Title: Chapter 13 - Date Night, First Fight (Revised)

Thanks so much for this. I love that Diyabis finally opening up and that Brandon isn't letting her off of the hook. I hope that get a moments peace at some point soon. Great writing this made my night. 

Author's Response:

: )  Thanks msjonsy!  Don't worry.  Brandon and Diya will eventually have their moment in the sun.

Reviewer: msjonsy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2016 03:49 am

Title: Chapter 13 - Date Night, First Fight (Revised)

Diya needs to figure out what she wants in terms of a relationship with herself, Brandon and her family. I know that she started her journey with herself, but she needs to stop holding things back from Brandon and her family.  There are times to be nice and times when being nice won't get you what you want.  She needs to step out on faith that everything will work out the way it needs to and if those that were with you before are not because of it, then they were not meant to be. Unfortunately, its like that sometimes.

Also, if Brandon knows that Diya is uncomfortable with some of his behavior and she's lying about how she feels, then why doesn't he modify it?  He knows she's not ok with him and Marisol being so close, why doesn't he try to set some boundaries?  I don't know.  I guess i'm annoyed with both of them. :- I can't wait for the next chapter

Author's Response:

Diya does need to figure out what she wants from all the relationships in her life.  Problem is, she's only now realizing and/or coming to terms with the fact she wasn't getting it.  Why Brandon doesn't set more boundaries for Marisol is a tiny bit more complicated.  More on that in future chapters.  Thanks dcphoenix1! 

Reviewer: dcphoenix1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2016 03:43 am

Title: Chapter 13 - Date Night, First Fight (Revised)

Who is the intruder?  Is that hope it isn't that ho?  Diya quit lying about your feelins it is truly annoying.  Does she plan on hiding Brandon forever, how will their relationship grow?   Will she ever have the courage to admit her feeling for Brandon?  That man is a keeper!!  Joelle you made my evening with this update!!!

Author's Response:

I can't say who the surprise visitor is, but I can say Diya won't be able to hide her feelings forever.  Whether it's volunteered or she's outed, the turth will come out.  Thanks pmgayles!

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2016 02:25 am

Title: Chapter 13 - Date Night, First Fight (Revised)

BRILLIANT...BRILLIANT...BRILLIANT...this chapter/this book has so many layers...it's more than romance, it's the main character's spiritual growth...learning who she really is (at least to me)...Their first fight was needed for them to clear the space between them...Brandon called Diya out on her feelings...she can't hide from him...just shows how connected they truly are...being with Brandon brings her out of her comfort zone in so many ways and as a result we see Diya changing, growing...her deal with the Most High is about her spiritual growth as much as it is about not being alone...she has to grow to the point spiritually that she can handle true love and it's happening...they can't consummate their relationship until they reach the point of admitting their feelings to really make the ultimate love connection...it won't feel right otherwise...all these obstacles are for Diya's growth to show her who she is in her weaknesses and strengths...Brandon does that for her as a true mate...chica is definitely strong to overcome an attacker...and Brandon is so sexy to seek to avenge his woman though he could have toned down the caveman antics a bit...at least he was sorry...he's perfect for Diya because he knows who he is and just wants Diya even if he has to go through obstacles to have her...she's worth it to him...family like Diya's...I can relate to being different...they will love her and accept her but they may not ever really understand her (I know firsthand of that type of family) but Diya has to trust the Most High that her letting go of the need for her family's absolute approval is what she needs to really be who she is...who's the co*k blocker...seems like Marisol...I realized last chapter that she was actually 21 to Brandon's 17 when they kissed...so Marisol was an adult actually...hmmm...I'm starting to give her the side eye but Brandon doesn't want Marisol...he's had to much opportunity to have her...still can Diya overcome her fears and trust Brandon (even trust herself) to protect their relationship in the face of Marisol's onslaught of neediness is another question...sorry for the long review and there is more I can say...but I will end with a tremendous thank you for providing me with immense reading pleasure...blessings to you JJ...

Author's Response:

Aw, thanks jahchannah!!!  Blessings to you, too.  And you don't ever have to apologize for the length of your reviews.  I enjoy reading your insight.  As always, it's spot on. 

Being with Brandon is forcing Diya to look at herself and her relationship with her family through different eyes.  She is learning who she is, and that no one else, save Brandon, knows or even truly cares to.  That's huge for someone who's felt like an outsider their entire life.  He has his faults, but even those are rooted in something good and/or noble.  Unfortunately, he sometimes struggles to realize it.

