Reviews For MEANT TO BE
Title: ONE

So, any guy who is contemplating suicide and leaving his young daughter behind has bigger problems than falling in love... that's what bugs me about the setup here. This insta-love feels so manic on his part.

Reviewer: Lany Anonymous [Report This]
Date: February 27 2022 03:54 pm

Title: ONE

Great 1st chapter ! More Please

Reviewer: Stacie Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 16 2021 07:12 pm

Title: ONE

Interesting story so far. I want to get to know the characters more.

Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 12 2021 01:25 am

Title: ONE

Veuillez mettre à jour bientôt.

I feel like it's gonna be a sweet one.

Reviewer: FeelSoClose Signed [Report This]
Date: April 10 2021 10:10 am

Title: ONE

Oh my goodness. This is an emotional one😢I'm loving it already!!!

Reviewer: dirahdee Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 09 2021 03:03 pm

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