I adooore this! Beautifully crafted and heart-wrenching. Don't know if there are plans to expand but, boy oh day, would it be fantastic!!!
Reviewer: ErisJade Signed [Report This]Date: February 29 2016 10:34 pm
Reviewer: Cindi47 Signed

Date: January 04 2015 01:21 am
Reviewer: Cindi47 Signed

Date: December 31 2014 04:38 pm
Beautiful :-) And I just happened to be listening to Jeff Buckley while reading this!
Reviewer: Loop Signed [Report This]Date: May 29 2012 09:06 pm
This was so f**king beautiful!
Reviewer: aprilfool Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 27 2012 12:55 am
Definitely not corny or an over used plot. This completely orginal and i loved it!
Reviewer: simii Anonymous

Date: May 06 2012 02:14 am
absolutely lovely.
Reviewer: alices Signed [Report This]Date: March 19 2012 01:39 am
Very moving story. Thanks
Reviewer: Divsionred Signed

Date: March 16 2012 12:57 pm
Reviewer: nikol Anonymous

Date: March 16 2012 03:18 am
YOU ARE EPIC!!!! that's all I need to say.
Reviewer: Artamiss Caine Signed

Date: March 05 2012 02:38 pm
Scribe you done, done it again. This was so eloquently written. It was fabulously written with every simple yet grasping word. The way you work those words on that page is amazingly awesome. You rock girl. Outstanding Job! Keep sharing your talent with us, because I surely enjoy every bit of it.
Reviewer: readlover Signed

Date: March 05 2012 03:10 am
the things you manage to do . . .
with such sparse descriptions, the necessary descriptions . . .
with such tightly worded phrases that hit all the right notes . . .
there's an intimacy in Clasby and Anika's relationship that it make it astoundingly beautiful, especially in its simplistic understanding. you convey that wonderfully within so few words . . .
well, done, woman. i am officially jealous and intimidated from contributing to this challenge.
Reviewer: intellectual titmouse Signed

Date: March 05 2012 02:02 am
Wonderful... I loved this.
Autism is something most people don't understand, however, they are real people with real feelings and we need to learn how to embrace who they are and love them for all the world to see.
Thanks for this story.
Reviewer: Moni Anonymous

Date: March 05 2012 12:18 am
This was an amazing look into a relationship without words but with so much meaning. I have to say this was on of my favorites stories of yours. As short as it was the words brought to life the couple and I could see every moment as if it was a short film. Great job.
Reviewer: JovanBleu26 Signed

Date: March 04 2012 11:40 pm
Eloquent. Mesmerizing. Elegantly written. Superb.
Reviewer: JV4ME Signed

Date: March 04 2012 06:54 pm
That was amazing!!!!!!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: March 04 2012 05:41 pm
Super good story . Just WoW. :)
Reviewer: Stacie Anonymous

Date: March 04 2012 04:38 pm
Wow, Just Wow!!!
Reviewer: Buddha Anonymous

Date: March 04 2012 04:04 pm
Wow....that was so good! Wow
Reviewer: vmck Anonymous

Date: March 04 2012 03:26 pm
Scribe: As always I am amazed. This was truly beautiful and touching. I truly doubt that you realize the depth of the gift you have been given. I am in awe at all you are able to relay when you write. I cannot articulate all of the feelings and pictures you create in my head when I read them. Truly you are blessed with a wonderful gift and I hope you will continue to share it with us.
Reviewer: Brenda1257 Signed

Date: March 04 2012 01:57 pm
Reviewer: Minerva Vesta Signed

Date: March 04 2012 01:55 pm
Reviewer: BellaChica Signed

Date: March 04 2012 01:00 pm
LOVE IT...Love comes in different forms
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: March 04 2012 12:56 pm
Awwww...that was so cute...what a sweet pair. I love that they communicate so well and have to say to little to do so effectively.
Reviewer: Amiefuzzy Signed

Date: March 04 2012 09:18 am
Loved it!
Reviewer: Annie Anonymous [Report This]Date: March 04 2012 08:35 am