I'm with you on being a bit of a black sheep.  I'm the puzzle no one can figure out.  Even when they think they have, they've usually gotten it wrong.  The difference between me and Diya is I no longer worry about being understood or accepted.  My mama gets me...probably because she's the exact same brand of crazy : )  And it seems Diya's found her kindred spirit in Brandon, and might finally be able to put her relationship with her family into perspective.  That's if Marisol's ongoing involvement in Brandon's life doesn't become a serious distraction.  More one that in future chapters. 

Thanks again!


Reviewer: jahchannah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2016 01:27 am

Title: Chapter 13 - Date Night, First Fight (Revised)

Oh yeah, I was expecting that friend of his to be there. If not her, then someone else. arggghhh

I might not like the choices some of the characters make, but I fully support your writing this story the way you and your muse want to.

Having said that, argggh. Please don't let it be his bestest girl friend EVAH.

Author's Response:

Lol.  I make no promises.  Awful ain't I.  ; )

Thanks BellaChica!

Reviewer: BellaChica Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2016 01:19 am

Title: Chapter 13 - Date Night, First Fight (Revised)

Great updates! I'm so ready for Diya to tell her family to go to hell,. Diya you're a grown woman stop worrying about what your family would think of you and Brandon's relationship! That's what frustrates me about her. I'm also tired of her allowing her father to run her life it's aggravating also that she holds in her feelings about Brandon running to Marisol's beck and call. Some of her sisters are b*****s and need to be put in their places. She just need to get away from her family. It's bad enough she works with them, goes to church with them, family dinners blah blah blah they seem very stuck up and aggravating. Anyway can't wait for what happens next!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reviewing and sharing your thoughts, Janez91!  Diya's family is who they are, and how she reacts to them is what it is.  Beyond her sex life, she's not concerned about what her father or the rest of her family thinks.  She's worried about what they'll DO--a concern history has proved more than valid.  As for her allowing her father to run her life, that's open to interpretation.  He is her boss and, therefore, retains a certain amount of control over her professional life.  But that's the only control she GIVES him.  The rest he takes.  So far, he hasn't done anything egregious enough (in her mind) to justify cutting him out of her life.  But that, like all things, is subject to change.

As for Diya's silence on the subject of Marisol, she has her reasons.  Brandon is big on trust, and he and Marisol have been friends for fourteen years compared to his and Diya's two months.  Admitting her feelings about how much of Brandon's time Marisol consumes could very quickly and easily backfire on Diya, not to mention add guilt to an already overburdened Brandon.  For the moment, she doesn't deem the honesty worth it.  The question is, how long will tha last?

Thanks agains, Janez91!  The next chapter is in the works.

Reviewer: Janez91 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2016 12:33 am

Title: Chapter 13 - Date Night, First Fight (Revised)

Please  don't  tell  me  Marisol  is  waiting  for  Brandon  at the  door . Thanks  for  the  update  JJ  

Author's Response:

I won't : )  Thanks Jacqua43!

Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2016 12:17 am

Title: Chapter 13 - Date Night, First Fight (Revised)

I am soooo loving this story!!! My absolute favorite! I would give it 1000 stars if it were available.  Can't get enough! Very happy to see that Diya gave Brandom some idea of what they're in for with regard to her family, and the drama they'll bring.  (BTW, I looove the chemistry between Diya and Brandon that you've incorporated into each chapter!).  =0)

I'm going to take a guess at that obstacle being yet again, Marisol (ugh!!!).  Can't wait to find out who it is though.


Author's Response:

I'll try not to kept you waiting too long.  The reveal, the family drama, and a whole lot more are soon to come.  Thanks OODLES for the fabu review, Musicluva!!!

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 11:56 pm

Title: Chapter 13 - Date Night, First Fight (Revised)

This chapter is rocking hard. I'm in love with Brandon and Diya chaotic courtship. This couple belong together. I did not review every chapter, but you madame are a gifted author. Your writing is a thing of beauty. Thank you Bain

Author's Response:

Aw, thanks for the amazing review!!!  "Chaotic courtship" describes Diya and Brandon's relationship perfectly.  I'm too tickled to know you're enjoying it.  Thanks again! 

