Love the epilogue. So happy that they're having another baby!
Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed

Date: August 22 2012 06:22 am
Another baby, that is so awesome. Joe is a good man that forgave that dumb woman. I know, I know she was dumb for a reason being molested by her uncle and all. But kept Joe away from his little but Naila knows that she loved by her daddy. That is good thing. SInce Joe has forgiven your punk tail it's time to forgive yourself Catherine. Excellent story!!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: August 19 2012 05:35 am
Nice ending to their story!
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed

Date: August 19 2012 12:47 am
Catherine fought her attraction to Joe on the show too! But you could feel the tension between them. More please!
Author's Response:
That's what i was trying to go with. glad at least you understand!
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed

Date: August 18 2012 09:01 am
I always wanted Catherine and Joe to get together! Good start!
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed

Date: August 18 2012 07:43 am
Whew...I'm glad that there was a happy ending. I'm not a fan of Catherine's but Joe deserves the chance to be a father to his child. I think that things would have turned out differently if he hadn't pressed the issue and "fought" for their relationship. My major problem was that because Catherine thought she didn't deserve Joe, she was going to allow their child to grow up without knowing him. But, love prevailed. Good first story and I'm looking forward to more.
Author's Response:
She was a traumatized child and adult. It happens sometimes with victims of sexual abuse. this wasnt supposed to be an easy get together story. i wanted as much drama as possible.
Without going crazy haha
Reviewer: AP Anonymous

Date: August 15 2012 05:52 am
Loved it!! Glad the truth is out and Joe still loves her.
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: August 15 2012 02:43 am
Finally they got together. Seriously I was ready to shake some sense in to Catherine.
Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed

Date: August 15 2012 12:31 am
I still don't like her, but I am glad that she finally got some therapy. Joe loves Catherine and he wants to get to know his daughter. Naila is so cute!! That scene when Naila put her head on Joe's shoulder and fell asleep brought a tear to my eyes. Catherine makes me sick but I love everyone else specially Joe. So glad that her uncle was shanked in prison, that news brought a smile to my face. It couldn't have happened to more evil and so deserving individual. Yippe skippy!! Bring on the the epilogue!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: August 15 2012 12:27 am
oh my gosh a baby oh my cathy why oh why would you keep it from joe when yall both love each other i know this stay and london wont be for the long haul and whe cathy returns with a extra passenger all hell will break loose whoo i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Reviewer: hershey_kisses Signed

Date: August 14 2012 03:43 pm
ugh why cant demons like jay be castrated and hands and legs cut off so they can never destroy another child innocence ugh just why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! another great chapter i am loving this story!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewer: hershey_kisses Signed

Date: August 14 2012 03:40 pm
wow i am blown away by this first chapter!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewer: hershey_kisses Signed

Date: August 14 2012 03:37 pm
I don't slime how she is doing joe.
Reviewer: nightseer Signed

Date: August 14 2012 02:03 pm
I don't get Catherine. Joe has been with her through the ordeal with her uncle, had to deal with her lying about her aborting his (possible) child, and he still wants to be with her. He's been through the worst and I understand that she's scared but what else can he do to prove he loves her and wants to be with her unconditionally?
Reviewer: AP Signed

Date: August 14 2012 05:12 am
I really hate stupid people, and Cathy is stupid!! Joe loves you and threw his feelings back in his face and let him believe that you aborted a child that could have his. I am not liking you right now!!! I am hoping that she redeems herself sson.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: August 14 2012 02:26 am
Loved the update but hated that Catherine continues to lie to poor Joe. She needs to woman up and tell the truth!
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: August 14 2012 01:38 am
Great start! Loving the friendship between Cathy & Joe. Both are in denial about their feelings...Love iT~
Reviewer: idriveavitz Signed

Date: August 13 2012 05:08 am
Me likey!! More please. Hope they catch and fry that sicko Jay!!
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: August 13 2012 04:36 am
Her uncle killed her parents so he could raped her and in his mind he's in love. Please kill him!! I that Catherine's and Joe relationship can survive her uncle's attack on them. I am loving your talent you pulled me in from the very first sentence and haven't let me go. So awesome!!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: August 13 2012 02:59 am
Wow, I am hooked after one chapter.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: August 13 2012 02:50 am
I remember the show and it was very funny. Love your story so far!
Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed

Date: August 13 2012 12:58 am
I vaguely remember the show that this was based upon...this story is quite different but I like it. I truly hope that her uncle gets what's coming to him...he's one sick mutha.....update soon.
Reviewer: Natori aka R Signed

Date: August 12 2012 09:57 pm
I can't remember what story these characters are from..
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Author's Response:
It's a show called NewsRadio
Reviewer: Reneek Anonymous

Date: August 12 2012 06:57 pm
I have never watched the show but I look forward to reading more of your story. I especially love stories like this, when they have a baby.
Reviewer: idriveavitz Signed

Date: August 12 2012 06:41 pm