Girl... I love this story! you can write a jingle and I would read it. Honey DO YOU!! write what you feel and if people don't want to read it, it's their prerogative. But in my eyes you must be doing something right because people don't hate on someone who's doing bad. Marchpisces92 honey I appreciate you and keep up the GOOD WORK!!.
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: June 29 2016 05:35 pm
I only read these first few chapters because I was curious to see if this story would be something outside of the norm. I already know that unless they are different, stories like these aren't for me. So don't worry, I'm not a troll or anything. But I am very curious to know (because I honestly don't understand) why it is that anyone would ever enjoy something like this. Most of the people in my life have the same viewpoint as me regarding this, so I've never been able to actually ask anyone why it is that they enjoy stories, movies, TV shows, etc. about slavery. Aren't you also the author of that 'colorism' story? So obviously you like writing stories that deal with the social mistreatment of black people, especially black women. Maybe that answers my question. lol. Anyway, good luck with the story.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: June 29 2016 02:27 pm
Levi is really letting Eleanor disrespect his authority. You aint whipping shit of mine without my permission.
Reviewer: SnowFever Signed

Date: June 28 2016 03:44 am
Ellie is a product of her time. Where women were trapped by societies norms. To a point I can empathize for her, however Theodore and Bea are innocent. Even, Salome has no control of her destiny. As a slave you are subject to your master whim. Ellie knew about Salome when she married Levi. There's marriage was arrangement. She doesn't even like to share his bed. There is no love between them. She is only concern about how appears in society.
As for Levi, I ain't liking him to much. Lily already developing a mean streak. When she made Theodore play horse, I was outraged. And Bea having play pet at Lily's party had me steaming. Already I see a collision course coming. How is Levi going to protect twins from his scheming wife? Will they when there freedom in the future? If something happens to Levi, what becomes of the twins and Salome? His family and wife would like them to disappear, after all there a reminder of the family's dirty secret.

Date: June 27 2016 10:15 pm
thanx for updating so fast :)
Reviewer: Benedicte Signed [Report This]Date: June 27 2016 10:04 pm
This story is really good! So interesting ! And different! Can't wait for the next chapter update ! :)
Reviewer: jael3205 Signed

Date: June 27 2016 08:59 pm
Girl!.. Oh my! slavery be DAMN!!! if that woman puts her hands on my children, then her @ss is dead! period. They better go get the rope, because before I go! her @ss is going too. I don't know if I like Lilly yet, she's a spoiled brat. Girl.. I was hating on Levi for a minute until he gave Bea a piece of birthday cake, I was like " It's their birthday too! " I hope he took Teddy a piece too. I'm keeping both eyes on that HEIFER!! Eleanor. Thanks for the update MP!
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: June 27 2016 08:01 pm
Nothing good can come of this. I can't see Levi's wife tolerating Salome in her home. And the kids... what kind of relationship will they have?
Reviewer: juno Signed

Date: June 27 2016 05:58 pm
This is hard read But I could not resist.
Reviewer: juno Signed

Date: June 27 2016 05:40 pm
Wow! Eleanor was pregnant also, I hope the children Levi have with Salome don't suffer, but back in those times whether you were old or young you still got treated inhumane. Girl.. Eleanor is going to flip her lid when she finds out that Salome bore Levi a son first! and then another daughter. I hope Levi can protect them, and that the children grow up being fully aware of who each other is. Please let Lilly be the opposite of what I think she would be, because I'm thinking she will be a spoiled rotten brat. Girl.. I know when the triplets was born my beloved and I was very scared, I worked with children all my life, but I was not prepared for triplets, but when the twins came along we were so ready! I was bless with a wonderful husband, a wonderful father to our children and the most amazing grandfather! the kids just love and cherish him ( and so do I ). I'm thinking Eleanor will not have a son with Levi, since Lilly was the only child recorded being born to them. MP girl! you know how I feel about you and your work!! Thanks for this update!
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: June 27 2016 12:33 pm
I'm happy you revised this story, I was wondering where it went. Telling the story through the eyes of their biracial child is BRILLIANT!!!. I can see the love between Levi and Salome and I know Eleanor can too. Please keep Salome and the baby safe from that vulture. Girl.. the part where you said that Eleanor blended in with the sheets was hilarious!, I pictured that in my mind. GOOD JOB!!
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: June 27 2016 12:15 pm
Waoh, Levi really had the stamina lol with twins with Salome and one girl with Eleonor or the girl Lilian is from Salome too
Reviewer: Benedicte Signed [Report This]Date: June 26 2016 06:29 am
LOVE IT!!!!!!!😂😂😄😃😊😀PLEASE CONTINUE AND UPDATED REGULARLY !AND PLEASE GO INTO DETAIL! I would love it if you wrote another slavery story or pregnancy start using my characterson Tessa Richards and Nathan Lucas Holtz. Please contact me @ Shaylock89@Gmail. Com
Reviewer: Shaquanda089 Anonymous [Report This]Date: June 26 2016 04:52 am
What is wrong with you? (writing all these stories) I freaking love it. Please do finish a few before you start a new one, you got me hooked before I even get use to the ohers. You really are an amazing writer. This review is every where huh, lol but keep it up chica.
Reviewer: Pillow82 Anonymous [Report This]Date: June 25 2016 06:33 pm