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Title: Chapter 61.2

i hope she is calling to apologize  to her trying to ruin her case but who knows.  glad that alvon had that talked to her and hope that C man do forgive her after the case done. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Yes, who really knows? LOL! You're a trip, girl.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 04:22 am

Title: Chapter 61.2

No, just to spread dirt and cause trouble

Author's Response:

You could be right. Stay tuned to find out.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Moni Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 04:02 am

Title: Chapter 57.3

No comment other then loving it and that was heart felt with Brina's talk with Ceaser about his jealousy and their love substaining.

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

I hope C keeps that talk in his heart when the bad times roll in 'cause they are definitely coming.

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 02:43 am

Title: Chapter 61.2

Awww...this is what I hoped would happen with them. They really like one another and it shows.

Yay for taking Karianne down! And for promoting Burt! I really cant imagine what she would want.


Author's Response:

Yes, they really do like each other. I'm glad that I was able to communicate that effectively.

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 02:41 am

Title: Chapter 57.2

They are so cute....just so so so cute.  That right keep on bonding bond so much that Ceaser has no choice and will not be able to walk away once he finds out the truth.

I am counting down when all hell breaks loose and ALL truths are revealed.

Great update! Great story can never say that enough.

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

All of us are waiting for the MAJOR climax of this story. Be patient. It's coming and the wait will be soooo worth it...I hope. lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 02:33 am

Title: Chapter 61.2

Karianne got dealt with, it was the firing that I wanted but I guess the reassignment will do.    I think that Burt and Avalone will get along just fine.  Thank you for the newest chapters.  Loved the story.

Author's Response:

Yeah, no firing for Karianne. I decided to have some mercy upon her.

Thanks for loving the story enough to keep reading AND commenting!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 02:26 am

Title: Chapter 57.1

The reason is Ricky you are sick and twisted no better or more elaborate explanation is needed other then that.

Great update as always

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

You're right. Enuff said about Ricky. lol/

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 02:05 am

Title: Chapter 56.3

Ok Karianne's obsession yes I said obsession over Brina is about to work a nerve or two or three.

Caeser baby if that was showing you insecurities I hate to see what you are like secure cause from that love making scene shoot who am I kidding from all the love scenes with you and bree they are off the change.

And the plot thickens and continues on.

Thank you for the update

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

You're so on it about Karianne. She really is obsessed. Sad. Just sad.

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 01:58 am

Title: Chapter 61.1

That went about as I expected. Avalon had to know this was coming, since she got the ball rolling.

I had Burt in mind for yay!

Author's Response:

I agree, SO YAY about Burt and Avalon! tee-hee

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 01:40 am

Title: Chapter 56.2

Sorry kari you will have to settle with just hearing Subrina's voice chica...don't get to gaze on her presence...nananny boo boo.  LOL!!!

So Crazy Red wants to confess his sins and get a lighter load on his shoulders sorry charlie u still taking a long trip to hell in gasoline drawers in a hand basket buddy.

Great update as always

Happy Writing

Author's Response:


I see you still don't care for Crazy Red, despite his 'conversion'. :)

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 12:40 am

Title: Chapter 61.1

oooooooooo i smell love in the air and it great. glad everything is out on table and she still going to help her out. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Yes, FINALLY Subrina got some more help.

Thanks for your continual support, wwefanforlife!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/11 12:02 am

Title: Chapter 60.2

Hmmm.....things are crackin down now! xD

Author's Response:

Yep! tee-hee.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: FrenchieJonesy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/01/11 09:01 pm

Title: Chapter 56.1

OMG!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!


Evening knowing that Leesha is alive I still want Ricky and Blaine to take a nose dive off the higest mountian remain alive and suffer for the rest of their unsavory lives.

Ricky messed up her face and killed her child yes "her" child he is just someone that unfortunately donated the sperm.  Destroyed her life by saying he loved her and selling her to the highest bidder 

I have steam coming from my ears for just this update alone.  I want his ass torture toenails, fingernail, eyelids ripped off.

Thank you  for the update I have to go breath now...


Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

Wow! That was quite a rant. I loved it!

Happy Reading!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/01/11 06:31 am

Title: Chapter 55.2

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response:


Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/01/11 06:14 am

Title: Chapter 55.1

Ricky should invest in denstry cause if he keeps up with his actions regarding Caesar and Bree he is going to need alot of his teeth replaced.