Reviewer: blueangel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 11:49 pm

Title: Chapter 13 - Date Night, First Fight (Revised)

Omg I was scared that dude was gonna try to hurt Diya! I'm glad she was able to get away and stop branny from going in to find the crazy dude. I think in a way, their fight helped them because Diya ended up opening up to him a little more and the were able to get some of their frustrations out. And I was about to say Diya came close enough to her celibacy pack so she should be proud but i went back to reread the last part and wondered how i could've missed it lol. Who in the world interupted them?! I'm so glad you've got back in the groove of things. Even if you're still having problems, the fact that you were able to do this is just amazing to me. This is one of my favorite stories because its so realistic and I love that Diya and Branny aren't just pretending to be perfect while on her celibacy journey but is keeping it real about how hard it is and how temptations can make you want to through it out the window. Can't wait to see what happens next! You're awesome! 

Author's Response:

Thanks hellowWORLD!!!  Brandon and Diya did come real close to fumbling that celibacy ball just short of the goal line.  They still might.  The night is young(ish) and their yet to be unmasked visitor may or may not be staying long.  More on that next chapter.  

Thanks again for the fab review!  So happy to know you're enjoying my treatment of the characters and their story!

Reviewer: helloWORLD Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 11:33 pm

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside

Diya doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere, not around her family and not around Brandon's friends. Brandon needs to establish some boundaries with Marisol, he's acting like her husband and the father of her children. This man has a past with this woman my grandmother always say " If you bring old bricks(Marisol) for your past relationship to your new one, you will end up building the same house that fell apart before" If he's her friend then act like her friend and not her significant other. Diya you need to tell Brandon how you feel because he is thinking everything is alright because Diya is leading him to believe that. If the shoe was on the other foot and Brandon was Diya and Manny was Marisol how would Brandon feel. Diya speak your truth and let the chips fall where they may. Sometimes a fight can save a relationship, where silents can break it. Speak up for your heart Diya so that you wont have any regrets. The thing with Diya family is sometimes the worst thing in the world isn't being alone, it's being surrounded by people who makes you feel alone. Example ( Diya's sister telling everyone but Diya that she is pregnant) that hurts. It may come a time when Diya say the hell with everyone and go " SOLO ". I'm happy you are back, we really missed you. Thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Wise words all around.  It's like you read my next chapter.  Things will eventually come to a head, starting next chapter but definitely not ending there.  Brandon and Diya have A LOT to work through and a slew of people primed to stand in the way of their progress.  More on that as the story progresses.

Thanks so much for the warm welcome back and sharing your wonderful insight, jacqua43!  It is much appreciated.

Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 03:21 pm

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside

smh. Diya is something.

Those 3 ole biddies need those crates knocked from beneath them.

Author's Response:

That they do.  Thanks BellaChica!

Reviewer: BellaChica Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 05:55 am

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside

I hadn't read this story before to my detriment.  This story is fantastic.  I want a Brandon and I feel for Diya and her issues with her family and her issues with Marisol.  I don't like how Marisol has insinuated herself so thoroughly on Brandon's time; she needs to be popped.  I like the kids, but you can tell that Marisol has basically replaced their father with Brandon and that's not fair to him, Diya or Marisol who is trying to sway Brandon to her side at the detriment of Diya and Brandon's relationship.  Diya's father is being really selfish.  Why can't she change her schedule or still do her work from home?  I know he loves seeing her, but he also has to realize that she is 31 and has a life outside of him.  William will always be Diya's daddy and Diya will always be his daughter, but the reins need to be reduced a little bit so that she can breathe and also be willing to introduce Brandon to him.  Sorry this review was so long this was 12 chapters of reviews all in one (lol)

Author's Response:

No need to apologize for the length of your review. I love it.

Lol at Mariosl needing to be popped.  You are so right about the role Brandon plays in the kid's life and how unfair it is to all parties involved.  Brandon can't be everything to everyone, no matter how hard he tries.  Just like William can't pretend Diya is still his little girl.  Not without ruining his relationship with her and her relationship with Brandon.  Question is, will either men accept that?  We shall see...

Thanks for rating and reviewing, dcphoenix1!  So happy to have you along for the ride : )

Reviewer: dcphoenix1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 04:47 am

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside

I really don't know what to make of Diya. I get being the baby sister in that big loving but overbearing family, and all the issues that come with this. But girlfriend is 30 years old now! Time to make your iwn decision and own them in front ic her family. I also have little sympathy for her ongoing jealousy-filled anti-Marisol feelings. She hasn't even tried to get to know the woman and her children, even though she knows how important they are for Brandon....

Diya is a fun, interesting character, I really like her, and I understand why she reacts the way she does and all, but I am still annoyed by her attitude.

