I enjoyed reading the updates and seeing the different points of view. Most of all, i love Constantine and his love and devotion for Nefertari. That he would kill any and everyone who threatens her wellbeing and deserved crown. Nefertari is becoming into her own, showing her haters how Boss she is. I envisioned Beyoncé’s song Bow Down as Nefertari devoured Count Lehzen’s heart. I know she’ll become even stronger and a force to be reckoned with along side Constantine. And I hope she beats the shit out of Marc XD
I’m anxious to read more.
Reviewer: sheyahne Signed [Report This]Date: May 20 2018 06:51 am
That wedding was freakin HOT!!! I'm glad Nefetari didn't run away as Constantine's mom suggested. There’re others in the shadows who also didn’t want their union to happen. I just hope Nefetari embraces her new position and becomes a force to be reckoned with. Constantine and Nefetari are both beautifully unstoppable.
Reviewer: sheyahne Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 21 2017 06:57 pm
Great update honey!
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed [Report This]Date: October 16 2017 01:11 pm
I love everything about this story and I love their relationships' dynamic
Reviewer: yvonnecarly Signed [Report This]Date: August 27 2017 04:51 pm
I can't wait for the next update.
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't they have a daughter already? I remember in the beginning reading about a baby they had in their previous life, so what happened to her (I think her name was Cassandra)? I hope I'm not confusing the story with something else?
Reviewer: Puccapurple Signed [Report This]Date: August 21 2017 06:03 pm
Great update!
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed [Report This]Date: August 20 2017 10:49 pm
Great update honey!
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed [Report This]Date: August 14 2017 04:08 pm
Really? That b!tch Cinesra is like a goddamn tick that won't go away. I hope that Constantine doesn't do anything reckless.
Yeah! What's up with the 3rd party stuff?
Anyway, I'm glad you're back. I thought that story was abandoned again.
Reviewer: Puccapurple Signed [Report This]Date: August 13 2017 11:38 pm
That love scene was intense. She has to beg to cum?! I don't think so! And did those people just bite Marc!!! What are they putting inside him? Are they making him one of them? Oh Lord, they know she is going to trust Marc no questions and he might attempt to kill her without even knowing. Dang!!!!
Update soon!
Reviewer: KeiKei Signed [Report This]Date: February 20 2017 06:21 pm
Are you freaking serious? Why in the hell would they give Marc to those horrid things? As a means to get Nef I'm sure. That's jacked up. I can't believe Olie attacked his sister like that. I mean, yeah she betrayed the family but she still is family you ass! I wonder why her family is working with the lycans? I mean, wouldn't they hunt them too? They can't just hunt vampires.
Reviewer: KeiKei Signed [Report This]Date: February 20 2017 05:26 pm
The right memories?! Are there bad memories you don't want her to have? Soo Lycans are like Wolves? Is the dude that's the snitch a vampire too or do he just work for them? I hope the royal family survives.
Reviewer: KeiKei Signed [Report This]Date: February 17 2017 08:48 pm
Wow... Why won't he turn her? If it's that much of a problem within your society? That way, you don't have to search for her again. She will always be there with you. I don't blame them for saying no though, why should I call you the Empress of vampires if you aren't even one yourself? What sense does that make?
You are right, there is a lot of dialogue in this chapter. Some more background information would be nice. If even about the setting and atmosphere sorrounding the dialogue would be good. I think it would give us a fuller picture of what is going on. Might allow us to see the story come alive in our minds more. I hope I made sense.
Reviewer: KeiKei Signed [Report This]Date: February 16 2017 08:05 pm
Great update honey!! and Merry Christmas!!
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed [Report This]Date: December 22 2016 02:26 pm
Nefertari stays in trouble. I bet Constantine wants to spank her soooo bad XD
Hopefully when his anger simmers down, he'll rescue Marc from the Lycans.
Reviewer: Sheyahne Anonymous [Report This]
Date: December 08 2016 06:29 am
I came here to read this story only to find the font so small that I can't read it comfortably even with my glasses on.
Author's Response:
Ah, the glasses struggle. We're one in the same there. Have you tried the reader option on your computer/phone? It's a pretty useful feature, even for size 12 font.
