Beautiful Banner by Missus James
When Mia, a beautiful southern black lady, finds herself as the personal assistant to two of the most gorgeous white men she's ever met, she finds herself in an unlikely situation that will challenge everything she thought she wanted in a normal life.
Mia Shannon struggles to adjust to her life in San Francisco after moving there from the south. It's hard being the only black girl at the company she works for and even harder when she's the personal assistant to two of the most wealthiest, gorgeous men white men she's ever seen. Mia finds herself having feelings for both her bosses and realizes nothing can ever become of them except to exist in her fantasies.
Kale and Aidan fell in love with Mia the moment she walked into their office for an interview for the personal assistant position. It took them almost four years to get close enough to Mia where she was comfortable enough to be around them as best friends. Now they want more and they are determine to make Mia the only woman in their life.
Loving Mia was first posted on Fictionpress, then later transferred to The Chamber by KatherineMadison. Please do not copy and post my story to any other sites without my permission. Thank you! This story is an original fiction completely written from my overactive imagination.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Comedy ,
RomanceStory Status: CompletedPairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations,
Extreme Language,
Graphic Violence,
Original Characters,
Sexual Content ,
Strong Sexual Content ,
Series: None
Chapters: 25
Word count: 96215
Read Count: 229922
Published: 16/11/10
Updated: 16/02/11