Author's Response:

Like I said in response to your review for Chapter 9, Diya has her not-so secret reasons for withholding news of her new relationship from the De la Roys.

To your second point, it's hard to get to know someone who bounces every time you show up or heads to other side of any room you enter, thereby suggesting they have no interest in getting to know you.  Brandon hasn't even encouraged the women to make nice.  Where I'm from, the insider, in this case Marisol, initiates the relationship building with the newbies and also knows that as a female friend, you fall back (not completely away) and let your friend nurture his new relationship while respecting certain boundaries (not call multiple times a day and all times-a-night).  Marisol's seems pretty naive, so maybe she just doesn't know any better.  Justifiable or no, it's part of the reason Diya feels so ambivalent toward her.   

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, RedHobo!

Reviewer: RedHobo Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 03:00 am

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside


Author's Response:

Aw, thanks helloWORLD : )

Reviewer: helloWORLD Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 02:35 am

Title: Chapter 9 - Kiss and Telltale

Good story, very entertaining. I like both character, they are very interesting. I only wished we got a more balanced view of both. As it is we only hear Diya's voice and hers is getting more and more annoying.

The whole jealous, terrotorial girlfriend routine is getting old like yesterday. I don't even care if Marisol is in love with Brandon or not : that woman has known him half of his life, and it looks like they have been helpful good friends. I can't even begin to comprehend how Diya can behave ghe way she does, all jealous and shit, when they haven't even been dating for 2 month, and while he has introduced her to his family and friends, and talked about her to his collegues she still treats him as somekind of dirty secret. 

I also hope that she could dial down how hot she is for her boyfriend, how wet she is when they  make out if she want to keep with her 2 month abstinence thing. Like, she has every right to not have sex with him if she doesn't feel like she is "ready". But then I'd rather her spare us the details on how much she in fact want it, how wet she is for him, etc., which only makes her look like a masochist. I understand that she is holding onto that dead line because she is falling in love with him and fear to lose herself .... or something like that. But after yet another almost hot sex scene, I am just getting frustrated and feel no sympathy for her. Especially when she then behaved like a jealous clingy woman...

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review, RedHobo.  After reading it, I had to go back and skim to make sure I didn't forget something.  It's been a month of Sundays since I wrote most of the chapters and I'm old, the latter being why I'm responding now, while it's fresh.  

I'm not gonna write a dissertation revisiting plot points in defense of Diya's feelings toward Marisol because I don't think isn't necessary.  What you call jealousy, I call justifiable concern.  Diya has her suspicions and is, at times insecure, but has been pretty damn accommodating when it comes to Brandon and Marisol's friendship, forfeiting his time and attention to Marisol and her girls on multiple occasions and denying how she feels about it to save Brandon the trouble and guilt of choosing.  That reads neither clingy nor territorial from this side of the screen.  

As for the limited, "annoying" POV, and Diya treating Brandon like a "dirty secret" and reflecting on her desire for him, it is what it is.  Diya's will remain the only POV.  Reasonable or no, she has her reasons for not telling her family about him.  And the almost sex scenes and wet crotch conversation are in keeping with the plot and characterization, and are, therefore, here to stay (and not all that plentiful, by the by).  Diya committed to abstaining from sex, not from wanting it.  


Reviewer: RedHobo Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 02:06 am

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside

So happy to see you back.  Loved the update because I was wondering what was gonna happen with these two.  Marisol is causing so many problems, but if Diya doesn't tell her family and support her man she's gonna lose him.  The cute little kids that want uncle Branny as their daddy definitely don't help.  So she needs to sex the hell outta him, be honest with her family, tell Marisol to back off while getting the kids to like her.  Whoo she has her work cut out for her LOL!!  Oh but the scene with the old freaky hateful women...priceless!!  I laughed so hard!  Please update soon you're such an amazing writer.  Happy New Year!!!  

Author's Response:

Thanks Michmom2 and Happy New Year to you too!!!

Diya will eventually tackle that To Do List you've made for her in one way or another, except for the last part.  Not to say it won't happen, but that could easily blow up in her face considering how long Brandon and Marisol have been friends and how much Mariel and Mia don't like her.  She's got enough problems heading her way without creating fricion wth the four Ms.  More on that to come.

Update posted.  Enjoy and thanks again.

Reviewer: Michmom2 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 06:12 pm

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside

this glorious long update has made my new year - a 1000 thanks JJ!!



