Title: Chapter 15 - The Cause (Revised)

All I have to say is I love this story and I hope to God that they make it. 

Author's Response:

Me too : /  Thanks iamwhatiam6904!!!

Reviewer: iamwhatiam6904 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 28 2016 06:04 am

Title: Chapter 15 - The Cause (Revised)

Excellent, Glad Brandon and Diya finally admit their feeling for each other.

Author's Response:

Thanks blueangel!!!

Reviewer: blueangel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 28 2016 04:27 am

Title: Chapter 15 - The Cause (Revised)

This bittersweet chapter explained so much. I just hope that everything works out for them, they both seem to doubt it!

Author's Response:

They do--Brandon more so than Diya at this point.  Thanks Drea!

Reviewer: Drea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 28 2016 03:04 am

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

But where are you taking us with this story though?!? Whew! Loving all these different angles and depths. Can't wait to see where we'll end up next.

Author's Response:

You'll see ; )  Thanks chrinae!  Update in the works.

Reviewer: chrinae Signed [Report This]
Date: January 28 2016 02:06 am

Title: Chapter 15 - The Cause (Revised)

Why does Diya think she and Brandon are certain to fail?  Brandon's childhood was awaful thanks to Tyler.  I really dislike him!!

Author's Response:

It's not necessarily that Diya thinks they're certain to fail, but that Brandon's certain to fail at forgiving himself and she, at having the courage to fully confess her feelings for him.  As for Tyler, he is more than deserving of all the hatred he inspires.  Thanks pmgayles!

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 28 2016 01:30 am

Title: Chapter 15 - The Cause (Revised)

This chapter was very emotionally heavy. I'm glad Brandon finally told Diya the histroy behind his first and second tattoos. I never imagined that his story would be as dark and depressing as it was but his reveal definitely gives more insight to his character.

Thanks for the update!

Author's Response:

You're very welcome.  Thank you for reading and commenting, AnnieNathanson!

Reviewer: AnnieNathanson Signed [Report This]
Date: January 28 2016 12:55 am

Title: Chapter 15 - The Cause (Revised)

.... SMH... Love is Blind.... Diya is truly in love with Brandon despite his F'ed up history. Brandon... I can't say he doesn't deserve Diya what I can say is that they are both human and can't help how they feel despite knowing that the odds are against them. Well JJ you do a wonderful job creating human characters... I hate a tory where the characters are perfect and victims of situations... your characters are realistic and relateable... I like that you don't rush and keep the reader wanting to find out what happens next plus there are lessons to be learned from how these characters handle their issues...

Thanks for sharing you stories with us... 

Author's Response:

Thank YOU, sharlene, for this review!!!  I'm so happy you're enjoying the way I'm portraying the characters and piecing this thing together.  There's just too much going on with Brandon's past and Diya's present to rush it.  Eventually, the two will collide, and we'll see those odds you're talking about reach their peak.  More on that to come...  Thanks again, for the lovely compliments and for taking the time to share them and your insight!  

Reviewer: sharlene Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 27 2016 11:23 pm

Title: Chapter 15 - The Cause (Revised)


Travis is still going to try, but so glad Brandon told Diya.

Author's Response:

Me too.  Thanks Penelope!!!

Reviewer: Penelope Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 27 2016 10:43 pm

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

It's been so long sine I've read anything on this site, but when I saw my favorite writer with a new fic, I was like, let me dig in!

Aww man, I don't know how you do it, but you've created yet another couple that I'm already cheesin, grinnin, and swooning over and it's just the first chapter! I love Brandon already and Diya is my girl. I'm curious aout the meaning behind Brandon's first tattoo and why he seemed hesitant to share that story, and his aversion to Diya's father owning his own law firm. Methinks it may have to do with civil rights as oppose to Diya and her father practicing law. Guess I'll see. 

The way you write chemistry between characters is really inspiring and it comes off as authentic and not forced. You can feel their attraction to one another, and it's not *just* rooted in lust, which is what I love the most and what I find to be absent in a lot of books, stories I've come across. 

Love this to pieces, can't wait to read the rest! You have another winner on your hands. 

Author's Response:

Lapis Love!!!  I was too excited to see your name pop up in the reviews.  And I'm geeked to have you along for this bumpy ride.

Your curiosity concerning Brandon's first tattoo and his reaction to her father being a civil rights attorney will be fully satisfied in Chapter 15.  But let me say, you're definitely on the right track with your assumption.

Thanks a million for this amazing review!  It was too kind and very much appreciated : )

Reviewer: Lapis Love Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: January 24 2016 12:47 am

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

Man, I know this is a romance, but at the end of this chapter I kept thinking, " Girl call it a wash, u guys r done." I hate how he goes off on her. See I'm such a fuck'em and drop'em. But she loves and is willing to hang in there... But she has got to stop letting her family get to her. Her needs to told how she feels. Dad can be handled as well as her sisters... All of them. Well good writing can't wait for chapter 15, but like everyone else, I will... lol.

