Title: Chapter 25 - Angles

Wow...I admire Diya being so unselfish in the midst of Marisol’s conniving to be with Brandon...I think she should trust Brandon as he is not as unaware of Marisol’s manipulation as maybe Diya thinks...but Brandon has to make Diya his choice above all else...if he can’t Diya has to let him go anyway...and Diya May be faced with a similar dilemma of choice after Bran meets her family...so brilliantly written as always...you are my favorite romance author...such talent...

Author's Response:

Aw, what an amazing compliment : D Thanks, jachannah!!!

Yeah, the tug of war has just begun...on both sides.  Brandon sees what Marisol is doing, at least to a degree.  The question is, what is he willing to do about it.  More on that in upcoming chapters.  Stay tuned... 


Reviewer: jahchannah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 04 2018 08:13 pm

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

Omg so much has happened! Marisol is something else but im glad Brandon didn't automatically give in to her. I know she's dealing with things but its good that he is establishing more boundaries. I'm so excited to see how dinner with her family is going to be. If anyone can handle her family , its brandon. 

Author's Response:

Let us hope.  Thanks, helloWORLD!

Reviewer: helloWORLD Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 20 2018 01:16 am

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

Thank you so much for an updated chapter 😭😭😭😭 I didn’t know how long I would have to wait but I am so overwhelmed at receiving this gift of a chapter!! And Marisol FINALLY experienced being out in her place. YESSS but I know she’s gunna use the girls to turn them against di 

Author's Response:

You already know. 

So sorry for the delay, GoddessWarlord.  I'm striving to be more consistent in all areas of my life, especially my writing.  In the interim, thanks for bearing with me.

Reviewer: GoddessWarlord Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 19 2018 02:39 am

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

This chapter was a true page turner!  I love your writing style. Diya is crazy 😄. Brandon is ... *sigh*, *swoon* d84;a039;.  However, he really needs to have a true heart to heart discussion with Marisol. I don't know what kind of spell she has over Brandon, but if he truly wants to be in a serious relationship with someone, then there should be some boundaries set. I'm not saying they can't be friends, but I can imagine how frustrating it is that you can't have an "intimate", drama-free night with your man without all of the constant stalker-ish interruptions. It wasn't as if Oscar was banging on her door at that very moment. Why didn't she caller her brother Rafe if the need was that immediate?!  When Brandon told her, "I'm with Diya!", I took that as having three meanings:

1. I'm in a serious relationship with someone, please fall back. 

2. I'm trying to spend some quality time with my woman. 

3. I'm trying to f@ck my woman, so please stop calling!

I would think Marisol could have come up with an least one of those conclusions, right?! Either she is in denial, she's trying to block, or she doesn't think it's going to last. Either way, she's playing on Brandon's emotions (again). Diya is a good one. I would have been mad as ish that he stopped mid-screw on the ascent.  Sheeeiiit!!!  If it weren't for the binding ropes, she should have jumped on his ass and finished without him while he was on the phone. (I’m just kiding ... well, no, not really 😈). Maybe Mariosol would get the picture then! 

Can’t wait until Sunday dinner!  I can already small that drama. Great update!

Author's Response:

Lol!  You maybe right on all accounts.  Marisol clearly doesn't see Brandon and Diya's relationship as something deserving for respect for yet to be disclosed reason.  The next few chapters should shed some light on that.

Thanks sooooo much for the review, Musicluva, and for sticking in there with me, Brandon, and Diya through thick and thin!

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 03 2018 06:02 pm

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

I had to read this chapter multiple times to ingest it all...the connection between Diya and Brandon I felt to my core, which speaks to the brilliance with which you were able to convey the feelings and emotions between them...got me so in the feels...clearly you again show the amazing link between sex and love...you returned from hiatus with a vengeance...I truly LOLed at Camilla's antics towards Mal...and I wanted to shank Marisol for her sense of entitlement towards Brandon...Marisol and her horde and Diya's family will be major obstacles for our couple but I am so looking forward to the ride...I'm so happy for your return...may you be richly blessed...

