Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

Great chapter! Now, did Brandon just show up at her job?!?!

Author's Response:

We shall see...  Thanks Love33!

Reviewer: Love33 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 14 2016 10:07 pm

Title: Chapter 20 - Honeymoon's Over


Author's Response:

Thanks Bain!!!

Reviewer: Bain Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 14 2016 07:06 pm

Title: Chapter 20 - Honeymoon's Over

Diya needs to tell her father already, and quit working for her father because he won't take Brandon well.    She just needs to realize that her father would rather lose Diya than accept her love for Brandon.  At least for awhile until he comes around.  Brandon is a keeper!!

Author's Response:

Brandon is a keeper.  But William coming around?  I don't know.  We'll see.  Thanks pmgayles!

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 14 2016 06:37 pm

Title: Chapter 20 - Honeymoon's Over

AHHHHHHH!!!!! Who is it?!?!?!?!?!?!


Omg!  Absolutely perfection.  Diya ain't the only one in love!   


Can't wait for more!!!!

Author's Response:

You don't have to.  Update posted : D  Thanks bunches of bunches, ErisJade!!!

Reviewer: ErisJade Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 14 2016 06:18 pm

Title: Chapter 20 - Honeymoon's Over

I was thinking about you and this update appeared...I feel so blessed...LMAO...that's what I did with this chapter...Brandon is so adorable not wanting his nookie fest with Diya to end...I loved it...and especially the statement about the quack doctor...but why would an honorable lawyer trust a quack with his daughter's health...strange man Daddy De La Roy, but it's part of his charm...still, I think her father is too intrusive but hey that's just me...I'm fiercely independent...still I think it's time Diya stand up for herself and walk in the truth of who she is and who she loves...Diya also needs to trust Brandon's love for her...he told her he belongs to her, all of him, and all of her belongs to him...so I don't think the tom-fuckery as you state it, of her family will honestsly change that though I do understand Diya's fear...she's not confident Brandon will tolerate the more than asinine behavior he will have to endure from the De La Roys...still I think Diya should stand up for her right to live her life as she sees fit...I have a feeling Daddy De La Roy is about to learn what his baby girl has been doing with herself...all 6 foot something, long haired, bearded and tattooed beauty that has captured her heart...I just love this book so much...thank you for the comedic relief...I love the breadth of your talent...you amaze me and I so appreciate you sharing your gift...

Author's Response:

Jahchannah, your reviews never fail to make my day : ) 

William is a strange man, but not one who necessarily trusts Diya to the Not-So Good Doctor.  He was bring Uncle Elgin over to see his precious baby girl because the man insisted.  And time has come for Diya to stand up to her family, tell the truth, and trust that she and Brandon can weather the ensuing storm.  Question is, can they? 

Thanks for the wonderful review, jahchannah!!!  It is very much appreciated.

Reviewer: jahchannah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 14 2016 06:07 pm

Title: Chapter 7 - Slippery When Wet

These two are really going to be the death of me. I'm trying to tell myself to let everything unfold at a slow pace, but their chemistry is just too explosive at times that I just want to smush their faces and er...um...other parts together and yell 'have at it'. *sighs*

Diya's father is adorable.

And Brandon, he's sneaky, must watch out for him Diya. But like her, I'm mad curious about the beef between him and his brother. I smell all kinds of twisted messiness afoot. 

Author's Response:

Trust your nose...   Thanks oodles, Lapis Love!

Reviewer: Lapis Love Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 12 2016 12:12 am

Title: Chapter 5 - T.M.I. (Revised)

Trying to get caught up on this. Diya's beef with Camilla the cat is probably one of my favorite things. You know you're reading the work of an excellent writer where it has you wanting to splash an animal with holy water, lol.

I know it's probably too early to think things have been completely resolved between Mannie and Diya, but I'm glad he didn't cop an attitude with Diya when she pretty much put the brakes on her dad's attemp at matchmaking. However, I'm sure her dad being the lawyer he is, I can see him not wanting to let this drop as easily. 

Brandon, ah love him. I'm trying to picture the litany of tattoos he has and the story behind each one. Is his torso completely covered, or just a particular side of his body and arm? In any case, I know he looks good, lol. I have a thing for white guys with ink. But it's also pleasing to know he's not trying to keep his relationship with Diya a secret from his family. And I understand Diya's reasoning in keeping their relationship private since they've only been dating for a month, and she knows how intrusive her family is. Lovely chapter as usual. Off to get another in.

Author's Response:

Lol.  Camilla is a mess, and based on a real life cat if you can believe it. 

You definitely haven't seen the last of Mannie.  Not if William has anything to say about it.

I've got a thing for white guys and ink, too.  Lots of it.  Add a beard and a bun, and I'm DONE.  As for Brandon's tattoos, he has two full sleeves, and chest and upper back ink.   

Thanks Lapis Love!!!  As always, I'm happy to see your name in the review section : )

Reviewer: Lapis Love Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 11 2016 11:11 pm

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

Was Diya's anxiety due to her feeling doubts of Brandon's true feelings/love for her?

Author's Response:

To a degree.  It was part feeling vulnerable and fearing not being loved in equal measure, part reacting to a depth of emotion she's never felt before.  