Author's Response:

Lol.  That you will.  

Brandon has revealed a rather unpleasant side of himself and, unfortunately, aimed it at Diya.  But, like you said, she's not likely to just end it off that alone.  Nor is she likely to stop being affected by her family and what she fears they'll do.  As the story progresses, you might find her completely justified in that.

Thanks swirly_girl!

Reviewer: swirly_girl Signed [Report This]
Date: January 19 2016 09:03 am

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

Diya has some serious adjustments to make to be in this guy's world.  It's amazing how dark he has become since he went to see his mother and ran into his brother.  

Brandon and his brother have issues that seem to go back further than his ex.  Almost like, I hate you because mom always loved you more. You have to  reveal the issue  between these two. This is too much hate for us to not know what it stems from.

 How will Brandon break away from this cycle of hate that he and his brother obviously have for each other? 

 Diya needs to find out what's going on with them. I don't think she should let Brandon shut her out. Once he cools off she should let him know he can't leave her in the dark. She needs to let him know  she is all in and he needs to trust what they are trying to build. One way to prove how she feels about him.... let your know family know about your relationship.

I don't know. They probably  need to postpone any intimacy until they get rid of all the emotional baggage. I'm thinking about six months. 


Author's Response:

Lol!  If they're together, they'll never make it.

Brandon and Tyler's issues do predate the ex and will be discussed next chapter.  Convincing Brandon to open up won't be easy for reasons that will become increasingly clear.  Diya letting her family know about her relationship with Brandon would go a long way in building trust between them, but the question in Diya's mind would be "at what cost?"  Unfortunately for her, she'll eventually find out.

Thanks VeMo!

Reviewer: VeMo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 16 2016 07:49 am

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

I can't say enough how much I love your writing style. You humor/banter, metaphors, word-play, and bitter-sweet tone keeps me stimulated, and as always wanting more. Please update soon. Keep that ink flowin'!!!

Author's Response:

Aw, thanks SeekingVirtue17!!!  I'm all grins after reading this : D  

I'm currently working on the next chapter.  Promise not to keep you waiting too long : )

Reviewer: SeekingVirtue17 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 16 2016 03:28 am

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

Man this was intense. I can feel Diya's frustration and helplessness. Fom having a very "involved" family to having a boyfriend that doesn't share much of his past... Poor girl. 

You have a very particular writing style, with the way you structure your sentences in an uncommon way and use so many different ways to express or describe what's going on. It makes readers really focus on what we're reading, I like it.

Thanks for posting! I was looking forward to reading more of these two and this chapter didn't disappoint. Still looking forward to the next!

Author's Response:

Thanks, Mariposa-12!  So glad you enjoy my version of normal : )  

Yeah, Diya's going through right now.  Soon enough, it'll be Brandon's turn.  Update in the works.  Thanks again.

Reviewer: Mariposa-12 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 14 2016 04:01 pm

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

I fucking love this story but the build up is killing me in the most painful of ways smh it's just cruel at this point 14 chapters in and not one major hurdle has been crossed your an amazing writer but when you get people addicted to your crack like stories you take on certain responsibilities one of which is to not leave your fiendish readers perpetually dangling from a cliff chapter after chapter smh 

Author's Response:

This review makes me smile even though I'm not entirely sure it's supposed to.  I don't have a lot to say about the build.  The progress of the story is thoroughly planned out and its issues, major and minor, will be resolved once all the pieces are in place.  It's never my intention to torture my poor readers.  But I'm me, so it's bound to happen : )  Thanks halfchewed!

Reviewer: halfchewed Signed [Report This]
Date: January 14 2016 03:42 pm

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels



Author's Response:


Reviewer: PurpleLover23 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 14 2016 06:41 am

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

What the hell!!

Author's Response:

I know, right?  Thanks flikchick!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 14 2016 04:37 am

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

Great chapter.  I fell for Diya, poor woman!stay strong! Please update soon,  cannot wait...

Author's Response:

Update in the works.  Thanks rosa1234!

Reviewer: rosa1234 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: January 14 2016 03:27 am

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

Oh Diya, Maybe some time apart is good for them both all this time people give Diya grief and look what Brandon do Diya was right not to invest in the first place his treatment of her has been absolutely atrocious.

I look forward to seeing how he cleans up his mess.

Author's Response:

Me too : /  Time apart may very well be the answer, but can they give it to one another?

Thanks sharlene!

Reviewer: sharlene Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 14 2016 03:26 am

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels


Author's Response:

Exactly.  Thanks Khamalani!

Reviewer: Khamalani Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 14 2016 12:22 am

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

That mofo, seriously I don't care how messed up this event was for Brandon. His emotions and moods are giving me and Diya whiplash. 

Author's Response:

Thanks HumorMe!

