Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

I'm missing my favorite story and couple. 😰 Update soon?

Author's Response:

Probably not, I'm sorry to say.  I recently started a job that has drastically decreased my free time, and I'm getting ready to move.  But AS SOON as I get settled, I'll work on completing and posting the next chapter (or two).  I apologize for the wait.  Thanks for your readership and continued interest, Musicluva!

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 07 2016 06:38 pm

Title: Chapter 22 - The Friend of My Lover Ain't My Friend

I loved this chapter (but I love them all)...still I didn't like my first review so here I am again...Puppies!!!...what a way to win a girl's heart...at least mine...though Bullies are related to pit bulls not Boxers...Bullies are short and stout...Boxers are much taller and lean...both breeds are beautiful but two different breeds with totally different looks (the veterinarian in me couildn't resist clarifying, no offense intended)...puppies give such unconditional love, which I think will be needed for our couple in the coming days dealing with the certifiable De La Royas...Brandon's feelings about Mannie are understandable because of William's meddling, but he need not worry because Diya is all his...even Marisol is not a problem since she clearly knows from Brandon that Diya is his life...can't wait for Diya to meet Big Whoa...I was so hoping a meeting between them would happen, and I'm so looking forward to that chapter...and Branny's new tatt I imagine will be really sexy...maybe it will be something that relates to his love for Diya...so looking forward to more...you have prepared me for a lot of excitement to come...I love the pace at which you built Brandon and Diya's relationship...they took time to really know each other before becoming intimate and we got to enjoy seeing them fall in love...that's romance...and to me, you write it brilliantly...you managed to get me deeply invested in your story and characters...your storyline feels realistic and believable...your characters are not perfect which makes them relatable and quite likeable...I'm stoked and can't wait to continue the journey with you...I am always amazed by you, Ms. Jax...thank you for continuing to bless us...may you continue to be blessed...



Author's Response:

Hey jahchannah!!!  I sent you an email a couple weeks ago with an article that explains the whole pit bulls vs. bully breeds (the former being a member of the latter, along with boxers, because of their shared Molosser ancestry) and thanking you for your continued support.  Not sure if you got it, but I'll say it again.  Thanks SO much for the support and sharing your insight.  I truly appreciate both : )

The Diya-Whoa meet-and-greet and Brandon's new tat reveal are coming up several chapters down the line.  Getting their will be the interesting part ; )  

I'm really glad you like the pace of Brandon and Diya's romance.  As a writer and a reader, I'm not a fan of love at first f*ck or microwave relationships.  I love watching two characters fall for one another (rather than being TOLD they are) and try to create that in my stories.  Many thanks for taking the time to let me know how my efforts resonate with you. 



Reviewer: jahchannah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 12:04 am

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

Please update. I need my fix. I laughed so hard. But why her sister let this happen? On another note; I seriously can not wait for the dinner. I wonder how Mr De Leroy will get rid of Brandon. Maybe the dinner is to embarrass him? I wonder.... Honestly your writing is just amazing. I can't wait to see what will happen next. PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!

Author's Response:

The dinner has a very distinct purpose.  More on that to come.  Thanks tisha123!  As soon as things slow down for me, I'll work on getting you guys an update.

Reviewer: tisha123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 17 2016 08:04 pm

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

omg somehow i ended up on the old site and I thought this story disapeared! I wanted to reread and catch back up so im so glad its still here lol 

Author's Response:

Glad you found us again : )

Reviewer: helloWORLD Signed [Report This]
Date: August 16 2016 02:38 am

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

JJ this was so funny and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for the double updates.

Author's Response:

YW.  Thanks jacqua43!

Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 31 2016 03:28 pm

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

This was hilarious!  I can't wait for Sunday dinner. What I wouldn't give for a seat at that table! I'll bring the mac & cheese. 

Author's Response:

Lol!  You might want to pack a taser and some zip-ties too.  Thanks BlkPearl!

Reviewer: BlkPearl Signed [Report This]
Date: July 24 2016 04:42 pm

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

I love this story. Her family is just something else, I would go insane if I was Diya. I really want Diya to find another job on the sly, working for her dad has never worked with regards to trying to set her up or keeping her under his thumb by not letting her work at home on some days. I get that she loves her father but she's a grown woman and he's very possesive but the lesbian intervention was funny, frustrating but funny although I'm really surprised Chandi didn't have Diya's back (even a lil bit) during that intervention, seeing as she's the only one in the family that knows about her love for Brandon and didn't seem compltely against it but then again Chandi seems a little sadistic when it comes with messing with Diya. Excited about that lunch, Bran could deff handle himself but her (some) family can be so toxic. This lunch is certainly going to be a true test to their relationship. Can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response:

Yeah, dinner at the De la Roys will be a test and a trial for Diya and Brandon, to say the least.  Chandi was still in her feelings about Diya not sympathizing with her little temper tantrum early that day.  As for Diya finding a new job, that's an idea, but might not be enough to earn her freedom from William's interference.  More on that to come.  Thanks for reading and reviewing, carmen90!

