Reviews For An Amazon Story
Title: Chapter 3

All of this info was very helpful. Thank you for putting the time and effort. I love that you believe in us. I love that Brenda believe in us.

I just love this steadily growing wave of VC sisterhood or "writerhood?" (some of our writers might be male-didn't want them to feel excluded).

I have read countless books and the majority can't even compare to what we have on this site. The work on this site is definitely Platinum Grade. I'm debating on publishing and I know every bit of help counts. Just trying to convince myself to take the first frightening leap off of the ledge. lol

Don't worry about the backlash you got off of FB, some folks can't function without being bitchy or mental. Some "fans" of a certain author can act like barracudas on chum if your own personal view  differs from the collective-even if you are right!! 

That's how it be sometimes when you are faced with sheep mentality.

We got quite a few from here that published and I feel if we can rally behind them on VC then the same can be done on Amazon, B&N, SmashWords and wherever they may be at.

Once again Thanks for the info.

I will be sending you a friends request. And congrats on your book. I will be buying and reviewing it. Your work is awesome.

Author's Response:

Thank you, Elizablu. I can tell you that you are one of my favorite writers on the site. Your ability to make me cheer for larceny and felony assault is phenomenal, lol! I love the complexity of your characters, and the way that you make me lose myself in their world. I think you have a gift, and I hope you share it with the world. You deserve to be compensated for your talents.

Reviewer: Elizablu Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 04:42 pm

Title: Chapter 3


I was very happy to read your comments!  You are so right about the talent here on the Chamber.  I am  amazed.

You know what really floored me?  After downloading books off of Amazon to read (that helps my muse) I was floored at how many authors are just mediocre and no where as good as the writers here...and THEY ARE BEING PAID.

What makes me even angrier are so called authors who write snippets and call it a novellette that amounts to an average chapter from this site, charge $2.99 and then make you pay an additional $2.99 for the next part of the story.  Some of these 'stories'  have five or six parts and the money just rolls in for them while I'm left feeling fleeced.

This is why I want to get the good stuff out there and have the authors get some money in their pockets!  We can all work together for this to happen.

I'm going to PUBSMART  in Charleston, SC on Tuesday which is a writers/publisher's conference.  A lot of heavy hitters in the industry will be there and I plan to get all the knowledge I can to share with you guys.

It was you guys here that encouaged me to take that final step, and I'm not looking back, but I'm reaching back to grab your hand!  Grab it and let's move forward.



Author's Response:

I cannot tell you how happy I was to read the responses. They were well thought out, and everyone is enthusiastic about marching out there to make a difference. You'd be surprised at some of the responses I got on Facebook. Some people thought that applying business principles to writing is a sellout move. Some said that I'm "just in it for the money." They just don't understand the vision that God has placed before me, and so I won't judge them.


AA's consume media to an exorbitant degree. Yet, even our most performing artists are often working less, and being paid less than their counterparts. Their roles are often less than an exemplary reflection of our community and our lives, leaving people with a false negative impression of our people that impacts our daily lives. The people in the know will tell us that it's because when companies are making these decisions, we are not in the room. Therefore, we don't make decisions about how the companies from which we consume use those dollars.

For example, my mom and I were shaking our heads just yesterday, because we recorded one of our favorite shows. Literally, the only AA character on the show that night was a man who had escaped from prison, and was running from a pack of Caucasian correctional officers with dogs. I turned to my mom and asked, "Did they even have a black person in the room when they made that decision?" She replied, "I don't know, but I doubt it."


The only way to get into the position to create change is to make money on our media sales, so that we have money to invest. Then, we're present for those meetings, and we can do neither without the support of that same consumer culture. 


As for Pubsmart, I'm hoping to be there, as well. I live in the Midlands in SC. 

Reviewer: Brenda1257 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 01:06 pm

Title: Your Voices Should Be Heard.

I really appreciate you bringing this to my attention. I never really thought about how much my little two cents impacted the authors. From now on I will be more diligent in leaving comments whenever I read free or for profit material. 

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I was inspired by some of my favorite black hair vloggers on Youtube, who sort of pulled back the curtain and let us in on the game. I click like so often now, that it's automatic, because I want those people to get credit for everything they do. I hope this is the beginning of something special, where all of us can make a difference.

Reviewer: MissCO Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 08:11 am

Title: Your Voices Should Be Heard.

Reviews and feedback are always tricky. As a reader, there are times where I feel like there's a slew of stories where it all sounds the same. The main characters all look the same, the girls all have the same personality traits, the men are all domineering or "typical". It's very seldom that there is a story that is dynamic. It's easy reading about a caramel skinned girl, with curly hair piled atop her head and her love affair with the mysterious, possesive entreprenuer with money; but to review when I've read this punchline over and over again will probably not happen. When there is a story that truly stands out or has emotional, personal, or actual character growth I will review or at least rate if I'm in a rush. 

I know that this is an outlet for creative expression and I love that this is a forum for women of color when there are so little, but it's hard critiquing the same kind of story and the backlash one gets from that. So I've been taking stories at face value lately and leaving the author alone. 

I think this is a personal struggle though that I must overcome. 

Author's Response:

At least you're being honest. I'm encouraging everyone to take a strategic look at this. Not everyone feels the same way I do. They think that wanting recognition and compensation for our talents is outrageous, and a sign that you lack purity and integrity as a writer. I believe the oppositve. The more power our writing gains, the more powerful, and the more talented, will be the voices that lead in these categories. I cannot wait to see a time when people of all backgrounds flock to read our genre the way that Oprah's audience flock to the writings of Steve Harvey, Toni Morrison, Dr. Maya Angelou, etc. That will only happen one person, one supporter at a time.