Author's Response:


You are so right.  Brandon's and Diya's relationships with their nuclear and extended families will pose a number issue in their relationship.  And the drama doesn't end there.  More on that in coming chapters.

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing, jachannah!  I always enjoy reading you insight, and greatly appreciate your support and well wishes.  Be blessed!

Reviewer: jahchannah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 30 2018 05:24 pm

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

Ok I haven't read a word of the update but I tell my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw this story in the recents.  Sooo glad to see you back on here.  You are a truly gifted writer. Anyway, off to read.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much, iscream4icecream!!! Hope you enjoyed!

Reviewer: iscream4icecream Signed [Report This]
Date: September 29 2018 05:13 am

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

So happy for this update!!! Glad you're back!

Author's Response:

Thanks Akira Jade!

Reviewer: Akira Jade Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 29 2018 02:32 am

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

So glad you're continuing this story. Love it. 

Author's Response:

Thanks Michmom2!

Reviewer: Michmom2 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 29 2018 02:03 am

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

Welcome Back!! I'm so happy to see this story updated! 

Author's Response:

Thanks shiny0612!

Reviewer: shiny0612 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 28 2018 04:22 pm

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

This made me cry AND late for work! Thanks!! 😁😁

Author's Response:

You're welcome ; )  Thanks Artamiss Caine!!!

Reviewer: Artamiss Caine Signed [Report This]
Date: September 28 2018 10:13 am

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

Yeeeeeessssss!!!!! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁.  You've made my year!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 27 2018 01:36 am

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

I have missed this story so much.  Brandon needs to kick Marisol to the curb.  She is shady and wants to break him and Diya up as evidenced by the amount of calls she makes to distract him from his relationship.  I bet that if she knew that he wasn't around Diya, she wouldn't call so much to disrupt him.

Diya's family needs to let her breathe and be able to enjoy her relationship and life.  She also needs to find a new job and not work for her father anymore. As long as Diya's father thinks he has control over her, he thinks he can tell her how to live her life and who to date/marry.  If he wants to try and disown her, she needs to be strong enough to say "that's fine" and keep it moving with Brandon.

Even if Diya and Brandon break up (which I hope never, never happens), she needs to be strong enough to stand on her own and not be intimidated by her parents or her sisters who need to mind their own business.

I can't wait for the next chapter.  This is one of my favorite stories. :-)

Author's Response:

Thanks so much, dcphoenix1!!!  So glad you're enjoying my little tale : )

Marisol and William, and Brandon's and Diya's weakness for them, pose the greatest threat to their relationship.  Question is, can they create the boundaries necessary to preserve what they have?  Will any of the relationships survive it?

We shall see...

Reviewer: dcphoenix1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2018 08:33 pm

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

omg,omg,omg. I am so excited you are back. I haven't even read this yet and I'm screaming at my desk at work. Thank you!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Thank YOU, Unileo77!!! Update posted : )

Reviewer: Unileo77 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2018 06:14 pm

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

Your writing has a language of its own, simple and well place words convey what Brandon and Diya feel about each other. I scream when I saw your update. Beautiful writing and by the by welcome back you have been miss. Thank you Bain

Author's Response:

Aw, Bain, you are too kind.  Thanks so much for the encouraging words, and for reading and reviewing!!!  All are very much appreciated.

Reviewer: blueangel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2018 03:33 pm

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

*cartwheel*  Thank you for sharing.

Author's Response:

YW : )  Thanks you, idriveavitz!

Reviewer: idriveavitz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2018 02:48 pm

Title: Chapter 24 - Tug of War

I'm screaming!! I haven't read this update yet but I'm screaming. Glad you're back!

Author's Response:

Thanks crayola30!!!

Reviewer: crayola30 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 26 2018 02:00 pm

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

I really can’t wait to know what happens next! Any chance there’ll be an update soon? 

Author's Response:

Posted : )

Reviewer: ChsnteJae Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 28 2018 08:57 pm

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

Any update soon?