Reviewer: carmen90 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 22 2016 02:41 pm

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

sweet lord - Diya's family are crazy but the chapter made me laugh so damn hard! glad she stood up to them - thanks for the updates! truly enjoyed them  - cant wait for sunday dinner *dun dun dunn...!*

Author's Response:

"Dun, dun, dunn" indeed.  Thanks Yuukiyanagi!

Reviewer: Yuukiyanagi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 19 2016 08:40 am

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

Finally some  Diya back bone! I love it.

Author's Response:

Thanks Astrid!

Reviewer: Astrid Signed [Report This]
Date: July 16 2016 12:40 pm

Title: Chapter 22 - The Friend of My Lover Ain't My Friend

Ice packs and IBUPROFEN, that's all I got to say.  But I love how Brandon gets all "My Woman Not yours." At the mention of Mannie. But then again Diya goes all "My Branny not yours" at the mention of Marisol. Got to love these two. And the puppies does Brandon really think they are ready to co-parent puppies? Looking forward to seeing how that plays out. 

Author's Response:

Poor Branny.  He thinks they're ready, but has no idea what fate has in store for them...  Thanks for reading and the reviews ,JovanBleu!

Reviewer: JovanBleu26 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 08:05 pm

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

This was just delicious!! I have to say the fact that they thought she was gay and giving her an intervention had me in stitches. Chandi should be ashamed of herself for getting back at her sister this way all because she wasn't having that shit about her not being able to wear her designer clothes anymore. But Duya really stepped in it now, because Brandon will now have to attend a Sunday dinner with her pack of nutcases a.k.a her family. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Reviewer: JovanBleu26 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 08:02 pm

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

Diya's family is crazy!  Chandi could've had Diya's back a little. Diya couldn't avoid this forever if she wants Brandon to be a part of her life, for the both of them. This seems pretty important to Brandon, and by the way he's reacting, seems up for the challenge  I would think she would give Brandon some fair warning by giving him and idea of what he may be up against based on her families precious antics.  I'm a bit curious about Diya's relationship with her mom. Based of what I'm seeing so far, it seems they really don't have much of a connection outside of her dad.

I can't wait to see how Brandon handles dinner with the De la Roy's. 😈 

Thanks for the update! 😄💖

Author's Response:

Brandon will receive some form of a warning, but it may not be all that fair considering what the De la Roy's have in store for him.  

Your take on Diya and Devaneesh's relationship is spot on.  The hows and whys of it will be explored in future chapters.

Thanks Musicluva!

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 04:01 pm

Title: Chapter 22 - The Friend of My Lover Ain't My Friend

Thanks for the updates! 😍   You know I was waiting for 'em!!! 😄  

Diya and Branny are too cute together. I love this love jonesing stage of a relationship. Hopefully it'll get them through what's to come. Seems Branny started stirring the pot with his "swooning" 😍 drive-by visit. I think it's the nudge Diya needed. They've already established their dedication to the relationship, now it's time to step up to the plate, and knock this ball pit of the park.  Stand ya ground with the family girl! c4;🏾 💪🏾

Girl, Branny is a sweet heart with trying to coparent the puppies, but two dogs and two cats?!?!  Not to mention that both of them are in apartments. More importantly, the 'time' it would take, as Diya mentioned. Maybe it would be better to take them to his moms house since they have the house and land. 


Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 03:52 pm

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

I just hope they'll be so glad she isn't a lesbian they don't give Brandon any hell

Author's Response:

Lol.  A girl can dream.

Thanks, LetMeDream!

Reviewer: LetMeDream Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 03:21 pm

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming


Reviewer: ErisJade Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 12:41 pm

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

Her family is horrible especially her sisters!!  But she shouldn't have lying about Brandon in the first place. Diya quit that damn job working for your father and work for someone else so you can free from that nonsense.  So good!!

