Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Make It Nasty
'The first step to seducing and capturing your man has absolutely nothing to do with him. I hope you didn't think that the art of seduction (the right way!) would be easy! The first step is all about you! Who are you? What do you like? What do you dislike? If you don't know who you are before making it nasty, then how do you know that you'll be able to figure out who he is?
Ladies, if you want to make it nasty, the first thing you have to do is find out what makes you… You.'
Chapter 1
"I'm a woman on a mission," Emery Johnson belted out loudly as she entered the two story modern mansion in which she resided. Slamming the large wooden door behind her, she threw her Jansport off her shoulder. When the backpack that was lighter than a pillow contacted the floor, her foot connected with it, sending the bag skidding across the shining hardwood floor. "I'm gon' get me some." She shouted, squeezing her eyes closed, hiding the dark amber orbs. She broke out into dance moves that weren't even acceptable in the 80's as she traveled out of the living room area. Opening her eyes to avoid an unwanted collision, she made her way into the kitchen and over to the Sub-zero freezer. "Get me some Strawberry Cheesecake Ben n' Jerry's." She said smiling and shaking her head at her own humor. "I'm so lame." She muttered, reaching for her ice cream.
"I'd say." A humored deep voice said from somewhere else in the kitchen.
Emery grimaced inside of the freezer; she didn't have to look to know who that voice belonged to. Like butter sliding across a mildly hot surface, like melted chocolate flowing over a fountain. The voice that Emery imagined would someday whisper words of endearment into her ears. The voice that sent chills running down her spine. The voice that had made her smile and frown nearly every day for the past six years. The voice of the one and the only…
"Logan," Emery said cheerfully, stepping out of the freezer and closing the door. Her eyes found his location, standing in the opened door of the pantry. Looking delectable as usual, wearing a pink crewneck t-shirt, black skinny jeans that he sagged slightly, and a pair of white Vans. His chestnut hair wasn't styled, unless the 'fresh out of bed' look was now in fashion. Emery wanted to drop her ice cream and reach for him- touch him, all over. "May I ask what exactly you're doing in my pantry?" She asked the question she didn't need an answer to. Logan was practically a part of the family, because of his long-standing friendship with Darrell; Logan was a warmly welcomed figure in the house. Spending a great deal of his adolescent years in the Johnson's home due to his parents busy work schedule, Logan virtually lived with the Johnson's; as opposed to just being a frequent guest. The arrangement made everyone happy, but secretly it made Emery the happiest.
"I was hungry." He said nonchalantly, his broad shoulder shrugging in indifference, "Then I heard you come in screaming some weird shit." He chuckled, and then licked his pink lips and shoved his hands into his front pockets.
Emery rolled her eyes and padded to the island counter where she popped the lid off her ice cream. Feeling for a drawer on the counter, she slid it open and grabbed a spoon. "Stop eavesdropping on me." She countered lamely, inwardly grimacing at her poor attempt at a comeback.
Logan took a step forward and used his topaz eyes to send Emery a coy look as he said, "I don't think it's considered eavesdropping if you were shouting loud enough for me to hear." He then crossed the kitchen to lean on the counter opposite of Emery. Emery shrugged and dug her spoon into the frozen dairy, and battled for a scoop. Settling on the small shred of ice cream that was mainly composed of graham cracker, she put the spoon in her mouth and sighed as her eyes fluttered slightly before closing.
It was exactly what she needed. After a long day of school and then a grueling hunt in the dusty bookstore that sent her allergies soaring, a nice cold snack put her to ease.
Emery's eyes opened, when across from her Logan cleared his throat and laughed a little, "Whoa, porn star moan." He said, his tongue swiping across his soft looking pink lip.
Emery's head cocked to the side as she went for another scoop. "I only sighed." She told him, praying to God that she was right. Her cheeks began burning as she put the spoon back in her mouth, awkwardly the second time around.
Logan shook his head, "No, you definitely moaned." He reached across the marble countertop and snatched the ice cream carton from Emery's left hand, "Here, hand me the spoon, I'll show you exactly what you did." He said, holding his hand out for the sterling silver utensil that was now bending in Emery's death grip.
Handing Logan the spoon would equate to sharing saliva with Logan. Emery couldn't believe he was even asking to use the same spoon she was using. She couldn't decide whether or not she should be ecstatic or nervous, she chose the former and thrust the spoon in his direction. Her amber gaze met his and the corner of his mouth came up in a sexy smirk that displayed strikingly white teeth, as he took the spoon from her grasp.
"Wait, before you put that in your mouth, are you the carrier of any sort of mouth disease?"
Logan looked up with a confused expression on his face. His dark eyebrows were knitted together and his mouth slightly agape. Emery raised her left eyebrow as he stared at her for a second too long. The question was a serious one, Logan had kissed a lot of girls, he could've come into contact with something, and she didn't want it. Logan leaned up away from his slouched over position and looked around her kitchen. Then back at Emery. He grinned. "I'm sorry; I just forgot where I was."