By the way, my curly haired girl has curls because I have curls. I largely modeled her character around my own experiences at the age when I wrote this, straight out of school. Though she does find a wealthy man, her family already has money. :-)

Some of my fav bestselling authors have formulaic books. (Have you read the various names of Jayne Ann Krentz, lately?) Lol. I love her books, but she does have a formula. She just focuses on the people, and their peculiarities. That's what makes her stories so very interesting to me. Of course, the sci fi angle doesn't hurt.

Reviewer: Dani Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 06:58 am

Title: Chapter 2

Most of what I read on the Chamber is far superior 

to lots of the IR books found on Amazon. I will buy

books from authors from the Chamber. I just need to know

when they become available on Amazon.


Author's Response:

You are so right. There is one rule that my mom always tells me: You can be sassy, but keep it classy. I try to stick with that, even though it's hard when you're writing "scenes." (Waggles eyebrows suggestively).

Reviewer: LamLife Signed [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 06:36 am

Title: Your Voices Should Be Heard.

Leaving a review on a book is similar to leaving a review on tripadvisor,etsy or any other site. If you don't leave reviews then, people won't know about the experience or book - whether positive or negative.

Author's Response:

So true. I once stayed in a hotel that could only be described as filthy. I checked in late, and checked out the next morning, because I had nowhere else to go. To this day, I feel a twinge of guilt for not posting promptly about my experiences. Maybe it would have inspired them to get things right, or at least warned other travelers to be wary of the place. Yech! I think I need a shower, just thinking about it.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 06:13 am

Title: Your Voices Should Be Heard.

Very informaive

Author's Response:

I'm glad you thought so. Some others on Facebook didn't take my concerns at face value. I just got "jumped in" at an author's forum by several friends of an author who were offended by my perspective.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 04:04 am

Title: Your Voices Should Be Heard.

I just purchased your book  I will read this week expect a review from Gwen.   

Author's Response:

Thank you, so much!

Reviewer: luv2read Signed [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 03:18 am

Title: Your Voices Should Be Heard.

How do I leave reviews on amazon for books I already purchased.   I have Pepper pace books and purchased preacher son.   I did not see your story on the chamber but I will buy and support.   Another good book is Monster on amazon which I purchased from Amazon which is on this site as accidental gold digger.  

Author's Response:

I just got recommendations for those the other day. As for leaving reviews, just go straight to the page where you bought the book, and click the review button at the bottom. Thank you so much for being willing to support talented authors. We really need collective and aggressive support to be noticed online.

Reviewer: luv2read Signed [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 02:53 am

Title: Your Voices Should Be Heard.

Thank you for the information. I did not know. I have purchased one or two books from Amazon by a valent chamber author. I will gladly purchase more to support them, because you are right these are some of the most extraordinary authors I've ever read. I am so grateful they share their work. Maybe if you put a link on here for a valentchamber author once a month, might help get more support. I guess I don't purchase as often because there are so many awesome stories on this site and I have other books I read I'm backed up with. But, I will start purchasing a valentchamber author once a month from now on. I will gladly support. Thank you for sharing this information.

Author's Response:

You are very welcome. I know what you mean! There are never enough hours in the day! I usually either a. fall asleep over my keyboard or b. fall asleep while trying to read, so I feel you!

Reviewer: shadow Signed [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 02:52 am

Title: Your Voices Should Be Heard.

I appreciate the thought that went into this and I wholeheartedly agree. I try to support my VC writers. I have purchased the published works even if I have already read the original in its entirety.  I do it to support those brave enough to publish.  Thanks for writing this article and OMG I love Pepper Pace. I'd read her doodle on the back of a napkin. Yep it's like that.

Author's Response:

Lol! Wouldn't we all? Pepper Pace is one of the only authors I have ever read who can write about the details of caring for a person with health challenges with the sensitivity and knowledge needed to make the reader see beyond their challenges, and embrace their abilities. Her level of research is superb!

Reviewer: Acdromance Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 02:24 am

Title: Your Voices Should Be Heard.

Hello Noelle

I'm so glad you wrote this article regarding the issue of supporting indie authors on this site and others. About two weeks ago I posted a long rant in the shout box, about supporting the authors on this site. I upset alot of people. We have over 4,417 memberrs on this site. But like I said free is wonderful, one person made excuses about not liking some stories. I told her free is good and that your problem. I am not always on the chamber due to classes but I try to support the authors buy buying their novels. Even if it is on kindle. Thank you for your comments. Now I will go and search for your book on Amazon.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I believe in using my economic and social power to support all industries and arts that I value. After all, we all have a finite number of dollars to spend. Why not support something that brings you so much joy? Especially if it's just going to cost you five minutes and a review.

Reviewer: Bain Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 02:05 am

Title: Your Voices Should Be Heard.

I'm glad that you wrote this. You hit the nail dead on the head! It's all about reviews/comments. If WE want more fics like the ones on this site, written by black women about black women, WE have to get the information about such works out there. Especially if we want these stories to get the acknowledgement they deserve.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! It's a shame, but when you're posting, marketing, working, etc., you have to make a choice about where you're going to put all of that energy. If the ladies on this site can't even support one another, what hope do we have to convince others?

Reviewer: hazelbazel92 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2014 12:04 am

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