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 09:57 am

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

Brandon at the De La Roys for Sunday dinner will be a hoot...I dislike them all except Chandi (strangely enough)...she is just a stank heffa out to make Diya suffer because she gets enjoyment out of it but she is still different from the rest of the family in a good way...she knows of Brandon and has not shunned Diya in spite of that knowledge...Amali sucks...what a beotch...but family does not guarantee that you'll get along or always like a person...I'm just glad that Diya found the heart and bravery to tell them the truth that she is in love with Brandon...she has no reason to be ashamed of her relationship and letting the cat out of the bag, I think,  will only strengthen their relationship, in spite of Diya's fears...Brandon is tougher than Diya gives credit to deal with her family as long as she is with him and doesn't hide him...the fun will be in watching them deal with the antics that will ensue...I can only imagine the craziness and how funny it will be, especially with your genius flair for the comedic...thank you for the 2 chapter update...may you continue to be blessed...and just know this story is so my favorite...I am so happy you updated and it's been less than a month to boot...you are bomb!!!



Reviewer: jahchannah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 07:36 am

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

I so love this story. I don't care how you decide to update it, I will be reading to the end.

Reviewer: kuriouskale Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 02:10 am

Title: Chapter 22 - The Friend of My Lover Ain't My Friend

In my car, waiting out the rain, reading. Reads the last sentence & screams! Lmao Jtfo

Reviewer: Avapriceless1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 01:29 am

Title: Chapter 23 - The Trouble with Assuming

JJ, First, stellar chapter, Chica.

But I would commit mass murder on this crazy ass family. These folks are certifiable. But DAMN, if they didn't have me rolling.  I now have a headache from laughing so hard.

But, on the real, I'm glad she finally got it out there. I fear what will happen next. I don't hav any confidence that she will stand up for Brandon. We shall see.


Reviewer: BellaChica Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 01:19 am

Title: Chapter 22 - The Friend of My Lover Ain't My Friend

Bloody hell! This family.

Reviewer: BellaChica Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 01:05 am

Title: Chapter 21 - Surprise, Surprise

I love this story so much that I was reading it again and remembered something...in chapter 2 when Diya refrained from giving birthday nookie to her Branny, she offered to make it up to him by giving him at a later date a night of sexual pleasure in the place and position of his choosing...in this last chapter Brandon's getting Diya's signature to submit to a night of sexual play of his choosing is finally taking her up on that former offer...I can't wait to see how this plays out but it's gonna be hot, hot, hot!!!...I love this story and how you bring these little things full circle...if I wasn't paying close attention, I'd miss these fun little tidbits...so excited for the next update whenever it comes!!!

Author's Response:

As always, you have an amazing eye for detail, jachannah.  I've got quite a few seeds planted throughout the story that have yet to flower (see the next couple chapters), which was why I thought about waiting until the story was complete to post.  But the way I figure it, I'll post when I can and readers can decide their own pace.   

The "fullfillment of contract" chapter is on its way.  The next chapter, on the other hand, is already here.  Enjoy : )

Thanks for the fabu review, jachannah, and for your continued support!  It means so very much to me = D

Reviewer: jahchannah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 10 2016 05:59 pm

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

OK huge fan over here and was beyond overjoyed to see a double update.  As far as the question of frequency of updates, I think waiting until you're finished to upload is my vote.   Would it be possible for us to get some of your earlier stuff to tide us over until this one's finished?  At any rate, I'll probably be rereading this one.  


This last chapter had me laughing at Diya's vagina pak and just enjoying their chemistry and blossoming love story.  Although I know there will be obstacles ahead from both sides of their families and their opposites sometimes colliding, I'm looking forward to see how it all plays out.

Author's Response:

Thanks Tricia!!!  The road ahead will be bumpy, but I'm so happy to have you along for the ride.  I appreciate your input.  Slowly but surely, I'll be revising and reposting some of my old stories, starting with Resignation.  

Reviewer: Tricia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: June 21 2016 01:08 am

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

Is her dad uber rich from old money or  something?  The way he judges a person from a glance and dismisses them makes wonder just how stuck up is this guy, and how in the world did Diya become the person she is under his wing. I hope Brandon's temper  mellows out because it is not going to help in this situation. It  will only add more fuel to the inevitable fire. 

Author's Response:

William is self-made and wealthy, but not uber rich.  His reaction to Brandon had less to do with snobbery and more to do with Brandon's race and appearance.  Between William's Southern upbringing and experiences as a defender of civil rights, most of his interactions with men who look like Brandon have been less than pleasant.  As for Brandon's temper, mellowing is possible, but unlikely.  Thanks Vemo.

Reviewer: VeMo Signed [Report This]
Date: June 18 2016 05:06 pm

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

Just wow... Love it. 

Author's Response:

Thanks keikei2!

Reviewer: keikei2 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 18 2016 12:43 am

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