Great update as always...Loving it!!!

Happy Writing~!

Author's Response:


Thanks for the laugh.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/01/11 05:30 am

Title: Chapter 54.3

Great update and I hope that Ricky continues to be a lame duck.

I love how you described the love screen graphic but where you have to use your imagination and read btwn the lines.  LOL

Loving this story as always. Off to read more.  I keep getting interrupted which is beginning to frustrate me.

Happy Writing!

Author's Response:

Consider Ricky Mr. Lame Duck. LOL!

Thank you for loving my love scenes...and for commenting!

Author's Response:

Consider Ricky Mr. Lame Duck. LOL!

Thank you for loving my love scenes...and for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/01/11 05:22 am

Title: Chapter 60.2 is some kind of stupid. Because really, what does she think would happen if she succeeded with getting the case shut down? Is Subrina supposed to suddenly be gay then?! Loving Burt, and his plan is right on.

Author's Response:

Karianne is stuck on stupid for real.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 17/01/11 04:38 am

Title: Chapter 60.2

wow i understand why she didnt' wanted avalon get involed with the case but right now she going to need her because other wise that hefa kay going to get her way. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

You're so right. And she's gonna get all the help she needs from various sources.

Thanks for  commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/01/11 04:16 am

Title: Chapter 60.1

wow no that hefa didnt' call her fat i wanted bree to slap her for that. I hate when people are so cruel to others and hope they get her kay off that case. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

Yes, that heifa did. Bree couldn't slap her over the internet.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/01/11 04:15 am

Title: Chapter 60.2

Those chapters were good, I hope that Suprina and Ceasar's relationship survives this.  I Karianne tarred and feathered and then fired.  The evil, is mad that she couldn't get straight woman.  What nerve!!!  She makes my teeth itch.

Author's Response:

Tarred and feathered? Maybe not that drastic, but Karianne is gonna get dealt with.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/01/11 12:51 am

Title: Chapter 59.2

This dude needs to seek help! He's a child rape victim that never got treatment.  He's a bad a Vickie is, in my opinion. And I wouldn't advise him to act to rash about Binky. Just leave her alone boy.

BTW...I'm soooo glad Leesha didn't die!

And Karianne needs to get a hold of herself. Subrina is NOT a lesbian, so there's no chance with her at all. The fact that she looks like she's willing tp jeopardize a major career-making case like this because she cant control herself astounds me! Only because again, Subrina is NOT a lesbian!! Where does she think thats going to go anyway? Geez!

Author's Response:

Sadly, Ricky don't know how to just leave folks alone. Unhappy folks tend to want to spread their misery to others.

It was my pleasure to bring Leesha back in this revision. She never came back during the 1st draft.

No worries. Karianne has a wakeup up call coming to her.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 11:25 pm

Title: Chapter 59.2

i'm suprise ricky didnt' turn into a wearwolf on a full moon since he not human.  what motivated me to move pass fear to know that i have good family or friends that will help me get thu it and make me see both side a story. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

No, he's not a werewolf. He's still very much human, even if he does ask like a beast at times.

Thanks for commenting!

Author's Response:

No, he's not a werewolf. He's still very much human, even if he does ask like a beast at times.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 11:11 pm

Title: Chapter 59.1

wow these two are a trip scare the poor animals lol  to funny. i like C man cave room nice. i always wanted room in the house where i can have nothing but john cena stuff in there lol. thanks for the update.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you liked that scene. It was funny to me as well.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 11:09 pm

Title: Chapter 59.1

I hate that pinhead, Ricky! And nobody likes an ass-kisser Jon! He did his job, he recruited. He didn't know who Binky was. Let little Ricky stew in his own crap!

Bareback love...hmmmm?

Author's Response:

Yep, bareback luv all the way. lol.

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 08:57 pm

Title: Chapter 54.2

No Ricky your wrong that woman screaming is non other the Bree herself making sure  you are aware which only had to be pure karma that Ceasar is in the room next to yours

Want you be shocked and put in check tomorrow when you see the lady :D

Author's Response:

Yes, that was a little payback for Ricky. tee-hee. Yep!

Thanks for commenting!

Author's Response:

Yes, that was a little payback for Ricky. tee-hee. Yep!

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/11 07:14 pm

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