to happen lol. Thanks for the review VeMo

Reviewer: VeMo Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12 2013 03:26 am

Title: Island Time

wonder whos baby she's carryng or if shes carrying one of each, looking forward to the next chapter 

Reviewer: sandradee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 10 2013 02:22 am

Title: Island Time

Please continue this story love it!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: shay Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 10 2013 01:16 am

Title: Island Time

Very interesting.   

Author's Response:

Thank you Astrid

Reviewer: Astrid Signed [Report This]
Date: October 09 2013 11:33 am

Title: The Cast

Preggers with twins wow glad she has J

Reviewer: kvgurl Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: October 09 2013 07:59 am

Title: Island Time

I knew that she was pregnant so it would be cool if both Jeremy and Jermiah were a father to each bqby. Why is Shenai so stupid? She annoys me and I am waiting for her grow up. I also want Jeremy to wake up. Jeremiah was wrong for sexing up Shenai knowing that his brother is in love with her. I not thrilled with none of those knuckleheads.  

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 09 2013 06:09 am

Title: The Cast

Wow, Jeremy's  gonna be so happy about her pregnancy because he knows he hit that. but he's gonna pop a blood vessel when he finds out his brother hit it too.  So will they each have a child in her belly?   OMG,  Jade is gonna have a fit when she finds out her fiance was banging his best woman before their wedding.  Since she can't have any children she'll probably talk him into taking them. Jeremiah and Jeremy may start a war with each over the children. The dna test will be interesting. I have all these thoughts of how this situation could turn out, so I'm just going to wait until you post the next chapter

Reviewer: VeMo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 09 2013 05:41 am

Title: Island Time

She's is very confused. She need to faced and acknowledge her actions before moving on to a new relationship.

Author's Response:

Shenai life is very confusing, but thanks for the review. 

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: October 09 2013 05:15 am

Title: Island Time

Well there you have it now the question is.

Are the baby Jermy's or Jerimah's?  Hmmmm!  What a cluster f*$k.

Great update.  Thank you

Author's Response:

What a cluster f^&k lollll!!!! Thanks Thundakat 

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 09 2013 04:38 am

Title: Welcome Home

I am going with the flow, its been a while

Author's Response:

Thank you Bredreaway

Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 09 2013 02:59 am

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