Emery frowned at him. "You're in my kitchen." She told him, while giving his tanned face an awkward onceover.
Logan licked his lips as he came back down, and placed his elbows on the counter and finally moved his topaz eyes back to Emery's and licked his lips. Quite an ungodly habit that he had, there. "Yeah. I remember that now. And the answer to your question is no. I'm squeaky clean." He said grinning so wide and displaying his perfect set of teeth. The smile faded quickly as Logan slid the spoon between his perfect for kissing pink lips. His eyes closed, and he moaned. Emery's eyes widened, she knew that she hadn't moaned. He was taking the spoon out of his mouth with his eyes still closed. He moaned again, and when the spoon was out, he squeezed his eyes shut and Emery watched his jaw work as he mashed up the ice cream in his mouth. When he swallowed, his tongue peeked out from between his lips and he seductively licked his top lip. Emery's face grew hot. She really hadn't realized he was watching her that intently. Logan moaned and opened his eyes.
"I did not moan." She recanted. "I didn't lick my lips either." She muttered, trying to remove her thoughts from the x-rated zone in which they'd entered after Logan's reenactment of an activity she didn't recall doing.
Logan shrugged, "Yeah, you did, you were in your own little world. I watched you."
Emery scrunched her nose up, "Why were you watching me?" She teased.
Logan scratched the back of his neck and looked at the ice cream carton in front of him. "Well, I told you I was hungry, and then you come in here and whip out some ice cream. I was watching you with jealousy." He admitted.
Emery rolled her eyes; she would just pretend he said, "I was watching you because I love you, very much."
"We have a lot of snacks in the pantry. You just weren't looking hard enough." She said, then reached across the counter and took her ice cream back.
Logan looked up at her and pouted. "I looked very hard, my search was interrupted when I heard the front door slam and then you start screaming, 'I'm a woman on a mission, gon' get me some'." He said with a straight face, and then the corners of his eyes crinkled and his tanned hand covered his mouth as he started laughing.
Emery rolled her eyes as a humored grin slipped onto her face, his deep laughter was contagious, and soon she too was laughing.
"What did I miss?" Emery looked over at the entrance of the kitchen where her older, by two minutes, brother stood. His snapback was on backwards, hiding his small tight curls. He was wearing a dark jean jacket, a light purple tank top, and a pair of dark khakis which were sagged. His choice shoe was a simple pair of white Vans.
Emery shook her head; too busy laughing at her own antics to reply, but Logan sat up, and said "Your sister is a freak." He told Darrell, pushing himself off the island counter and taking a few steps back.
"Yeah, but bro, we've known that for a minute." Darrell responded, a small smile gracing his face. "What did Ems do now?" He asked, and Emery didn't miss the way her brothers light brown eyes scanned Logan's movements and her own.
"She came in singing some whack shit about being on a mission." Logan stated as he cooled down, then he shook his head, and his eyes landed on Emery, "It really wasn't that funny." He said seriously, and then he looked at Darrell, "Ready to go?"
Emery's heart hit the hardwood floor of the kitchen as she stared at Logan's profile. He licked his pink lips as his toned, tanned arms crossed over the carnation pink of his t-shirt. He cocked his head to the side, and the silver stud in his left ear gleamed in the light of the kitchen. She could just punch him. How dare he bust out in a fit of true laughter at her expense and then get sober and say it wasn't that funny. The spoon in his hand glimmered in the light and she smirked.
"Logan, may I please have my spoon back?" She asked and looked over at her brother, whose eyebrows knitted together as he looked at the spoon that was being held firmly in Logan's whitened knuckles. He nodded, and tossed the spoon on the counter without sparing Emery a glance. That just wouldn't do. He needed to look at her. She laughed, "Logan was showing me how I moan when I eat my ice cream." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, as she reached for the spoon on the counter. When it was in between her fingers she looked up and saw Logan staring at her. Expression unreadable. She pretended to be unfazed by his unwavering gaze as she dug into her ice cream, "So where are you two headed?" She asked looking over to her brother who was twirling the keys to his 67' Mustang around his pointer finger.
"We're going to the studio. Logan's fixin' to help me spit out a rap." He stated, "Let's go. See you later tonight Em." He said, nodding his head for Logan to follow him out of the house.
"Don't stay out too late, Darrell. You know we have school tomorrow and dad will be pissed if your grades start slipping." Emery called to her retreating brother.
"Shut up, you goodie two shoe." Darrell called back jokingly.
Emery rolled her eyes as she heard Logan's chuckle at her brother's diss. She stared at Logan's back until he turned around, grinning, topaz gaze met dark amber gaze, and briefly Emery wanted to smile, but she just said, "Make sure he's back before ten please." And then she looked down at her melting ice cream.
"Darrell, your sister wants you back before ten." Logan shouted as he looked away from the girl in the kitchen and followed his best friend out of the house.
