Please come back ans finish this picture. I really want to Renetta put in her place permanently!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: November 08 2014 12:32 am
Mom needs to keep her mouth shut, she is being handled by all of them.
Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed [Report This]Date: August 26 2012 10:27 pm
Renata I am really surprised that you are still married, because you are such unfeeling witch. That was so sweet Catherine and Joe feel asleep into each others arms.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: August 26 2012 09:47 pm
Angela is so much fun and so outspoken. Love her. Joe has a lot of patience. He is good for Catherine.
Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed [Report This]Date: August 22 2012 06:39 am
You're doing quite well! Angela is great!
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed [Report This]Date: August 20 2012 11:45 pm
Catherine I agree with Angela you are stupid. But I hope that before too long that you will smarten up. Don't listen to your crazy momma ever again in life!! Joe laid a kiss on her that knocked for a loop. Awesome!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: August 20 2012 10:43 pm
Loving Angela and hating mom and other sis. She should not have left the date, it's not like he didn't tell her about his family and not associating with them. She needs Angela to help her with her decision makings. lol
Reviewer: bayoumomma Anonymous [Report This]Date: August 20 2012 08:05 pm
Angela is absolutely my favorite character in this story, she cracks me up. Everyone needs an Angela in their life. Joe love you, you are just what Catherine need although she will fight you tooth and nail. She's a stubborn one, I can just tell. Please don't bring the incubator back into the story, their dad is cool but the momma no way. Loving it!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: August 19 2012 11:50 pm
Angela is a mess. I like her too. This date will be interesting.
Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed [Report This]Date: August 19 2012 10:49 pm
I'm really enjoying your story . Can't wait to see what happens next .
Reviewer: Stacie Anonymous [Report This]Date: August 19 2012 10:15 pm
Angela is a good character! Can't wait to read about their date.
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed [Report This]Date: August 19 2012 08:39 pm
Renatta is a bitch and momma or not she would be invited back to my house!! What is wrong with ho? Please let us in Renatta's psychosis and why Richard doesn't make her take her medication? This is good, more please!!! I feel so bad for Catherine and Angela.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: August 19 2012 05:31 am
Renetta wouldn't be allowed in my life ever again if she was my mother! Next chapter, please!
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed [Report This]Date: August 19 2012 04:48 am
You're good for just being 16! I never missed NewsRadio! Keep on writing!
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed [Report This]Date: August 19 2012 04:33 am
That was rude and disrespectful of her mom to say that, and in front of a stranger. I for one am happy Cathy called her on it. Dad should have defended his kids and not allow her to berate them, for no reason. Shame on them. Joe wiill carry her, I like that.
Reviewer: bayoumomma Anonymous [Report This]Date: August 18 2012 09:30 pm
Interesting start. More please.
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed [Report This]Date: August 16 2012 04:36 am
Good start please update
Reviewer: foxyprime Signed [Report This]Date: August 16 2012 02:34 am
For a writer so young you write with a passion that is inspiring. Keep it up, you are doing well. I am glad you are letting see how Catherine and Joe first met. I take it that there won't be a perverted uncle in this version?
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: August 16 2012 01:49 am
I like it, and I know lots of drama will follow.
Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed [Report This]Date: August 16 2012 01:02 am