Author's Response:

Posted : )

Reviewer: Love33 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 30 2018 04:29 am

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

Can please update soon! I miss this story

Author's Response:

Posted : )

Reviewer: PurpleLover23 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19 2018 04:04 am

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

I just reread this whole story 💖. I can’t wait for Sunday dinner!  Hopefully an update is in the works? 🙏🏾

Author's Response:

Hey Musicluva!  I'm SO sorry for keeping you guys hanging.  Life has been a little rough, and a creativity assassin.  But I haven't given up.  Hopefully I'll come up with something presentable in the next couple months.  Thanks for not giving up on me!  Be blessed!

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 12 2018 07:53 pm

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

I just reread this whole story because that's how much I miss it.  Any update coming soon!??

Author's Response:

Hey Love33!  So sorry I'm a whole 6+ months late with this reply.  I wish I could say I'll have an update soon.  I haven't gotten much writing done in the last year or two, and almost none worth sharing.  But I haven't given up.  I'll keep working at it until I get a breakthrough.  Until then, be blessed!

Reviewer: Love33 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 03 2017 01:01 am

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

Hi JJ! I hope all is well with you. Can we expect an update from Diya and Bradon anytime soon?  Really missin' these two, and looking forward to reading more of their story. 

Author's Response:

Hey Musicluva!  I wish I could say an update was imminent.  I've gone through several life upheavals over the last seven months, all of which have monkeyed with my time and creativity.  I'm hoping things will stabilize over the next few months, and writing will come a little easier.  Sorry to keep you all waiting.  I have every intention of finishing Brandon and Diya's story, and appreciate your continued interest.  Be blessed!  Joelle

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 19 2017 12:17 am

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

Had to follow you over from whattpad after i read consequences ages ago! I'm losing my shit over here. A day and a half of no sleep reading this delectable tale. I can't wait to read the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thanks Colourednymph!  So glad you've enjoyed the story thus far. 

Reviewer: Colourednymph Signed [Report This]
Date: December 23 2016 10:16 am

Title: Chapter 22 - The Friend of My Lover Ain't My Friend

Congrats on your new job and may your move go smoothly...I hate moving as the upheaval of your life can be quite stressful...so praying for an easy and minimally stressful move for you...I didn't get your email...bummer...and I wonder that you didn't get mine with the link to the beautiful picture of Josh Mario John (beautiful tattooed man)...


I get what you are saying since boxers are a bully breed (one of many)...but when I read that "Kelly breeds Bullies", I automatically consider it means American Bullies as in the specific breed, especially since this breed is quite popular in Texas and are referenced primarily as Bullies...in fact, I know a breeder in Texas that raises beautiful American Bullies, but we only refer to them as Bullies...my bad...though boxers are a bully breed, and not a week passes that I don't treat a boxer in veterinary practice, virtually no one refers to them as bullies...hence my confusion...my apologies...looking forward to your updates whenever they come...as long as you eventually put me out of my misery and post an update...this story is my absolute favorite for the reasons I stated...be blessed...

Author's Response:

Thanks for the congrats and the prayers.  The worst part of the moving process (the packing) is already done...well, almost.  But I'll take all the prayers I can get.

I didn't get your email, I'm sorry to say, but did give ole Johnny boy a Google gander.  And yes, he is deliciously made.

As for the bullies, I heard some sort of animal specialist on Animal Planet call bully breeds "bullies," looked it up online, and referenced accordingly.  I know little to nothing about veterinary medicine, dog breeding, and whether they use the same distinctions, and certainly wasn't trying to question your professional knowledge.  If it came of that way, I do apologize.  You clearly know your stuff from multiple angles.  Just trying to explain where I got "bullies" from. 

Thanks for the blessings.  Sending the same to you.

Reviewer: jahchannah Signed [Report This]
Date: September 11 2016 08:18 pm

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

Awesome!!  😃 👍🏾 Good luck with your new job and the move!  No worries ... Will look forward to your next update when you are able to. 

Author's Response:

Thanks Musicluva!

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 10 2016 04:53 pm

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