Reviewer: Dee Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 28 2016 09:31 pm
not able to resize print
Author's Response:
Not sure if that's something you're unable to do, pumpkin. Have you tried the reader option? Or maybe you're on a different platform? Not sure why you're the only one who can't get the print to resize, dear.
Reviewer: minxie Signed [Report This]Date: November 26 2016 03:48 am
Here I was thinking things were going to mellow for Nef then these scary lycans attacked. Man, that girl can't catch a break. Thank you author for updating, I've been waiting with bated breath for this update. Hope the next one comes soon. Happy Thanksgiving (if you live in USA or Canada).
Author's Response:
So sorry to have kept you waiting, my darling. And you know things can never go too smoothly before something insane shakes up the game! No need to wait long, next chapter is nearly finished :] Happy Thanksgiving and thanks as always for reading!!!
Reviewer: Puccapurple Signed [Report This]Date: November 24 2016 01:09 am
LOL his mama thought she was really about to punk him. He clearly isn't moved by what anyone says if it's not what he want. He's going to have to be with Nefertari at all time because now she got too many targets on her back, it's really about to go down. I also love how she just like oh welp I'm honing to be a vampire now no questions and instead refusing to just be uprooted from her life that she knew.Great update!
Author's Response:
Layhl is really about to give them both a run for their money! Just wait for it :D Thanks for reading, my honey!
Reviewer: Indigo_bluee Signed [Report This]Date: November 10 2016 01:25 am
I like the story but I think Neg being blindsided with her mate and family is not cool...she has no memory of Kosta or their past life...why not bring Nef up to speed first...why not rebuild their relationship first...
Author's Response:
This is kinda crazy, but my sister actually wondered the same exact thing. I wonder that the severity of her being left in the dark about everything is possibly exacerbating her outburts.
Thanks for reading, hun!
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed [Report This]Date: November 07 2016 05:16 am
I like the dialogue in this chapter, especially because it makes the relationships more clearer and Nef was given more agency instead of just cataloging whats going on around her. Sometimes when authors go too in depth with the atmosphere I loose my connection to the characters and their actions. Also, it helps distinguish tones between Nefs more introspective POV and the 3rd person, its a nice comparison to have.
Author's Response:
THIS IS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR! Much mahalo, my honey! I'm much like you in that I often find detailed conveying of the setting a distraction from what's actually being said, much less the tone set by the dialogue. I'm relieved that the arrangement paid off a little.
Thanks for taking the time to read and give feedback, doll!
Reviewer: monsgors Signed [Report This]Date: November 06 2016 10:41 pm
Ahhhh! 😍 You're finally back! Please stop depriving us of this formidable story. I always thought this story was abandoned (from this website and fictionpress). I swear my heart stopped (for a few seconds) when I saw the update for this story. Well, thank you for updating and I hope that happens more frequently. As usual, I can't wait for next update... please don't let it be next year, my hair will start greying. ⏳
Author's Response:
You always make me blush when you talk like this, pumpkin. It still baffles me that a reader from W A Y back in the day still finds this jumble of a plot worth a read!!!! I can't thank you enough.
And fear not, chapter five is nearly finished already. It's funny what kind of time a divorce will offer up :D
Reviewer: Puccapurple Signed [Report This]Date: November 05 2016 11:47 pm
Interesting. So this Demys character is planning something against the vampires. He must be a hunter. I know this is going to be a shit show if their plan works. They are trying to kill all the old people of the families. Can't continue on the traditions and whatnot without them.
UPdate soon
Reviewer: KeiKei Signed [Report This]Date: July 13 2016 11:09 am
Luv'd it!
Reviewer: Avapriceless1 Signed [Report This]Date: July 05 2016 08:46 pm
That. Was. AH-MAZING. Your wielding of words to evince scene and emotion is absolutely mesmerizing. The tone, detail, and your storytelling are perfection. I'm so looking forward to seeing how this story unfolds.
Reviewer: Joelle Jax Anonymous [Report This]Date: June 29 2016 09:07 am
I've waited so long for an update. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that chapter. Anyway, I hope it gets updated regularly and thank you author for the update. This is honestly one of my favorite stories on this site. Keep up the good work. 😀
Reviewer: Puccapurple Signed [Report This]Date: June 23 2016 07:46 pm