Please! Please! Update soon. I love this story.
Reviewer: Mary B Anonymous [Report This]Date: June 29 2015 12:51 am
I hope every one is okay and no major injuries.
Reviewer: Dallas5star Signed [Report This]Date: June 06 2015 03:45 pm
I love this story. Is Sabrina black or a woman of color? Just curious. I hope that Adrian and Zaria will be together soon and Eli is safe. Please update soon,pretty please. Thanks for awesome story.
Reviewer: Zetacrave Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 08 2015 01:55 am
In the opening summary Zaira is referenced as Adrian's possession, which seems to objectify Zaira instead of give her the status that being his mate and other half deserves. I'm glad she's running from him...
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed [Report This]Date: April 21 2015 01:47 am
Good cast. Thanks
Reviewer: Divsionred Signed

Date: April 18 2015 09:02 pm
Do you still need a beta? Do you mean a woman or man?? If so I would love to do it. Let me what you need :)
Reviewer: KeiKei Signed [Report This]Date: April 11 2015 02:56 pm
Lil Eli is so adorable!! LOl
Reviewer: KeiKei Signed [Report This]Date: April 09 2015 03:31 am
*girly scream*. I loved this story on lit but I never thought I'd get the ending so glad you decided to finish it...
Reviewer: Indigo_bluee Signed

Date: April 09 2015 12:42 am
*girly scream*. I loved this story on lot but I never thought I'd get the ending so glad you decided to finish it...
Reviewer: Indigo_bluee Signed

Date: April 09 2015 12:41 am
*girly scream*. I loved this story on lot but I never thought I'd get the ending so glad you decided to finish it...
Reviewer: Indigo_bluee Signed

Date: April 09 2015 12:41 am
I enjoyed this story very much on literotica, however im glad you decided to put it on the chamber. Literotica officially sucks as of this new year and actually the pass months. Especially the bw/wm category of it. So super kudos to you for saving your self front the pits. Anyway great read hope you finish this one I really like it.
Reviewer: pillow82 Anonymous [Report This]Date: April 08 2015 09:25 pm
I love this it was one of my favorites on literotica.
Reviewer: lym7293 Signed [Report This]Date: April 02 2015 04:35 am
This is a very interesting. I can see lil Eli. Can't wait to see how this will turn out.
Reviewer: Dallas5star Signed [Report This]Date: April 02 2015 12:56 am
Loving the cast!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: April 01 2015 08:35 pm