Reviewer: HumorMe Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: January 13 2016 10:40 pm

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

JJ, I must say you've done it again!  I just got caught up on this wonderful tale, and I must say that though I am Team Brandon, these last two chapters threw me for a loop.  Brandon is a complex character, and I get that he wants Diya to open up and tell him how she really feels, but that works both ways; he needs to be ready to reciprocate.  I know when you've been hurt in the past it's hard to open up and trust the new person to not add to your hurts, but sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.

It'll be interesting to see where this couple goes from here...Branny has some explaining to do and it'll be interesting how he makes it up to Diya.  As always you have me totally invested in your characters and feeling their pain and angst.

Great writing as always; welcome back!

Author's Response:

Thanks Amiefuzzy!!!  So happy to hear you're enjoying Brandon and Diya's story.  Now, on to the foolishness.  

Brandon is all about being open and honest in the here and now.  But he has no desire to go digging around in the past, especially when it comes to Tyler and his ex, for reasons that will become increasingly clear as the story progresses.  More on that to come : )

Reviewer: Amiefuzzy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 13 2016 08:54 pm

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

this update only made it clearer - i am a bad person. i didnt mind when brandon decided to bash tyler's face in - he had it coming. but i know just know that's exactly what tyler wanted and that makes me so angry because i know it bothers brandon too. i can imagine that he hates the fact that he allows tyler to wind him up and in front of diya - what brandon did. acted and yelled at her to leave - i know it's killing him.

and as mush as i dislike (!!) tyler there has to be a reason behind his visit. quick questions though - the baby that brandon's ex was carrying died, right? and - i understand if you can't answer this - why is brandon having marisol's daughter birthday party at his parents when clearly some family members aren't okay with people who aren't white, lool?

thanks for tease - yes. this was a tease JJ XP - brilliant update and like always leaves me wanting more. you are truly a great writer - thank you!!


Author's Response:

You're welcome!  : D  Thank you, Yuukiyanagi!!!  You are so on point with this review.  Tyler laid the bait and Brandon took it, despite knowing exactly what the bastard was doing.  And yes, he will feel horrible because of it.  

To answer your questions, Brandon's ex did have a miscarriage.  As for the decision to have Mia's party at the Warner's, it was a venue of last resorts.  They were just trying to do it somewhere Oscar didn't know about and, therefore, wasn't likely to show up.  More on that and the family's reaction coming up in the party chapter.  We've got a lot of ground to cover before then, so stay tuned...And thanks again!

Reviewer: Yuukiyanagi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 13 2016 04:32 pm

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

Damn girl

Author's Response:

I know : /

Reviewer: intheroar Signed [Report This]
Date: January 13 2016 03:26 pm

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

Im not sure even at this stage that I understand the relationship with Diya and her family and Brandon and his family.  Why the conflict is so deep and disturbing.  Why his brother is so awful.  Interesting chapter, but it leaves me wanting some clarity.

Author's Response:

Diya's family is meddlesome and her parents are willing to employ underhanded means to control who she dates.  It was little more than annoyance in the past because she's never lost anyone worth having to their foolishness.  Brandon does not fall into the category of expendable, yet she fully expects Will and Dev to interfere with the relationship as only they can.  As for Brandon, the issues between him and his family have been hinted toward, and will be fully discussed in upcoming chapters.  

Reviewer: Dinndee Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: January 13 2016 03:06 pm

Title: Chapter 14 - Fallen Angels

Brandon was wrong he has some deep seeded issues, flying into a blind rage because someone said words you don't like. My husband is very protected of me also, but he has sense to know that they are just words(does words hurt? yes)(does words have power? yes)but if we fight everytime someone say a hurtful thing to us we would be fighting 2 to 3 times a day. Now if he was to put hands on me in a harmful way, then we are talking about a different story altogether( because it would take the jaws of life to get my husband off of him ). Brandon is very scary right now, he has no self-control. 1st he assaulted someone, 2nd he kidnapped someone ( Tyler didn't asked to see the inside of his apartment)Brandon is going to wake up one morning to Mr. Consequences and Repercussions. Brandon is also a hypocrite, how you want Diya to open up and you are closed down. As you can tell I'm not feeling Brandon right now... Tyler ( what is going on in your head?) you go seek out someone you know don't like you. Does Tyler has regrets and the only way he can deal with it is to make Brandon ( The Boxer ) and himself ( The Punching Bag ) makes me wonder are they both dealing with the same issue, but going about it in different ways. This update here!! JJ you are the WOMAN!! Thanks honey!

Author's Response:

Thanks jacqua!  I appreciate the compliment and your comments, but I've got to disagree with you on a couple points.  First off, call me common, but I'm not here for a man who would stand by and do nothing more than shh another man while the bastard basically called me a nigger and a whore.  That's not to say I'd expect him to jump straight to skull cracking.  But the sticks and stones mantra is too simple to address that and other situations.  Second, Brandon didn't ask Diya to open up (or "kidnap" his brother).  He asked her not to lie to him about how she feels.  The two are close, but not quite the same.  Either way, he did take things too far with her (Tyler got no more than he asked for).  And that's something he will definitely have to answer for in the near future.  

Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 13 2016 03:00 pm

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