Carly never married Sonny. Liz has had affairs with Sonny, Jason, Nickolas, and Lucky. Taggart and Gia’s mother live in another town. I still don't like Robin, Sam, or Liz but I won't kill any of them off but that may change.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
An hour until midnight and Deception model Gia Campbell stood alone on the docks. She had just left the Ward house fund raiser disappointed in her companions. Things had been great. Lucky was her escort and it looked like Nick was trying to reconnect with her. They had broken up briefly but the sage advice offered by her friend Lucien Cane seemed to be working. Nickolas was seeing her for the woman she was. Until Liz Webber showed up on Jason Morgan’s arm.
The whole night tanked after that. The argument that ensued had given Gia a headache and she slipped out unnoticed. Nickolas and Lucky didn’t need her help defending saint Liz’s virtue.
“Virtue, ha.” Gia scoffed. Lizzy lu had been with four lovers since she was nineteen, she was twenty-five now. Gia had had one lover in her life, Nickolas and everyone still thought she was a slut. “Whatever.”
“Do you often speak to yourself, Ms. Campbell?” Gia jumped and turned around.
“Lucien, you scared me.” She grasped her coat closer to her. He had always made her feel naked when he looked at her but she was certain those were her own insecurities. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in Paris.”
“I wanted to ring in the New Year with the most beautiful woman in Port Charles.” He touched her arm. Gia shivered in response. “You’re cold.”
He pulled her into his arms. Her front pressed against his. Gia squirmed causing Lucien to laugh. She couldn’t explain the feeling of dread that passed over her.
Pulling her closer he rubbed his cheek against her hair.
“Umm, you smell like lilacs.” Lucien stepped back from her opening her black cashmere coat as he did. He smiled the most chilling smile that Gia had ever seen. “My son is a fool. Elizabeth Webber is worn and well used; while you my flower are just blooming.”
“Lucien you shouldn’t…” She gasped when his hand traced her breast through her thin golden dress. Her eyes snapped up as she digested what he had said. “What son?”
“Oh, my dear, allow me to properly introduce myself.” Lucien pulled Gia against his body. His smooth fingers found the zipper to her dress and began to lower it. Her purse fell to the ground. “I am Prince Stavros Nikolas Mikkosovich Cassadine, son of Mikkos and Helena, father to Nikolas,” He bent closer to Gia’s ear. “and lover to the perfect Gia Campbell.”
“No” She pushed him away from her. His hands knotted in to frail dress. The thin spaghetti straps gave under the light pressure. The front fell exposing her to him. He laughed. “No, you’re dead.”
She tried to cover her nakedness. He grabbed her hands and jerked them down to her sides.
“Perfect.” He took both her wrists in one large hand and pulled her to his limo that sat idling behind some creates.
“Lucien, please.” Gia struggled against him. Her dress fell away from her body into a heap on the ground. “What did I do?”
He stopped suddenly pulling her to him. He looked down at her nearly naked body.
“You gave yourself to my son.” He pinched her breast. “At first I thought you were unworthy of the Cassadine name, but now I know that Nikolas is not worthy of you.”
He pushed her into the limo simultaneously stripping her of her coat. He dropped it on the ground. He would buy her furs. Nothing was too good for his mistress.
Stavros climbed in behind her. He smiled as her naked bottom bounced each time she tried to open the other door. Giving up she moved as far away from him as possible. She covered herself as much as she could.
She was truly exquisite in her stiletto heels and silk stockings.
She was so afraid.
“Gia?” He called to her in a sing song voice. “Let me touch you.”
“No.” He sighed. Before she knew it he grabbed her by the hair, dragging her across the seat.
“I had hoped our first time together would be special but you, my dear, must learn respect.” Stavros threw her on the floor, covering her trembling body with his own.
Gia felt him fumbling with his pants. She tried to move but he was too heavy.
“Please, Lucien nooo.” She cried as he entered her. Gia screamed at the pain. She was so dry. She could feel her body stretching and tearing as he cruelly invaded her.
“You need to understand that you belong to me. You will give yourself to me whenever and where ever I command it.” Gia whimpered. She had stopped crying and struggling. “Nickolas is a child. A woman, such as you, demands a man who can satisfy her.”
He continued pumping in and out of her. His breath was hot in her ear. He bit her shoulder, drawing blood, as he came.
Stavros lay on her, his weight pressing her into the floor of the car. He knew he should move and let her breath but this girl needed to know her place. He smiled at the thought. Her place was right where she was, beneath him.
Now she must learn humility.
He moved off her and opened the door. Adjusting himself, he watched as she curled herself into a tiny ball.
“Get out.” He nudged her with his Italian leather shoe. “Get out.”
When she didn’t move he grabbed her by the hair and throw her out onto the freezing ground.
“I shall be at your room after the party. Clean yourself and prepare to receive me.” He closed the door.
Gia watched the car drive off. She tried to stand but her legs gave out and she sat naked on her coat. Looking around she knew she needed to get out of sight. Slowly she pulled the coat around her body. She crawled behind a set of creates and gave into her pain.
Jason watched as Gia left the party. A chill ran down his spine as he looked at her. He shrugged it off, she wasn’t his problem. He turned back to the three people arguing in front of him.
Liz seemed to be enjoying the attention. Jason wished she would just tell them that she came because Carly was sick.
Jason looked back at the elevator. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Taking out his phone he called Johnny and asked him to find out where Gia had gone.
Johnny called back a few minutes later.
“Gia was last seen on the docks. No one knows where she went after that.” Jason closed his phone.
“Liz something came up I need to go.” He didn’t wait for a response or the elevator. Jason took the fourteen flights of stairs two at a time. Racing out the lobby door he met Johnny on the docks. “You go that way and I’ll go over here. We need to find her.”
Jason’s heart was racing.
He had only gone a few feet when he saw the purse she had been carrying. A few feet from it, glittering in the moon light was her golden dress.
Fuck he thought. Moving forward cautiously he heard a noise.
Placing the items on the ground he drew his gun and made his way behind a stack of creates. He saw her, curled up facing the wall. Her body shook under the black coat.
“Gia?” He whispered, engaging the safety and tucking the gun into his waist band. “Gia?”
He reached a hand out to her.
“Gia, it’s Jason.” She lifted her head slightly. “Look at me Gia.”
She turned her head. Jason let out a breath when he saw there was no real damage to her face. In his business men who hurt women always went for the face.
“Jason?” She looked at his out stretched hand. “He hurt me Jason.”
“Who hurt you?”
“Stavros Cassadine.” She buried her head in her coat again.
“Gia?” He moved a little closer to her. “Do you know I would never hurt you?”
She nodded.
“Gia?” He moved until he was next to her. “It’s cold out here can I take you some where safe? Can I take you to the hospital?”
“No…no…no…” She shook her head whispering. “They’ll know. Please. I don’t want them to know.”
“Mama, Marcus…oh God Jason the press. Everyone will know.” She began to get hysterical.
“What if I take you to a place where no one will know?” She looked at him. She looked like a child. A child that had been brutally hurt.
“Will Marcus know?” Jason shook his head. “O.k.”
He opened his cell and called Johnny letting him know where they were and ordering the limo brought around. Jason lifted her in his arms. He felt the moisture rolling down her legs.
Johnny and the car were there within a few minutes. He slowly slid into the car careful not to move her too much.
“Take the other car. Get Monica. Tell her it’s an emergency. We’re going to the house on Birmingham.” Johnny nodded and stepped out of the car. “I’m going to take care of you Gia.”