Thanks Musicluva!

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 24 2016 03:30 pm

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession



christ. i'm shaking. that was...this read...jesus!

beyond perfection - fuck. i need a minute. scracth that - a hour. a day!

so damn good  - it's ridiculous. THANK YOU!!!!

Author's Response:

This review is the SHEEEEEEEEIIIIIIT!!!  Lol!  THANK YOU, Yuukiyanagi!!!

Reviewer: Yuukiyanagi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 23 2016 08:58 am

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

This was so sensual and true love making, you did a BEAUTIFUL!! job with it JJ. Thanks for the update.

Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 09 2016 06:26 pm

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

I forgot to give you a BIG THANK YOU for fulfilling my wish in this chapter...in chapter 18 Brandon, though admitting his love for her, hadn't said those three precious words outright to Diya...having him proclaim his love for her so clearly and strongly as they consummated their relationship in this chapter so made up for those missed words in chapter 18...so many stories write of "making love" or sex but the focus often seems to be so much on the physical and less on the heart, soul and spirit connecting...for your work here, it's clear to see that the emotional and spiritual bond formed between our lovely couple was at the forefront to solidfy the purpose of plysically coupling...Brandon and Diya were confirming physically what their hearts, minds and souls had admitted verbally...it's that current running so strongly through this chapter that makes this work a phenomenal piece of romantic literature, for me...I just can't praise you enough and soooo look forward to more of Brandon and Diya's story...

Reviewer: jahchannah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 08 2016 01:42 am

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

That was smoking hot!  Brandon laid it down and it was smooth and his delivery was right on target!  Damn, I need a nap after reading this!!

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 10:01 pm

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

I was exhausted after reading this chapter...in a good way.  I don't think I have ever read a love scene so fill with so much emotions.  That was beautifully written.  

Reviewer: Ttee72 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 08:06 pm

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

I am your devoted reading slave!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: Artamiss Caine Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 08:05 pm

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

Oh my heavenly father.  That was the single most, excruciatingly beautiful love scene I've ever read. Holy shit J. I'm dumbfounded. Did you participate in the "Diversity Pit" event for writers of color they had in Twitter a couple of weeks ago? If you didn't, I have a ton of agent's info for you. They're all looking for stories about people of color right now. I was hit up by several to submit queries. I can't imagine what they'll do when they get a whiff of your writing, because you are...that was...it's just beyond brilliant!


You know how to reach me darlin :) Great fucking job lady!!!

Reviewer: GreenRoots Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 07:02 pm

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

FINALLY!!!!! I LOVE Brandon and Diya!

What was he trying to ask her in the end? Did she what? That was a bit confusing for me.

Reviewer: PearlsofWisdom Signed [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 06:07 pm

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

I am in absolute awe! *cue slow clap*

I am utterly amazed and inspired.  This entire scene was beautifully crafted.  Very real and raw in both imagery and emotion.  I am so glad that their first time wasn't perfect.  It was exactly as it should be, and spoke so loudly to their relationship - perfectly imperfect.  I felt every bit of Diya's nervousness and anxiety.  It was completely understood.  Wanting somebody, Wanting to give them your all and being terrified of the feeling not being reciprocated.  


Absolutely amazing!!!!


Thank you for sharing!!!



Reviewer: ErisJade Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 04:38 pm

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession


Reviewer: SunnySideDown Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 03:40 pm

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

😄💖😄💖😄💖. I loved it ** can't stop grinning **. Thank you so much for this update. Happy Mothers Day everyone!

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 05:40 am

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

Beautiful, intense, and real. Wow just an amazing chapter what a wonderful way to truely bring together these two characters.

Very well written I don't even 

Know what to really say except thank you for this update and sharing for your talent.

Reviewer: jetzero Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 05:33 am

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

Wow...that was the most amazing scene of true passion, love and intimacy I have ever had the pleasure to read...that was two souls, two spirits cementing their link and meshing to truly become one...that was sublime...I just can't find the words to do justice to what you have just done with words, Ms Jax except to say I have never been compelled to cry when reading of two souls connecting for the first time...you are beyond amazing...you are truly an incredibly gifted and highly talented author...my absolute favorite and I can't shower you with enough praise but I thank the Most High for  your willingness to bless us with your gifts...much love to you...I want to give you all the stars and the moon!

Reviewer: jahchannah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 03:51 am

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! I'm working but I CANNOT wait to read!!!!!   Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: ErisJade Signed [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 03:25 am

Title: Chapter 19 - Rite of Possession

Breathtaking and so real. I'm in love with your usage of the English language. Thank you.

Reviewer: blueangel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 03:16 am

Title: Chapter 18 - [Bran]ded

Update soon, please?  I'm beginning to experience withdrawals. 😲

Author's Response:

Lol.  I'm sorry.  Writing has been a struggle over the last month or so.  But the next chapter is FINALLY coming along, and I hope to have it out in the next week or two.  Thanks for the continued interest, Musicluva!

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 18 2016 06:53 am

Title: Chapter 18 - [Bran]ded

Why is this story so awesome?!

Author's Response:

I'm not sure, but surely thank you for thinking so : )

Reviewer: helloWORLD Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 17 2016 11:56 pm

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