A Mixed Signals - Sequel
One heartbroken Bennett plus a grimoire equals a second chance.
Rated: Mature Content
Categories: Primetime Television Characters: Bonnie Bennett
Classification: Alternate Universe,
Off Cannon ,
SupernaturalGenre: Comedy ,
RomanceStory Status: Muse went on vacation, no idea when it will be backPairings: Damon/Bonnie (Vampire Diaries)Warnings: Adult Situations,
Character Death,
Extreme Language,
Original Characters,
Sexual Content ,
Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: No
Word count: 4757
Read: 14610
Published: February 25 2012
Updated: March 11 2012
Story Notes:
Round Two - You Ready?
Side Note - You may want to read Mixed Signals first or you'll be completely lost.
1. Prologue: The Effects of the Spell by TheSouthernScribe [Reviews - 1] (1308 words)
2. I Missed You by TheSouthernScribe [Reviews - 2] (1070 words)
3. Words of Warning by TheSouthernScribe [Reviews - 0] (1099 words)
Again I say it...if you haven't read Mixed'll be lost...I'm referring to events from that story but also weaving in some details that didn't appear there...let's do it...
4. Double Jeopardy by TheSouthernScribe [Reviews - 7] (1280 words)
For those reading...thanks...for those not...yeah...I'll try not to cry...
I'm seriously fusing timelines and seasons here...this is definitely AU...enjoy and hopefully the twists and turns are not confusing you too badly.