Author's Response:

You are so very welcome, my dear : )

Reviewer: Yuukiyanagi Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 10:37 am

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside

This little ditty was amazing. I love this story :) 

Author's Response:

Thanks jael3205!!!  So glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: jael3205 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 05:16 am

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside

Yay!!  A nice long update!!  Color me happy!!!  Why is Brandon so stupid where Marisol is concerned?  Marisol wants him and he can't see it.  Diya is going to explode soon .  Happy New Year Joelle!!

Author's Response:

Thanks pmgayles!  Happy New Year to you too!

Brandon and Marisol have been friends forever.  Whether that'll become a real rather than imagined issue remains to be seen.  Stay tuned...

Reviewer: pmgayles Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 04:34 am

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside

Best 🎁 ever 😄!!!   So glad to see this update.

I really hope Diya can find someone in her corner that she can talk to about her feelings. It seems as if the doubts that she's having about her family's reaction to her relationship and Brandon's feelings are cosuming her in a negative way.  She should also be more open about her feelings about the Marisolm situation as well. Thanks for the update!!! 💖💖💖💖💖

Author's Response:

Diya is really struggling right now.  Who can and will she confide in is the question.  Brandon might not be the one in light of how long he and Marisol have been friends and how dedicated he is to being there for.  But the truth will eventually come out, one way or another.

Thanks Musicluva!!!

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 03:02 am

Title: Chapter 12 - On the Outside

Oh that was heartbreaking...JJ you had to come back with the drama and I love you for it...poor Diya with a family who refuses to try to understand her while she feels like she is fighting to hold onto the man she loves against a woman who has been a long term fixture in his life...At this point Diya needs to do some soul searching and learn to live for her truth that she loves Brandon and his phenotype has no bearing on the feelings they share...but she's not confident in his feelings for her which makes it difficult to trust telling her family and dealing with the fallout...she needs to be sure her relationship with Brandon will work before she takes such a big step to face the harsh judgment of her family...I wished Diya would really listen to Brandon and realize he has had ample opportunity to be with Marisol if he wanted her...he wants Diya but doesn't know how to ask Marisol to step back especially since she so conveniently seems to need him...Diya needs to ask Brandon to draw a line because phone calls are not necessary to Marisol's protection...I am so happy you updated...I love this couple and story so much and am excited to see how they weather the storms that will come at them...you are so awesome..,Happy New Year and welcome back...I pray your muse continues so that you are able to continue blessing us...thank you!

Author's Response:

JACHANNAH!!!  You can't feel it right now, but I'm giving you a cyber hug (in a totally none creepy way : )

Anyhoo, I agree.  Diya really is between a rock and a hard place when it comes to both Brandon and her family and his relationship with Marisol.  Add to that insecurity and suspicion, and things are bound to go badly.  More on that as the story continues. 

Thanks for the well wishes and wonderful insight!  Both are greatly appreciated.

Reviewer: jahchannah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 01:41 am

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

I'm with GreenRoots, Joelle...my love for Brandon and Dya with their ensuing drama cause me to just send energy for inspiration your way...may you be blessed...

Author's Response:

Aw, thanks, Jahchannah!  You're all sorts of awesome. Your good energy and blessings are much needed and very much appreciated :  )  I'm still in a creative cul de sac, but hoping to get out of this rut soon.  In the meantime, I'll keep trying and you be blessed.

Reviewer: jahchannah Signed [Report This]
Date: November 17 2015 05:38 am

Title: Chapter 1 - First Date Redux

I miss this story Joelle!  Here's to hoping that your winds of inspiration are blowing strong...

Author's Response:

Thanks, my dear.  No ripples on the water as of yet.  But I am feeling a gentle breeze ; )

Reviewer: GreenRoots Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 14 2015 10:37 pm

Title: Chapter 11 - Night Light

I've gone back a read some of the previous chapters, and wanted to comment on why I enjoy reading about Diya and Brandon's journey in the development of their relationship. It's pretty much because they both aren't afraid to call each other out on their ish. 😍

Of course, it's expected of Diya, as mouthy as she wanna be (funny as hell).  As for Brandon, who is such a sweetheart💖, he isn't too far gone that he can't reign Diya in when necessary.  You can still feel caring, love, passion, and chemistry that is their love jones.  I love it! 💖💖💖😊


Author's Response:

Thanks Musicluva!  So glad you've enjoyed Brandon and Diya's dynamic.  Their willingness to call one another to the carpet is a part of what makes these two so fun to write.

Reviewer: Musicluva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 28 2015 01:44 pm

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