"So the book wants me to figure out who I am." Emery said to herself, letting the white book fall from her hands and hit the dark purple hue of her comforter. She stared at the red lips on the cover of 'Make It Nasty' and then proceeded to bite her bottom lip in thought. She reached out for the orange-haired tabby that lay slumbering next to her and set the cat on her lap. "Alright, Comet, I'm going to talk to you. I've been told I'm loony because I hold conversations with myself, so now if anyone asks, I'm having a conversation with my cat. K?" Emery asked looking into the big chocolate eyes of her Garfield clone. The cats eyes closed and it lowered its head into her lap.
"So, I'm just one of the guys." Emery admitted while sighing in defeat as her slim fingers ran through her dark hair repeatedly, each time stopping to untangle the ends she'd dyed golden. Her amber eyes searched the burgundy color of her bedspread and she pursed her lips. "Weird because I have a cat instead of a dog, but I guess it's the truth, I just never wanted to confess it out loud. Darrell was the first to say it, and even then I despised the thought of being 'one of the guys'. I mean I don't mind being a 'tomboy', but 'one of the guys' just sounds so much different, in my opinion. Sure, I could be found hanging around with my brother's posse more than my own friends, but that's only because my friends are kind of ditzy. Great girls, but really catty. And, yeah I curse like a sailor, I can whoop ass on the Playstation and Xbox, I'm an excellent sportsman- woman, and I shop in the men's section. But, I never really considered myself a tomboy, I always thought I was just stepping to my own beat." Emery mumbled to herself, picking at a piece of lint on her comforter. "Ya know?" She asked the cat, who just snored. Emery removed the cat off of her lap and bounded off the bed. Crossing her bedroom, she stopped in front of the mirror that displayed the length of her whole body.
She was wearing black cargo shorts that she'd purchased in the men's section at Wal-Mart. Blue and black Nike's graced her size six foot, and a cobalt blue Orlando Magic jersey with the number 12 printed on it covered the top half of her body. On her head was a backwards black snapback, but she knew on the front of the hat there were blue and white letters reading 'Magic'. Her attire wasn't feminine at all, but her appearance on the other hand… Her hair was thick and long, reaching midway down her back the color of dark brown almost black, though the ends she'd dyed a golden color. She lifted up the jersey to expose her flat stomach with the bellybutton piercing that she'd gotten when she was fifteen, and then she turned profile to take a look at her generous backside. Her body betrayed any hope of 'tomboy' attire. She couldn't exactly say tomboy though, just simply because she opted not to wear short shorts, skirts, dresses, low cut shirts, and sandals. The way she dressed in her opinion was very fashionable in her own way. She even wore a hint of makeup, just a thin line of black eyeliner on the top of both eyelids.
Tomboy was the label given to her by her brother simply based off of her athletic abilities and it stuck, though most other 'tomboy' notions were lost on Emery Johnson.
"There pretty much isn't one bad bone in my body," Emery continued. If there was finding it would prove to be an interesting challenge because she could hide it well. Despite her tough persona and an intense aversion to stupidity, Emery had nothing but the mentality of a goodie two-shoe, and she hated it. She roamed around displaying her chilling exterior and feigned indifference to every situation, but at the end of the day she was programmed for bending to anyone's pleas.
"The word 'no' isn't in my vocabulary, and I make sure that no one knows of that little detail by mostly keeping to herself." Emery said crawling back onto her bed and stroking the hair of Comet. She stared at the white wall in front of her. She pouted pathetically. "I'm smart, even though I don't exactly get straight A's. I'm kind of sarcastic, and definitely deviant." Emery huffed, "I think that just about explains me, now, whatever, let's read the next chapter." Emery reached for 'Make It Nasty' and she looked at the back.
'So, you want that man, but he's light years out of your league. That's okay! You can snag him, because you did yourself the justice of picking up this here book. Now, to be one hundred and seven percent honest, you're not going to be able to capture your man by simply reading every line in this book, nope. If you want to seduce that special guy, it's going to require quite of bit of action on your part. You can't just begin making it nasty. If you could already do that, you wouldn't have bought this book, and you would be going about it all wrong!'
Emery chuckled to herself. After reading the first chapter about 'discovering who you are', Emery found that the authors writing style was extremely laid back, and very humorous which made for an enjoyable read and easier understanding. The book wasn't very large, just about sixty pages. It wasn't really even a book, just a pamphlet. In the bookstore, it was the only one on the shelf and it was hidden behind other books. Emery was lucky she'd found it. How else was she going to seduce Logan Isley, without the help of the book it wouldn't be an easy feat, but something told Emery that she was on the right track earlier. When her conversation with Logan was more of a joking nature she felt like she was reeling him in, but as usual when Darrell would make his presence known Logan would turn on his 'Disregard Emery' attitude. It was like Logan was afraid to even be friends with her. Emery rolled her eyes and started flipping to chapter two in the book.
"I'll make him see." She muttered, her eyes landing on the bold number two on the fourth page. "I'll make Logan Isley see, that I'm worth it."